Course Number:
ENGL 1204
Course Title:
English Composition I
Course Description:
An approach to purposeful writing stressing self-expression through written communication by logical presentation of ideas with emphasis on content, organization, and mechanics.
Students and faculty of Barton Community College constitute a special community engaged in the process of education. The college assumes that its students and faculty will demonstrate a code of personal honor that is based upon courtesy, integrity, common sense, and respect for others both within and outside the classroom.
The college reserves the right to suspend a student for conduct that is detrimental to the college’s educational endeavors as outlined in the college catalog.
Plagiarism on any academic endeavors at Barton Community College will not be tolerated. Learn the rules of, and avoid instances of, intentional or unintentional plagiarism.
Anyone seeking an accommodation under provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act should notify Student Support Services.
English Composition I is an approved general education course at Barton Community College, which can be used to fulfill degree requirements as a fundamental course acceptable as general education credit towards any degree (A.A., A.S., A.G.S., or A.A.S degree).
This course transfers well and may be used to help fulfill credit and course requirements for general education at most if not all Kansas Regents’ institutions. General education requirements vary among institutions, and perhaps even among departments, colleges or programs within an institution. Also, these requirements may change from time to time and without notification. The students shall assume the responsibility to obtain relevant information from intended transfer institutions during their tenure at Barton County Community College to ensure that they enroll in the most appropriate set of courses for the transfer program. Most will not accept this course unless the student earns a C or better. Transfer equivalencies are located online at this website:
The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this syllabus meet, or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course, as sanctioned by the Kansas Board of Regents.
Barton Community College assesses student learning at several levels: institutional, program, degree and classroom. The goal of these assessment activities is to improve student learning. As a student in this course, you will participate in various assessment activities. Results of these activities will be used to improve the content and delivery of Barton’s instructional program.
Outcome A
: Use a variety of planning strategies.
1. Employ planning strategies that are effective for a variety of writing tasks, including, but not limited to journaling, listing, freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, reporter’s questioning.
Outcome B
: Employ effective narrowing strategies to draft an effective thesis.
1. Organize an essay using outlining strategies.
2. Write an opinionated, focused thesis statement and topic sentences for a specific audience and purpose.
3. Compose a thesis that will address a specific audience.
4. Adequately test a hypothesis to determine whether it is specific and well-focused.
Outcome C
: Effectively and logically organize body/topical paragraphs.
1. Demonstrate mastery of a variety of organizational methods appropriate to the writing task, such as comparison/contrast, cause/effect, definition, problem/solution, classification, and process analysis.
2. Compose opinionated topic sentences that not only support the thesis but also direct the content of the paragraph
3. Incorporate both general and specific supporting evidence.
4. Judge whether topical paragraphs display unity, completeness, order and coherence.
Outcome D
: Write introductions and conclusions appropriate to the subject, audience and purpose of the essay.
1. Compose introductions that address a specific audience and introduce the topic appropriately.
2. Compose conclusions that effectively lend closure to the many ideas expressed within the essay’s development.
Outcome E
: Recognize the importance of coherence to the audience and incorporate effective and appropriate coherence devices to meet this need.
1. Correctly use appropriate and effective transitional devices.
2. Correctly incorporate pronouns and key words as coherence devices.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in using parallel structure.
Outcome F
: Compose essays that meet the standards of academic writing.
1. Choose diction that is specific as well as vivid and appropriate for college level academic writing.
2. Compose sentences that clearly express the author’s ideas.
3. Demonstrate the ability to judge writing situations when non-standard English grammar is appropriate and when it is not.
4. Write using standard English grammar.
5. Produce documents which conform to recognized (standard) guidelines such as those of the Modern Language Association (MLA), the American Psychological Association (APA), or the Associated Press (AP).
6. Avoid plagiarism by crediting any outside sources incorporated into a document using attributive tags and/or in-text references as well as works cited/ bibliographical listings.
Outcome G
: Revise effectively.
