-------Corporate Finance-------
Week 13: Due Thursday and Sunday
If you are planning an acquisition that is motivated by trying to acquire expertise, you are basically seeking to gain intellectual capital.
What concerns would you have in structuring the deal and the post-merger integration that would be different from the concerns you would have when buying physical capital?
Discussion Instructions:
Discussion posts should be answered with Fundamental Financial merits along with your experiences and opinions. Please share your experiences and opinions-we will all benefit if you do! Thank you.
The primary thread must have a minimum of 200 words. Your Secondary posts must have a minimum of 100 words.
Please put your name into the subject line.
Provide References.
-----------Management Theory----------
After Review of the Seventh Imperative:
1) What project will you Start
2) What would you change to innovate?
3) What transformational change will you see as an outcome?
Seth wrote in his "Poke the Box"The Seventh Imperative:" The first imperative is to be aware--aware of the market, of opportunities, of who you are.* The second imperative is to be educated, so you can understand what's around you.*The third imperative is to be connected, so you can be trusted as you engage.* The fourth imperative is to be consistent, so the system knows what to expect.* The fifth imperative is to build an asset, so you have somthing to sell.*The sixth imperative is to be productive, so you can be well priced.----The seventh imperative is frightening and thus easy to overlook or ignore. The seventh imperative is to have the guts and the heart and the passion to ship."Get into the habit of starting. from Poke the Box, Pg 4 Seth Godin, Penguin.com 2011 available at
Poke the box | 9782354560362, 9782354560362 | VitalSource
The imperative is to start, get things done. Make it a way of life that in the end is transforming.
The discussion board is a significant component of your grade. The discussion board is used to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts learned in the text and to reflect on and discuss the material with your classmates. Please make sure you tie the concepts learned each week and throughout the course to support your discussion board posts. The weekly recaps, found on the announcement tab, will be posted at the end of each week. Within the recaps, you will find examples of strong discussion board posts where students did an excellent job answering the questions and supporting their views. Please use these examples to gauge how your posts can be improved each week.
To be clear, your primary post analysis must be thoughtful, well-reasoned and detailed.
Please provide your primary post by 11:59 PM on Thursday, April 14th.
Write as though you are in a business setting. Be mindful of your choice of language, grammar, and content. When citing data, research, or original ideas, you must cite the source (using the APA method). Please remember that plagiarism is defined as the theft or “the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person.” (
Please check the “Announcements” tab each week to review my comments related to the discussion board posts and replies.
Please follow the instructions for the discussion board as outlined in the syllabus.