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Lesson Essential Question:

Activating Strategy:


Previewing Strategy:

Lesson Instruction


Learning Activity #1:

Assessment Prompt #1:


Learning Activity #2:

Assessment Prompt #2:


Learning Activity # 3:

Assessment Prompt #3:

Graphic Organizer:


Summarizing Strategy:

W3 Discussion "Perception Factors"

· Perception Factors

Please respond to the following questions along with at least 2 substantive peer replies (for a minimum of 3 posts):

· What factors influence the way we perceive people? How might these factors influence the judgments an interviewer makes about a job applicant?

· Your initial post should be a minimum of 150 words and specifically reference the applicable elements of this week’s reading.

Lesson Plan Template

Name of Lesson: Reading comprehensions

Subject: Reading

Grade Level: 4th

Overview and Purpose: Owen Smith an elementary level student has been identified to be having a learning disability in basic reading and reading comprehensions. Therefore, the lesson is meant to increase his word processing hence a high reading ability or reading rate.

Educational Standards Addressed: The educational standards addressed here are reading and comprehending passages as he reads.


The objective of Smith’s IEP is to increase word processing consequently high reading ability or reading rate. Smith should increase his basic reading and reading comprehension skills from this elementary grade level to the next elementary grade level, by the end of the IEP period.

Prerequisite Skills:

Both spelling and pronunciation are the prerequisite skills for this reading lesson


Appropriate age-grade reading comprehensions should be used

Additional Resources:

Both the “Expert Connection” which provides teachers with answers to common questions about teaching students with learning disabilities and “Hot Sheets” which focus on a single instructional topic and which includes research-based information about basic facts, purposes, ineffective practices and effective practices are good additional resources that can be used to help Smith.


More often, a new lesson will begin by gaining student attention and revisiting pertinent reading skills and knowledge previously taught in other lessons. It is imperative that for this scripted lesson to be effective, the teacher will begin with a brief overview mostly highlighting what the day's lesson will cover which is the main goal of the lesson. For instance, in Smiths case a certain reading accuracy must be achieved. The relevance of setting a goal and revisiting pertinent reading skills is to activate Smith’s-who is the student in question-prior knowledge of reading. The lesson should only end after a brief description of the day's learning outcomes or objectives is outlined. It is important that the spelling and pronunciation skills as prerequisite skills for reading should be assessed to determine the level of start-off to the reading lesson.


Modeling, scripted

The teacher has to demonstrate to smith how words are read. He should pinpoint vocabularies which Smith has to retain in order to read fluently. The teacher can read the comprehension at a pace of Smith’s age and grade prior to allowing him to read. It is then after reading that Smith is tasked with reading aloud while the teacher assesses his accuracy and fluency.

Prompted practice, scripted

Using the word level intervention, Smith will be required to read basic sentences. The teacher will be keen to identify errors that are in the form of prompting where instead of Smith reading; The tall fir tree, he reads; The tall…….tal...l….) or in the form of insertion of words where instead of Smith reading; The tall fir tree, he reads; The tall green fir tree.

Unprompted practice

In the unprompted practice, Smith may be required to read basic sentences like; The tall far tree. He may however read with a substitution error. He may read the sentences as; The tall far tree, implying that he substitutes the word “fir” with “far”.


After the reading lesson it is good to assess the understanding of Smith on reading words. Either the oral reading accuracy or the reading fluency assessment can be used or altogether used in conjunction to review Smith’s understanding. If Smith has not grasped what was taught, it is good to show him what he ought to have done.

Independent Practice/Assessment:

After showing him what ought to have been done, it is now time to give him independent work where he reads aloud at home observed by his parents or in class to be assessed by the teacher.

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