-Final deliverables include a 6000-8000 words report
-no plagiarism
-all the information needed for the paper is on the file uploaded below...
-show calculations and formulas ( clearly stated and labeled)
Font and Spacing:
Times New Roman No. 11 regular font with Double Spacing should be used for the entire manuscript except for the following:
Title of Paper: Times New Roman Font, Size 14pt, All Cap, Bold Face, Center First Heading: Times New Roman, 12 pt, All Caps, Bold face
Second Heading: Times New Roman, 11 pt, Title Case, Bold face
Third Heading: Times New Roman, 11 pt, First letter capital, Bold face
Table Captions: Times New Roman, 11 pt, Bold Face, Center
Figure Captions: Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold Face, Center
Text should be fully justified. Section headings should align on the left-hand margin. Place a full page of text and figures on each page.