User Report

-Paper format:


must be with end notes. 

This part focuses on the 1950s and early 1960s and the passing of the torch from one generation of politicians to a younger generation. two documentaries (see below), you will need to consider the varying experiences and actions of presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. In addition to these sources, find five newspaper articles for each president (a total of 10) that help you make your case, briefly summarize these and attach them to your responses.

Assigned documentaries:

1.) Dwight D. Eisenhower: Commander-In-Chief, Directed by Darryl Rehr, Narrated by Tom Selleck, Produced by Darryl Rehr, In Biography (New York, NY: A&E Television Networks, 2004)


2.) “JFK: Part Two” AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, Public Broadcasting Service, 2013


Answer the following:

1.) What were the defining moments and greatest challenges of the presidential administrations of Eisenhower and Kennedy?

2.) How did these presidents respond to the challenges of the Cold War and racial discrimination? Be very, very specific!

600 words (minimum). Due 11:59 PM, May 1st.

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Password: Qussaiwadea123456

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