User Report



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... v

GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................. vii


GAS PRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Road and Well Pad Construction ............................................................................ 1

1.2 Drilling .................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Casing and Perforating ............................................................................................ 3

1.4 Hydraulic Fracturing and Completion .................................................................... 3

1.5 Production, Abandonment, and Reclamation ......................................................... 4

2 SHALE GAS RESOURCE AND OPPORTUNITIES .................................................... 5


GAS DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Life-Cycle GHG Emissions .................................................................................... 7

3.2 Local Air Pollution ................................................................................................. 8

3.3 Water Consumption ................................................................................................ 9

3.4 Water Quality .......................................................................................................... 10

3.5 Induced Seismicity .................................................................................................. 10

3.6 Community Impacts ................................................................................................ 11

4 MITIGATING IMPACTS: STRATEGIES AND PRACTICES ..................................... 12

4.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Local Air Pollution .............................................. 12

4.2 Water Quantity and Quality .................................................................................... 13

4.3 Community Impacts ................................................................................................ 13

5 REGULATIONS AND STUDIES .................................................................................. 15

5.1 Federal Regulations ................................................................................................ 15

5.2 State Regulations .................................................................................................... 15

5.3 Local Regulations ................................................................................................... 16

5.4 EPA Study ............................................................................................................... 17

5.5 Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Recommendations ....................................... 17

6 SUMMARY AND IMPLICATIONS .............................................................................. 18

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 19



1 Typical Configuration for a Horizontally Drilled, Hydraulically Fractured

Shale Gas Well .............................................................................................................. 2

2 U.S. Shale Gas Plays ..................................................................................................... 6



Argonne National Laboratory’s work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy,

Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Clean Cities Program, under

contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. Special thanks are extended for critical reviews by

Linda Bluestein and Dennis Smith of U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program, and

Marcy Rood Werpy of Argonne National Laboratory. The authors are responsible for the content

of the report, not the U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, or our



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Annulus: The space between the casing and the wellbore or surrounding rock.

Biocide: An additive used in hydraulic fracturing fluids (and often drilling muds) to kill bacteria

that could otherwise reduce permeability and fluid flow.

Casing: Steel pipe inserted into a wellbore and cemented into place. It is used to protect

freshwater aquifers or otherwise isolate a zone.

Class II injection well: A well that injects fluids into a formation rather than produces fluids. A

Class II injection well is a well associated with oil or natural gas production. Such wells include

enhanced recovery wells, disposal wells, and hydrocarbon storage wells.

Completion: Includes the steps required to drill and assemble casing, tubes, and equipment to

efficiently produce oil or gas from a well. For shale gas wells, this includes hydraulic fracturing


Flowback water: The water that returns to the surface from the wellbore within the first few

weeks after hydraulic fracturing. It is composed of fracturing fluids, sand, and water from the

formation, which may contain hydrocarbons, salts, minerals, naturally occurring radioactive


Hydraulic fracturing (fracking or fracing): A stimulation technique performed on low-

permeability reservoirs such as shale to increase oil and/or gas flow from the formation and

improve productivity. Fluids and proppant are injected at high pressure and flow rate into a

reservoir to create fractures perpendicular to the wellbore according to the natural stresses of the

formation and maintain those openings during production.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): Hydrocarbons, primarily composed of propane and butane,

obtained during processing of crude oil, which are liquefied at low temperatures and moderate

pressure. It is similar to NGL but originates from crude oil sources.

Natural gas liquids (NGL): Hydrocarbons, typically composed of propane, butane, pentane,

hexane, and heptane, obtained from natural gas production or processing which are liquefied at

low temperatures and moderate pressure. They are similar to LPG but originate from natural gas


Perforation: A hole in the casing, often generated by means of explosive charges, which enables

fluid and gas flow between the wellbore and the reservoir.

1 This glossary provides definitions of technical terms used throughout this paper. The first time each term is used it is



Play: A geologic area where hydrocarbon accumulations occur. For shale gas, examples include

the Barnett and Marcellus plays.

Produced water: The water that is brought to the surface during the production of oil and gas. It

typically consists of water already existing in the formation, but may be mixed with fracturing

fluid if hydraulic fracturing was used to stimulate the well.

Proppant: Particles mixed with fracturing fluid to maintain fracture openings after hydraulic

fracturing. These typically include sand grains, but they may also include engineered proppants.

Reduced emission completion (REC or green completion): An alternative practice that

captures and separates natural gas during well completion and workovers activities instead of

allowing it to vent into the atmosphere.

Seismic event: An earthquake. Induced seismicity is an earthquake caused by human activities.

Wellbore: Also referred to as borehole. This includes the inside diameter of the drilled hole

bounded by the rock face.

Wellhead: The structure on the well at ground level that provides a means for installing and

hanging casing, production tubing, flow control equipment, and other equipment for production.

