User Report


July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2021





135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, 1442, 5 and 648




ARTICLE 1 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ......................................................................................................................... 1

ARTICLE 2 - BARGAINING UNIT .................................................................................................................................. 1

A. UNION RECOGNITION .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Covered Employees. ............................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Excluded Employees. ............................................................................................................................................ 1 3. Geographic Area. ................................................................................................................................................. 2 4. Workplaces. .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 5. Limitation. ............................................................................................................................................................ 2

B. INCLUDED BARGAINING UNIT WORK. ............................................................................................................ 2 1. Current Work ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2. Future Work ......................................................................................................................................................... 2 3. Employee Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2

C. EXCLUDED BARGAINING UNIT WORK ............................................................................................................ 3 1. Management Exclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Outside Employees ............................................................................................................................................... 4

D. INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 4 1. All Employees ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. New Employees..................................................................................................................................................... 4

ARTICLE 3 - UNION AFFAIRS ........................................................................................................................................ 4

A. REQUIRED UNION MEMBERSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 4 1. Union Shop ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Seven Day Notice .................................................................................................................................................. 5

B. INFORMATION FOR UNION ................................................................................................................................. 5 1. New/Transferred Employees. ............................................................................................................................... 5 2. Store Employee Lists ............................................................................................................................................ 5 3. Payroll Data ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Time Records ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

C. STORE VISITS ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 D. UNION BULLETIN BOARDS ................................................................................................................................. 6 E. UNION PRINCIPLES ............................................................................................................................................... 6

1. New Employees..................................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Union Principles/Picket Lines .............................................................................................................................. 6

F. UNION BUSINESS .................................................................................................................................................. 6 G. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION .................................................................................................................................. 6

ARTICLE 4 - DISCIPLINE/VOLUNTARY QUITS ........................................................................................................ 7

A. REGISTER SHORTAGES/IRREGULARITIES ...................................................................................................... 7 B. INVESTIGATION/INTERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 7 C. DISCIPLINE ............................................................................................................................................................. 7

1. Good Cause .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 2. Discharge for Incompetency ................................................................................................................................. 8 3. Notice ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 4. Legal Violations ................................................................................................................................................... 8

D. DEMOTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 E. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO QUIT ........................................................................................................................ 8

ARTICLE 5 - TRANSFERS/SENIORITY ........................................................................................................................ 8

A. EMPLOYER TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES .......................................................................................................... 8 B. INTER-UNION TRANSFER .................................................................................................................................... 9 C. SENIORITY .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

1. Definition .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 2. Promotion to Pharmacy Technician ..................................................................................................................... 9


D. ABILITY AND SKILL ............................................................................................................................................. 9 E. LAYOFFS/RECALLS/HOURS REDUCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 9

1. Layoffs .................................................................................................................................................................. 9 2. Layoff Timing ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 3. Recall .................................................................................................................................................................. 10

F. FULL-TIME POSITIONS....................................................................................................................................... 10

ARTICLE 6 - WORKDAY/WORKWEEK/SCHEDULES .............................................................................................10

A. STORE HOURS ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 B. WORKDAY DEFINED .......................................................................................................................................... 10 C. WORKDAY GUARANTEES ................................................................................................................................. 10

1. Full-Time/Scheduled Day ................................................................................................................................... 10 2. Full-Time/Predesignated Day Off ...................................................................................................................... 10 3. Part-Time ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 4. On Call ............................................................................................................................................................... 11

D. WORKWEEK GUARANTEES .............................................................................................................................. 11 1. Full-Time ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 2. Part-Time ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 3. Part-Time Guarantee ......................................................................................................................................... 12

E. NON-APPLICABILITY OF GUARANTEES ........................................................................................................ 13 F. WORK SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................................................... 13

1. Ready for Work ................................................................................................................................................... 13 2. Work Schedule .................................................................................................................................................... 13 3. Part-Time Scheduled Hours ............................................................................................................................... 14 4. Rest Periods ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 5. Meal Period ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 6. Sixth/Seventh Day ............................................................................................................................................... 14 7. Sunday Ratio ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 8. Holiday Ratio ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 9. Holiday Scheduling ............................................................................................................................................ 15 10. Overtime Preference ........................................................................................................................................... 15 11. Inventory Work ................................................................................................................................................... 15 12. Full-time/Part-time Ratio ................................................................................................................................... 15 13. Working Employees Past Scheduled Hours ........................................................................................................ 16

ARTICLE 7 - WAGES ........................................................................................................................................................16

A. ALL EMPLOYEES ................................................................................................................................................. 16 1. Base Rates .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 2. Prior Industry Experience. ................................................................................................................................. 16 3. Christmas Extra Employees ............................................................................................................................... 17 4. Journeyman ........................................................................................................................................................ 17

B. PREMIUMS ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 1. Evening Premium ............................................................................................................................................... 17 2. Night Premium ................................................................................................................................................... 17 3. Sunday Premium................................................................................................................................................. 17

C. SPECIALTY CLASSIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 17 D. OVERTIME. ........................................................................................................................................................... 17

1. Daily/Weekly Overtime ....................................................................................................................................... 17 2. Sixth Day Overtime/Full-Time ........................................................................................................................... 17 3. Seventh Consecutive Day Overtime/Full-Time ................................................................................................... 17 4. Predesignated Day Off Overtime/Full-Time ...................................................................................................... 18 5. Sixth Day Overtime/Part-Time ........................................................................................................................... 18 6. Early/Late Meal Periods .................................................................................................................................... 18 7. Overtime Basis ................................................................................................................................................... 18 8. Nonpyramiding ................................................................................................................................................... 18

E. PAY PERIOD AND WAGE STATEMENT ........................................................................................................... 18 F. TIME RECORDS. ................................................................................................................................................... 18

1. Daily Records ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 2. Collusion or Coercion ........................................................................................................................................ 18


G. TRAVEL TIME PAY .............................................................................................................................................. 19 H. INJURY ON THE JOB............................................................................................................................................ 19 I. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. ...................................................................................................................................... 19

1. Required Appearance ......................................................................................................................................... 19 2. Requested Appearance ....................................................................................................................................... 19 3. Work Related Appearance .................................................................................................................................. 19

J. STORE/EMPLOYER/VENDOR MEETING PAY. ............................................................................................... 19 1. Store Meetings/Employer Meetings .................................................................................................................... 19 2. Vendor Meetings................................................................................................................................................. 19

K. AUTO ALLOWANCE ............................................................................................................................................ 19 L. TRAINING SCHOOL FEES ................................................................................................................................... 20 M. BOND FEES ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 N. REQUIRED HEALTH EXAM FEES ..................................................................................................................... 20 O. NO REDUCTION IN RATES ................................................................................................................................. 20 P. WAGE/PRICE CONTROLS................................................................................................................................... 20 Q. CHARITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 20

ARTICLE 8 - VACATIONS ...............................................................................................................................................20

A. ENTITLEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 1. One Year ............................................................................................................................................................. 20 2. Two Years ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 3. Five Years ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 4. Fifteen Years ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 5. Twenty Years ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 6. Continuous Employment Defined ....................................................................................................................... 21

B. PAY ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 1. Full-Time Vacation Pay ..................................................................................................................................... 21 2. Part-Time Vacation Pay ..................................................................................................................................... 21 3. Payment Date ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 4. At Termination .................................................................................................................................................... 21 5. No Carryover ...................................................................................................................................................... 22

C. INDUSTRY VACATION ....................................................................................................................................... 22 D. SCHEDULING ....................................................................................................................................................... 22

1. Posting/Selection/Scheduling ............................................................................................................................. 22 2. No Accumulation ................................................................................................................................................ 23 3. Holiday During Vacation ................................................................................................................................... 23

ARTICLE 9 - HOLIDAYS .................................................................................................................................................23

A. PAID HOLIDAYS .................................................................................................................................................. 23 1. Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................................ 23

B. HOLIDAY PAY ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 1. Worked Holiday Rate ......................................................................................................................................... 24 2. Full-Time Holiday Week Pay and Schedule ....................................................................................................... 24 3. Part-Time Holiday Pay....................................................................................................................................... 25

C. VOLUNTARY HOLIDAY CLOSING ................................................................................................................... 25

ARTICLE 10 - SICK LEAVE PAY ...................................................................................................................................25

ARTICLE 11 - BEREAVEMENT LEAVE AND/OR PAY .............................................................................................27

ARTICLE 12 - JURY DUTY LEAVE AND/OR PAY .....................................................................................................27

ARTICLE 13 - OTHER LEAVES OF ABSENCE ...........................................................................................................28

A. EMERGENCY LEAVE .......................................................................................................................................... 28 B. AUTHORIZED LEAVE ......................................................................................................................................... 28

1. Death in Family .................................................................................................................................................. 28 2. Illness/Injury ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 3. Workers’ Compensation ..................................................................................................................................... 28 4. Family Care Leave of Absence ........................................................................................................................... 28

C. UNION BUSINESS ................................................................................................................................................ 29


D. LEAVES IN WRITING .......................................................................................................................................... 30 E. REINSTATEMENT AFTER A LEAVE ................................................................................................................. 30 F. EMPLOYMENT DURING LEAVE ....................................................................................................................... 30 G. TERMINATION AFTER A LEAVE ...................................................................................................................... 30

ARTICLE 14 - MEDICAL AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS .......................................................................................30

SECTION I - TRUST FUNDS .......................................................................................................................................... 30 A. BENEFIT FUND ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 B. PENSION FUND .................................................................................................................................................... 32 C. RESOLUTION OF DIFFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 33 D. PAYMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 34 E. BUSINESS EXPENSES ......................................................................................................................................... 35 F. PENSION AND BENEFIT FUND APPOINTMENTS ........................................................................................... 35 G. ACCEPTANCE OF TRUSTS ................................................................................................................................. 35 SECTION II - COMPANY MEDICAL AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS ...................................................................... 35 SECTION III - MOVING BETWEEN STORES .............................................................................................................. 36

ARTICLE 15 - GENERAL CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................37

A. NONDISCRIMINATION ....................................................................................................................................... 37 B. UNIFORMS/NAME TAGS .................................................................................................................................... 37 C. RESTROOMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 37 D. WEIGHT LIMIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 E. POLYGRAPH TEST .............................................................................................................................................. 37 F. SUBSTANCE ABUSE REHABILITATION ......................................................................................................... 37 G. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ............................................................................................................................. 37 H. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE .................................................................................................................................... 37 I. TITLES ................................................................................................................................................................... 38 J. AMENDMENTS/ADDITIONS/WAIVERS ........................................................................................................... 38 K. EFFECTIVE DATES .............................................................................................................................................. 38 L. CERTIFICATION TO WORK................................................................................................................................ 38

ARTICLE 16 - GRIEVANCE, MEDIATION OR ARBITRATION ..............................................................................38

A. DISPUTES OR QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 38 B. GRIEVANCE FILING/STEPS ............................................................................................................................... 38

1. Discharge/Layoff ................................................................................................................................................ 38 2. Wage Discrepancy .............................................................................................................................................. 38 3. Reporting Monetary Discrepancies .................................................................................................................... 39 4. Grievance Steps .................................................................................................................................................. 39

C. TIME PERIODS ..................................................................................................................................................... 40 D. MEDIATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 40 E. ARBITRATOR’S AUTHORITY ............................................................................................................................ 41 F. NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT.................................................................................................................................. 41 G. INDIVIDUAL WAIVERS ...................................................................................................................................... 41

ARTICLE 17 - EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL ............................................................................................................42

APPENDIX A - WAGES ....................................................................................................................................................43

APPENDIX B- MEDIATION PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................46

APPENDIX C- AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ..........................................................................................47

APPENDIX D - SUBSTANCE ABUSE REHABILITATION .........................................................................................48

APPENDIX E – RATIFICATION PAYMENTS ..............................................................................................................51

APPENDIX F- REPRESENTED STORES AS OF 12/31/12 ...........................................................................................52

SIDE LETTER ....................................................................................................................................................................55

RECOGNITION SIDE LETTER ......................................................................................................................................56

LETTER OF AGREEMENT .............................................................................................................................................57


PROMOTIONAL DRUG TESTS AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE POSTER ...................................................................57

LETTER OF AGREEMENT .............................................................................................................................................58

JOINT LABOR-MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ..........................................................................................................58

PART-TIME AVAILABILITY FORM ............................................................................................................................59



July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2021

This Agreement is entered into and effective as of this 1st day of July 2017, between CVS Pharmacy,

hereinafter referred to as “Employer,” and UFCW LOCALS 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, 1442, 5 and

648, chartered by United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, hereinafter referred to as

the “Union” and the parties agree as follows:


The Employer retains the exclusive right to manage the business, to direct and control the business and

workforce, and to make any and all decisions affecting the business, including, but not limited to the

following: the exclusive right to plan, determine, direct and control the nature and extent of all its

operations and commitments; to determine, install, introduce, remove, discontinue or modify the

methods, procedures, materials and operations to be used or to discontinue their use by employees of

the Employer; to maintain efficient operations; to hire, train, promote employees; to set standards and

methods of performance; to create, modify, and abolish work shifts, the starting and ending times of the

work shifts and work schedules; to promulgate, amend and enforce reasonable work rules, regulations,

policies and procedures; to determine, modify, change and otherwise set the work duties of employees;

to determine, modify, change and otherwise set job content and qualifications; to determine whether to

offer light duty and to determine employee eligibility for light duty; to change job content and

qualifications; to change job descriptions; to modify the methods, procedures, materials and operations

to be used or to discontinue their use by employees of the Employer; to change standards and methods

of performance; and in all respects to carry out, in addition, the ordinary and customary functions of

management, whether exercised or not. The rights and waivers herein shall extend beyond the

expiration of this Agreement until a successor agreement is reached.

Should a specific provision of this Agreement or State or Federal Law directly conflict with, modify or

restrict an enumerated right under this Article, the specific provision of the Agreement or the State or

Federal Law shall prevail over the enumerated right.


A. UNION RECOGNITION. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining

agent with respect to work, rates of pay, hours, and terms and conditions of employment for the

appropriate bargaining unit composed of all employees, except as limited below, who perform work

within drug stores operated under contract with UFCW Locals 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, 1442, 5 and

648 on January 1, 2018.

1. Covered Employees. Full-Time and part-time beauty advisors, clerks, cashiers,

pharmacy technicians, pharmacy lead technicians, pharmacy service associates, shift supervisors, stock

room supervisors in Ymas stores, photo lab technicians and photo lab supervisors.

2. Excluded Employees. All managers (including store team leaders), assistant managers,

shift supervisor A, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, guards, and all employees not

situated in CVS/pharmacy retail stores.


3. Geographic Area. The geographic area covered by this Agreement shall be the

following counties in California: San Diego, Alameda, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara,

San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Imperial, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and

Riverside. All employees outside these counties are excluded from the bargaining unit and this


4. Workplaces. This Agreement shall apply only to CVS/pharmacy retail stores. It shall

not include distribution centers, call centers, specialty pharmacies, MinuteClinics, or any other facilities

operated by CVS.

5. Limitation. The parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement shall not apply to

any employees, any workplaces or geographic areas except as specifically set forth in this Article 2 (A).


1. Current Work. All work performed on the premises in the nature of work generally

performed by employees of the bargaining unit shall not be assigned to any person not in the bargaining

unit or contracted for with any other union.

2. Future Work. Any future work of the nature generally performed by bargaining unit

employees which is created by the Employer within the drug stores shall be performed by members of

the bargaining unit as herein set forth.

3. Employee Definitions. For the purpose of this Agreement, the following definitions shall


a. An intern pharmacist is a registered non-licensed pharmacist permitted to

practice pharmacy under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist.

b. A retail clerk includes all other employees covered by this Agreement.

c. Hereinafter “employees” or “all employees” shall mean employees covered by

this Agreement.

d. Probationary Employees. The first (1st) ninety (90) calendar days of employment

shall be considered a probationary (trial) period. During such probationary period an employee may be

terminated for any reason and the employee shall have no recourse to the grievance procedure set forth

in this Agreement.

e. Pharmacy Service Associates. Selection of Pharmacy Service Associates shall

be determined by giving factors such as seniority, qualifications, performance and intent to remain with

the Employer full consideration. Pharmacy Service Associates are those clerks who are assigned to

assist in clerical and pharmacy related duties (including the running of the pharmacy register if it is in

combination with clerical pharmacy duties), directly connected with the pharmacy and under the

supervision of the pharmacist. A clerk who works in a pharmacy to operate a cash register, retrieve

prescriptions or direct customers, shall not be considered a pharmacy service associate. Pharmacy

Service Associates employed as of July 1, 1995 shall not be adversely affected by such clerks.


f. Special Classifications. Selection of the Photo Lab Supervisor, Shift Supervisor

B, Beauty Advisor, and Coordinator shall be determined by giving factors such as seniority,

qualifications, performance and intent to remain with the Employer full consideration. The Employer

shall not employ less than an average of two (2) Special Classifications per store covered by this

Agreement. There shall be no demotion of employees classified as Special Classifications except as

provided for in Article 4-D. This Article shall not apply in new store openings until one hundred eighty

(180) days after the date the new store opens to the public.

g. Pharmacy Technicians. Pharmacy Technicians shall be licensed by the

California Board of Pharmacy pursuant to current laws and regulations. Employees shall be selected

for the position of pharmacy technician on the basis of ability and skill, and where they are relatively

equal, seniority shall govern. The Employer believes that the safety of its customers and the public is

the fundamental guiding concern behind the establishment of this classification. To this end, the

Employer shall provide mandatory training, on Employer time, as required by the regulation, for those

individuals who are selected for the classification of pharmacy technician. Because of safety and quality

control factors, the pharmacy technicians will be subject to the immediate and personal supervision of

a registered pharmacist. Immediate and personal supervision in the case of a pharmacy technician

requires that a pharmacist verify and document any function performed by a pharmacy technician in

connection with all activities surrounding the dispensing of a prescription. It is understood and agreed

that pharmacists, as trained professionals, have the ultimate responsibility for dispensing prescriptions.

