User Report

1) A  description of the latest wave of mass immigration, which began in the  1960s. Discuss in detail the particular issues of stratification faced  by this latest wave of immigrants, integrating our course materials. Be  sure to include dates.  

2) A  comparison of the impact of the latest wave (approximately 1960s-now)  with the first wave (approximately 1820s-1920s) of immigrants in terms  of types of populations involved, causes for immigrating, and overall  impact on U.S. society, drawing from our course materials; be sure to  include dates/years. 

3)  Your own analysis of how you think the negative consequences of  stratification could be improved in society for one particular  disadvantaged group of your choosing. What are the specific actions that  could be taken and in what areas of social life would the steps create  positive change? In doing so, you must apply:

Two  social concepts (i.e. discrimination, racism, sexism, ethnocentrism,  etc.) from our materials and/or outside scholarly readings for this  group. You may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be  helpful (found in Announcements). 

Two  social theories (i.e. conflict theory, interactionist theory, feminist  theory, critical race theory, etc.) from our materials and outside  scholarly readings (journal articles no more than five years old) for  this group. You may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit  to be helpful (found in Announcements).

In  addition to our course materials (be sure to cite), you will  significantly incorporate research throughout from at least  three peer-reviewed academic journals (journal articles) no more than  five years old.

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