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EB004_EBP_B_Omolayole.docx by Busola Omolayole

Submission date: 12-Mar-2020 05:55PM (UTC-0400) Submission ID: 1274576926 File name: EB004_EBP_B_Omolayole.docx (14.89K) Word count: 565 Character count: 3154


Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure

Supporting reference needed


Supporting reference needed


Supporting reference needed

Less than 6

Supporting reference needed

Supporting reference needed






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Comment 1

Use APA headings:


Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure

Check grammar, punctuation and sentence structure

Supporting reference needed

Supporting reference is needed- APA

Additional Comment

Do you mean hospital administration?

Comment 2

What technique are you referring to? Not clear

Supporting reference needed

Supporting reference is needed- APA

Comment 3

Be more specific about the time required





Be more specific about the time required

Supporting reference needed

Supporting reference is needed- APA

Less than 6

When there are less than 6 authors, list all authors the first time cited- APA


Supporting reference needed

Supporting reference is needed- APA

Supporting reference needed

Supporting reference is needed- APA

Additional Comment

These statements need to be supported with reference(s)

Comment 4

How about hand washing? You need to compare hand washing to alcohol based gels and cite supporting references for the differences


  • EB004_EBP_B_Omolayole.docx
    • by Busola Omolayole
  • EB004_EBP_B_Omolayole.docx
  • EB004_EBP_B_Omolayole.docx
        • Instructor

Counseling in the Military

Mental health professionals may provide services to military populations as either active duty commissioned military officers or civilian professionals stationed with military units—sometimes at very remote locations. In either case, counselors working with military service members find themselves in daily multiple relationships with clients. Quite often these multiple roles are entirely unavoidable and are even a necessary ingredient in effective mental health care. At other times, these multiple relationships are uncomfortable or even distressing for client and counselor alike.

A Contributor’s Perspective

W. Brad Johnson, a former Navy psychologist and now a colleague and consultant to many military mental health providers, highlights the reasons multiple relationships are an unavoidable ingredient in the daily lives of those working in the military and how military counselors can work to minimize harm to their clients in this environment.

Multiple Relationships in Military Mental Health Counseling

W. Brad Johnson

Multiple Roles in Embedded Military Environments

When a mental health professional is “embedded” or deployed with a military unit (e.g., an Army brigade, a Navy aircraft carrier, an Air Force squadron), that professional is typically a commissioned military officer who also happens to be a mental health counselor, social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Here are some of the distinctive elements of mental health practice in embedded environments. Each of these factors clearly increases the risk of multiple relationships with clients.

· When a counselor is also a commissioned officer, he or she will have a legally binding senior–subordinate or subordinate–senior relationship with everyone in the population to whom he or she will provide mental health services. In this rank-conscious culture, it can be difficult to fulfill multiple roles such as empathic counselor and superior officer, or mental health expert and direct subordinate.

· Counselors in embedded or isolated duty stations cannot choose to enter or exit counseling relationships. Although civilian counselors might enjoy the luxury of being able to refer a client with whom they have or may have a problematic multiple relationship, military providers often cannot refer. Because the military counselor may be the only available provider in the deployed unit or at an isolated base, he or she must generally accept every referral and see every service member with a mental health need, regardless of whether the counselor is a close personal friend, a direct supervisor, or a coworker to that client. In fact, one should assume from the start that every member of the military unit is a potential client, including colleagues and close friends (Johnson, Ralph, & Johnson, 2005).

· At times, roles with clients might shift suddenly and with little opportunity to carefully inform clients. In embedded or isolated duty stations, a mental health professional might be directed to perform a fitness-for-duty or security clearance evaluation on a service member who is also a current, perhaps even a long-term, client. The sudden addition of a forensic or evaluative role with a client can cause confusion and distress. If the counselor determines that the service member is not fit for deployment or not a good risk for a security clearance, this outcome might naturally sour the counseling relationship if the client feels blindsided and betrayed.