If any of the above becomes a conflict with the regulations of the California Board of Pharmacy,

regulation shall control. The Employer agrees to provide additional training at its own cost in the event

new laws or regulations mandate such training.

h. Lead Technician. The Employer, in its sole discretion, may select Pharmacy

Technicians to become Lead Technician, whose additional duties may include, but not limited to:

training and development of personnel for/in pharmacy; assist or be responsible, as directed by a

Pharmacy Manager, for workflow processes, product ordering, inventory control, returns, financial

record keeping, price changes, third party administration, customer service programs, special projects

or any other duties as may be assigned. Minimum requirements are an EE rating or higher, 1 year as a

pharmacy technician and successful completion of the Employer’s training and certification program(s).

Lead Technician positions shall remain at the Employer’s sole discretion. After successfully completing

the Employer’s Lead Technician program and being assigned an available Specialist position, CVS

Pharmacy shall provide a $.75 per hour premium to Lead Technicians in this position.

C. EXCLUDED BARGAINING UNIT WORK. The following individuals shall be excluded from

the coverage of this Agreement:

1. Management Exclusions.

a. Store managers (including store team leaders), assistant managers and shift

supervisor A’s shall be excluded from the coverage of this Agreement at the sole discretion of the

Employer and shall be allowed to perform any and all work designated by the Employer within a store

or any department without restriction so long as the total number of excluded management personnel

does not exceed an average of four (4) exclusions per store covered by this Agreement. The Employer

will automatically provide the list of exclusions along with store number and local union number at the

same time as the Full-time/Part-time list is provided.


b. It is agreed that only two (2) excluded supervisory management employees shall

be permitted to perform bargaining unit work on Sunday or holidays (excluding load day) where the

combined working hours of the store’s full-time and part-time employees total less than one thousand

(1,000) hours per week.

2. Outside Employees. It is agreed that the Employer and the Union have a common

interest in protecting work opportunities for all employees covered by this Agreement. It is further

agreed that the displaying, servicing, ordering and demonstrating of merchandise for sale can be handled

at the Employer’s discretion by nonbargaining unit displaymen, salesmen, vendor representatives, or any

other employee of vendors which are servicing their merchandise to the Employer.

In no event, however, shall any bargaining unit employee be laid off or reduced in hours

as a result of work being performed by any salesman, vendor or displayman described above.

3. Demonstrators who do not make sales or display merchandise for pick-up by customers.

4. Inventory employees whose function is strictly limited to taking inventories.

5. Office employees who are limited to office-clerical work and whose combination of

duties does not include any of the clerks’ work.

6. Future concessionaires or sublessees or their employees whose duties do not include

work generally performed by members of the bargaining unit.

7. Licensed Pharmacists, including one (1) Pharmacy Manager per pharmacy.

8. Should any of the classifications hereinabove excluded in Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6,

designate by a majority thereof the undersigned Union as their bargaining agent, the Employer agrees

to recognize and bargain for said employees in accordance with the law.


1. All Employees. The Employer agrees not to enter into any agreement or contract, either

orally or written, with its employees covered by this Agreement, individually which in any way conflicts

with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

2. New Employees. During the period an employee is not a member of the Union, the

regular wages, as herein specified for the classification of said employee and all other provisions of this

Agreement shall apply.



1. Union Shop. All employees shall, as a condition of employment, become members of

the Union not later than the thirty-first (31st) day of their employment or the thirty-first (31st) day

following the date of signature or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later, and shall

remain members in good standing as a condition of continued employment.


2. Seven Day Notice. The Union will advise the Employer in writing when any employee

has failed to acquire or maintain Union membership as required by this Agreement. Immediately upon

receipt of said notice, the Employer shall advise said employee(s) that they will no longer be scheduled

for hours of work on the subsequent weekly schedule until said employee(s) give evidence of

compliance or the Union notifies the Employer of such compliance. Failure to comply within seven (7)

days after removal from the schedule said employee(s) shall be terminated, if such termination is not in

violation of existing law.


1. New/Transferred Employees. The Employer’s general office shall mail a list of new

employees hired in a preceding month to the Union. Said list shall contain the name of such employees,

their dates of employment, Social Security number, store number and initial rate of pay. The Employer

will provide the new hire reports electronically on a weekly basis.

The Employer will provide weekly initiation fees and regular union dues electronically

to all Southern California Union Locals.

2. Store Employee Lists. The Employer agrees to permit the Union to check the list of

employees covered by this Agreement, and their respective wage rates of preceding months, and to

furnish the Union a complete payroll list for all employees covered by this Agreement and wage rates

effective the first (1st) payroll period each January and September. Said lists shall include hire dates,

birth dates, and Social Security numbers from current records.

3. Payroll Data. In case of a dispute over wages the Union representative shall, upon

request, have the right to a copy of the necessary payroll information relative to employees covered by

this Agreement. The Union reserves the right to require, in such disputed instances as it deems

necessary, that owed wages of employees be paid through the office of the Union or a notarized

statement submitted to the Union of gross amounts paid and deductions made. Either method may be

used by the Employer.

4. Time Records. Time cards or other time records which the employee shall be required

to record work on a daily basis shall be available for inspection upon request by the Union representative

entitled to such information.

C. STORE VISITS. In order to observe conditions existing under this Agreement and to settle

grievances, representatives of the Union shall have the right to visit the stores.

It is the general policy of the Union for its representatives not to visit the stores during the busy

afternoon hours, Saturdays or days preceding holidays. However, upon receipt of a reported violation,

a Union representative shall have the right to visit such store at any time for the purpose of investigating

such violation.

The Union further agrees that it will arrange with the Store Manager for such investigation of

reported grievances and that any meetings between employees and Union representatives shall be

limited to one (1) employee at a time and shall be conducted with the least possible interference with

store operations. Such meetings shall be held on the premises in a place designated by the Store

Manager. In instances where employees are working during hours that the stores are closed to the

public, the Union may request a list of the employees involved, and the hours worked.


D. UNION BULLETIN BOARDS. The Union may supply each store with one (1) bulletin board

not to exceed two (2) feet by three (3) feet in size for the purpose of posting notices of official Union

business. Bulletin boards shall not be used to post notices of a political or adversarial nature. The

implementation of this program shall be coordinated by the Employer’s Regional Human Resource



1. New Employees. When new or additional employees are needed, the Employer may

immediately notify the Union of said need. The Employer reserves the right to select the particular

applicant to be hired, but there shall be no discrimination against any applicant by reason of membership

or nonmembership in the Union or in any way affected by Union membership, bylaws, rules,

regulations, constitutional provisions, or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership, policies,

or requirements.

2. Union Principles/Picket Lines. The Employer shall not discharge or discriminate against

any employee for upholding Union principles, as long as such act does not constitute a violation of this

Agreement, and nothing herein shall be so construed as to abrogate an employee’s rights under the law,

including the right individually to refuse to cross a bona fide picket line established in a bona fide

dispute by any bona fide labor organization. For the purpose of this Paragraph, a sanctioned picket line

shall be one which is sanctioned by the Local Union signatory to this Agreement and the Food and Drug

Council or the appropriate County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO.

F. UNION BUSINESS. Employees shall be granted time off without pay for the purpose of

attending negotiations, adjustment or arbitration hearings or for other bona fide Union business.

The Employer agrees to schedule any employee who is an officer, or representative of the Union

in any capacity, for hours of work that will permit the employee to attend meetings of the Union where

the Union has given such notice in writing to the Employer, provided it involves not more than one (1)

employee per store. The Union agrees to give the Employer no less than ten (10) days’ notice of such


While the employee/representative of the Union serves in this capacity, they will not be subject

to Article 5(A), Employer Transfer of Employees, or Article 5(B), Inter-Union Transfer.

The Employer recognizes the right of the Local Union to appoint two (2) stewards per store.

The Union will notify the Labor Relations Department of the names and store number of the stewards.

Upon three (3) weeks’ notice to CVS’s Labor Relations Department, one (1) Union steward per store

will be designated by the Union to attend a one (1) day stewards’ training seminar per calendar year and

will receive one (1) day of pay by the Employer upon proof of attending such training seminar, provided

CVS organizing activity is not solicited at such training seminar. One (1) day of pay for the union

steward annual meeting is only for maximum of one steward per store of the stores per Local Union

covered by this labor agreement.

G. EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION. The Employer agrees to allow a union representative up to ten

(10) minutes to discuss the Union’s role and to obtain signatures on applications and dues forms at the

end of New Hire Orientation Meetings.




1. No employee may be required to make up cash register shortages, unless the employee

is given the privilege of checking the change and daily receipts upon starting and completing the work

shift, and unless the employee has exclusive access to the cash register during the work shift, except as

specified below.

2. No employee may be required to make up register shortages when management exercises

its rights to open the register during the employee’s work shift, unless the register is opened in the

presence of the employee and the employee is given the opportunity to verify all withdrawals and/or


3. When, as the result of a shopper’s report, an employee, subsequent to the shopping

incident, is called upon for an interview by a security agent, the employee may, upon receipt of such

advice or during such interview, request the presence of a Union representative during the interview.

Such Union Representative must be available within a reasonable period of time but in no event later

than twenty-four (24) hours after such request, or the interview may proceed without a Union


When an employee is the subject of a shopper’s report or multiple reports and is to be

counseled on said report or reports by the Employer, the counseling will take place within a reasonable

time period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the last report affecting the employee. The

employee and the Union Representative will, by request, be given an opportunity to read said reports

during counseling.

4. An employee discharged for cash register irregularities resulting from a shopper’s report

or multiple reports shall at the time of the discharge be provided with a copy of such reports, including

the observer’s report, together with the shopper’s report. Failure to provide such reports shall convert

any discharge into a ten (10) day layoff.

5. A warning notice shall not be required in the case of a discharge for cash register

irregularities but such alleged irregularities must constitute good cause for the purpose of sustaining

said discharge. Such alleged irregularities shall not constitute good cause for discharge when the

Employer fails to follow the procedures set forth in Article 4, Paragraphs A-1 and A-2, unless the alleged

irregularities are not affected by failure to follow said procedures.

B. INVESTIGATION/INTERVIEW. In any instance where an employee is to be interviewed

and/or interrogated by the Employer or an Employer representative in respect to any alleged violation

of the collective bargaining agreement or alleged infraction of Employer policies which may result in

disciplinary action, the employee shall be afforded the opportunity of calling a Union Representative

and having a Union Representative present during such interview or interrogation.


1. Good Cause. Non-probationary employees shall not be discharged except for good and

sufficient cause such as dishonesty, insubordination, incompetency, intoxication, unbecoming conduct

or failure to perform work as required. Non-probationary employees who are discharged for


incompetency or failure to perform work as required (including excessive absenteeism or excessive

tardiness) shall first have had two (2) prior warnings in writing within twelve (12) months preceding

the discharge of such incompetency or of related or similar failure to perform work as required, with a

copy sent to the Union. The employee so notified shall be required to sign such notice, but such signing

shall in no way constitute agreement with the contents of such notice. Age, sex, creed or color shall not

be grounds for the termination of an otherwise qualified employee.

2. Discharge for Incompetency. It is understood that a discharge for incompetency shall

occur only at the end of an employee’s weekly schedule after the employee has completed the probationary period.

3. Notice. Any employee who is discharged shall be informed in writing at the time of

discharge of the immediate cause of discharge, with a copy sent to the Union within ninety-six (96)

hours thereafter, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

4. Legal Violations: Any employee who violates any federal, state or local law or

regulation while working may be terminated without prior warning.

D. DEMOTION. No Special Classification employee, Pharmacy Service Associate, or Pharmacy

or Lead Technician shall be demoted from his or her position because of deficient performance in the

job without first (1st) having received a prior warning notice in writing, copy to the Union, spelling out

the deficiencies.

E. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO QUIT. An employee who intends to quit the job shall, to the

extent possible, give two (2) weeks’ notice of the intention to quit. An employee who gives any notice

of the intention to quit his job shall not be terminated or otherwise discriminated against during the

current workweek and the workweek following the date on which the employee gives such notice, but

in no event can the employee insist upon working later than the designated quit date if a replacement

employee has already been hired.


A. EMPLOYER TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEES. The Employer may transfer employees to meet

the necessities of the business as long as, in so doing, the employee does not exceed the mileage time

limits set forth below. Reasonable tolerance of these time limits shall be allowed for temporary transfers

such as vacation relief and store openings. For good and sufficient reason, an employee may refuse a

transfer from the jurisdictional area of one (1) Local Union to another or any store on the basis of

seniority. An employee with more than one (1) year’s continuous service with the Employer may file

an application for transfer within the Employer to a store near his or her home. The Employer will give

full consideration to such requests and attempt to grant them if it does not have an adverse affect on the

business of the Employer. The requests will not be refused arbitrarily.

When the transfer of an employee becomes necessary, due to slackening of business, the

Employer shall not require said employee to travel one (1) way more than fifteen (15) miles (radius)

between the employee’s place of residence and the new location. In making transfers under this

Paragraph, the Employer will make every effort to assign employees on a nondiscriminatory basis to

the store which would cause the least hardship to the employee and require the least travel time. Such

transfer shall not be used for disciplinary purposes.


B. INTER-UNION TRANSFER. If an employee is transferred from one (1) UFCW Union’s area

to another in Southern California, the employee shall retain all seniority, but during a period of six (6)

months from date of transfer, shall not displace any other employee, or reduce the employee’s hours.

This clause shall not be applicable in the event of the application of Article 5(E).


1. Definition. Seniority is the length of continuous employment of an employee with an

individual Employer. Seniority shall apply across the Southern California UFCW Clerk bargaining

units. Temporary absence from work in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall not

break seniority. Seniority can be broken only by the following:

a. Quit.

b. Discharge.

c. Layoff for more than nine (9) months.

d. Failure to return in accordance with the terms of a leave of absence or when

recalled after a layoff.

2. Promotion to Pharmacy Technician. Drug Clerks and Pharmacy Service Associates

promoted to Pharmacy Technicians shall receive the next higher rate of pay of Pharmacy Technicians

and shall progress through the remaining progression steps based on additional months worked.

D. ABILITY AND SKILL. When seniority is invoked by an employee, the employee’s ability and

skill in performing the work claimed shall be the determining factors in establishing such rights.


1. Layoffs. An employee subject to layoff or reduction from Full-Time shall have the

choice of displacing either the least senior employee in the same classification (classification includes

Full-Time status) within the Employer’s business district. If there is no less senior Full-Time employee

in the same classification within the Employer’s business district the employee will displace the least

senior clerk/cashier in the employee’s current store, or may opt to take the layoff.

Section 1 Employees (as defined in Article 14) will first be reviewed separately within the business

district and follow the steps described above until such time the least senior Section 1 Employee is to

be laid off. At that time the Section 1 Employee will have a right to bump the least senior clerk cashier

within the Section 2 (as defined in Article 14) stores provided that the Section 1 Employee has higher

seniority than the least senior clerk/cashier within the Section 2 stores.

2. Layoff Timing. A layoff shall occur only at the end of an employee’s weekly schedule

after the employee has completed the probationary period.


3. Recall. Laid off employees shall be recalled within their store on the basis of the last

laid off shall be the first (1st) recalled.

a. A laid off employee who becomes eligible to return to work under the seniority

provision must appear for work within ninety-six (96) hours, excluding Saturday and Sunday, after the

Employer has made a good faith effort to notify the employee in writing of recall to work. The Employer

will simultaneously notify the union of the employee’s eligibility to return to work.

b. A full-time employee who has been reduced to part-time employment because of

legitimate business reasons or for medical reasons, must be offered the first (1st) full-time job that opens

in the store in which the employee is employed, provided that the employee is able to fill that job.

F. FULL-TIME POSITIONS. A part-time employee shall have the right to claim a full-time

position when one becomes available within the Employer’s operating district, based upon seniority,

provided such part-time employee has the qualifications and ability with the Employer to perform the

duties of the claimed position.

When a full-time position becomes available within the Employer’s operating district a posting

will be placed in each operating district store’s break room and on-line for two (2) weeks and the most

senior and qualified union employee will be considered for the job. Full-time employees who have

been reduced to part-time status due to lack of work shall have priority over part-time employees who

have not been full-time and involuntarily reduced. If no qualified applicants apply, the Employer will

take applicants from outside the bargaining unit to fill the full-time position.


A. STORE HOURS. The Employer shall have the sole right to fix and determine the opening and

closing hours of its stores.

B. WORKDAY DEFINED. For the purposes of this Agreement a working day is the period from

midnight to midnight. Where shifts overlap into two (2) working days, payment shall be made for the

hours worked on each working day in accordance with the rates established for such days.