Workover: The repair or refracturing of an existing oil or gas well to enhance or prolong





Hydraulic fracturing is a key technique that has enabled the economic production of

natural gas from shale deposits, or plays. The development of large-scale shale gas production is

changing the U.S. energy market, generating expanded interest in the usage of natural gas in

sectors such as electricity generation and transportation. At the same time, there is much

uncertainty of the environmental implications of hydraulic fracturing and the rapid expansion of

natural gas production from shale plays. The goal of this white paper is to explain the

technologies involved in shale gas production, the potential impacts of shale gas production, and

the practices and policies currently being developed and implemented to mitigate these impacts.

Unlike conventional mineral formations containing natural gas deposits, shale has low

permeability, which naturally limits the flow of gas or water. In shale plays, natural gas is held in

largely unconnected pores and natural fractures. Hydraulic fracturing is the method commonly

used to connect these pores and allow the gas to flow. The process of producing natural gas from

shale deposits involves many steps in addition to hydraulic fracturing, all of which involve

potential environmental impacts. Hydraulic fracturing (commonly referred to as “fracking” or

“fracing”) is often misused as an umbrella term to include all of the steps involved in shale gas

production. These steps include road and well pad construction, drilling the well, casing,

perforating, hydraulic fracturing, completion, production, abandonment, and reclamation.


A well requires a prepared area on the surface, called a pad, that provides a stable base

for a drilling rig, retention ponds, water storage tanks, loading areas for water trucks, associated

piping, and pumping and control trucks. After well completion, the pad serves as the location of

the wellhead and other equipment. Preparing a pad involves clearing and leveling several acres

of land. Its size depends on the depth of the well and the number of wells to be drilled on the site.

In addition to land disturbed for building the well pad, three to four acres are disturbed per pad

for roads and utilities to service the pad.


Most shale gas resources are located at depths of 6,000 feet or more below ground level,

and can be relatively thin (for example, the Marcellus shale formation is between 50–200 feet

thick depending on location). The efficient extraction of gas from such a thin layer of rock

requires drilling horizontally through the shale as shown in Figure 1. This is accomplished by

drilling vertically downward until the drill bit reaches a distance of around 900 feet from the

shale formation. At this point, a directional drill is used to create a gradual 90-degree curve, so

that the wellbore becomes horizontal as it reaches optimal depth within the shale. The wellbore

then follows the shale formation horizontally for 5,000 feet or more (Rotman 2009). Multiple

horizontal wells accessing different parts of the shale formation can be drilled from a single pad.


FIGURE 1 Typical Configuration for a Horizontally Drilled, Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas



Thus, horizontal drilling reduces the footprint of these operations by enabling a large area of

shale to be accessed from a single pad.


At various stages in the drilling process, drilling is stopped and steel casing pipe is

installed in the wellbore. Cement is pumped into the annulus, or void space between the casing

and the surrounding mineral formation. After the wellbore reaches a depth below the deepest

freshwater aquifer, casing and cement are installed to protect the water from contamination due

to the drilling process. Additional casing and cementing along the entire wellbore occurs after

the well has reached its full horizontal length. This process is intended to prevent leakage of

natural gas from the well to the rock layers between the shale formation and the surface, as well

as to prevent the escape of natural gas to the surface through the annulus. The casing surrounding

the horizontal section of the well through the shale formation is then perforated using small

explosives to enable the flow of hydraulic fracturing fluids out of the well into the shale and the

eventual flow of natural gas out of the shale into the well.


Even though the well casing is perforated, little natural gas will flow freely into the well

from the shale. Fracture networks must be created in the shale to allow gas to escape from the

pores and natural fractures where it is trapped in the rock. This is accomplished through the

process of hydraulic fracturing. In this process, typically several million gallons of a fluid

composed of 98–99.5% water and proppant (usually sand) is pumped at high pressure into the

well (GWPC and ALL 2009). The rest of the fracking fluid (0.5–2% by volume) is composed of

a blend of chemicals, often proprietary, that enhance the fluid’s properties. These chemicals

typically include acids to “clean” the shale to improve gas flow, biocides to prevent organisms

from growing and clogging the shale fractures, corrosion and scale inhibitors to protect the

integrity of the well, gels or gums that add viscosity to the fluid and suspend the proppant, and

friction reducers that enhance flow and improve the ability of the fluid to infiltrate and carry the

proppant into small fractures in the shale (GWPC and ALL 2009).

This fluid pushes through the perforations in the well casing and forces fractures open in

the shale—connecting pores and existing fractures and creating a pathway for natural gas to flow

back to the well. The proppant lodges in the fractures and keeps them open once the pressure is

reduced and the fluid flows back out of the well. Approximately 1,000 feet of wellbore is

hydraulically fractured at a time, so each well must be hydraulically fractured in multiple stages,

beginning at the furthest end of the wellbore. Cement plugs isolate each hydraulic fracture stage

and must be drilled out to enable the flow of natural gas up the well after all hydraulic fracturing

is complete.