· In contrast to civilian settings, counselors practicing in the military wield considerable power over military service members. The military is a traditional and hierarchical culture. In this context, commanding officers often defer to the judgment and expertise of mental health professionals when there are questions about a service member’s mental health, fitness for continued service in the military, ability to deploy to a combat zone, and risk to self or others. These are high-stakes assessments with profound consequences for the service member’s career. For this reason, counselors must remain sensitive to their degree of power over the lives and livelihood of clients.

· Finally, in military contexts, frequent and close personal contact with clients is nearly guaranteed. Deployed military units and small military bases are isolated and close-knit communities. Like counselors in rural communities, military counselors will find themselves in extra-counseling contact with most clients on a routine basis. When deployed with a unit, the counselor will find him- or herself eating, sleeping, and carrying out all the mundane tasks of life while (literally!) shoulder to shoulder with clients. For this reason, effective counselors need to develop a high comfort level with frequent boundary crossings.

Case Illustrations: Counseling o

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Critical Appraisal Worksheet

Evaluation Table

Use this document to complete the evaluation table requirement of the Module 4 Assessment, Evidence-Based Project, Part 4A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Full APA formatted citation of selected article.

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Article #4

Evidence Level *

(I, II, or III)

Conceptual Framework

Describe the theoretical basis for the study (If there is not one mentioned in the article, say that here).**


Describe the design and how the study was carried out (In detail, including inclusion/exclusion criteria).


The number and characteristics of

patients, attrition rate, etc.

Major Variables Studied

List and define dependent and independent variables


Identify primary statistics used to answer clinical questions (You need to list the actual tests done).

Data Analysis Statistical or

Qualitative findings

(You need to enter the actual numbers determined by the statistical tests or qualitative data).

Findings and Recommendations

General findings and recommendations of the research

Appraisal and Study Quality

Describe the general worth of this research to practice.

What are the strengths and limitations of study?

What are the risks associated with implementation of the suggested practices or processes detailed in the research?

What is the feasibility of use in your practice?

Key findings


General Notes/Comments

*These levels are from the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Evidence Level and Quality Guide

· Level I

Experimental, randomized controlled trial (RCT), systematic review RTCs with or without meta-analysis

· Level II

Quasi-experimental studies, systematic review of a combination of RCTs and quasi-experimental studies, or quasi-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis

· Level III

Nonexperimental, systematic review of RCTs, quasi-experimental with/without meta-analysis, qualitative, qualitative systematic review with/without meta-synthesis

· Level IV

Respected authorities’ opinions, nationally recognized expert committee/consensus panel reports based on scientific evidence

· Level V

Literature reviews, quality improvement, program evaluation, financial evaluation, case reports, nationally recognized expert(s) opinion based on experiential evidence

**Note on Conceptual Framework

· The following information is from Walden academic guides which helps explain conceptual frameworks and the reasons they are used in research. Here is the link

· Researchers create theoretical and conceptual frameworks that include a philosophical and methodological model to help design their work. A formal theory provides context for the outcome of the events conducted in the research. The data collection and analysis are also based on the theoretical and conceptual framework.

· As stated by Grant and Osanloo (2014), “Without a theoretical framework, the structure and vision for a study is unclear, much like a house that cannot be constructed without a blueprint. By contrast, a research plan that contains a theoretical framework allows the dissertation study to be strong and structured with an organized flow from one chapter to the next.”

· Theoretical and conceptual frameworks provide evidence of academic standards and procedure. They also offer an explanation of why the study is pertinent and how the researcher expects to fill the gap in the literature.

· Literature does not always clearly delineate between a theoretical or conceptual framework. With that being said, there are slight differences between the two.


The Johns Hopkins Hospital/Johns Hopkins University (n.d.). Johns Hopkins nursing dvidence-based practice: appendix C: evidence level and quality guide. Retrieved October 23, 2019 from

Grant, C., & Osanloo, A. (2014). Understanding, Selecting, and Integrating a Theoretical Framework in Dissertation Research: Creating the Blueprint for Your" House". Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice, and Research, 4(2), 12-26.

Walden University Academic Guides (n.d.). Conceptual & theoretical frameworks overview. Retrieved October 23, 2019 from

© 2018 Laureate Education Inc. 2

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