1. Full-Time/Scheduled Day. All full-time employees reporting for work on their

scheduled workday shall be guaranteed a full day’s work of eight (8) hours with pay; except if a full-

time employee is scheduled to work six (6) days in any workweek, the employee shall be guaranteed

four (4) hours’ work on the sixth (6th) day. The four (4) hour day need not be the actual sixth (6th) day,

but may be, in the Employer’s discretion, any one (1) of the workdays in the weekly work schedule

except Sunday.

The integrity of the eight (8) hour full-time day shall be preserved and all time worked

shall be paid for. Part-time jobs shall not be created or scheduled for the purpose of destroying the eight

(8) hour full-time day.

2. Full-Time/Predesignated Day Off. Any full-time employee called for work on the

employee’s predesignated day off, as established in the work schedule provisions, shall be guaranteed

eight (8) hours’ work at the overtime rate of pay.


3. Part-Time. Upon reporting for work, all part-time employees and those replacing

employees in an emergency shall be guaranteed not less than four (4) hours’ work with pay. Only

registered school students who are under age eighteen (18) shall be allowed to work less than four (4)

hours per shift during the period the student is attending school. “Employees who are called in to cover

an absence or illness of another bargaining unit employee or an emergency may work less than a four

(4) hour minimum on that shift.

4. On Call. If the Employer requires an employee to remain at home “on call” the Employer

shall guarantee the employee four (4) hours’ pay at the appropriate rate for such day. All Employer

requests for an employee to remain available for “on call” duty shall be in writing to the employee.


1. Full-Time. The workweek shall be Sunday through Saturday. Eight (8) hours shall

constitute a regular day’s work, and forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour days shall

constitute a regular week’s work. All employees hired to work on a full-time basis or who are scheduled

and work at least forty (40) hours in ten (10) consecutive weeks shall be guaranteed forty (40) hours’

work per week, except in a holiday week, in which it shall be thirty-two (32) hours, provided the

employee is available and able to work the required work schedule. Part-time jobs shall not be created

or scheduled for the purpose of destroying the full-time forty (40) hour week principle.

a. A full-time employee is one employed and/or scheduled to work forty (40) hours

per week. Any employee who is scheduled and works ten (10) consecutive weeks at forty (40) hours

per week will be classified as a full-time employee. This requirement shall not apply during the

Christmas (November 1 - January 15) or vacation season (June 1 - August 31) or where an employee is

scheduled forty (40) hours due to the absence of another employee in excess of three (3) consecutive

weeks. Provided, however, that forty (40) hour weeks worked immediately prior to any of the above

exceptions and those worked immediately following the exception shall be considered continual for the

purpose of calculating the ten (10) consecutive weeks.

b. A part-time employee (intern pharmacist or retail clerk) is one employed and/or

scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week.

2. Part-Time. All non-probationary part-time employees shall be guaranteed a minimum

of twelve (12) hours work per workweek unless it is operationally unfeasible. Unfeasible shall be

defined as follows:

a. The employee is called in to cover an absence or illness of another bargaining

unit employee or an emergency.

b. The employee is unable to work the scheduled hours or declines to work twelve

(12) hours per workweek.

c. The employee working more than twelve (12) hours per workweek declines or

refuses to work additional hours when requested to do so.


3. Part-Time Guarantee. All Section 1 part-time employees shall, after six (6) months of

service, be scheduled a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours per workweek provided the employee is

available to work the schedule hours. The employee must have a completed Availability Form on record

with the Employer. This minimum guarantee is subject to the following conditions:

a. The employee must be available for five (5) out of seven (7) days including Saturdays and Sundays; and five (5) evening shifts (up to one (1) hour after store closing) or up to 11

p.m. if employed in a 24-hour store, but not scheduled to work overnight.

b. The employee is guaranteed at least two (2) weekend days off per month.

c. An associate may occasionally seek one (1) day or one (1) partial day off in advance of the schedule without reducing the twenty-four (24) hour guarantee. The twenty-four (24)

hour guarantee shall include paid time off (such as holidays, jury pay, funeral pay, etc.) and shall not

apply as provided in Article 6(E). The associate must work as scheduled.

d. The twenty-four (24) hour guarantee will not apply to an associate who is only available to work four (4) hours per day (thereby triggering a sixth (6th) day at overtime).

e. Past scheduling practices regarding an associate are not controlling. Example, a person who has not been working evenings would have to be available for evening work to be

guaranteed twenty-four (24) hours. Management reserves the right to schedule the person twenty-four

(24) or more hours without evening hours.

f. The twenty-four (24) hour guarantee shall not require an increase in overall hours.

g. Grievances regarding the twenty-four (24) hour guarantee must be filed forty eight (48) hours after the schedule is posted or shall be forever waived.

h. If hours at a store need to be reduced due to business reasons, the part-time associates with the twenty-four (24) hour guarantee may be transferred to another location pursuant to

Article 5(A) or waive the twenty-four (24) hour guarantee in lieu of transfer.

i. Schedule changes shall not arise due to disciplinary reasons, however, the Company reserves the right to determine associate schedules.

j. Eligible employees may elect to work less than twenty-four (24) hours per workweek. Such election must be in writing with a copy to the Union. In such cases the employee will

be scheduled pursuant to the twelve (12) hour minimum provided for above. An employee who waives

the right to the 24-hour guarantee may revoke this decision with a two (2) week notice, up to a maximum

of two (2) times in a rolling twelve (12) month period.

4. a. All Section 2 employees will be guaranteed thirty (30) hours after thirty six (36)

months of service effective January 1, 2018.

b. The twenty-four (24) and twelve (12) hour guarantee would stay in effect until

the thirty (30) hour guarantee kicks in.


c. Current Section 2 Employees with twenty-four (24) hour minimum guarantees

who are ineligible to work thirty (30) hours shall be guaranteed twenty-four (24) hours per week until

the time that they are eligible for thirty (30) hour minimum.

d. Effective January 1, 2018 Section 2 Employees ineligible or unavailable to work

thirty (30) hours per week, shall be guaranteed a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per week. In order to

be eligible for sixteen (16) minimum, employees must provide their work availability.

e. Section 2 Employees are not subject to flat line provisions in the contract. Flat

line is only subject to Section 1 Employees.

f. Modify the Unfeasible language to reflect sixteen (16) hour guarantee to include:

Employee is unable to work the scheduled hours available that remain on the store schedule or declines

to work sixteen (16) hours per week.

E. NON-APPLICABILITY OF GUARANTEES. In the event operations cannot commence or

continue for reasons beyond the control of the Employer including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire,

flood, insurrection, war, nuclear alarm or disaster, civil disturbance, governmental shut down, or failure

of public utilities, the foregoing guarantees shall not be applicable.


1. Ready for Work. All employees shall report for and be ready for work at their scheduled

starting time. The term “ready for work” shall include appropriate or required dress.

2. Work Schedule. The Employer shall post a work schedule for a one (1) week period in

advance in ink for all employees, showing their surname and first initial, not later than 1 p.m. on the

Wednesday preceding the first (1st) day of the following workweek. The work schedule shall not be

changed after posting, except as provide for below. An employee shall be guaranteed pay for the

specific days in a workweek upon which the employee is scheduled to work, provided the employee is

available for such work, subject to Article 6-E of this Agreement. The schedule may be changed after

1 p.m. on Wednesday but no later than 1 p.m. on Thursday to accommodate an employee returning from

leave of absence. The schedule may also be changed with the Union’s agreement in response to a

grievance filed pursuant to Article 6(D)(3)(g) or Article 6(F)(3).

All employees shall be included on one (1) schedule or two (2) schedules (one pharmacy

schedule and one non-pharmacy schedule) which are posted alongside one another. The schedules shall

show total number of hours scheduled for each employee. Information shall be posted alongside the

schedule indicating employee classification and full-time/part-time status. The Employer will post an

agreed upon notice reminding employees to raise schedule issues no later than forty eight (48) hours

following the schedule posting. Such notice will be posted in the same area where the schedule is


In the event that a new schedule is not posted, the previous weeks’ schedule shall apply.

In formulating the work schedule of any employee, a minimum of ten (10) hours shall have elapsed

between the two (2) consecutive work shifts unless the weekly rotation of Sunday and night shifts is

involved, provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to an employee designated by the Store

Manager to act in the Store Manager’s absence, nor shall it apply in the event of emergencies. Work

performed prior to the ten (10) hours’ elapsed time in violation of this Paragraph shall be paid at the

rate of time and one-half (1½).


The Employer shall endeavor to rotate all clerks on night and Sunday work, except where

such rotation adversely affects the Employer’s operation, and provided such rotation is agreeable to the


All five (5) day full-time employees shall have one (1) weekend (Saturday and Sunday)

off each month except November and December. Any employee not wishing to be scheduled for one

(1) weekend off per month shall give notice to this effect in writing to the Store Manager. (In such

instances, Article 7- D-3 will apply.)

3. Part-Time Scheduled Hours. More senior part-time employees shall not be scheduled

fewer hours in a store than less senior part-time employees, who are qualified to perform the same work

in the same store when availability is equal. Alleged violations of this Paragraph must be grieved by 1

P.M. on Friday or shall be forever waived. Reduction of hours of a less senior employee necessitated

by the scheduling of more hours to a senior employee shall not give rise to any schedule/pay grievance

by a less senior employee. The Employer agrees that it will not flat schedule all part-time employees

in any store.

4. Rest Periods.

a. More Than 6 Hours. An employee working more than six (6) hours in a day shall

receive two (2) fifteen (15) minute uninterrupted rest periods during such day. Each fifteen (15) minute

rest period includes travel time. The first (1st) rest period shall be given in the first (1st) half of the shift

and the second (2nd) period during the second (2nd) half of such shift.

b. More Than 2 Hours. An employee working more than two (2) hours and not

more than six (6) hours shall receive one (1) fifteen (15) minute uninterrupted rest period. Each fifteen

(15) minute rest period includes travel time. This shall be given during the first (1st) four (4) hours of

the employee’s shift.

c. All Employees. All employees who are required to work a minimum of an

additional one (1) hour of overtime shall be entitled to a ten (10) minute rest period as the total elapsed

time away from performing assigned duties prior to the start of such overtime work. Insofar as

practicable, rest periods shall be in the middle of each work period. The rest period shall be considered

uninterrupted when the employee is not ordered back to work by someone in charge. Should an

employee’s rest period be interrupted, the employee shall be given a new uninterrupted rest period as

soon as possible.

5. Meal Period. All hours shall be worked consecutively, except for a meal period which

shall be one (1) hour. No eight (8) hour employee shall be scheduled for more than five (5) hours or

less than three (3) hours before a meal break. However, by mutual agreement in writing between the

Store Manager and the employee, less than one (1) hour may be established to meet business conditions,

but in no event may less than one-half (½) hour be given. If the Union becomes aware of abuse it

reserves the right to revoke the option at any location(s) after first covering the Steps 1 and 2 of the

grievance procedure contained in Article 16.

6. Sixth/Seventh Day. No employee shall be required to work seven (7) days in any

workweek except in an emergency. It shall not be a violation of this contract, nor shall it constitute

cause for discharge, if an employee declines to work on the sixth (6th) day of the workweek unless

scheduled to work on such day.


7. Sunday Ratio. The Employer may schedule no more than three (3) short shifts [less than

eight (8) hours] for every one (1) eight (8) hour shift scheduled.

8. Holiday Ratio.

a. Shift Ratio. The Employer may schedule no more than three (3) short shifts [less

than eight (8) hours] for every one (1) eight (8) hour shift scheduled.

b. Less Than 9 Hour Stores. In those stores open for less than nine (9) hours on

holidays, full-time employees who have been scheduled for four (4) eight (8) hour days will be permitted

to work less than eight (8) hours on the holiday, but will be guaranteed the number of hours the store is

open, less a lunch hour if the shift exceeds six (6) hours. Such employees shall receive no less than five

(5) hours’ pay at the holiday premium rate. If said employees perform work before the store opening

and/or after the store closing, the eight (8) hour guarantee at the holiday premium rate of pay shall apply,

and all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours shall be compensated at the holiday premium rate of

pay. This exemption from the holiday guarantee shall apply to full-time employees only, unless no full-

time employees are available.

9. Holiday Scheduling.

a. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Employees working on the day of

December 24th or December 31st shall be scheduled on the basis of inverse seniority to allow the most

senior employee(s) the early shift on Christmas and New Year’s Eves.

b. For all employees, work on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day shall be voluntary.

If the Employer is unable to staff the store with qualified employees on a voluntary basis, the Employer

will by inverse seniority schedule qualified employees to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day,

and if the work schedule has been posted the employee shall be required to work said day.

c. Holiday Work Preference. Written requests by the employee made to the Store

Manager prior to the posting of the schedule to work on any holiday shall be given first (1st) preference

based on seniority. Written requests must be turned in to the person in charge five (5) days prior to the

posting of the work schedule. This provision shall not be a requirement on the Employer to create

overtime work.

10. Overtime Preference. Employees shall be given preference for overtime and holiday

work by seniority, provided they are qualified to perform such work and available on a timely manner

based upon the needs of the business. This provision shall not be a requirement on the Employer to

create overtime work.

11. Inventory Work. The present inventory taking practice shall continue; provided,

however, that employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid for all time spent taking inventory at

the appropriate contractual rate. No inventory work shall be required to be performed by employees

covered by this Agreement on the evenings before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day.

12. Full-time/Part-time Ratio. The Employer agrees to a ratio that will provide an overall

ratio of thirty-seven percent (37%) full-time employees and sixty-three percent (63%) part-time

employees, throughout the jurisdiction of this Agreement. It is agreed that all UFCW bargaining unit

employees shall be included within the calculation, excluding only employees classified as Christmas


extras. The Employer acknowledges that this ratio shall be accomplished through attrition or as

provided for in Article 5(E) of this Agreement.

The full-time ratio shall be determined on an all Southern California UFCW Locals basis

for clerks. The Employer shall provide to the Union Locals a semi-annual list of bargaining unit

employee names, social security number, full-time or part-time status, store and Local Union number.

The Employer shall provide to the Union Locals a semi-annual list of the names and store number of

non-bargaining unit full-time pharmacists employed at clerk represented stores for ratio verification

purposes only. These semi-annual lists shall only be run for the second (2nd) payroll week ending each

March and second (2nd) payroll week ending each September and shall automatically be provided to the

Union locals.

It is expressly understood by the parties that the Employer may count all full-time

pharmacists employed in the bargaining unit stores in the full-time ratio for the purpose of this Section.

13. Working Employees Past Scheduled Hours. Employees shall not be required to stay past

their scheduled hours provided the employee has a valid reason and the Employer can obtain another

qualified employee to volunteer or through inverse seniority. The Employer shall attempt to provide

notice as early in the shift circumstances permit, but in no event less than one (1) hour before the shift

ends. Also, no employee required to stay shall be required to stay longer than one (1) hour beyond the

scheduled quitting time. Both one (1) hour requirements do not apply in case of emergency.



1. Base Rates. Attached to and made a part of this Agreement is Appendix A which sets

forth the straight-time hourly rates for all employees covered by this Agreement.

2. Prior Industry Experience.

a. New hires shall be credited with prior experience and paid at no less than the

wage rate they were last receiving prior to leaving the industry. The number of years employed at the

previous Employer shall be counted toward an employee’s six (6) year increase and seven (7) year top

rate entitlement [five (5) year top rate entitlement for Pharmacy Technicians].

b. New hires not previously employed by the Employer or its predecessor Company

who are entitled to prior experience shall receive the entry level wage rate during the first (1st) thirty

(30) days of employment and the six (6) month rate during the next ninety (90) days of employment.

Thereafter the employee shall be paid in accordance with paragraph (a) above.

c. New hires previously employed by the Employer shall receive full credit for prior

experience with the Employer in the type of work to be performed.

d. Definition of Prior Experience. Prior industry experience is defined as

experience under UFCW collective bargaining agreements in the State of California in the drug and

discount industry or general merchandise in the food agreement during the ten (10) year period prior to

employment under this Agreement. Only such experience stated on the employee’s application and

confirmed by the Employer or acceptable proof shall be credited.


3. Christmas Extra Employees. Clerks hired specifically to work during the period of

November 1st through January 15th shall be paid at the clerk minimum rate(s).

4. Journeyman. With reference to clerks hired prior to July 1, 1986, the Employer agrees

not to replace them with employees hired on or after July 1, 1986, for the purpose of taking advantage

of the lower rates effective on or after July 1, 1986.


1. Evening Premium. This Section shall not apply to employees hired on or after July 5,

2004. For all time worked by employees, after 7 P.M. and before 10 P.M., a premium of twenty-five

cents (25¢) per hour shall be paid.

2. Night Premium For all time worked by employees after 10 P.M. and before 7 A.M., a

premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour shall be paid.

3. Sunday Premium. For all time worked on Sunday by employees, a premium of one

dollar ($1.00) per hour shall be paid. This provision shall not apply to employees hired on or after July

1, 1986.

C. SPECIALTY CLASSIFICATIONS. Each Pharmacy Service Associate, Photo Lab Supervisor,

Shift Supervisor B, Coordinator and Beauty Advisor, as defined in Article 2-B-3-g and h, who is

primarily and regularly responsible for such activity, will be compensated in accordance with Appendix

A Wages-Position Premiums.


1. Daily/Weekly Overtime. All work performed in excess of the regular day’s work of

eight (8) straight-time hours in any one (1) day, or in excess of the regular forty (40) straight-time hours

in any one (1) regular workweek, or thirty-two (32) straight-time hours in any holiday week exclusive

of work on the holiday, shall be deemed overtime and paid for at the overtime rate of time and one-half

(1½) the employee’s regular straight-time rate of pay, or at a higher premium rate, if such is applicable.