Once the pressure is released, fluid (commonly referred to as flowback water) flows back

out the top of the well. The fluid that is recovered not only contains the proprietary blend of

chemicals present in the hydraulic fracturing fluid, but may also contain chemicals naturally


present in the reservoir, including hydrocarbons, salts, minerals, and naturally occurring

radioactive materials (NORM) that leach into the fluid from the shale or result from mixing of

the hydraulic fracturing fluid with brine (e.g. salty water) already present in the formation. The

chemical composition of the water produced from the well varies significantly according to the

formation and the time after well completion, with early flowback water resembling the

hydraulic fracturing fluid but later converging on properties more closely resembling the brine

naturally present in the formation.

In many cases, flowback water can be reused in subsequent hydraulic fracturing

operations; this depends upon the quality of the flowback water and the economics of other

management alternatives. Flowback water that is not reused is managed through disposal. While

past disposal options sometimes involved direct dumping into surface waters or deposit at ill-

equipped wastewater treatment plants, most disposal now occurs at Class II injection wells as

regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Underground Injection

Control Program. These injection wells place the flowback water in underground formations

isolated from drinking water sources.


During production, gas that is recovered from the well is sent to small-diameter gathering

pipelines that connect to larger pipelines that collect gas from a network of production wells.

Because large-scale shale gas production has only been occurring very recently, the production

lifetime of shale gas wells is not fully established. Although there is substantial debate on the

issue, it is generally observed that shale gas wells experience quicker production declines than

conventional natural gas production. In the Fayetteville play in north-central Arkansas, it has

been estimated that half of a well’s lifetime production, or estimated ultimate recovery, occurs

within its first five years (Mason 2011). Once a well no longer produces at an economic rate, the

wellhead is removed, the wellbore is filled with cement to prevent leakage of gas into the air, the

surface is reclaimed (either to its pre-well state or to another condition agreed upon with the

landowner), and the site is abandoned to the holder of the land’s surface rights.



The Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that natural gas from shale

formations will be the primary driver of growth in domestic natural gas production through 2035,

growing from 16% of supply in 2009 to 49% in 2035 and more than offsetting declining

production from other sources (EIA 2012). While the U.S. has significant shale resources,

forecasts have a high degree of uncertainty. In 2011, the EIA estimated 827 trillion cubic feet of

unproved technically recoverable resource, but it reduced the estimate in 2012 by approximately

40%, to 482 trillion cubic feet (EIA 2012). Shale plays that are considered important include the

Marcellus, Haynesville, Fayetteville, Barnett, Eagle Ford, and Bakken. Other major plays

include the Antrim, Utica, Niobrara, New Albany, and Woodford (Figure 2).

Growth in the production of shale gas over the past few years has led to rapid growth in

domestic natural gas supplies and significant decreases in prices. The combination of greater

supply and lower prices has created interest in expanding the use of natural gas for both

electricity production and as a transportation fuel. As natural gas power plants burn more cleanly

than coal plants, the increase in supply may assist utilities in meeting Clean Air Act National

Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone (proposed) (Federal Register 2012a) and for nitrogen

and sulfur oxides (final) (Federal Register 2012b), as well as the EPA’s Carbon Pollution

Standard for New Power Plants (proposed) (Federal Register 2012c).

Natural gas vehicles have been a key technology in the U.S. Department of Energy

(DOE) Clean Cities program’s portfolio to reduce petroleum consumption in transportation.

Between 2004 and 2010, natural gas vehicles accounted for nearly 50% of the petroleum savings

from alternative fuel vehicles deployed by Clean Cities, approximately 740 million gasoline

gallon equivalents (EERE 2012). A particular success has been the deployment of high-fuel-use

fleet vehicles capable of central refueling, such as buses and refuse haulers; with the increased

supply, significant interest has developed in expanding natural gas use in many heavy-duty

vehicles, especially in the regional-haul and vocational, or specialty task truck (e.g. cement

mixer, dump truck), markets.

Shale gas development has also expanded the supply of propane and other natural gas

liquids (NGLs), as the low prices created by the surplus in natural gas supply has pushed

producers to develop plays rich in NGLs. Over the next five years, U.S. NGL production is

expected to increase by more than 40%, while the heating market’s demand for propane will

likely continue to drop because of improvements in energy efficiency and conversion to natural

gas, geothermal, and electricity (BENTEK 2012, Rood Werpy 2010). This change could lead

fuel distributors to more aggressively promote propane as a vehicle fuel and allow fleets to

negotiate favorable long-term fuel prices.


FIGURE 2 U.S. Shale Gas Plays (EIA, 2011)




Environmental impacts associated with shale gas development occur at the global and

local levels. These include impacts to climate change, local air quality, water availability, water

quality, seismicity, and local communities.


Natural gas has been referred to as a low-carbon fuel, as its combustion produces

significantly less carbon dioxide emissions than coal and petroleum-based fuels. However, to

understand the implications for climate change, one must look at not only the greenhouse gas

(GHG) emissions from combustion in a vehicle or power plant but also those from production

activities. For natural gas, the primary concern is leakage and venting throughout the supply

chain, as methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas, is its primary constituent.

