-Answers can be found in the ebook https://openstax.org/details/books/us-history
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Part 1: Identification [worth 56 points {7 points each}]
Choose 1 of the terms/names/events, and write 2+ sentences to specifically identify each (cite as precise facts as possible, rather than broad summarizations, to receive full credit):
· Pre-Columbian American Civilizations x
· The First Great Awakening or The Second Great Awakening x
· The French and Indian War x
· Causes of the American Revolution x
· The Federalists vs. the Anti-Federalists x
· James Madison's Influence on American History x
· The War of 1812 (Causes and Outcome) x
· The Texas Revolution or The US-Mexican War
· The Abolition Movement
· Battles/Events of the Civil War
Essay is worth 24 points.
Essay Instructions: Provide with as many precise details as posssible an overview of what you believe to be the 6 most important issues of American history from 1607 to 1865. Answer in coherent, well-written, well-argued sentences, providing specific examples for each.