2. Sixth Day Overtime/Full-Time. Time and one-half (1½) shall be paid to a full-time

employee who works on said sixth (6th) day in a workweek, provided the employee completes the

scheduled workweek.

3. Seventh Consecutive Day Overtime/Full-Time. When a five (5) day, full-time employee

is scheduled to work more than six (6) consecutive days in any combination of workweeks, said

employee shall receive time and one-half (1½) (or such higher premium as may apply) for all time

worked after the sixth (6th) consecutive day, until such time as the consecutive days of work have been

interrupted by a prescheduled day off. The above shall not apply to regularly scheduled six (6) day

employees, provided that overtime or premium rates are paid where applicable. The sixth (6th) day of

work within one (1) workweek, whether prescheduled or not, shall act as an interruption in the continuity

of consecutive days worked. Where the application of this sixth (6th) day provision would interfere with

the rotation of days off, overtime shall be paid after the seventh (7th) consecutive day. This paragraph

shall not apply when the seventh (7th) consecutive day is necessary to accommodate the employee’s

written request for specific days off.


4. Predesignated Day Off Overtime/Full-Time. Time and one-half (1½) pay shall be paid

to a full-time employee for work on the employee’s predesignated day off as established in the work


5. Sixth Day Overtime/Part-Time. Part-time employees shall be paid time and one-half

(1½), or such premium rate as may apply, for all work performed on the sixth (6th) day of work as such,

in any regular workweek, or on the fifth (5th) day of work in any week in which a holiday falls, excluding

the holiday, as provided in this contract, except that this Paragraph shall not apply when a part-time

employee desires, in writing, additional work, including work on a sixth (6th) workday and the Employer

accommodates said employee. If the Union becomes aware of abuse it reserves the right to revoke the

option at any location(s) after first covering the Steps 1 and 2 of the grievance procedure contained in

Article 16.

6. Early/Late Meal Periods. Eight (8) hour employees who are required to work less than

three (3) hours before commencing their meal period shall receive overtime pay for the time between

the start of the meal period and the three (3) hour mark. An eight (8) hour employee who is required to

work in excess of five (5) hours without a meal period shall receive overtime pay from the end of the

fifth (5th) hour until the meal period commences.

7. Overtime Basis. The overtime rate for employees who receive a wage scale in excess of

the rates in this contract shall be based on said employee’s actual rate of pay.

8. Nonpyramiding. The following are penalty rates: overtime rates, premium rates (night

and Sunday), and holiday rates. No penalty rate of any kind shall be pyramided or paid in addition to

any other penalty rates, and only the single highest applicable penalty rate shall be paid for any given

hour of work.

E. PAY PERIOD AND WAGE STATEMENT. All employees shall be paid on a weekly or

biweekly basis. The Employer shall designate a payday not to exceed six (6) days following the

completion of the applicable pay period, and employees must be paid on that day. The Employer agrees

to furnish each employee with a weekly itemized wage statement showing the name of the employee,

period covered, straight-time and overtime or premium hours worked, total amount of straight-time,

overtime and premium wages paid, the hourly rate of pay and for apprentices the accumulated hours

worked to date, and all deductions made. An employee scheduled off on a payday shall be paid on the

employee’s last scheduled working day before the payday, if checks are available.

It is understood and agreed that the Employer contemplates changing the method of payment to

employees from the present weekly method to a biweekly method of payment. The Union agrees that

such a method of payment will be permissible during the term of this Agreement so long as the Employer

gives the Union and the employees no less than six (6) weeks’ notice in writing.


1. Daily Records. The Employer shall furnish forms, either timecards or other time records,

on which the employee shall be required daily to record time worked on each day. Such daily record

shall be verified by the Employer and employee at least weekly.

2. Collusion or Coercion. In the event of falsification of time records through collusion or

coercion, where it is established that both the employee and the Employer had knowledge of such

falsification, the employee shall be paid for all time worked, by check mailed to the Union.


G. TRAVEL TIME PAY. Whenever an employee is required by the Employer to change from one

store to another during the same day, all time consumed by said employee in going either to or from

one store to another shall be considered and paid for as part of the employee’s regular duties.

H. INJURY ON THE JOB. When an employee is injured on the job, there shall be no deduction

from the employee’s pay for the day in which the employee was injured and reported for medical care.

When such employee returns to work following the injury, and is certified as ready and able to perform

all regular duties, but requires medical treatment as a result of the same injury, the Employer shall adjust

the work schedules without penalty to the employee, to provide both the time for medical care and the

number of hours of work for which the employee is regularly scheduled.


1. Required Appearance. Any employee served with a legal notice, citation or subpoena

which involves any facet of the Employer’s operation, or which may require the employee to appear in

legal proceedings during scheduled work time, shall immediately inform the Employer of such service.

2. Requested Appearance. Employees shall be paid as time worked under the terms of this

Agreement for time spent at appearances in legal proceedings at the request of the Employer.

3. Work Related Appearance. In addition, employees shall be paid as time worked under

this contract for time spent at appearances or required standby in legal proceedings under subpoena

issued by the court when the event, or events, giving rise to the issuance of the subpoena occurred while

the employee was on duty working for the Employer, and so long as the Employer is not a party

defendant or respondent in such proceeding, and no relief of any kind is sought against the Employer

nor the imposition of any penalty or punishment upon the Employer.

4. Former employees who at the time of the legal appearance are no longer employed by

the Employer, shall be paid by such Employer at the rate of straight time for the time spent at the legal

appearance, with a minimum guarantee of four (4) hours per day. In no sense is it to be construed that

the former employee becomes an employee as a result of such payment.


1. Store Meetings/Employer Meetings. No store and/or Employer meetings shall be held

as to conflict with the regular meetings of the Union, and upon three (3) days’ notice to the Employer

of a special meeting, the Employer agrees to hold no store meetings in conflict therewith. Time spent

at store meetings shall be considered as time worked and paid for in accordance with this Agreement,

but shall not constitute hours worked with respect to overtime provisions of Article 7-D-2, 3, 4 and 5 or

any other premium pay and report-in pay provisions of Article 6-C-1, 2 and 3 for the first (1st) four (4)

store meetings held in each calendar year. The Employer will consider reasonable excuses by

employees for not attending a meeting on their scheduled day off.

2. Vendor Meetings. If the Employer requests an employee to attend a meeting of any

vendor, the Employer shall pay the employee as time worked.

K. AUTO ALLOWANCE. Personnel who travel in behalf of the Employer and who are members

of the bargaining unit shall receive all improvements in auto allowance for other personnel who travel

for the Employer, but no less than the amount they are presently receiving.


L. TRAINING SCHOOL FEES. Where, as a condition of employment, the Employer requires

attendance at a school or training establishment, and where a fee is charged for such instruction or

training, the fee shall be borne by the Employer.

M. BOND FEES. Whenever the Employer requires the bonding of any employee or the carrying

of any insurance for the indemnification of the Employer, the premiums for the same shall be paid for

by the Employer. Should an employee be refused bond by a bonding company, after the first (1st) thirty

(30) days of employment, the Employer agrees to make a reasonable effort to secure a bond in an

appropriate case without added cost to the Employer.

N. REQUIRED HEALTH EXAM FEES. The Employer shall pay the cost for any city, county or

state health examination required of employees who are covered by this Agreement.

O. NO REDUCTION IN RATES. It is further agreed that no employee shall suffer any reduction

in rates or general working conditions by reason of the signing of this Agreement. No employee

receiving hourly rates in excess of the rates herein shall be replaced by another employee at a lesser

hourly rate for the purpose of avoiding any of the provisions of this Agreement.

P. WAGE/PRICE CONTROLS. If by Presidential decree or legislative enactment, wage and price

controls are instituted which cause any provisions of this Agreement to affect either of the parties

adversely, such provisions may be reopened for negotiations. The party adversely affected must give

fifteen (15) days’ written notice to the other party in order to so reopen this Agreement. Any issues

unresolved as a result of such reopening may be submitted to final and binding arbitration by either

party under the procedures set forth in Article 16.

Q. CHARITY. The Employer shall not conduct or handle any campaign or drive for charitable

purposes among the employees except where the cooperation and contributions of the employees are




1. One Year. All full-time employees who have been continuously employed by the

Employer for one (1) year shall receive one (1) weeks’ vacation with full pay.

2. Two Years. All full-time employees who have been continuously employed by the

Employer for two (2) years shall receive two (2) weeks’ vacation with full pay.

3. Five Years. All full-time employees who have been continuously employed by the

Employer for five (5) years shall receive three (3) weeks’ vacation with full pay.

4. Fifteen Years. All full-time employees who have been continuously employed by the

Employer for fifteen (15) years shall receive four (4) weeks’ vacation with full pay.

5. Twenty Years. All full-time employees who have been continuously employed by the

Employer for twenty (20) years shall receive five (5) weeks’ vacation with full pay.


6. Continuous Employment Defined. Continuous employment for the purpose of this

Article shall be measured from the last date of hire with the Employer. However, where there has been

continuous leave of absence in excess of one (1) year, the period of continuous employment shall be

reduced by the number of full years of such absence. When a first (1st) contract is signed, the period of

employment for vacation eligibility shall be measured from the last date of hire with the Employer.


1. Full-Time Vacation Pay. The term “full pay” shall be defined as forty (40) hours’ pay

at the employee’s straight-time hourly rate which was in effect at the time the vacation became due on

the employee’s anniversary date provided, however, that if the Employer does not pay the vacation pay

on the anniversary date, the payment of vacation pay shall be based on straight-time hourly rate of pay

in effect at the time the employee takes the vacation.

Absence from work up to seven (7) weeks or 280 (two hundred eighty) straight-time

hours within the period of fifty-two (52) consecutive weeks, immediately preceding the employee’s

anniversary date, due to sickness, injury or temporary layoff, or other bona fide emergencies, shall be

considered as time worked for the purpose of determining eligibility for full vacation pay. In the event

that an employee is absent from work in excess of seven (7) weeks, as set forth above, whatever vacation

pay the employee is entitled to shall be prorated according to the ratio that the straight-time hours

actually worked bear to 2,080 (two thousand eighty) hours. Hours worked shall include paid holidays,

paid vacations and paid jury duty.

2. Part-Time Vacation Pay. Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation pay on each

anniversary date of their employment, prorated on the basis of the average straight-time hours worked

during the preceding year, according to the vacation formula set forth in this Article 8-A. Said vacation

pay shall be based on the straight-time hourly rate in effect on the employee’s anniversary date provided,

however, that if the Employer does not pay the vacation pay on the anniversary date, the payment shall

be based on the straight-time hourly rate of pay in effect at the time the employee takes the vacation.

3. Payment Date. Employees receive vacation pay at the time the vacation is taken. If the

employee wishes to be paid in advance of their vacation, the employee may request payment for their

vacation two (2) weeks prior to their vacation week. The payment of an employee’s vacation pay shall

be by separate check or computed at the same tax rate schedule as the computation of regular wages per

week. Termination vacation pay is due in accordance with California State Law.

4. At Termination.

a. General. Upon termination of employment for any reason other than discharge

for proven or admitted dishonesty, an employee shall receive whatever vacation pay is due, prorated on

the basis of the number of straight-time hours worked, provided that the employee has been in the

continuous employ of the Employer for six (6) months or longer. Said vacation pay shall be prorated

according to the ratio that the straight-time hours actually worked bear to 2,080 (two thousand eighty)

hours. Employees terminated for proven or admitted dishonesty shall forfeit all vacation pay.

b. After 6 Months. Employees whose employment is terminated, and who have

been in the continuous employ of the Employer more than six (6) months, but less than one (1) year,

shall not be entitled to such pro rata pay where termination of employment is due to a discharge or to a

voluntary quit, but shall receive prorated vacation only where termination of employment is due to a



c. After 12 Months. Any employee who has been in the employ of the same

Employer for twelve (12) consecutive calendar months, but not to exceed eighteen (18) consecutive

calendar months, shall upon termination of employment be entitled to receive a pro rata of the earned

vacation on the basis of one (1) workweek consisting of forty (40) hours at straight-time pay for all

months for which no vacation has been paid.

d. After 18 Months. When an employee has been in the employ of the same

Employer in excess of eighteen (18) consecutive calendar months, the employee shall receive upon

termination, a pro rata of accrued vacation pay on the basis of eighty (80) hours at straight-time pay for

all months for which no vacation has been paid, but in no event shall vacation pay for the first (1st)

year’s employment exceed one (1) week’s pay. It is further provided that employees who voluntarily

quit after eighteen (18) consecutive calendar months of employment with the same Employer, and prior

to two (2) years’ employment with the same Employer, shall receive pro rata of accrued vacation pay

on the basis of forty (40) hours at the straight-time rate of pay.

e. After 5 Years. An employee who has been in the employ of the same Employer

for five (5) years or more shall, upon termination, receive accrued vacation pay on the basis of three (3)

weeks per year for all time in excess of five (5) years for which no vacation pay has been received.

f. After 15 Years. An employee who has been in the employ of the same Employer

for fifteen (15) years or more shall, upon termination, receive accrued vacation pay on the basis of four

(4) weeks per year for all time in excess of fifteen (15) years for which no vacation pay has been


g. After 20 Years. An employee who has been in the employ of the same Employer

for twenty (20) years or more shall, upon termination, receive accrued vacation pay on the basis of five

(5) weeks per year for all time in excess of twenty (20) years for which no vacation pay has been


5. No Carryover. Vacation may not be waived by an employee, nor may extra pay be

received for work during that period; provided, however, that by prior mutual agreement between the

Employer, the employee and the Union, this provision may be waived.

C. INDUSTRY VACATION. Additional vacation pay based on industry experience shall be

provided in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Fund set forth in Article 14. Said additional

vacation pay shall be paid to the employee by the Trust Fund. Any employee entitled to vacation pay

as herein provided shall not suffer any loss of credits for health and welfare benefits or pension benefits

that are provided under Article 14 of this Agreement.


1. Posting/Selection/Scheduling. The Employer shall prepare and post in each store a

vacation schedule not later than January 15th of each year and such vacation schedule shall remain

posted until March 1st for the purpose of enabling the employees to select their vacation period.

Vacation periods shall be fixed by the Employer to suit the requirements of the business, but as far as

possible and practicable, vacations will be given during the summer months (through October if

requested by the employee), and for employees with school-age children during the school summer

vacation. In scheduling a vacation of an employee, the Employer shall give as much notice as possible

prior to the date of beginning the vacation but not less than thirty (30) days. Vacation period shall be

unbroken except by mutual consent between Employer and employee.


Vacation periods other than those listed above may be applied for to management and

full consideration will be given to grant the request unless it has an adverse effect on the Employer’s


The Employer shall be required to give vacation time off based on the number of weeks

of vacation due the employee from the Employer and from the vacation trust fund. Within the limits

set forth in this Paragraph, vacations shall be scheduled by seniority.

2. No Accumulation. Vacations may not be cumulative from one (1) year to another.

3. Holiday During Vacation. If a holiday named under Article 9 of this Agreement falls

within the vacation period of an employee, the employee shall be granted an additional day of vacation

with full pay, or an additional day’s pay in lieu of the holiday. The additional day of vacation shall be

counted as a day worked for the purpose of weekly overtime computation during the week in which the

employee returns to work.



1. Eligibility. The following days shall be holidays (although the Employer may be open

for business on any or all of them notwithstanding Paragraph 2 below) and granted without reduction

in pay except during the first six (6) months of their employment, employees shall not be entitled to pay

for time not worked on the holiday, or to overtime for the first (1st) eight (8) hours on the fifth (5th) day

of such week.

New Year’s Day Christmas Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day Three (3) Personal Holidays

Thanksgiving Day

Employees shall be eligible for personal holidays in accordance with the schedule below:

(a) An employee, who completes 1 year of employment shall be eligible for a personal holiday that shall be taken any time during the remainder of the year except for the month of


(b) An employee, who completes 2 years of employment shall be eligible for 2 personal holidays that shall be taken any time during the remainder of the year except for the month of


(c) An employee, who completes 3 years of employment shall be eligible for 3 personal holidays that shall be taken any time during the remainder of the year except for the month of


(d) Effective January 1st each year, employees who have completed three or more years of service as of that date shall be eligible for 3 personal holidays that shall be taken any time

during the calendar year except for the month of December.


Personal holidays are expected to be scheduled and taken. Each employee shall

give the Employer no less than 2 weeks’ advance notice of the date on which he wishes to observe his

personal holidays. Personal holidays may not be celebrated in the month of December. In the event an

employee is unable to schedule and take a personal holiday(s), the pay for that holiday(s) will be paid

in December each year.

Any unused personal holiday pay, will be paid upon termination.

No employee shall receive pay for any holidays not worked unless such employee has

reported for work on the regular working day next preceding and next following said holiday.

Employees shall be deemed to have reported for work if absence on said day before and said day after

said holiday is due to express permission from or action of the Employer, provided the employee has

worked during the holiday week, except that if the employee is absent during the entire holiday week

due to illness or injury, then the employee must have worked at least one (1) day during the week

immediately preceding the holiday week in order to be entitled to holiday pay.

