User Report


Ashley Camberos

March 07, 2019

Narrative: Since about middle school I have really been into doing hair dos. I especially took interest into curling and braiding hair, mostly braiding. I wouldn't really do the greatest job at braiding hair until about a couple months ago. I first tried to braid someone else's hair I thought that would be easier to learn first than on myself. I used my boyfriend’s hair to practice my skills eventually I tried to braid my own hair. I realized it's much more difficult and tiring. After a couple months I began to feel more comfortable and was able to create a normal braid on myself and others. I then decided to change it up and try to create dutch braids at first it was difficult but with practice I got it down.

What Learning is happening here? Throughout this experience I practiced dedication and patience. As a result, I learned that even if I failed the first few times I was able to continue to keep trying even after I failed. Through this experience I also learned patience, I wanted to stop trying after a while because my arms would get so tired and I was getting so frustrated. I also learned to problem solve. Since at first, I wasn’t able to braid my own hair I figured I could practice on someone else and it worked.

Opportunities and Possibilities: Some opportunities and possibilities after this experience is perhaps stepping it up and doing hair dos that aren’t braids or I can challenge myself to learn to do different braids that are not your usual braids.

My voice: Braiding hair is so trying on my arms but the end result is always worth it! I get to braid everyone’s hair now and it feels good when they ask me to.

Mother’s voice: This is no surprise! She loves to play with my hair all the time, everyone always asks here for braids so it’s kind of her thing now with the family.

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