In 2011, the EPA doubled its estimates of CH4 leakage for the U.S. natural gas industry,

in part because of the inclusion of emissions from shale gas production for the first time

(EPA 2011a). One key activity that can produce significant CH4 emissions is shale gas well

completions. When flowback water is removed from the well prior to the beginning of gas

production, natural gas can be vented to the atmosphere over the course of several days.

Periodically, a shale gas well may need a workover to improve gas flow, which can involve

hydraulically fracturing the well again, and thus further CH4 emissions can occur if these

operations are not controlled.

In reality, natural gas operators often take steps to limit these emissions. The EPA’s

Natural Gas STAR program, an industry and government partnership to reduce CH4 emissions,

has been reporting significant (approximately 50%) emission reductions through the use of

flaring and reduced emissions completions (RECs), which allow them to capture gas that

otherwise would have been vented to the atmosphere (Burnham et al. 2012). However, the

estimates of savings lack transparency, as they are highly aggregated to protect confidential

business information. Another area of uncertainty when estimating the impacts of these

emissions is projecting future well productivity, which is an important factor in life-cycle

calculations. Because shale gas production is so new, these projections range widely, and if wells

are less productive than the industry projects, then the emissions impacts of well completions

will be of greater importance.

Several studies have been released that have estimated the life-cycle GHG emissions of

shale gas; however, results have varied due to differences in methodology and data assumptions

(Howarth et al. 2011, Skone et al. 2011, Jiang et al. 2011, Burnham et al. 2012). Argonne

researchers estimated a base case leakage rate for large-scale shale gas of 2.0% over the entire

life cycle and 1.2% for production activities (Burnham et al. 2012). The EPA does not explicitly

examine shale gas leakage, rather examines the entire natural gas industry; however, previous

EPA estimates for natural gas leakage prior to large-scale shale gas production were 1.4% for the


life cycle and 0.4% for the production phase (EPA 2011a, Kirchgessner et al. 1997). While the

estimated leakage rate has increased significantly from previous estimates for various activities

associated with production, those for other stages such as transmission and distribution have

declined due to replacement of older pipelines, thereby reducing the overall impact. On the other

hand, Cornell researchers estimated a base case leakage rate for shale gas of 5.8% for the life

cycle; however, they do not account for technologies that capture vented CH4 and include

several data points that likely overestimate emissions, such as using Russian pipeline information

in place of U.S. data (Howarth et al. 2011).

Using current leakage estimates for large-scale production, natural gas CH4 emissions

account for approximately 15% of the total life-cycle GHG emissions on a 100-year time scale

and the relative benefits of natural gas depend on how it is ultimately used. For example, most

studies show that natural gas power plants can provide approximately 30–50% reduction in GHG

emissions, depending on the plant’s efficiency, as compared to a typical coal plant

(Skone et al. 2011, Jiang et al. 2011, Burnham et al. 2012). For light-duty vehicles, use of

compressed natural gas may provide nearly a 10% reduction in GHG emissions as compared to

gasoline (Burnham et al. 2012). However, for heavy-duty natural gas vehicles using spark-

ignited engines, such as a transit bus, there may be no GHG benefit as compared to diesel

vehicles, owing to the efficiency advantage of compression-ignition engines.


Shale gas production activities can produce significant amounts of air pollution that could

impact local air quality in areas of concentrated development. In addition to GHGs, fugitive

emissions of natural gas can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air

pollutants (HAPs), such as benzene. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are another pollutant of concern, as

drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and compression equipment—typically powered by large internal

combustion engines—produce these emissions.

Several state emission inventories have shown that oil and natural gas operations are

significant sources of local air pollution (e.g., the 2008 Colorado emission inventory showed that

they accounted for 48% of VOCs, 18% of NOx, and 15% of benzene) and that shale gas

operations may lead to increased levels of ozone and HAPs near these areas (Wells 2012).

However, uncertainty about the impacts of these emissions exists, as air quality is highly

dependent on local conditions. For example, in some areas VOC emissions will not be the

primary driver of ozone formation; therefore, detailed modeling is required to understand the

impact of emissions on local air quality. In addition, while elevated levels of benzene emissions

have been found near production sites, concentrations have been below health-based screening

levels, and with little data on how these HAP emissions impact human health, further

examination is needed (Alvarez 2012).

Another local air pollutant of growing concern is crystalline silica dust, which can be

generated from the sand proppant. Silica dust can be generated in the mining and transporting of

sand to the well site and in the process of moving and mixing sand into the hydraulic fracturing

fluid on the well pad. Crystalline silica dust within the respirable size range (<4 microns) is


considered a HAP and a carcinogen. In addition to an increased risk of lung cancer, exposure to

crystalline silica can lead to a chronic, inflammatory lung disease called silicosis (Wisconsin

Department of Natural Resources 2011). A recent field study of 11 different hydraulic fracturing

sites in five different states by researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and

Health (NIOSH) found levels of crystalline silica that exceeded NIOSH recommended exposure

limits (REL) in 79% of the samples and far exceeded the REL by a factor of 10 or more in 31%

of the samples. The researchers concluded that existing safeguards may not be sufficiently

protective of worker health and that additional safeguards should be put in place

(Esswein et al. 2012).