2. All contractual holidays shall be observed on the holiday itself.


1. Worked Holiday Rate. Work as such on a holiday shall be compensated for at two and

one-half (2½) times the straight-time hourly rate of pay for all hours worked after an employee’s first

(1st) six (6) months of employment. Said two and one-half (2½) times shall include any premium pay

or overtime that may be applicable, and includes pay for the holiday itself.

2. Full-Time Holiday Week Pay and Schedule. A regular holiday workweek shall consist

of the holiday itself and four (4) other eight (8) hour days. All full-time employees shall receive forty

(40) hours of straight-time pay for thirty-two (32) straight-time hours of work excluding the holiday. A

full-time employee, not working on a holiday, shall receive eight (8) hours’ pay for the holiday, in

addition to the pay specified in this Agreement for the other four (4) days referred to above. All time

worked over the thirty-two (32) hours, exclusive of the holiday, shall be paid for at the rate of time and

one-half (1½) the employee’s regular rate of pay.


The following hypothetical examples accurately reflect the intention of the parties set

forth above with respect to employees after one (1) year of employment.

Hours of

Total Pay at

(Holiday) Hours Straight

Su M Tu W Th F Sa Worked Time

Example #1

Hrs. wkd. 0 0 8 8 8 8 0 32

Pay for 0 8 8 8 8 8 0 40

Example #2

Hrs. wkd. 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 40

Pay for 0 8 8 8 8 8 12 52

Example #3

Hrs. wkd. 0 8 8 8 8 8 0 40

Pay for 0 20 8 8 8 8 0 52

Example #4

Hrs. wkd. 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 48

Pay for 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 64

Example #5

Hrs. wkd. 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 48

Pay for 0 20 8 8 8 8 12 64

Example #6

Hrs. wkd. 0 4 8 8 8 8 0 36

Pay for 0 14 8 8 8 8 0 46

Example #7

Hrs. wkd. 0 4 8 8 8 8 8 44

Pay for 0 14 8 8 8 8 12 58

Example #8

Hrs. wkd. 0 9 8 8 0 8 8 41

Pay for 0 22½ 8 8 0 8 8 54½

3. Part-Time Holiday Pay. Part-time employees with six (6) months or more continuous

service with the Employer shall receive holiday pay of five (5) hours if they do not work on the holiday.

All hours worked on the holiday will be paid in accordance with Article 9.B.1. If the Employer’s

accounting period consists of less than four (4) weeks, the Employer and Union shall discuss said

developments for the purpose of this Article.

C. VOLUNTARY HOLIDAY CLOSING. When the Employer voluntarily closes the store to the

public because of any commemoration day or celebration day, or on any holiday other than those set

forth in Paragraph A, above, it is agreed that the employees shall suffer no reduction in straight-time

weekly earnings on account of such closing.


A. Eligibility. All employees covered by this Agreement who have been continuously employed

by the Employer for a period of at least one year shall be entitled to forty-eight (48) hours of sick leave

with pay, and on each anniversary date of employment thereafter they shall be entitled to forty-eight

(48) hours of paid sick leave (subject to Paragraph 10(F) of this Article). Sick leave shall be payable


only for bona fide illness or injury beginning with the first (1st) working day’s absence. Any working

day on which an employee works more than four (4) hours shall not be considered the first (1st) day of


B. Pro Rata. Part-time employees, and full-time employees who failed to work the full year, shall

be entitled to sick leave on the basis set forth above on a pro rata of total hours worked or paid for during

the year preceding the anniversary date as a ratio to two thousand eighty (2,080) hours.

C. California Health Families Act of 2014. The Company will comply with the California Health

Families Act of 2014.

D. Supplementary Disability Benefits. Supplementary Disability Benefits will be provided in

accordance with provisions of Article 14 hereof. The Company will comply with the California Health

Families Act of 2014.

E. Sick Leave Integration. Sick leave pay shall be integrated with the Supplementary Disability

Benefits provided under the Trust Fund and California Disability Insurance or California Workers’

Compensation Temporary Disability Benefits, or both, so that the sum of the sick leave pay hereunder,

and the aforesaid State disability daily benefits which may be payable to an employee shall not exceed

one hundred percent (100%) of the employee’s daily wage at straight time. If the sick leave pay

allowable to an employee hereunder when so combined with any such Supplementary Disability

Benefits from the Trust Fund and California Disability Insurance or California Workers’ Compensation

Temporary Disability Benefits, or both, exceeds one hundred percent (100%) of the employee’s daily

wage at straight time for any one (1) day, then such sick leave pay for that day shall be reduced

accordingly. Any portion of the day’s sick leave pay not received by the employee by reason of any

such reduction shall be retained as part of the accumulated sick leave pay credit subject to the provisions

of Paragraph 10 (F), Unused Sick Leave Pay, of this Article.

F. Sick Pay Defined. For the purpose of this Paragraph sick pay shall mean pay at the employee’s

regular classification rate for those days and hours which the employee would have worked had the

disability not occurred, calculated at straight time.

G. Unused Sick Leave Pay. Commencing with the employee’s second (2nd) and succeeding

anniversary dates of employment, any sick leave not utilized by the employee during the anniversary

year shall accumulate to a maximum of two hundred forty (240) hours. Earned sick leave hours in

excess of two hundred forty (240) will be paid out annually on the employee’s anniversary date. All

accumulated sick leave shall be available for use by employees who are unable to work because of

illness or injury as specified in Paragraph 10 (A) of this Article. Employees who retire from the

company will receive a payout of all accumulated sick leave hours.

For purposes of this Article in regard to the payment of unused sick leave pay, “retirement” shall

apply to an associate who is at least 50 years old, has at least 5 years of continuous service with the

Employer, immediately qualifies for a pension under the Southern California UFCW and Drug

Employers Pension Plan and advises the Employer, in writing, at least 14 days in advance, that the

employee is retiring.

For stores that become represented by the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining and

recognized by the Company as such and covered by this Agreement after December 31, 2012, in

accordance with Article 10(B), employees will be credited with sick leave based on the following


formula: forty-eight (48) hours for the employee’s anniversary year in which the store is covered by this

Agreement minus sick hours taken in the same anniversary year. For example, an employee who used

twenty-four hours of sick leave during the anniversary year would have twenty-four (24) hours

remaining in sick leave bank.


Leave for all employees shall be provided because of death of a member of the employee’s immediate

family provided, however, that employees shall not be entitled to bereavement pay during their

probationary period, but will be given up to three (3) days off without pay. Pay for such leave shall be

at the straight-time rate for the hours scheduled for each workday lost because of such absence to a

maximum of three (3) calendar days within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days beginning with the

day of death. Verification of time required for such paid leave shall be supplied to the Employer by the

employee, if requested. Immediate family shall be defined as the employee’s spouse, child, mother,

father, stepparent, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, stepchild, legal

guardian, domestic partner, or other relative living in the employee’s home.


When a full-time employee is required to be in any court or courthouse for jury service the full-time

employee shall be scheduled for a day shift from the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on each day that

the full-time employee is scheduled for jury service, and on a Monday-through-Friday workweek and

shall receive pay during such workweek for each day on such jury service at the rate of eight (8) hours

times his straight-time hourly rate. A full-time employee shall be entitled to receive jury duty benefits

after the probationary period of employment.

If such full-time employee in addition works for the Employer on Saturday, the full-time employee shall

be paid at the rate of straight time. If the full-time employee works for the Employer on Sunday, the

full-time employee shall be paid at the Sunday rate of pay.

If a full-time employee is excused, temporarily or permanently from jury service on any scheduled day,

i.e., Monday through Friday, the full-time employee shall immediately report for work to complete the

remaining hours of the scheduled work shift. Failure to so report shall disqualify a full-time employee

from any pay for jury duty for the day in question as long as the transportation time will permit the full-

time employee to return to work prior to one (1) hour before the end of the shift.

When a non-probationary, part-time employee is required to report for jury service and such service

deprives the employee of pay he otherwise would have earned during the workweek, he shall be paid

lost pay based on his average hours worked in the four (4) weeks immediately preceding the first (1st)

week of jury service less any compensation received by him for such jury service. Hours paid for jury

service will be counted as hours worked toward the minimum weekly hour guarantee. No part-time

employee will be required to work on a day in which they have served jury duty.

The Employer may require proof of attendance for jury service. A non-probationary employee must

report immediately that he or she has been called for jury service and shall cooperate with the Employer

in securing release from such service as appropriate in the circumstances then existing and with regard

to the work performed by the individual concerned.


A non-probationary employee shall be eligible for jury duty pay for a maximum of thirty (30) days only

during the life of this Agreement. Jury duty pay shall not be required for Grand Jury service. In the

event a non-probationary employee is called for a second (2nd) tour of duty during the term of this

Agreement, the Employer shall join the non-probationary employee in seeking the non-probationary

employee’s excuse from service if such service would cause a financial hardship to the non-probationary



A. EMERGENCY LEAVE. Non-probationary employees may take an automatic emergency leave

of absence not to exceed two (2) weeks in the event of certified, serious illness or injury of the employee,

or serious illness, injury or death in the employee’s immediate family without prior notice; provided

that the employee makes every reasonable effort to notify the Store Manager, or in his or her absence,

notice to the Assistant Store Manager within twenty-four (24) hours of the commencement of said leave.

Said two (2) weeks automatic emergency leave of absence shall be a part of the time limits set forth in

Paragraph B below.

B. AUTHORIZED LEAVE. Employees with six (6) months seniority shall be entitled to leaves of

absence for the following reasons provided they submit required paperwork to the Company Leave of

Absence Department up to the following maximum periods:

1. Death in Family. Death in the employee’s immediate family or other personal reasons

deemed sufficient by the Employer up to a three (3) month period, except when covered by Paragraph

4 below. (Family Care Leave of Absence)

2. Illness/Injury. Certified illness, injury, or pregnancy of the employee requiring absence

from work up to six (6) months renewable for up to an additional six (6) month period.

3. Workers’ Compensation. In absences covered by Workers’ Compensation, the

employee’s leave of absence shall be continuous until such time as the employee has been released from

his period of temporary disability and is available and qualified for work, provided, however, such leave

of absence shall not exceed fifteen (15) months.

4. Family Care Leave of Absence. Any employee with at least six (6) months of continuous

service, shall be eligible to receive a family care leave of absence without pay. The employee may be

eligible for up to four (4) months of leave for the following reasons: the birth of an employee’s child;

the adoption and placement of a child with the employee; the serious health condition or death of the

employee’s spouse, domestic partner, child, step-child, parent, step-parent, sister or brother; or of the

mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, legal guardian or other relative by blood or

marriage, provided that such person resides in the same household as the employee; or due to a

“qualifying exigency” for military operations arising out of a spouse’s, child’s or parent’s Armed Forces

(including the National Guard and Reserves) active duty or call to active duty in support of a

“contingency operation”, as these terms are defined by the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 and its

amendments (“FMLA”). The employee may be eligible for up to twenty six (26) weeks of leave in a

twelve (12) month period to care for a spouse, child, parent or next of kin (nearest blood relative of an

individual) who is an Armed Forces member with a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty

while on active duty that may render the individual medically unfit to perform his/her military duties,

as those terms are defined by the FMLA.


The leave of absence may be taken in one (1) or more periods of at least one (1) payroll

week each [not to exceed a total of four (4) months] within a twenty-four (24) month period from the

date the leave began, unless otherwise agreed upon by the employee and the Employer. When combined

with a maximum pregnancy-related disability leave, a family care leave would be limited to one (1)

additional month.

Leaves may not be granted to both parents of a child at the same time [or at a time when

one (1) parent is unemployed] or may be limited to a four (4) month period between both parents.

The Employer may deny a request for family care leave if the leave would cause undue

hardship to the Employer.

In cases where the leave is foreseeable, employees must provide the Employer with

reasonable advance notice. The Employer can require employees to schedule family care leave so as to

minimize disruption of its operations, provided the need for family care leave is foreseeable and the

health care provider approves the schedule.

Before approving a leave request, the Employer may request a certificate from a health

care provider containing the following information:

a. The date the serious health condition began.

b. Probable length of the condition.

c. A time estimate from the health care provider on how long the employee needs

to care for the individual. (The Employer may request re-certification upon expiration of the time

estimate provided by the health care provider.)

d. A statement that the serious health condition requires a family member to provide

care to the individual.

Family care leaves must be requested in writing by the employee on available Employer

forms and approved by the Human Resource Manager prior to the beginning of the leave period.

An approved family care leave of absence and return to active employment permits the

employee to retain his employment date and continuous service date. An employee returning from an

approved leave of absence will receive the same or comparable position as he had prior to the leave.

C. UNION BUSINESS. An employee in good standing with the Employer, whose acceptance of

employment with the Union takes him from his employment with the Employer, shall, upon written

request to the Employer by the Union, receive a leave of absence for the period of his service with the

Union, of not less than thirty (30) days, nor more than six (6) months. A Union’s request for such a

leave of absence, and for the return of an employee to work at the conclusion of such a leave, shall each

be served upon the involved Employer, in writing, a minimum of four (4) calendar weeks immediately

preceding the date of the proposed commencement of the requested leave and the proposed return to

work respectively. Not more than one (1) employee shall be given such a leave from the same store

during the same period of time, nor shall more than seven (7) employees in the Company be on such a

leave at one (1) time. An eligible employee shall not be granted more than one such leave of absence

during the term of this Agreement, nor shall such a leave of absence be granted the employee, who, at


the time of his request for such leave of absence, is on a leave of absence from the Employer for any

other reason. Upon his return, he shall be reemployed at work similar to that in which he was engaged

immediately prior to his leave of absence in accordance with Article 13, Section E. During the period

of the authorized leave of absence, the Union shall be obligated to make Trust Fund contributions on

behalf of the involved employee. An employee granted a union business leave shall not engage in any

union activity involving his or her Employer.

D. LEAVES IN WRITING. All leaves of absence shall be in writing and copies shall be given the

Union and the employee.

E. REINSTATEMENT AFTER A LEAVE. Upon a return from a leave of absence the employee

shall be restored to the job and location the employee left. If this is impractical, the employee shall be

restored to as comparable a job as possible, or to a store which is as close to the person’s home as

geographically possible within the travel limitations. In said event, if the employee desires to work at

his original store after reinstatement at another store, he shall submit a written transfer request to the

Store Manager of his original store or shall have the right to claim an open position or the position of a

probationary employee in the original store.

F. EMPLOYMENT DURING LEAVE. If an employee works for remuneration during a leave of

absence, without receiving written permission from both the Employer and the Union, the employee

shall be considered a quit.

G. TERMINATION AFTER A LEAVE. Any employee on a leave of absence who fails to return

to work at the expiration of said leave, shall be automatically terminated by the Employer and shall then

forfeit all vacation pay and sick leave pay owed under the contract. However, this forfeiture shall not

arise if the employee gives written notice, prior to the end of the leave, to the Employer of the

employee’s decision not to return to work.



The provisions of this Section I shall apply only to those stores whose employees were represented by

the Union for purposes of collective bargaining and recognized by the Company as such, either as the

result of an NLRB certification or a written grant of recognition, as of December 31, 2012, and were

covered by this Agreement as of December 31, 2012. To eliminate any doubt as to the identity of such

stores, they are all listed on Appendix F attached to this Agreement and incorporated herein.

The provisions of this Section I shall not apply to employees in any other stores that hereafter become

represented by the Union for purposes of collective bargaining and recognized by the Company as such,

and covered by this Agreement. All employees in any other stores that hereafter become represented

by the Union for purposes of collective bargaining and recognized by the Company as such, and covered

by this Agreement, shall be eligible only for the benefits described in Section II of this Article. Under

no circumstances shall any of the provisions of this Section I apply to such newly covered employees,

including without limitation the provisions of subsection C (RESOLTION OF DIFFERENCES) and

subsection D(2) (Audits/Collections).



1. The existing Health and Welfare Trust Fund known as the Southern California Drug

Benefit Fund (hereinafter “Benefit Fund”) shall be continued, as modified herein.

2. Benefits and Eligibility. The Trustees are instructed to continue the benefits and

eligibility rules in effect as of July 1, 2017, for the duration of this Agreement.

The Trustees may maintain other plan options for other employers provided that the

employers whose employees participate in such plans contribute at the rate established by the Trustees

that will fund that plan and maintain the reserve required by Paragraph 3 below.

Retirees and their dependents, whether retired before or after August 8, 2004, are not

vested in the Benefits provided by the Benefit Fund. There is no obligation on the Employer to continue

to contribute or on the Trust Fund to continue to provide retiree benefits after the expiration of this

Agreement unless a successor agreement provides for continuation of such coverage.

3. Contributions and Reserves.

a. Maintenance of Benefits Contributions. As of July 1, 2017, the Employer

shall contribute $5.7740 per hour for the Platinum Plan and $4.3305 per hour for the Gold Plan. The

Trustees of the Benefit Fund shall adjust these Employer contribution rates as necessary to maintain

throughout the duration of this Agreement the benefits and eligibility rules as in effect on July 1, 2017,

and maintain the Reserves required in Paragraph 3 b.

b. Reserves. If the projected reserves exceed three (3) months during the last

year of the contract, the trustees shall take action to temporarily reduce contributions (so as to achieve

the three (3) month reserve target at the end of the contract). Notwithstanding any other provision of

this agreement, the contribution for the last month of the contract shall be equal to no less than the

current cost of the plan.

c. Cost Containment. The Benefit Fund Trustees are directed to explore all

reasonable methods of cost containment to minimize the Employer contribution obligations under the

contract. In the event Medicare becomes secondary in the application of the retiree benefit plan, the

Trustees will take immediate and remedial action to protect the financial integrity of the Plan.

