RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS (aka Letters of Application)
For the final out-of-class assignment, you are writing a cover letter and a resume. If you are unsure of how to proceed, re-read chapter 7 in the textbook, Successful Writing at Work.
Keep both resume and cover letter at one page in length (unless you have some serious experience) and remember that if you have a job you are actually applying to or want to apply to, gear the resume and cover letter to that particular job. Otherwise, you are writing for a broad/general audience.
Use the specs according to the text, but jas a reminder, paper/hard copy resumes and cover letters are not going to be fancy. Adhere to the standard fonts (Times/New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Courier), standard 11-12 point size, and standard white paper (no expensive “textured” paper needed). As always, ink should be in any color you want, so long as it is black. Margins are one inch. Spelling and grammar is not only required, it is absolutely essential!
I will read and evaluate the entire package as a single assignment, but you must bring THREE COPIES TO CLASS on 12/4 for peer review. Then on the day of the final exam, you will resubmit the final, FINAL draft of both the resume and cover letter. They should be COMPLETELY SPELL CHECKED AND GRAMMAR CHECKED. Every grammatical/syntactical mistake, regardless of its size or scope, is ONE POINT off of the final evaluated assignment.
Due dates: • first draft- 12/4 (at the beginning of class. No assignments accepted after 9:40 a.m, • final draft- 12/11 (at the beginning of class, which is at 8:00 a.m. for finals week)