Although water is used in several stages of the shale gas life cycle, the majority of water

is typically consumed during the production stage. This is primarily due to the large volumes of

water (2.3–5.5 million gallons) required to hydraulically fracture a well (Clark et al. 2011).

Water in amounts of 190,000–310,000 gallons is also used to drill and cement a shale gas well

during construction (Clark et al. 2011). After fracturing a well, anywhere from 5% to 20% of the

original volume of the fluid will return to the surface within the first 10 days as flowback water.

An additional volume of water, equivalent to anywhere from 10% to almost 300% of the injected

volume, will return to the surface as produced water over the life of the well (Mantell 2010). It

should be noted that there is no clear distinction between so-called flowback water and produced

water, with the terms typically being defined by operators based upon the timing, flow rate, or

sometimes composition of the water produced. The rate at which water returns to the surface is

highly dependent upon the geology of the formation. In the Marcellus play, operators recycle

95% of the flowback, whereas in the Barnett and Fayetteville plays, operators typically recycle

20% of the flowback. Water management and reuse are local issues and often depend upon the

quality and quantity of water and the availability and affordability of management options. Over

a 30-year life cycle, assuming a typical well is hydraulically fractured three times during that

time period (EPA 2010), construction and production of shale gas typically consumes between

7,090,000 and 16,810,000 gallons of water per well.

Once the gas is produced, it is processed, transported and distributed, and ultimately

used. Water consumption occurs in each of these stages as well, with the most significant non-

production consumption potentially occurring during end use. Although natural gas can be

combusted directly with no additional water consumption, if the end use of the gas is a vehicle

tank, it might be compressed via an electric compressor. The electricity for compression is

associated with water consumption of 0.6–0.8 gallon per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE),

according to King and Webber (2011), making the total consumption for the vehicle life cycle

1.0–2.5 gal/GGE depending upon location and the extent that flowback water is recycled. For

comparison, vehicle life cycle water consumption associated with the use of conventional natural

gas is between 0.9 and 1.1 gal/GGE, gasoline is between 2.6 and 6.6 gal/GGE, and corn ethanol

is between 26 and 359 gal/GGE (Wu et al. 2011).



Concerns over water quality focus on potential drinking water contamination by methane

or fluids from hydraulic fracturing activities. The possible pathways for this contamination

include underground leakage from the wellbore to drinking water aquifers and improper disposal

or accidental leakage of hydraulic fracturing fluids to surface water bodies. Owing to the depth

of most shale plays, it is unlikely that a credible pathway (independent of the wellbore) exists for

fluids to flow from the fractures within the shale through thousands of feet of overlaying rock

into a drinking water aquifer. However, shallower shale deposits may be vulnerable to this direct

connection, as is suggested by EPA’s ongoing groundwater investigation in Pavillion, Wyoming,

where as little as 400 feet separated gas deposits from drinking water resources.

For deep formations, contamination may occur due to defects in the wellbore. When the

annulus between the well casing and surrounding geology is not adequately sealed during well

installation, methane can migrate from the shale resource up the outside of the wellbore to

shallow aquifers where it could dissolve in the drinking water. Another possible pathway for

contamination is a defect in the casing at a shallow depth, allowing gas to flow from inside the

wellbore to the aquifer. Faulty well construction appears to have caused one of the largest

documented instances of water contamination, which occurred in Bradford County,

Pennsylvania, after wells had been drilled but before any hydraulic fracturing took place

(PADEP 2011). In addition to faulty well construction, Osborn et al. (2011) suggest that uncased,

abandoned wells may also provide pathways for methane migration to occur. The most obvious,

and perhaps most easily prevented, pathway for contamination is intentional dumping or

accidental spilling of flowback water on the surface. A common cause of accidental spillage is

overflows from retention ponds during major rain events.

Contaminants in flowback water from the mineral formation, such as NORM, or from

additives to the hydraulic fracturing fluid can be a health concern when present in significant

concentrations. EPA’s investigation into possible groundwater contamination at Dimock,

Pennsylvania, was launched out of concern over such toxic substances. While there are no

Federal drinking water standard limits for methane, it is nevertheless a hazard in water because at

sufficient concentrations it can volatilize and collect in houses, which can lead to suffocation or

serve as a fuel for fire and explosions.


Disposal of flowback water from hydraulic fracturing depends upon the availability of

suitable injection wells. For example, the limited availability of suitable geology in Pennsylvania

has led to hauling flowback water to Ohio for injection. The increased injection activity has been

linked to seismic events or earthquakes, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources

(ODNR 2012). Additional studies have indicated that injection activities in Arkansas have been

linked to nearby earthquakes (Horton 2012). Injection activities have been halted in associated

wells in Arkansas and Ohio.