4. Other Benefit Plans. It is understood that the Employer retains any existing rights which

he may have, in his exclusive discretion, to alter, amend, cancel, or terminate any existing employee

benefit plan or plans or part thereof.

5. Excluded Employees. Employees excluded from the bargaining unit who work for an

Employer signatory to this Agreement may participate in any of the foregoing benefits under rules and

regulations established by the Trustees. The contributions required for such benefits shall be determined

by the Trustees.

6. National Health and Welfare Coverage. In the event that there is passage of National

Health and Welfare legislation, the parties agree to reopen the agreement for negotiations, the sole

purpose of which shall be to negotiate language instituting prevention of duplicate costs for both the

Employer and the employees involved.


7. Amendments. The Trustees are directed to amend the Trust Agreement to be consistent

with the provisions of this Agreement The Trustees shall have the discretion in acting on claims for

benefits under the plan subject to review only in accordance with the arbitrary and capricious standard.


1. Trust Fund and Pension Plan. The Southern California UFCW and Drug Employers

Pension Fund (hereinafter “Pension Fund”) shall be continued for the life of this Agreement,

Contributions shall be made to the Pension Fund as set forth below and shall be for the sole purpose of

providing pensions for eligible employees as defined in the Pension Plan employed in stores under

contract as of December 31, 2012.

2. Reciprocity. The Trustees are authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements with the

Trustees of the other Retail Clerks Unions or UFCW and Retail Employer trust funds to provide for the

transfer or preservation of credited service of employees working under the coverage of the Pension

Fund and any such other trust.

3. Contributions.

a. The contributions credited for a given fiscal year shall be for hours worked in the

twelve month period beginning August and ending July of the following year. For example,

contributions for the 2008 fiscal year shall be contributions due for work months August 2008 through

July 2009.

b. For the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2017, the Employer shall

contribute the base contribution rate of forty-eight and one-half cents ($0.485) per hour. Additional

contributions shall be paid as provided below in B.3.d.

c. To comply with the Pension Protection Act (PPA), the Pension Plan actuary shall

provide a certification to the Trustees on an annual basis within ninety (90) days of the start of each

plan year, starting in 2008, stating whether or not the Pension Plan is in endangered status or critical

status for the plan year. If the certification in any given year shows the Pension Plan to be either in

endangered or critical status for the plan year the Trustees shall develop a Funding Improvement or

Rehabilitation Plan, as required by PPA.

d. On March 30, 2012, the Pension Plan was certified by its actuary to be in critical

status for the plan year beginning January 1, 2012. In advance of the formal adoption of a Rehabilitation

Plan, the Trustees have approved the terms of a default schedule and two alternative schedules that they

have agreed to include in the Rehabilitation Plan. The schedules include revised benefit structures,

revised contribution structures, or both. One of these schedules, Alternative Schedule #2, provides for

no changes to pension benefits, continuation of the current employer contribution rate of forty-eight and

one-half cents ($0.485) per hour, additional Employer contributions of 3.9¢ ($0.039) per hour effective

January 1, 2013 (a total contribution of 52.4¢ ($.524) per hour), and additional contributions of 3.9¢

($0.039) per hour effective January 1 of each subsequent year during the Rehabilitation Period.

The Employer and the Union hereby adopt Alternative Schedule #2. It is acknowledged and

agreed that Alternative Schedule #2 requires increases to the Employer’s pension contribution rate on

January 1st of each and every year of the Agreement in the amount of 3.9¢ ($0.039) per hour, and that

it does not provide for changes to the plan of benefits. Pursuant to Alternative Schedule #2 the Employer


will contribute the following amounts, which amounts include the base contribution rate of forty-eight

and one-half cents ($0.485) per hour, for hours for which contributions are required as of each respective

Effective Date:

Effective Date Contribution Rate

January 1, 2017 $0.680

January 1, 2018 $0.719

January 1, 2019 $0.758

January 1, 2020 $0.797

January 1, 2021 $0.836

e.) Employers shall not pay any amount in excess of the maximum deductible

amount for the year in which contributions are paid by the Employer.

f.) As Alternative Schedule #2 applies to Rite Aid, Inc. and CVS Pharmacy, the

Trustees are directed to include only the Default Schedule and Alternative Schedule #2, in the

Rehabilitation Plan and are directed to require all other Employers to accept Alternative Schedule #2 as

a condition of participation in the Pension Fund. Alternative Schedule #2 may be designated the

“Preferred Schedule.”

g.) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employer and Union agree to be bound by

any changes in Employer contribution rates and/or benefit changes included in updates to the Preferred

Schedule of the Rehabilitation Plan adopted by the Board of Trustees during the term of this Agreement.

4. Other Pension Plan. It is understood that the Employer retains any existing rights which

he may have, in his exclusive discretion to alter, amend, cancel, or terminate any existing Employer

pension or profit sharing plan or plans or part thereof.

5. Laws and Regulations. The Trust Agreement and the benefits to be provided under the

Pension Plan referred to above and all acts pursuant to this Agreement, the Trust Agreement and the

Pension Plan shall conform in all respects to the requirements of the Treasury Department, Internal

Revenue Service, and to any other applicable state or federal laws and regulations. If any part of the

Pension Plan is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or an appropriate regulatory agency not

to be in accord with the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 or the

regulations pertaining to such Act or any amendments thereto, the Trustees are authorized to modify the

Pension Plan to conform with such Act or regulations.

6. Amending Agreement. The Trustees are directed to amend the Trust Agreement to be

consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. The Trustees shall have discretion in acting on claims

for benefits under the plan subject to review only in accordance with the arbitrary and capricious


7. Supplemental Benefits. The Trustees are to continue the current one hundred dollar

($100) bonus program as a general obligation of the Pension Trust for the term of the Agreement.

C. RESOLUTION OF DIFFERENCES. Differences between the Employer and the Union as to

the interpretation or application of the provisions of the Trust Agreement providing for the

establishment and maintenance of the Southern California Drug Benefit Fund and the Declaration of

Trust providing for establishment and maintenance of the Southern California UFCW and Drug


Employers Pension Fund, relating to employee benefits, shall not be subject to the grievance or

arbitration procedure established in this Agreement or any Collective Bargaining Agreement. All such

differences shall be resolved in the manner specified in the applicable Trust Agreement.


1. Payments. Payment of contributions by the Employer required to be made to the trusts

established under this Article 14 shall be made on or before the twentieth (20th) day of each month based

upon all straight-time hours worked or paid for not to exceed forty (40) hours in any one (1) week during

the preceding month by each employee covered by this Agreement. Such payments shall be

accompanied by a list of names of the employees for whom such contribution is made, showing the

number of hours worked or paid for as set forth above by each employee during the preceding month.

Time during vacation periods (including vacation pay upon termination), sick leave, jury duty,

bereavement leave and holiday absences which is paid for as provided for under this Agreement and all

work performed on Sundays and holidays, exclusive of daily or weekly overtime, shall be considered

as time worked, to which the provisions of this Article shall apply.

No fringe contributions shall be made on behalf of Christmas extra employees.

However, should they be employed on or after January 16, the Trust Fund shall credit them with all

hours worked for health and welfare purposes retroactive to the date of hire as a Christmas extra, but no

retroactive contribution shall be required from the Employer.

Contributions shall not be made for vacation payments made on the basis of industry

experience as set forth in Article 8-C and unused sick leave paid in accordance with Article 10-F. The

Employer, by payments of the amounts provided for in this Article, shall be relieved of any further

liability and shall not be required to make any further contributions to the cost of the benefits, either in

connection with the administration of the plans or otherwise. The last payment due under this

Agreement shall be made on or before the twentieth (20th) day of July 2021 for the month of June 2021

except as may be required under Paragraph A-3-b, above.

2. Audits/Collections. The Trustees are hereby authorized to institute periodic audits of

Employer’s contributions to ascertain whether such contributions have been and are being made, fully

and accurately.

If any such audit should disclose either an under-reporting or non-reporting of required

contributions, the Trustees, at their sole discretion, may assess all or a portion of the audit expenses

against such Employer, which the Employer hereby agrees to pay. The Trustees may add reasonable

interest charges to any unpaid contributions and such interest charges shall also be paid by the Employer.

If it should become necessary to institute legal action against a contributing Employer to

collect unpaid contributions, the Trustees, in their sole discretion, may assess all or a portion of

attorneys’ fees and court costs against the Employer, in addition to any audit expenses. The Employer

hereby agrees to pay such attorneys’ fees and court costs. The Trustees are authorized and directed to

establish a method to encourage regular and prompt payment by instituting the imposition of liquidated

damages to those Employers who are delinquent in their payments.

The Employer agrees to make all pertinent books and payroll records available to the

Trustees, or their agents, for their inspection in the conduct of any audit performed pursuant to this



E. BUSINESS EXPENSES. It is understood that the provisions of this Article are being entered

into upon the condition that the payments made by the Employer hereunder shall be deductible as

business expenses under the Internal Revenue Code as it presently exists or as it may be amended

subsequent to the date of this Agreement and under any similar applicable state revenue or tax laws.


1. Designation of Trustees.

a. Employer Trustees. For the Pension and Benefit Fund, the number of Employer

Trustees shall be four (4), Kaiser-Permanente Foundation, CVS Pharmacy, Thrifty PayLess Inc. d/b/a

Rite Aid, and Vons, a Safeway Company, each entitled to appoint a Trustee and his successors.

b. Union Trustees. For the Pension and Benefit Fund, the number of Union Trustees

shall be six (6), with Locals 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, and 1442, each entitled to appoint a Trustee and

his successors.

c. The Union Trustees and Employer Trustees shall have equal voting power.


1. The Employer and the Union hereby accept the terms of the existing Health and Welfare

Trust, and the Pension Trust Agreements. By this acceptance, the Employer agrees to and shall become

a party to both of said Trusts with the same force and effect as though the Employer had executed each

original Declaration of Trust.

2. Any amendments that from time to time may be made thereto, including the creation of

supplementary trusts to handle any of the funds referred to in this Agreement, shall be binding upon the


3. The Employer hereby specifically ratifies the appointment of Trustees made by the

Employers as set forth in Section F above, designates and appoints them or their successors, as his

Trustees, and authorizes them to act in such capacity. Successor Trustees shall be appointed by the

same parties as their predecessors.


The provisions of this Section II shall apply to those stores whose employees were not represented by

the Union for purposes of collective bargaining and recognized by the Company as such, either as the

result of an NLRB certification or a written grant of recognition, and covered by this Agreement, as of

December 31, 2012.

A. COMPANY MEDICAL BENEFITS. Eligible full-time employees, as defined in the Company

plan, will have the opportunity to participate in the Company insurance plans in the following areas:

Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, and provided with Flexible Spending Accounts for Medical and

Dental in accordance with the terms of the Employer’s benefit plan as it shall from time-to-time provide.


Part-time employees, as defined in the Company plan, are eligible for part-time health benefits

in accordance with the terms of the Employer’s benefit plan as it shall from time-to-time provide.

Part-time employees who convert to full-time status will qualify for full-time benefits the 1st of

the month after ninety (90) days after assignment to a full-time position.

Company Medical Plan Bonus

6/1/18 6/1/19 6/1/20

$35/pay period $35/pay period $42/pay period

B. COMPANY RETIREMENT BENEFITS. Bargaining unit employees will be eligible to receive

401(K) benefits in accordance with the terms of the Employer’s plan, as it shall from time-to-time


C. The Company shall have the right to make prospective changes to any of the benefits described

in Section II. The Company shall give written notice to the Union of any such changes. Such changes

will not be grievable or otherwise litigable; provided, that the Union shall have the right to grieve if the

Company makes a change to a benefit described in this Section II but fails to make the same change for

similarly situated non-bargaining unit employees in its California retail stores.


A. For an employee moving from a store covered by Section I of Article 14 to a store covered by

Section II of Article 14:

1. Immediately upon the employee leaving the Section I store, the Company shall have no

obligation to make any further contributions on behalf of the employee pursuant to Section I.

2. Immediately upon the employee leaving the Section I store, the employee shall have no

further rights to benefits pursuant to Section I, except for vested pension benefits and except as may be

required by COBRA or any other applicable federal or state health benefit law.

3. To the extent the employee is otherwise eligible for Section II benefits, the Company

will waive any applicable waiting periods so that the employee has Section II benefits immediately upon

working at the Section II store.

B. For an employee moving form a store covered by Section II of Article 14 to a store covered by

Section I of Article 14:

1. The Company’s obligation to make Section I contributions and the employee’s right to

Section I benefits shall be the same as for a new employee of the store.

2. To the extent there is a waiting period for Section I medical benefits, and if the employee

was participating in the Section II medical benefits plan at the prior store, the employee will continue

to participate in the Section II medical benefits plan and the Company will continue to pay its share of

the premium for such Section II medical benefits for the duration of the Section I waiting period.




The Employer and the Union agree not to discriminate against any employee on the basis of their age,

gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national

origin, veteran status, military status, disability, genetics or any other characteristic protected by federal,

state or local law.

B. UNIFORMS/NAME TAGS. The Employer shall furnish all required uniforms and, except

where the garment is of a drip-dry material, shall pay for the laundering and upkeep of same. The Union

members shall have the right to wear a Union button. Dress will be in accordance with reasonable and

appropriate standards of attire (no blue jeans) for retail employees.

Name tags shall not include the last names but may include the initial of the last name of the


C. RESTROOMS. Restroom facilities shall comply with requirements under applicable

regulations or laws.

D. WEIGHT LIMIT. No employee shall at any time be permitted or required to lift any item

weighing more than the limit allowed by law.

E. POLYGRAPH TEST. No employee or applicant for employment covered by this Agreement

shall be requested or required by any representative of the Employer to be the subject of a Polygraph

(lie detector) test for any reason whatsoever. The Employer agrees to refrain from any direct or indirect

action that violates this understanding.

F. SUBSTANCE ABUSE REHABILITATION. The Union and the Employer have established a

Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program set forth in Appendix E of this Agreement.

G. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and

assigns of the parties hereto. Should a bona fide sale or transfer of any store occur during the term of

this Agreement, the new owner or transferee shall be notified of the existence of this Agreement and

the terms and provisions of such Agreement and advised that the new owner or transferee be required

to be bound by all of its terms and provisions. Further, such new owner or transferee shall execute a

copy of this Agreement so that a record of such transfer may be maintained in the files of the parties.

All obligations of the selling owner pursuant to this Agreement up to the date of sale shall be

the responsibility of the selling owner. All obligations required to be performed after the date of sale

will be the obligation of new owner and/or transferee.

H. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. The provisions of this Agreement are deemed to be separable to

the extent that if and when a court of last resort adjudges any provisions of this Agreement in its

application between the Union and the undersigned Employer to be in conflict with any law, such

decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, but such remaining

provisions shall continue in full force and effect, provided further, that in the event any provision or

provisions are so declared to be in conflict with a law, both parties shall meet immediately for the

purpose of renegotiation and agreement on provision or provisions so invalidated.


I. TITLES. The titles and subtitles used in this Agreement are for the sole purpose of identification

and shall have no bearing on the construction or meaning of the paragraphs to which they refer.

J. AMENDMENTS/ADDITIONS/WAIVERS. This Agreement is subject to amendment,

alteration or addition only by a subsequent written agreement between and executed by the Employer

and the Union. The waiver of any breach, term or condition of this Agreement by either party shall not

constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of any such term or condition.

K. EFFECTIVE DATES. Wages for hours worked, holidays, and vacations only shall be effective

May 27, 2012. Except where an express effective date is otherwise stated in this Agreement with regard

to a particular provision, changes in other economic and all operational terms and conditions shall be

effective not later than the date of execution of this Agreement.

L. CERTIFICATION TO WORK In the event an employee is listed on a Federal or State excluded

parties list, that employee will be removed from the schedule until such time as they are removed from

such list. If, after ninety (90) days, they remain on the excluded parties list, their employment will be

terminated. In the event that an employee requires a certification or license in order to work, and that

certification or license is expired or suspended, that employee will be removed from the schedule until

such time that they are eligible to work. If, after ninety (90) days, they are not eligible to work, their

employment will be terminated. On a regular basis, the Company will contract to have the appropriate

databases reviewed to determine work eligibility verified for all employees.


A. DISPUTES OR QUESTIONS. Any and all matters of controversy, dispute or disagreement of

any kind or character existing between the parties arising out of or in any way involving the

interpretation and/or application of the terms of this Agreement shall be settled and resolved by the

procedures and in the manner as set forth herein.


1. Discharge/Layoff. A discharged or laid off employee has ten (10) days from the date of

discharge or layoff, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays, within which to file written protest with

the Union (with notice to the Employer). Said discharge shall then be subject to this Article. If no

protest is filed within said ten (10) day period, or within ten (10) days of the notice specified in Article

4-C-3, all rights possessed by said employee or the Union to protest the discharge or layoff are waived.

2. Wage Discrepancy. If a wage discrepancy is claimed to exist, the representative of the

Union shall first attempt to settle it with the representative designated by the Employer.