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the relationship between the thesis and the essay to determine
a. whether the essay develops the idea expressed in the thesis and
b. whether the thesis accurately conveys the ideas developed in the essay.
2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the relationship between each topic sentence and its paragraph to determine
a. whether the paragraph develops the idea expressed in the topic sentence and
b. whether the topic sentence accurately conveys the ideas developed in the paragraph.
3. Revise paragraphs for logical presentation and complete development of ideas.
4. Revise sentences for clarity, emphasis, economy and variety.
5. Write in third person, when appropriate, following the rules for correct pronoun/antecedent agreement.
6. Employ strategies that promote the use of active voice.
7. Use conjunctions correctly, observing the conventions of parallel structure and correct punctuation.
8. Demonstrate proficiency in proofreading and editing.
BCCC distance learning classes are designed in weekly or bi-weekly blocks. Students are expected to complete all required reading, submit completed projects, post module essay entries, and participate in required threaded discussions by the due dates posted on the syllabus.
Final drafts of papers and all assignments must be posted on the document sharing website on or before the due date (posted under the “Assignment” section of each unit and on the syllabus). It is vitally important that you keep up in this class. Therefore, late assignments, in general, will not be accepted.
Work that is submitted late (after 2400 MST on the due date) may not be graded. In the event of technical problems or natural disaster, contact the instructor by email:
[email protected]
. You may also contact the Barton office by FAX at (785) 784-7542, office 1-877-620-6606, or send an email to:
[email protected]
. Courteous participation in class threaded discussions is the standard. Disruptive and/or offensive behavior in the electronic medium will not be tolerated.
St. Martin's Guide to Writing
Author: Axelrod, Rise B. / Cooper, Charles R.
Edition/Copyright: 9th Edition / Copyright 2010
Publisher: Bedford Books
Type: Hardback or eBook
ISBN-10: 0-312-53612-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-312-53612-1
eBook ISBN: 0-312-59681-2
**If you
still have the 8th edition, this is also acceptable (ISBN-10: 0-312-44624-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-312-44624-6).
No additional references are required.
How to submit your work:
All papers should be typed, double-spaced, and submitted to the appropriate dropbox using the guidelines specified in the Submitting Your Assignment sections that appears in Units 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, & 15. Your name, the date, and the assignment name should be in the upper left-hand corner of the first page.
Late Assignment Policy:
Final drafts of papers and all assignments must be posted in the appropriate dropbox on our course website on or before the due date (posted under the “Submitting Your Assignment” section of Units 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, & 15). You can also find these due dates on the syllabus and under our Course Announcements. It is vitally important that you keep up in this class. Therefore, late assignments, in general, will not be accepted.
Revision Days:
Revision is an integral part of this course. There will be a workshop/revision unit for each of the four major essays you will write, and I recommend you get an outside option on your paper, prior to turning it in to me. If you’d like to participate in a peer response group--in which you and several of your classmates exchange drafts by email and give each other comments--please let me know and I will set up an email list for your peer group. You will also be allowed to revise each of your four major papers after you have received grades and comments from me. (The due date for revisions will be specified each time I email to let you know that grades/comments are ready to view.
1) Major papers will receive a numerical grade (see formula below). Papers which are unacceptable (or would not yet pass an outside portfolio reading) at the first grading will be marked “Needs Revision” (R). Unacceptable papers
must be revised
to an acceptable degree for them to pass. An unrevised paper with an original grade of R will be counted as an F in determining final grades.
2) Any major paper may be revised once, regardless of initial grade.
Once I email you your grade and my comments on your draft, you will typically have at least 3-5 days to revise
(with the exception of the Introduction Assignment and the Final Letter to the Instructor, which you will not be able to revise due to semester time constraints).
I will list the specific revision due date in my email announcing that grades and comments are ready to view.
Please keep in mind that a revision does not automatically receive a better grade. The revision must be substantially improved, simply making editing corrections will not warrant a higher grade. For a definition of ‘revision’ for this course, see below.