According to ODNR, a properly located injection well will not cause earthquakes. A number of

factors must be present to induce seismic events at a disposal site. In order for earthquakes to

occur, a fault must exist nearby and be in a near-failure state of stress. The injection well must

have a path of communication to the fault, and the fluid flow rate in the well must be at a

sufficient quantity and pressure for a long enough time to cause failure along the fault or system

of faults. A recent National Research Council study concludes that the majority of disposal wells

for hydraulic fracturing wastewater do not pose a hazard for induced seismicity. This report also

concludes that the process of hydraulic fracturing itself does not pose a high risk for inducing felt

seismic events (NRC 2012).


Oil and gas development is an industrial process and as such is not immune to the types

of local impacts that most industrial activities tend to share. The process requires heavy

equipment, including hundreds to thousands of truck trips to deliver water and chemicals to

perform the hydraulic fracturing process, and many more to remove the flowback water

generated by the process. This intense traffic places enormous stress on local roads, which may

not have been built to handle heavy truck traffic, and can lead to congestion, which can become a

source of frustration for local citizens. The large equipment used to drill and hydraulically

fracture a well can also be noisy and visually unattractive, especially when in close proximity to

occupied residences. Furthermore, this activity can have a negative impact upon local property

values, especially in residential areas, owing to a combination of real and perceived risks and

impacts. However, some aspects of shale gas development differ from those of other industrial

processes. Intense trucking near well pads often occurs over a brief period on rural roads. This

traffic is heavy enough to cause significant road degradation, but unlike a road to a stationary

industrial facility that will support traffic over a long period of time, these roads are subject to

heavy traffic for only a brief period, making road upgrades a difficult decision for local or state




Some of the largest shale gas deposits are located in states that do not have a recent

history of oil and gas production. This leads to two potential challenges: regulatory sufficiency

and public acceptance. The first challenge is that state agencies may not be well positioned to

deal with rapid growth in oil and gas development. The experience of Pennsylvania from 2008 to

2012 can be a lesson to other states. State officials were caught somewhat off-guard by the boom

in development in the Marcellus shale. In the process, they identified outdated laws regulating

the disposal of produced water and well construction standards. Upon identification of

deficiencies, improved regulations were developed, which are expected to significantly reduce

risks to drinking water. Other states with shale resources have learned from Pennsylvania’s

experience and are beginning to review and modernize their regulations to ensure that they

properly consider and minimize the risks associated with unconventional gas development.

Another challenge is that in areas without a recent history of oil and gas development, the

public tends to be more skeptical of new development and the risks involved. This skepticism

can manifest itself in public opposition to development that can be costly for operators to

overcome. Additional, credible scientific research is needed to improve quantification of the

actual versus perceived risks and to improve public trust. Adequate communication,

coordination, and planning involving operators, regulators, and stakeholders prior to

development can also be important to help address public concerns and ensure that best practices

are being used to mitigate impacts and risks.

Some of the following best practices include using technologies to reduce air emissions

and recycling flowback water to reduce freshwater demand and minimize wastewater disposal.


Historically, the method for reducing methane emissions (typically for safety reasons) has

been flaring, which involves sending the flowback water to an open pit or tank where the gas is

combusted. The benefits of this practice are about a 90% reduction in GHG emissions as

compared to venting, as CO2 is produced from the flare (Mintz 2010). With regard to air quality,

VOCs and hazardous air pollutants are significantly reduced through flaring; however, nitrous

oxides, carbon monoxide, and other combustion emissions are produced. While flaring does

provide benefits, they are somewhat mitigated by these combustion emissions and the loss of

valuable natural gas.

More recently, reduced emissions completions (RECs), or “green completions,” which

capture and separate natural gas during well completion and workover activities, have become a

key technology to limit the amounts of methane, VOCs, and HAPs that can be vented during the

flowback period without the disadvantages of flaring. RECs use portable equipment that allows

operators to capture natural gas from the flowback water. After the mixture passes through a

sand trap, a three-phase separator removes natural gas liquids and water from the gas, which is


then sent to sales pipelines for distribution. Fortunately, REC operations have been found to be

very cost-effective even with low natural gas prices (EPA 2011b).

Numerous other cost-effective technologies have been developed to reduce natural gas

leakage, such as plunger lift systems, dry seal systems, and no-bleed pneumatic controllers.

Through the use of these technologies and practices, with RECs having the highest priority, the

Natural Resources Defense Council estimates that nearly 90% of the natural gas leakage could be

addressed (Harvey et al. 2012). In addition, to further reduce the emission impacts at well sites in

densely populated areas, electric motors could be used instead of internal combustion engines.

A number of strategies exist to reduce emission and exposure to crystalline silica

including product substitutions, engineering controls and improved personal protective

equipment. Some examples include the use of less hazardous, non-silica proppants (i.e. ceramic),

modifications to sand handling equipment to reduce or capture dust emissions, dust suppression

and control practices, limits to the number of workers and the time that they are exposed to high

concentrations of silica dust, improved worker training, and the use of appropriate respiratory

protection equipment (Esswein et al. 2012). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

and NIOSH recently issued a hazard alert that discusses these mitigation strategies and others to

minimize worker exposure (OSHA and NIOSH 2012).