Failing settlement at this level, the Union shall in writing notify the Employer of

the alleged discrepancy and the names of the employees involved, and the period of time that such

discrepancy is claimed to cover. Upon receipt of such written notice, the Employer agrees to promptly

furnish the representative of the Union wage data pertaining to the alleged wage discrepancy. If the

parties fail to settle such wage discrepancy, said discrepancy shall be subject to the provisions of this



3. Reporting Monetary Discrepancies. A claim for unpaid wages, holidays, vacation, jury

duty, sick leave, bereavement pay, or night, Sunday, or for any other direct compensation, must be filed

with the Union by the employee, promptly upon discovery. The Union shall, thereafter, if it believes

such claim has validity, promptly notify the Employer. A claim not filed by the employee with the

Union within ten (10) days after discovery and not filed by the Union with the Employer within an

additional ten (10) days, shall be deemed null and void. (The Union has twenty (20) days from the

employee’s date of discovery to file notice with the Employer.) Notwithstanding the foregoing, no

wage or other direct compensation claim not involving interpretation of the contract can cause such

Employer to pay such claim or any portion thereof retroactively for a period of more than six (6) months

immediately prior to the date of the Employer’s receipt of notice from the Union of the claim. In any

event, the Employer’s obligation to compensate an employee for unpaid time worked under Article 7-

G, shall not be limited in any way by the foregoing, except for the six (6) month limitation.

4. Grievance Steps.

Step 1 - Store Level. Employees, either directly or with their Union representative, shall

attempt to settle or resolve any dispute with their Store Manager or supervisor within ten (10) days after

discovery of the event giving rise to the grievance. In the event the matter or dispute is not settled or

resolved, the employee shall have ten (10) days in which to file a grievance with the Union with a notice

to the Employer.

Step 2 - District Level. Upon receipt of the Union’s grievance, as detailed in Step 1,

either party may request a formal grievance meeting. Upon receipt of written notice from either party,

representatives of the Employer and representatives of the Union shall try to meet within one (1)

calendar week in order to attempt to settle or resolve the matter. Any request for a formal grievance

meeting must be submitted within ten (10) days after receipt of the employee’s written protest.

Step 3 - Corporate Level. If the grievance is not satisfactorily adjusted in Step 2, or if

no decision is reached within ten (10) days of the meeting, the union may then present the grievance to

the Area HR Director. The grievance will be discussed by a representative or representatives of the

Union, and a representative or representatives of the employer within ten (10) days in an attempt to

resolve the grievance. The decision of the Employer will be then stated in writing and sent to the Union

fourteen (14) days of the discussion date.

Step 4 - Arbitration. Any matter not settled or resolved in Step 3 may be submitted to

arbitration by either party to this Agreement, i.e., the Employer or the Union, provided that written

demand for arbitration must be made within ninety (90) days from the date of filing of the grievance

but not prior to the Step 2 grievance meeting. Failure to comply within the time limits contained in this

Paragraph and/or in Steps 1 and 2 shall render the grievance null and void. Any rights possessed by

either the Union or the employee with respect to arbitration shall be irrevocably waived. The Employer

and the Union agree that with respect to arbitration procedure, past practices will be limited to only

those in effect since June 18, 2006, except those pertaining to Article 14.

Upon the receipt of the written demand for arbitration, the parties shall endeavor to select

an impartial arbitrator. However, if the parties fail to agree upon an arbitrator who is willing and able

to serve within fourteen (14) calendar days after service of the demand for arbitration, the party

demanding arbitration, within seven (7) calendar days thereafter, shall submit the demand for arbitration

to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to request a list of arbitrators. Upon receipt of this

list, an authorized representative of the Union shall strike a name from the panel. Thereafter, the parties


shall alternately strike one name each until only one name remains. The person whose name remains

shall be the selected arbitrator. The arbitrator shall be requested to provide a minimum of five (5)

available dates in five (5) separate calendar weeks (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) over a period not

to exceed ninety (90) days from the arbitrator’s selection date. If the Union and Employer fail to

mutually agree upon an available arbitration date provided by the arbitrator, the arbitrator shall select a

binding arbitration date and advise the parties of said date. The arbitration date selected by the parties

or mandated by the arbitrator shall not be changed unless mutually agreed upon by the Union and

Employer’s Labor Relations representative.

The hearing shall be held within ninety (90) days after the arbitrator is selected,

contingent upon the arbitrator’s availability, with the further understanding that the arbitrator’s award

will be issued no later than forty-five (45) days after the hearing is completed.

C. TIME PERIODS. The time periods set forth above may only be extended by mutual written

agreement between the parties.


1. Within fifteen (15) calendar days following the Step 2 grievance meeting, either party

may request that the dispute be submitted to mediation. Mediation shall be voluntary by both the

Employer and the Union and any objections to mediation must be made in writing within seven (7)

calendar days following receipt of the above request.

2. The adjustment and arbitration provisions shall be stayed for not more than eighty (80)

days pending mediation.

3. Mediation shall take place on the first (1st) Tuesday after the first (1st) Monday of every

odd-numbered month (January, March, etc.). Subsequent days for mediation will be scheduled, if


4. The mediator shall be provided by FMCS.

In September of each year, the parties will meet and mutually agree upon a new list of

mediators, which may include either or both of the individuals currently on the panel.

5. The procedures set forth in Appendix B attached to this Agreement shall be the rules for

the parties and the mediator.

6. All costs of the mediator shall be borne equally by both the Employer and the Union.

7. If the parties agree to be bound by the mediator’s recommendation, the decision shall be

codified and signed by the Employer and the Union.

8. Any matter not resolved pursuant to this provision may be submitted to arbitration within

fifteen (15) days following the mediation. Failure to adhere to the fifteen (15) day time limit will waive

any right to arbitration.



1. The arbitrator shall determine the arbitrability of any dispute, should it arise.

2. The arbitrator shall not have the power to alter, change or modify this Agreement in any

respect. The rights of the parties to make any changes, modifications or amendments to this Agreement

shall be reserved to themselves only, and shall not be subject to the arbitrator’s authority. Without in

any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, no arbitrator shall have the authority to:

a. alter or expand the provisions and limitations described in Article 2 (A),

including without limitation by applying the Agreement to more or different employees, workplaces or

geographic areas than specifically delineated therein; or

b. alter or expand the provisions and limitations described in Article 14, including

without limitation by applying the terms of Article 14, Section I (TRUST FUNDS) to employees other

than those at stores whose employees were represented by the Union for purposes of collective

bargaining and recognized by the Company as such, either as the result of an NLRB certification or a

written grant of recognition, as of December 31, 2012, and covered by this Agreement as of December

31, 2012, as more specifically identified on Appendix F attached to this Agreement and incorporated


Any such purported action by an arbitrator shall be void ab initio and

immediately vacated by a court of competent jurisdiction upon application by either party.

3. With the exception of arbitrations involving discipline, the expenses of the arbitrator

shall be borne equally by both the Employer and the Union. All jointly incurred expenses (i.e.,

transcripts, reporters’ costs, arbitrator’s fees, room rental) of arbitrations involving discipline shall be

borne by the loser. Unless the grievance which has been submitted to the arbitrator is totally sustained

or denied, it shall be deemed split and the jointly incurred expenses shall be borne equally between the

Employer and the Union.

4. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding on all parties hereto.

F. NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT. Matters subject to the procedures of this Article shall be settled

and resolved in the manner provided herein. During the term of this Agreement, there shall be no

cessation or stoppage of work, lockout, picketing or boycotts, except that this limitation shall not be

binding upon either party hereto, if the other party refuses to perform any obligation under this Article

or refuses or fails to abide by, accept or perform a decision or award of an arbitrator, and fails to appeal

to a court of competent jurisdiction.

G. INDIVIDUAL WAIVERS The Employer may approach individual employees and propose an

agreement between the Employer and the employee regarding submitting individual legal claims not

covered by this CBA to binding private arbitration rather than court. The Employer will approach all

active employees as of the date of ratification within ninety (90) days of ratification. The decision made

by these active employees will supersede any previous decision made by the employee. The Employer

will approach all new employees covered by this CBA within ninety (90) days of hire. Such an

agreement to arbitrate individual legal claims, if made, would not affect the employees’ rights under

this CBA.



This Agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 2017 to and including June 30, 2021, and shall continue

from year to year thereafter unless either party shall give written notice to the other at least sixty (60)

days prior to the expiration date of June 30, 2021 or at least sixty (60) days prior to any subsequent June

30 of any succeeding year of its desire to alter, amend, or terminate this Agreement.

Signed this ______ day of _________________, 2018.



By ______________________________ By ______________________________

Rob Francin, Senior Director of UFCW Local 135

Labor Relations and HR Compliance Mickey Kasparian, President

By By ______________________________

Stephanie Sciurba UFCW Local 324

Director of Labor Relations Greg M. Conger, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 770

John M. Grant, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1167

Rick Bruer, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1428

Mark Ramos, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1442

Michael Straeter, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 5

John Nunes, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 648

Dan Larson, President



Minimum Rates:

Jul-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21

Clerk $10.70 $11.20 $12.20 $13.20 $14.20

Photo Lab Supervisor, PSA, Coordinator $11.05 $11.55 $12.55 $13.55 $14.55

Beauty Advisor $11.70 $12.20 $13.20 $14.20 $15.20

Shift Supervisor , Ymas Supervisor $11.70 $12.20 $13.20 $14.20 $15.20

Pharmacy Tech $11.70 $12.20 $13.20 $14.20 $15.20

Lead Tech $12.45 $12.95 $13.95 $14.95 $15.95

Pharmacy Trainer $13.70 $14.20 $15.20 $16.20 $17.20

Position Premiums: Upon promotion to a higher classification, employees will either move to the

minimum rate for that position or be given the following promotional premiums whichever is greater:

Photo Lab Supervisor, PSA Coordinator $.35

Beauty Advisor $1.00

Shift Supervisor / Y mas Supervisor $1.00

Pharmacy Tech $1.00

Lead Technician (Pharmacy Tech + $.75) $1.75

Pharmacy Trainer $2.00

Six (6) month increase - (applicable only to those

employees hired in at the minimum rates)


Wage Adjustments:

Employees who are on the payroll on the dates of increase shall receive the following wage increases.

Clerk, Photo Lab Supervisor, Coordinator, Clerk Rx 7/2/17 7/8/18 7/7/19 7/12/20

$0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.30

Top Rate Clerk, Photo Lab Supervisor, Coordinator, Clerk Rx 7/2/17 7/8/18 7/7/19 7/12/20

$0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50

Shift Supervisor, Beauty Advisor, Y Mas 7/2/17 7/8/18 7/7/19 7/12/20

$0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50

Pharmacy Tech Trainee PSA 7/2/17 7/8/18 7/7/19 7/12/20

$0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50


Pharmacy Tech / Lead Tech 7/2/17 7/8/18 7/7/19 7/12/20

$0.75 $0.65 $0.65 $0.75

* All increases are after the minimum wage adjustments

Top Rates

7/2/17 7/8/18 7/7/19 7/12/20

Clerks, Clerk Rx-

Hired prior to


$16.55 $17.05 $17.55 $18.05

Photo Lab


Coordinator, Rx


Hired prior to


$16.90 $17.40 $17.90 $18.40

Clerks, Clerk Rx-

Hired on or after

8/8/04 (after 6 years

Effective 1/1/18)

$15.55 $16.05 $16.55 $17.05

Phot Lab


Coordinator, Rx

Clerk Hired on or

after 8/8/04 (after 6

years) Effective


$15.90 $16.40 $16.90 $17.40

Supervisor, Beauty

Advisor, Y Mas

Supervisor (after 6

Years effective


$18.95 $19.45 $19.95 $20.45

Pharmacy Tech

(after 5 years

$20.60 $21.25 $21.90 $22.65

Lead Tech (after 5

Years as a Tech)

$21.35 $22.00 $22.65 $23.40


California Minimum Wage Rates (Municipalities with higher minimum wage rates follow the same


Clerks 1/1/18 1/1/19 1/1/20 1/1/21

First 6 months $11.20 $12.20 $13.20 $14.20

After 6 months $11.45 $12.45 $13.45 $14.45


After 6 months

with CVS

$12.45 $13.45 $14.45 $15.45

All Intern Pharmacists/Undergraduate Interns will be paid the following amounts:


1st year of RPh School $18.50

2nd year of RPh School $19.50

3rd year of RPh School $20.50

4th Year of RPh School $21.50

Pharmacy Graduate $27.00

No employee now receiving an hourly wage as shown by the books of the Employer in excess

of the minimum rates applicable as herein set forth, shall suffer any reduction in compensation by virtue

of the minimum wage provision set forth provided nothing contained herein shall prevent the payment

of greater compensation than the minimum herein specified.

All employees, including over scale will receive first year increase.

For the 2nd, 3rd & 4th year of contract employees making a rate above top rate for their position, a lump

sum payment equal to the amount of the agreed upon across the board increase times the hours paid

during the past quarter will be made on a quarterly basis (August thru October, November thru January,

February thru April, & May thru July). These quarterly payments will be paid in the first pay period of

the month following the quarters defined above.

Any employee who received less than a full across the board increase to bring them to the top rate for

their position will receive a lump sum payment for the difference between the top rate for their position

and the amount that they received in the same manner as described above.

If an employee works in a municipality with a higher minimum wage and then transfers involuntarily

to a store in another municipality, (s)he shall continue to earn the higher wage.

Effective January 1, 2019, Techs who transfer into the Pharmacy from a Front Store position and have

at least six (6) years of total service shall be at least equal to the Top Clerk rate.



The mediation procedure is entirely informal in nature. The relevant facts should be elicited in a

narrative fashion to the extent possible, rather than through examination and cross-examination of

witnesses. The rules of evidence will not apply and no record of the proceedings will be made. All

persons involved in the events giving rise to the grievance should be encouraged to participate fully in

the proceedings, both by stating their views and by asking questions of the other participants at the

mediation hearing.

The primary effort of the mediator should be to assist the parties in settling the grievance in a mutually

satisfactory fashion. In attempting to achieve a settlement, the mediator is free to use all of the

techniques customarily associated with mediation, including private conferences with only one party.

If settlement is not possible, the mediator should provide the parties with an immediate opinion, based

on the Collective Bargaining Agreement, as to how the grievance would be decided if it went to

arbitration. That opinion would not be final and binding, but would be advisory. It would be delivered

orally and would be accompanied by a statement of the reasons for the mediator’s opinion. The advisory

opinion could be used as the basis for further settlement discussions or for withdrawal or granting of

the grievance. If the grievance is not settled, granted or withdrawn, the parties are free to arbitrate. If

they do, the mediator could not serve as arbitrator, and nothing said or done by the parties or the

mediator during mediation could be used against a party during arbitration.

Neither non-Employer attorneys nor court reporters or any other type of notetaker shall be allowed to

be present at the proceedings.



When issues arise involving the duty to provide a disabled applicant or employee with reasonable

accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and regulations issued pursuant to

it, the Union and Employer agree to meet within five (5) days of such request or such extended time as

reached by mutual agreement in a good-faith effort to enable the Employer to meet its reasonable

accommodation obligation in a manner which least conflicts with this Agreement.

If the Union and Employer are unable to reach such a mutual agreement, such dispute shall be subject

to the Grievance and Arbitration procedure set out in Article 16. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any

employee claiming a violation of the Employer’s duty of reasonable accommodation may submit his or

her claim to any state or federal tribunal or agency authorized to settle such claim.



A. The Employer and the Union agree that use of unprescribed controlled substances which causes

intoxication or impairment on-the-job poses risks to the employee, his co-workers, and to the Employer.

Recognizing that in a given situation drug abuse may be an illness, it is the parties’ intent that the

Employer shall offer one (1) rehabilitation opportunity rather than terminating the employee on the first


B. Use or abuse of prescribed controlled substances may pose the same risks identified in Paragraph

1 above. However, if the prescribing physician certifies that his orders regarding frequency and strength

of dosage were followed by the employee, the matter shall not warrant discipline. If the physician

reports to the contrary, then the same process shall apply as to use of unprescribed controlled substances.

C. Use, consumption, sale or purchase of controlled substances on Employer premises or during

the period from the start to the finish of a shift (including overtime, if any) shall result in dismissal,

unless consumption is pursuant to the prescribing physician’s prior specific orders.

D. All employees shall be informed of this policy before testing is administered. Employees will

be provided with contact information on each Local’s MAP program by the Union. Managers,

supervisors, and Union stewards shall be trained to recognize the symptoms of drug abuse, impairment,

and intoxication.

E. No employee shall be tested for drug metabolites unless there exists a reasonable suspicion that

the employee to be tested is under the influence of drugs. Random or mass testing is strictly prohibited.

The term “reasonable suspicion” shall, for the purpose of this policy and Paragraph be defined as


Aberrant or unusual on-duty behavior of an individual employee which:

1. is observed on-duty by the employee’s immediate supervisor or another supervisor or

manager and is confirmed, if present on the premises, by the observation of another supervisory

employee, managerial employee or loss prevention employee;

2. is the type of behavior which is recognized and accepted as symptoms of intoxication or

impairment caused by controlled substances or alcohol or addiction to or dependence upon said

controlled substances; or

3. results in a work-related accident causing damage to property in an amount exceeding

five hundred dollars ($500.00) or in physical injury to any individual requiring medical treatment other

than minor cuts or bruises arising in the normal course of employment.

Reports of drug abuse or aberrant behavior which are not confirmed by supervisory

observations shall not constitute reasonable suspicion. Accidents defined in Paragraph E-3 constitute

reasonable suspicion.

