User Report

POST 1 (Analysis needed in 150 words)

E-commerce is known as the process in which one will be able to buy and also sell in the market. E-commerce was mainly and firstly purchased in the year 1994, Generally, e-commerce will be able to buy points in the online activities which will happen on the computer or laptop. This will be also mentioned in the commodities that were sold to limited on many of the physical products. E-commerce will also apply the transactions over the internet (Niranjanamurthy et al., 2013).

              The m-commerce is used for online payment transactions, which will happen on a mobile device. The overall arrangement of mobile connections, securities and app developments which will be spurred by the retailers and the different types of services, products and gateways for payment over the phone. The online spending in the US has been very high, this will be bringing the profits to the transaction which has hit nearly 43.24 million. This positive trend will be observed having heavy retailers for a space in the consumer mobile phones (Niranjanamurthy et al., 2013).

Compare and contrast the following enterprise systems: CRM, ERP, and PLM systems. Explain when and how these systems and the features provided by the systems would be used in your workplace. When and why would you implement these software solutions?

            ERP is an Enterprise Resource Planning; this will help systems that will program to streamline the back office that should operate necessarily in a successful business. We will be able to analyse some of the portals like inventory management, allocations and accounting with also the supply chain oversight which can give order processing with the turnover (Kale, 2019).

         CRM is a Customer Relationship Management, these systems will streamline through the range of many initiative businesses in the creations, launch and should also manage marketing with the strategic moments. The CRM portals are compared with the steroids compared with address books. They will be in perspective of the needs of the customers in a much interactive way with the customers we manage.

         PLM is Product Lifecycle Management, which can manage all the information and every step to where it's being processed in this service lifecycle where we can have supply chains globalise. This will include some items like parts, products, requirements and engineering change order (Kale, 2019).


Kale, V. (2019). Enhancing Enterprise Intelligence: Leveraging ERP, CRM, SCM, PLM, BPM, and BI. Auerbach Publications.

Niranjanamurthy, M., Kavyashree, N., Jagannath, S., & Chahar, D. (2013). Analysis of e-commerce and m-commerce: advantages, limitations and security issues. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering2(6), 2360-2370.

Post 2 (Analysis needed in 150 words.)

Electronic And Mobile Commerce

Mobile and electronic commerce have brought about a significant transformation in careers and lives today. E-commerce uses computer networks to do business activities such as buying, selling, and distribution. On the other hand, m-commerce relies mobile devices for business or placing orders like tablets and smartphones (Stair & Reynolds, 2018). Effective e-commerce and m-commerce provide benefits both to the customers and the organization. The policy should cover both parties to ensure that they meet their interests at the end of the transaction. A characteristic of the payments is that the costs are electronically regardless of the transaction. An area of concern for e-payments is interoperability of non-bank and bank financial services and maintaining payment reliability and safety (World Economic Forum, 2018). Data privacy for clients and other stakeholders in the industry is an area of concern. E-commerce requires personal details for transactions, and this information should be safe to ensure client privacy.

Enterprise Systems

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) helps manage business operations using integrated programs. Customer relationship management (CRM) supports working customer encounters, including accounting, customer service, and marketing. Product lifecycle management (PLM), on the other hand, deals with creating a repository for information and processes in different phases of the product life cycle (Arenasolutions, 2021). All the there systems are essential and valuable in an organization. ERP is the heart of the company as it provides a simple way to manage all the activities in the business. PLM is beneficial for the production and activities that go through a cycle that does not change each stage efficiency maximization (Stair & Reynolds, 2018). CRM is crucial as a business would not exist without the customers thus the necessity to cater for their need effectively. These software solutions are essential in their own ways and serve different conditions in the organization. Their implementation aims at improving company activities and making their services effective.


Arenasolutions. (2021, September 15). ERP and PLM: Complementary systems drive manufacturing success. Arena.

Stair, R., & Reynolds, G. (2018). Principles of information systems (13th ed.). Cengage Learning.

World Economic Forum. (2018, May). Addressing E-Payment Challenges in Global E-Commerce.


Giving something a name makes it possible to talk about it. For example, the phrase "sexual harassment" was not common in English until around 1975. (See the screen shot below of how often it was used in print in English since 1900.) Before then, it was called "being fresh" or "making a pass". You can't solve a problem, for example, if something doesn't have a name.

Describe in detail at least one example where the choice of words you or someone else used to describe something had consequences.

In 250 words

Giving something a name makes it possible to talk about it. For example, the phrase "sexual

harassment" was not common in English until around 1975. (See the screen shot below of how

often it was used in print in English since 1900.)

Before then, it was ca

lled "being fresh" or

"making a pass". You can't solve a problem, for example, if something doesn't have a name.

Describe in detail at least one example where the choice of words you or someone else used to

describe something had consequences.


250 words

Giving something a name makes it possible to talk about it. For example, the phrase "sexual

harassment" was not common in English until around 1975. (See the screen shot below of how

often it was used in print in English since 1900.) Before then, it was called "being fresh" or

"making a pass". You can't solve a problem, for example, if something doesn't have a name.

Describe in detail at least one example where the choice of words you or someone else used to

describe something had consequences.

In 250 words

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