Increasing volumes of flowback water are being recycled by operators. This practice has

two positive effects. The first is reducing the amount of freshwater demand, and the second is

reducing the amount of wastewater that must be disposed of. In practice, the amount of recycling

varies by play and depends on the availability of fresh water, the cost of disposing of wastewater,

and the quality and quantity of wastewater. The amount of treatment required for reuse of

wastewater varies from simple settling or filtration to the use of expensive reverse osmosis or

thermal treatment processes that remove dissolved salts and minerals (Veil 2010).

Industry is also exploring the possibility of creating fractures without using water.

Fractures can be created by pumping a mixture of propane gel, and sand into the shale

formations (Goodman 2012). The propane gel may originate from natural gas as NGL or

petroleum as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). After fracturing, the gel becomes a vapor under

pressure, returning to the surface with the natural gas, where it can be recaptured.


Public engagement will be essential for managing the short-term and cumulative impacts

of shale gas operations. While each community is unique and a simple prescription will not

necessarily apply to every case, several practices can be used to mitigate local issues. A growing

trend is the drilling of multiple wells from a single well pad to reduce the footprint of shale gas

operations. The use of sound barriers can reduce typical noise pollution of approximately

85 decibels to background levels of 65 decibels at distances of a few hundred feet


(Behrens et al. 2006). EPA considers 70 decibels as the level of environmental noise that will

prevent any measurable hearing loss over a lifetime (EPA 1974). In addition to the GHG and air

pollution benefits, RECs eliminate light pollution from flare stacks, which can produce flames

approximately 20 feet high (Crompton 2012). Operational agreements with the local community

can also be beneficial, such as limiting the times when heavy truck traffic can pass by schools or

homes. It will be important for the natural gas industry to continue to follow and improve best

practices to manage local community impacts from shale gas production activities.



The Energy Policy Act of 2005, Section 322, limits EPA’s authority on hydraulic

fracturing issues by excluding from its regulatory authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act

the underground injection of any fluid, other than diesel fuels, pursuant to hydraulic fracturing

operations. Nevertheless, regulatory efforts not excluded by this Act have been underway on the

Federal, state, and local levels.


The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) of the Department of the Interior proposed

draft rules for oil and gas production on public lands require disclosure of the chemical

components used in hydraulic fracturing fluids, among other groundwater protections

(Soraghan 2012, BLM 2012). The proposed rule requires the operator to submit an operation

plan prior to hydraulic fracturing that would allow BLM to evaluate groundwater protection

designs based on the local geology, review anticipated surface disturbance, and approve

proposed management and disposal of recovered fluids. In addition, operators would provide to

BLM the information necessary to confirm wellbore integrity before, during, and at the

conclusion of the stimulation operation. Before hydraulic fracturing begins, operators would

have to self-certify that the fluids comply with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws, rules,

and regulations. After the conclusion of hydraulic fracturing, a follow-up report would

summarize what actually occurred during fracturing activities, including the specific chemical

makeup of the hydraulic fracturing fluid.

In addition to EPA’s regulatory authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA is

exploring the possibility of developing rules under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to

regulate the reporting of hydraulic fracturing fluid information (EPA 2011c, 2011d). The EPA

also has authority under the Clean Air Act to regulate hazardous air emissions from hydraulic

fracturing operations. On April 17, 2012, EPA released new source performance standards and

national emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants in the oil and natural gas sector. The

final rules include the first Federal air standards for hydraulically fractured gas wells, along with

requirements for other sources of pollution in the oil and gas industry that currently are not

regulated at the Federal level. These standards require either flaring or green completions on all

feasible natural gas wells developed prior to January 1, 2015, with only green completions

allowed for wells developed on and after that date. These rules are expected to reduce VOC

emissions from applicable hydraulically fractured wells by approximately 95% (EPA 2012a),

while reducing the natural gas industry’s total VOC, HAP, and CH4 emissions by approximately



As previously mentioned, EPA lacks the authority to require shale gas developers to

disclose the chemical constituents of the fluids they use in hydraulic fracturing operations.


However, individual states have encouraged or required this disclosure. In 2010, Wyoming

became the first state to require companies to disclose the chemicals they used in hydraulic

fracturing fluids, but this requirement contained an exemption for confidential commercial

information, or trade secrets. Under this exemption, drilling companies have requested 150

different chemicals to be protected from disclosure (Zuckerman 2012). Subsequent state laws

have attempted to maintain trade secret protection while increasing public disclosure. Texas’s

disclosure law, which went into effect on February 1, 2012, requires disclosures to be made

public through the web site and requires the disclosure of fluid and water volumes

used in addition to chemical additives (Gronewold 2012). At least four other states require

disclosure through, and others encourage it, though the specifications for what is

to be disclosed differ (Maykuth 2012). Colorado appears to have the most stringent disclosure

rules, requiring all chemical constituents and their concentrations to be listed. Trade secrets are

protected by listing chemical constituents and concentrations separately from the descriptions of

products in the hydraulic fracturing fluids, thereby not revealing the particular chemicals or the

amounts of chemicals in each product (Jaffe 2011).