F. 1. When a supervisor has reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee is using,

consuming, or under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or controlled substance, the supervisor shall

notify another member of management for the purpose of observation and confirmation of the

employee’s condition. The employee shall be offered an opportunity to give an explanation of his/her


condition, such as reaction to a prescribed drug, fatigue, lack of sleep, exposure to noxious fumes,

reaction to over-the-counter medication or illness. A Union representative, store steward, if on the

store’s premises at the time of observation, or employee witness shall be present during such

explanation, and shall be entitled to confer with the employee before the explanation is requested. If

both supervisors and/or managers, after observing the employee still have reasonable suspicion to

believe that the employee is using, consuming, and/or under the influence of an alcoholic beverage,

non-prescribed controlled substance, or non-prescribed narcotic drug while on duty, then, by a written

order signed by both the employee’s immediate supervisor, if he is present or by another supervisor or

manager if he is not, and another member of management, if present, the employee shall be ordered to

submit to a 5 Panel NIDA Drug Screen designed to detect the presence of amphetamines, cocaine

metabolites, marijuana metabolites, opiate metabolites, and phencyclidine in accordance with the

procedure set forth below, and/ or blood alcohol test.

2. Refusal to submit to toxicology testing after being ordered to do so shall result in


G. The following procedure shall apply to blood and urine tests administered to employees:

1. No employee of the Employer shall draw blood from an employee.

2. The testing shall be done by a laboratory certified by the State of California as a medical

and forensic laboratory which complies with the Scientific and Technical Guidelines for Federal Drug

Testing Programs and the Standards for Certification of Laboratories engaged in Urine Drug Testing

for Federal Agencies issued by the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration of the U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services.

3. The standards used to determine what levels of detected substances shall be considered

as positive are the most recently published federal guidelines. State guidelines apply to alcohol only.

Levels, which are below those set above, shall be determined as negative indications.

4. Any sample, which has been adulterated or is shown to be a substance other than urine

shall be reported as such.

5. At the laboratory, a sample of the specimen shall be tested using the EMIT procedure.

In order to be considered positive, the sample must also show a positive result on the GCMS

confirmatory test. This specimen shall be made available to the union upon request for testing by a

laboratory selected by the Union.

H. If the results of the test administered by the Employer on the sample show that the employee,

while on duty, was under the influence of or drank, smoked, ingested, inhaled, or injected alcoholic

beverages, non-prescribed narcotics, marijuana, cocaine, PCP, or non-prescribed amphetamines, or

other tested drug the following procedure shall be followed:

The employee and the Union shall be presented with a copy of the results before any discipline

is imposed. The Union and the employee shall then have seventy-two (72) hours to present to the

Employer any different results from the test of the sample conducted by a laboratory selected by the

Union; however, the failure of the Union or the employee to have the third (3rd) test performed or to

present the results to the Employer shall not be used against the employee as a basis for discipline or in

any arbitration proceeding, The laboratory selected by the Union must meet the standards set forth in


Paragraph G-2. At the employee’s request, the Employer will ask the Drug Trust to recommend

rehabilitation agencies. Failure to sign a “last chance” agreement and to complete a rehabilitation

program shall result in dismissal. Dismissal shall also result if there is another confirmed substance

abuse occurring within a twenty-four (24) month period.

I. Employees who seek voluntary assistance for alcohol and substance abuse before reasonable

suspicion arises shall not be disciplined for seeking such assistance. Also, if reasonable suspicion later

results in testing, which show use of unprescribed controlled substances, the employee shall still be

entitled to one (1) more opportunity for rehabilitation and a last chance agreement. The Employer shall

use its best efforts to keep confidential an employee’s decision to seek assistance provided such

assistance is sought prior to the occurrence of work performance or behavior difficulties. Employees

enrolled in substance abuse programs shall be subject to all Employer rules and regulations, and job

performance standards.

J. Results of urine and blood tests performed hereunder shall be considered medical records and

held confidential to the extent permitted by law. Test shall only be performed for alcohol, chemical

adulteration, marijuana metabolites, cocaine metabolites, opiates, amphetamines, and phencyclidine, or

other drugs tested pursuant to Federal Drug Testing Guidelines and the laboratory shall only report on

the presence or absence of these substances. Test for other drugs shall not be performed and, if such

tests are performed, the results of such other test shall not be reported to the employer.

K. The unpaid suspension for positive results shall be limited to four (4) full days, provided the

employee has agreed to immediately enter a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program as recommended. If

results are negative, days of suspension shall be paid.

L. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to waive the Union’s right to grieve and arbitrate the

enforcement and application of this policy by the Employer, including any discipline so issued


M. Nothing contained herein is intended to violate any federal or state law, rule, or regulation, and

if found to do so in part by any court of competent jurisdiction, then that part shall be made null and

void and the parties agree that they will, within thirty (30) days, begin negotiations to replace such void

part with a valid provision.



1. Payments will be made to eligible employees as described below in consideration of the

ratification of the collect bargaining agreement, and the existence of labor stability until July 2017.

2. Payments will be made in six (6) month intervals beginning January 2013.

3. Payments will be made to a particular store only once during the term of this Agreement.

4. No Payment will be made to any employees in a store at which the Union and/or bargaining

unit employees have breached Article 16(F) of this Agreement (“NO STRIKE/NO LOCKOUT”) at

any time during the term of the Agreement.

5. Payment Schedule: Payments will be made as follows, as further described on the chart


a. Last day January, last day of February and last day of April 2017 – Payments to

bargaining unit employees in currently unionized stores. To be eligible for payment, the employee

must have been employed both in January 2017 and at the time of each payment.

b. Last day of December-February-April 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Payments to bargaining unit employees in stores organized between January and June 2017, 2018,

2019, and 2020, respectively. To be eligible for payment, the employee must have been employed

both in in the previous June and at time of each payment.

c. Last day of June-August-October 2018, 2019 and 2020. Payments to bargaining unit

employees in stores organized between July and December 2017, 2018 and 2019, respectively. To be

eligible for payment, the employee must have been employed both in the previous December and

at time of each payment.

d. Last day of June 2021. Payments to bargaining unit employees in stores organized

between July and December 2020. To be eligible for payment, the employee must have been

employed both in December 2020 and at the time of payment.

Employees Payments

Stores organized January to June in 2017,

2018, 2019 and 2020

$200/$200/$200 in December/February/April of

2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020

Stores organized July to December in 2017,

2018 and 2019

$200/$200/$200 in June/August/October of 2017,

2018 and 2019



Store # Union Address City State Zip

08829 1442 219 S. Lincoln Blvd. Venice CA 90291

08831 1442 3880 W. Rosecrans Ave Hawthorne CA 90250

08835 770 3710 Tweedy Boulevard South Gate CA 90280

08837 770 222 N. Market St Inglewood CA 90301

08838 324 2130 N. Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach CA 90815

08839 770 150 West Carson St Carson CA 90745

08841 324 11623 Rosecrans Ave. Norwalk CA 90650

08844 324 6510 South Street Lakewood CA 90713

08847 1442 3010 South Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90034

08849 324 1545 West 17th Street Santa Ana CA 92706

08850 324 19121 Beach Boulevard Huntington Beach CA 92648

08852 1442 4235 Pacific Coast Highway Torrance CA 90505

08854 324 1750 North Grand Avenue Santa Ana CA 92701

08855 324 228 North Harbor Boulevard Santa Ana CA 92703

08858 770 7101 Atlantic Avenue Bell CA 90201

08860 1442 11831 Hawthorne Boulevard Hawthorne CA 90250

08861 324 8850 Valley View Street Buena Park CA 90620

08862 324 12031 Brookhurst Street Garden Grove CA 92640

08867 324 7915 Florence Avenue Downey CA 90240

08868 1442 5020 West 190th Street Torrance CA 90503

08871 1442 13171 Mindinao Way Marina Del Rey CA 90292

08881 324 1020 Irvine Avenue Newport Beach CA 92660

08883 324 3911 South Bristol Street Santa Ana CA 92704

08884 324 24372 Rockfield Blvd Lake Forest CA 92630

08886 1442 8601 South Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90045

08891 324 26851 Trabuco Rd Mission Viejo CA 92691

08892 770 5822 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles CA 90044

08893 324 602 N. El Camino Real San Clemente CA 92672

09103 135 318 W El Norte Parkway Escondido CA 92026

09106 135 1656 Garnet Ave San Diego CA 92109

09137 135 7393 Jackson Dr. San Diego CA 92119

09140 135 555 Broadway Ste 1054 Chula Vista CA 91910

09141 135 3151 University Ave. San Diego CA 92104

09165 135 3327 Rosecrans Blvd. San Diego CA 92110

09187 135 683 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. Solana Beach CA 92075

09475 1442 4320 Redondo Beach Boulevard Torrance CA 90504

09477 770 5399 West Centinela Avenue Los Angeles CA 90045

09478 770 3020 Sepulveda Boulevard Torrance CA 90505

09481 324 12444 Beach Boulevard Stanton CA 90680

09483 324 10011 Adams Avenue Huntington Beach CA 92647

09485 324 25272 Marguerite Pkwy Mission Viejo CA 92675

09489 324 13303 East South Street Cerritos CA 90701

09491 324 5822 Edinger Avenue Huntington Beach CA 92647

09493 1442 12315 Venice Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90066


09495 324 220 East Compton Boulevard Compton CA 90220

09496 1442 2900 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Manhattan Beach CA 90266

09497 324 14330 Culver Drive Irvine CA 92714

09501 770 2655 Santa Ana Street South Gate CA 90280

09507 770 650 East El Segundo Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90059

09510 324 15421 Brookhurst Street Westminster CA 92683

09512 324 15466 Whittier Blvd. Whittier CA 90603

09564 770 15700 South Western Avenue Gardena CA 90247

09569 324 17136 Magnolia Avenue Fountain Valley CA 92708

09571 770 950 North Western Avenue San Pedro CA 90732

09579 324 4570 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach CA 90807

09580 770 5101 Rodeo Road Los Angeles CA 90016

09598 324 455 North State College Boulevard Fullerton CA 92631

09601 770 1015 N. San Fernando Boulevard Burbank CA 91504

09602 770 21051 Sherman Way Canoga Park CA 91303

09603 770 201 North Los Angeles Street Los Angeles CA 90012

09609 1428 9920 East Garvey Avenue El Monte CA 91733

09611 770 19424 Soledad Canyon Rd. Canyon Country CA 91351

09613 770 23357 Mulholland Drive Woodland Hills CA 91364

09615 770 19353 Victory Blvd. Reseda CA 91335

09617 770 2103 South Atlantic Boulevard Monterey Park CA 91754

09619 1167 9840 Sierra Ave Fontana CA 92335

09621 770 18247 Sherman Way Reseda CA 91335

09625 770 9089 Woodman Ave. Arleta CA 91331

09626 770 1701 South Western Avenue Los Angeles CA 90006

09629 1428 861 North Hacienda Boulevard La Puente CA 91744

09637 1428 367 N Citrus Ave Azusa CA 91702

09639 1428 11940 Garvey Avenue El Monte CA 91732

09641 1428 206 N. Azusa Avenue Covina CA 91722

09643 770 8425 Laurel Canyon Blvd. Sun Valley CA 91352

09645 770 8225 Garvey Avenue Rosemead CA 91770

09647 770 2037 Verdugo Blvd. Montrose CA 91020

09651 770 12717 Glenoaks Blvd. Sylmar CA 91342

09655 770 1028 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills CA 91344

09661 770 6360 West Third Street Los Angeles CA 90036

09667 1428 300 South Diamond Bar Boulevard Diamond Bar CA 91765

09669 770 2530 Glendale Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90039

09672 1428 14503 Ramona Blvd Baldwin Park CA 91706

09675 770 12143 Ventura Blvd Studio City CA 91604

09677 770 17320 Ventura Blvd Encino CA 91316

09679 770 1485 E. Valley Blvd. Alhambra CA 91801

09682 770 22968 Victory Blvd. Woodland Hills CA 91367

09685 770 2240 Fair Park Ave. Los Angeles CA 90041

09686 770 4707 Venice Blvd Los Angeles CA 90019

09689 770 950 West Foothill Blvd Monrovia CA 91016

09698 1428 100 W. Foothill Blvd. Upland CA 91786

09707 770 14735 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks CA 91403


09709 1428 1479 Foothill Boulevard La Verne CA 91750

09715 770 2791 Agoura Rd. Thousand Oaks CA 91361

09716 770 5585 N Rosemead Blvd. Temple City CA 91780

09717 770 13021 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood CA 91606

09719 770 5259 Mission Oaks Blvd. Camarillo CA 93012

09721 770 1401 S. Baldwin Ave. Arcadia CA 91007

09738 324 11735 Whittier Boulevard Whittier CA 90601

09744 324 1535 East Katella Avenue Orange CA 92667

09747 324 150 East Yorba Linda Boulevard Placentia CA 92870

09748 1428 3670 S. Nogales St. West Covina CA 91792

09753 324 5735 E. La Palma Avenue Anaheim Hills CA 92807

09759 324 270 West Lincoln Avenue Anaheim CA 92805

09785 770 2006 West Avenue J Lancaster CA 93536

09857 770 800 W. Whittier Blvd. Montebello CA 90640



Side Letter. Excluded Delivery Drivers who are employed by CVS shall only be allowed to receive

prescriptions from store locations for delivery to customer’s homes or businesses and return payment

for such to same store locations as needed. Excluded Delivery Drivers shall not perform any other

bargaining work.

Signed this ______ day of _________________, 2018.



By ______________________________ By ______________________________

Rob Francin, Senior Director of UFCW Local 135

Labor Relations and HR Compliance Mickey Kasparian, President

By By ______________________________

Stephanie Sciurba UFCW Local 324

Director of Labor Relations Greg M. Conger, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 770

John M. Grant, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1167

Rick Bruer, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1428

Mark Ramos, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1442

Michael Straeter, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 5

John Nunes, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 648

Dan Larson, President



The recognition language in the collective bargaining agreement shall revert to the following on January

1, 2018 and the list of stores in Appendix F shall then be updated to reflect the full list of recognized

stores, incorporating all stores added during the Cooperation Agreement.

Signed this ______ day of _________________, 2018.



By ______________________________ By ______________________________

Rob Francin, Senior Director of UFCW Local 135

Labor Relations and HR Compliance Mickey Kasparian, President

By By ______________________________

Stephanie Sciurba UFCW Local 324

Director of Labor Relations Greg M. Conger, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 770

John M. Grant, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1167

Rick Bruer, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1428

Mark Ramos, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 1442

Michael Straeter, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 5

John Nunes, President

By ______________________________

UFCW Local 648

Dan Larson, President




UFCW LOCALS 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, 1442, 5 AND 648



Promotional Drug Tests and Leave of Absence Poster:

Any employee promoted into a shift supervisor position or into the pharmacy from a front

store position must successfully pass a drug test screening in order to be eligible for the

promotion. Employees currently in shift supervisor or pharmacy positions are exempt from

this testing. Those individuals who do not successfully pass the drug test screening shall be

denied the promotion, and enter into the rehabilitation procedures outlined in Appendix D.

The Company shall post in each store its Leave of Absence policies so that bargaining unit

members can follow Company procedures to ensure that benefit and seniority rights are not

delayed or interrupted.




UFCW LOCALS 135, 324, 770, 1167, 1428, 1442, 5 AND 648



Joint Labor-Management Committee:

The parties agree to create a joint labor-management committee (“Committee”) to discuss benefits

issues during the term of this Agreement. The Committee will be comprised of no more than ten (10)

representatives appointed by the Union and ten (10) representatives appointed by the Company. The

Committee will meet upon mutual agreement of the parties. Before the Company changes any employee

eligibility requirements for its Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance or Flexible Spending Accounts

plans that would be applicable to bargaining unit employees, the Company shall notify the Union and

shall agree to a meeting of the Committee upon the Union’s request to discuss the change(s); provided,

it is understood that neither the Union nor the Committee will have the right to delay or prevent such





1) I am NOT available to work the following days and hours on a weekly basis. Indicate those hours which you are NOT available each day with A.M. or P.M. designation.

















2) I can work a maximum of ____________________ hours per week.

I understand that the number of hours for which I am scheduled is based upon business needs, qualification, availability and

seniority. I also understand that if my availability changes it is my responsibility to complete a new Availability Information

Form that I will submit to my Store Manager.


By: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Associate Name (print) Month/Day/Year

_________________________ _________________________

Associate Signature Date of Hire (month/year)


I agree that this associate in NOT available to work the above stated days and hours on a weekly basis. I also agree the

employee does not want more than the maximum number of hours per week as stated above.

By: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Store Manager (print) Month/Day/Year


Store Manager Signature



I understand that in order to be scheduled the 24 hour minimum guarantee, I need to be available to work at least a shift on

5 out of 7 days , including Saturday & Sundays; and at least 5 evening shifts (up to (1) hour after store closing) or up to 11

p.m. if employed in a 24 - hour store. I understand that if I am not available to work these times, I may not be scheduled 24

hours each week and therefore may not qualify for health care coverage. I understand that health care coverage is currently

available to eligible associates who work or are paid an average of 23 hours per week over a defined period of time.

This associate hereby waivers the 24 hour guarantee. (To be signed only by associates who cannot work the above times.)

By: ____________________ ____________________

Associate Name (print) Associate Signature

Store Managers must fax a copy of this form to Union immediately if associate is waiving 24 hour guarantee.

I have faxed a copy to the union: ____________________ ____________________

Store Manager Signature Date



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