in chapter two, the textbook discusses environmental hazards that can pose a threat to the developing embryo/zygote/fetus. These hazards are known as teratogens. What types of effects can be seen in babies/children who were exposed to teratogens while in utero? What advice would you give to a pregnant woman regarding drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and using drugs (i.e., illegal, prescription, and/or over the counter) during her pregnancy?
Posting should be approximately 500 words. Make sure to respond to at least one other student's post. Check your syllabus for the discussion post grading rubric.
2. Drugs
3. Pollutants
4. Diseases
5. Impact affected by dose and timing.
0 points: Student does not answer question.
Student does not write an answer that responds to the posted question.
1 to 10 points: Student writes an answer that partially addresses posed question. Student response does not offer textbook or other source information to substantiate claim. Student does not offer his/her own thoughts/opinions regarding the posed question.
10 to 30 points: Student fully answers posed question. Sources are not cited. Student’s original ideas are not represented.
30 to 50 points: Student fully answers posed question. Source information is cited to substantiate claims. Student presents original ideas or opinions. Student response invites feedback from others so as to propel the discussion forward.
0 points: Student does not answer question.
Student writes a response as if he/she were texting/emailing a friend; i.e. slang, abbreviations, no punctuation, no capitalization, etc.
1 to 10 points: Student has multiple spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and/or syntax errors.
10 to 30 points: Student has less than 10 spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and/or syntax errors.
50 points: Student has three (3) or less spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and/or syntax errors.