Some states have issued rules in addition to fluid disclosure standards. Pennsylvania has

promulgated regulations limiting total dissolved solids in discharged water to levels that

effectively prevent the direct disposal of produced well water to surface water bodies. Some

states, such as Texas, rely on regulations in place for all oil and gas well construction

(IOGCC 2012). Others, such as Pennsylvania, have been prompted by hydraulic fracturing

activities to subject drillers to more stringent well construction standards, requiring casing

pressure tests, minimization of annular pressure, quarterly inspections, and annual reporting.

Pennsylvania requirements include procedures to follow for reported gas migration events. In

addition, drilling companies are required to submit a plan ensuring adequate well casing and

cementing (PADEP 2010).

Faced with uncertainty over, or public opposition to, the potential environmental and

human health effects of hydraulic fracturing, several states have resorted to establishing

moratoria or outright bans on the procedure. New York has had a moratorium in effect since

2010, although it plans to lift it after instituting strict regulations on shale gas development.

Maryland instituted a de facto two-year moratorium in March 2011 designed to give the state

time to complete a study on hydraulic fracturing. Vermont may become the first state to ban

hydraulic fracturing outright, although this action is of limited significance since Vermont sits on

no known shale gas reserves (Sullivan 2012, Burns and Marsters 2012).


Municipal governments in New York, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere have banned or

effectively banned hydraulic fracturing operations through zoning provisions. Outright bans have

been upheld by the New York State Supreme Court on several occasions (Efstathiou and

Dolmetsch 2012). However, municipalities in Pennsylvania that have limited hydraulic

fracturing through prohibitive noise standards and other rules are facing preemption by a new

state law that went into effect on April 14, 2012. The law is being challenged in the courts, but is

expected to be upheld (Reed 2012). Some cities do not attempt to limit shale gas development,


but require it to have less impact on human health and the environment. For example, Fort Worth

and Southlake, Texas, require green completions on all natural gas wells (EPA 2012a).


EPA is undertaking a study of hydraulic fracturing to improve understanding of its

potential impacts on drinking water and groundwater (EPA 2012b). The purpose of the study is

to understand the relationship between hydraulic fracturing and drinking water resources. The

study will assess the complete life cycle of water in hydraulic fracturing including water

acquisition, mixing of water with chemicals, hydraulic fracturing activities, and management of

flowback water. EPA is evaluating several prospective and retrospective study sites to explore

the potential impact on drinking water. A preliminary report was released at the end of 2012, and

a final report will be released in 2014.


In addition to efforts by BLM and EPA to understand potential impacts associated with

shale gas production, the Shale Gas Production Subcommittee of DOE’s Secretary of Energy

Advisory Board (SEAB) made a number of recommendations concerning shale gas production in

its final report issued on November 18, 2011 (SEAB 2011). SEAB Subcommittee

recommendations for immediate implementation included calls for better communication and

greater coordination between Federal agencies for both data acquisition and regulation

concerning environmental impacts of shale gas development. Data acquisition priorities included

collection of air emissions data, analysis of the GHG footprint of shale gas, and investigations of

possible methane migration from shale gas wells to water reservoirs. The subcommittee also

recommended steps to mitigate potential impacts from shale gas development, including the

elimination of diesel use in hydraulic fracturing fluid, the disclosure of fracturing fluid

composition, and the reduction of air emissions using proven technologies and practices. The

subcommittee also recommended the improvement of public information about shale gas




Shale gas production represents a large, new potential source of natural gas for the nation.

Development of this resource is, however, not without risks to natural resources. Potential

impacts include the following:

• Greenhouse gas emissions during completion and production activities,

• Air emissions that affect local air quality during completion and production activities,

• Water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing,

• Induced seismicity from improper management of flowback water,

• Water quality impacts to surface water or aquifer from faulty well design and construction or improper flowback water management, and

• Additional community impacts including noise and light pollution.

Improved science-based assessments of these risks are underway, but early results

indicate that the risks can be managed and lowered through existing practices including the


• RECs that limit VOC, HAP, and CH4 emissions and reduce flaring,

• Engineering controls and appropriate personal protective equipment to reduce worker exposure to crystalline silica,

• Reusing flowback water to limit fresh water withdrawal requirements and reduce water management burdens,

• Drilling of multiple wells from a single well pad to reduce the footprint of operations,

• Proper siting, design, and construction of gas production and fluid disposal wells, and

• Groundwater quality monitoring coupled with fracturing fluid chemical disclosures.

With adequate safeguards in place, shale gas can be exploited responsibly in ways that protect

both the environment and human health.



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