User Report

------At least 3,000 words (excluding the title page and references pages)
------Reference at least 10 scholarly (peer reviewed) research articles. For assistance on how to
identify scholarly sources, refer to the Liberty University Research Portal tutorials (see
Resources section).
-----Use proper grammar, current APA format and submit in MS Word format

------does not require an abstract or Biblical integration

The Research Proposal: Final Assignment should use the following outline/structure and
follow the suggested quantity of content for each element:
 Title – clear, concise and well-defined to explain your research question.
 Executive Summary - short summary of 100-250 words that includes the research
question, hypothesis of your research, the research methodology and findings.
 Introduction (>200 words) - provide a background or context related to your research
problem. It should include the purpose, background, significance, issues, variables and
 Problem statement (< 100 words) – clearly state the specific problem down to something
that is researchable. Present it in a thesis statement and a hypothesis.
 Literature Review (1000-1300 words) - conduct extensive background research and
support your research question with ample proof from scholarly, peer reviewed sources.  
credible sources and research.  There is additional help on literature reviews below in the
section titled Additional Help.
 Importance/Benefits of the Study (>250 words) – describe the explicit benefits
 Research Design (>400 words) – explains the phases of the research, sampling design,
participants, data collection design, instruments, procedures, ethical requirements, etc.
 Nature and Form of Results (>250 words) – explain the anticipated form for the results to
include the types and format of data to be presented for the expected audience.
 Budget (>150 words) – summary of costs and expenses necessary to conduct the
 Schedule (>150 words) – summarize the major phases, timelines, milestones and primary
 Ethical considerations (>200 words) – must carefully consider data collection processes
and participant rights.
 Implications and considerations (>200 words) – identify at least 2 implications and 2
limitations of the proposed study.
 References

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