User Report


Choose two public companies in the same industry one of which has failed in recent times. For the purpose of this assignment, failure will be defined as filing for bankruptcy and the associated company will be referred as the “failed” company. For your chosen companies complete the following sections:

I chose "iHeartMedia" and " Sirius XM ".

1. Company Information

Provide a brief review of the business and management of the two companies. Items to discuss here are the main products, customers, competitors, business history and management reputation.

2. Industry Information and Outlook

Provide an overview of the industry and its future outlook. You can consult here the annual reports, the 10K reports and industry resources such as Standard & Poor’s industry surveys, Value Line investment Survey, news articles, etc. Appropriate references should be made identifying where the information was obtained from.

3. Failures, IPOs and Mergers and Acquisitions

For this industry, briefly describe any bankruptcies, IPOs or mergers and acquisitions in recent times. In addition, regarding the “failed” company that you have chosen, summarize the reported reasons for its failure. You should also briefly cover any developments after the bankruptcy filing such as any details about debt restructurings and the company progress through the proceeding.

4. Industry Analysis

Using Porter’s “five forces”, analyze this industry. (see also exhibit at the end).

Image result for five force

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