3) I will determine your final grade by the following formula:
Introduction Essay _____/05 pts
Major Paper #1: Point of View Essay _____/20 pts
Major Paper #2: Personal Narrative Essay _____/20 pts
Major Paper #3: Summary & Strong Response Essay _____/20 pts
Major Paper #4: Explaining a Concept Research Paper _____/25 pts
Major Paper #5: Final Letter to the Instructor _____/05 pt
Review Quizzes _____/05 pt
TOTAL _____/100 pts
[100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 60-69 D Below 60 F]
Definition of a Revision:
The paper must demonstrate significant change in global issues such as focus (what the paper is trying to accomplish or topic), arrangement (the order of information presented), or development (the amount of detail and/or support for major generalizations). Revisions that do not meet these criteria will be returned to the author unread. Simply correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, usage, or grammar will not meet the above criteria.
Other Guidelines for Revisions:
When you turn in a revised draft, you
include a summary explaining what you changed (specifically) and why.
BCCC distance learning classes are designed in weekly or bi-weekly blocks. Students are expected to complete all required reading, submit completed projects, post module essay entries, and participate in required threaded discussions by the due dates posted on the syllabus. Final drafts of papers and all assignments must be posted on the document sharing website on or before the due date (posted under the “Assignment” section of each unit and on the syllabus). It is vitally important that you keep up in this class. Therefore, late assignments, in general, will not be accepted.
Work that is submitted late (after 2400 MST on the due date) may not be graded. In the event of technical problems or natural disaster, contact the instructor by email:
[email protected]
If you plan on dropping the class, you must use the drop/add link that is located on the left side of your bartonline home page. Please review the drop/add dates and refund policy that is contained in the academic calendar portion of the website.
Our first few days of the semester are designed as an ORIENTATION PERIOD. In other words, for the first three days of class (Monday, June 1st through Wednesday, June 3rd), your only task is to complete the required Orientation Week tasks and familiarize yourself with the course and the online structure (as outlined in the welcome/introductory notes), so that you're ready to get down to work on Thursday, June 4th.
After our orientation period, I recommend you complete
two units per week
to keep up in this course. While you do not have to have every unit done by the date I've listed below, the red dates--when papers are due--are non-negotiable.
In other words,
you must have your papers posted to the appropriate dropboxes by the
red dates listed below
Sunday, June 7 Unit 1 Completed, Introduction Essay Due (& Unit 1 Review Quiz Due)
Wednesday, June 10 Unit 2 Completed (recommended)
Sunday, June 14 Unit 3 Completed (recommended)
Wednesday, June 17 Unit 4 Completed--Point of View Essay Due
(& Unit 4 Review Quiz Due)
Sunday, June 21 Unit 5 Completed (recommended)
Wednesday, June 24 Unit 6 Completed (recommended)
Sunday, June 28 Unit 7 Completed--Personal Narrative Due
(& Unit 7 Review Quiz Due)
Wednesday, July 1 Unit 8 Completed (recommended)
Sunday, July 5 Unit 9 Completed (recommended)
Wednesday, July 8 Unit 10 Completed--Summary & Strong Response Due
(& Unit 10 Review Quiz Due)
Sunday, July 12 Unit 11 Completed (recommended)
Wednesday, July 15 Unit 12 Completed (recommended)
Sunday, July 19 Unit 13 Completed (recommended)
Wednesday, July 22 Unit 14 Completed--Explaining a Concept Research Paper Due
(& Unit 14 Review Quiz Due)
Sunday, July 26 Unit 15 Completed--Final Letter to the Instructor Due
Kansas Regents Shared Number Courses Syllabus Statement
Reapproved by the Kansas Council of Instructional Administrators, September 26, 2013
KRSN Course ENG1010
The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course outline or syllabus meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Groups project for this course as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents.
Detailed Course Equivalency Information for Kansas Regents Institutions Can Be Found Here: