300 points
Purpose of the Project
The purpose of the final project is for you to apply some of the concepts you have learned in the course by accessing internet sites specified in questions, known as Internet Exercises, found at the back of each chapter of your text. In answering the questions, you are provided an opportunity to discuss, illustrate and apply some of the chapter concepts found on the website.
What to submit?
Each of the following chapters and internet exercises will require you to write a minimum of 7 sentences. For more grading details, see the Grading Rubric at the end of the document. Since the Project is divided into two parts, PART ONE includes the following chapters and internet exercise questions that are due at the end of Week 9. For the exact due date for PART ONE see the Course Outline in the Course Documents Canvas Module:
Chapter 1 Internet Question 1.1
Global Financial Integrity. The field of international finance has always been one where the best and worst of economic behaviors may flourish. Question: Using the website of Global Financial Integrity identify and explain three dark economic behaviors found on the site.
Global Financial Integrity
Chapter 5 Internet Question 5.6
Pacific Exchange Rate Service. The Pacific Exchange Rate service website provides a wealth of current currency exchange rate information and statistics. Question: Using the website below, identify five currencies that have suffered significant depreciations over the last 5 years and explain why they have occurred.
Chapter 6 Internet Question 6.4
World Bank’s International Comparison Program. The World Bank has an ongoing research program that focuses on the relative purchasing power of 107 different economies globally. Question: Using the latest data tables identify which five economies seem to be showing the greatest growth over the last three years in relative purchasing power and explain why this is happening for each of the five. International Comparison Program
Chapter 9 Internet Question 9.3
Trading Economics. Trading Economics is a private firm that generates regular foreign exchange rate forecasts for major currency pairs. Question: Use the following website to describe how the euro is expected to move against both the U.S. dollar and the British pound in the coming year, 2022-2023 and why it is forecast to happen. Trading Economics
Chapter 10 Internet Question 10.2
Hedging Objectives. All multinational companies will state the goals and objectives of their currency risk management activities in their annual reports. Question: Using the four websites below, find the answer to “why hedge?” given by each corporation in their most recent annual report found on their websites. Nestlè Disney Nokia BP
PART TWO includes the following chapters and internet exercises. For the exact due date see the Course Outline in the Course Documents Canvas Module:
Chapter 13 Internet Question 13.3
Damodaran’s Cost of Capital Data. Professor Aswath Damodaran of NYU’s Stern School regularly publishes estimates of the cost of capital for a wide spectrum of industries. Question: Use the following website to identify and explain the rates in five major industries. NYU’s Stern School
Chapter 14 Internet Question 14.3 London Stock Exchange. The London Stock Exchange (LSE) lists many different global depositary receipts among its active equities. Uing the LSE’s site identify the five largest GDRs that are active today and describe the corporations they represent.
London Stock Exchange
Chapter 15 Internet Question 15.4
Tax Practices for International Business. Many of the major accounting firms provide online information and advisory services for international business activities as related to tax and accounting practices. Question: Use the following 5 websites find current information that identifies and explains any 5 tax law changes and practices over the last five years. Ernst and Young Deloitte & Touche KPMG Price Waterhouse Coopers Ernst & Young
Chapter 16 Internet Question 16.1
Letter of Credit Services. Commercial banks worldwide provide a variety of services to aid in the financing of foreign trade. Question: Access the websites of any of the many major multinational banks (a few are listed below) and identify and explain at least five types of letter of credit services and other trade financing services they are able to provide. Bank of America Barclays Deutsche Bank Union Bank of Switzerland Swiss Bank Corporation (now UBS)
Chapter 17 Internet Question .1 Global Corruption Report. Transparency International (TI) is one of the leading non-governmental anticorruption organizations today. Recently, it has introduced its own annual survey analyzing current developments, identifying ongoing challenges, and offering potential solutions to all. One dimension of this analysis is the Bribe Payers Index. Question: Visit TI’s website to view the latest edition of the Index and select the top five countries and explain why they are the top five.
Corrpution Index
Chapter 1 Internet Question 1.4 (Note: This question has been replaced as part of the Final Project)
World Economic Outlook. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) regularly publishes its assessment of the prospects for the world economy. Choose a country of interest and use the IMF’s current analysis to form your own expectations of its immediate economic prospects.
IMF Economic Outlook
Chapter 1 - 1.4
The purpose of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is to promote exchange stability
and maintain orderly exchange arrangements among members. It wants to facilitate international
trade, promote high employment, and promote economic growth. The IMF was established in
1944 and currently has members from 190 countries. The IMF assesses the prospects of the
world economy regularly. According to India's International Monetary Funds analysis, India is
gradually recovering from the pandemic. India's growth is projected at 9.5% in 2021 and 8.5% in
2022. Even though India benefits from favorable demographics, human capital is held back from
education and training not being accessible because of the pandemic. The impact of the
pandemic can be limited if there is a faster vaccination rate. Executive board directors agree on
maintaining accommodative monetary policies appropriately and keeping a close eye on inflation
pressures. Authorities are also advancing structural reforms which prioritize ongoing labor and
land reforms. The reforms also include infrastructure investment, improvements in governance,
and improving education outcomes. These reforms will help maximize India's long-term growth
and help alleviate poverty and inequality. Even though the pandemic has affected India's growth,
India's economy will be back to normal and recover gradually as the vaccination rates increase
and the economic reforms are in place.
Countries that can use a site to help them is the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD). The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD) aims to promote trade and development. The UNCTAD was founded in the 1960s
when there were growing concerns of developing countries with international trade, which led to
the site's development to develop appropriate solutions to problems. The goal of the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development is to expand the capabilities of developing
countries in trade, investment, and development to overcome difficulties when going global. The
highest policy-making of UNCTAD is the Conference which meets every four years to set policy
guidelines. The site helps developing countries by conducting research and making
recommendations that can help the national and international policy-making processes, which
also contribute to promoting economic policies that are aimed at ending global economic
inequalities. Using this site can help developing countries face problems in international trade,
and they can see some recommended solutions to mitigate the problem. The site also shows
recent articles that are relevant to today's economy. For example, If the word "India" is searched on the search bar, current articles on India are shown, which can be examined to see how the
economy might be doing.
300-270 POINTS
All questions are answered with more than 7 sentences for each answer that refer to one of the concepts found in the chapter or the course. Many additional related sources such as other websites, graphs, charts and articles are included in the answer
240-269 POINTS
All questions are answered with more than 7 sentences for each answer that refer to one of the concepts found in the chapter or the course. A few additional related sources such as other websites, graphs, charts and articles are included in the answer.
210-239 POINTS (The Minimum Grade)
All questions are answered with AT LEAST 7 sentences for each answer that refer to one of the concepts found in the chapter or the course.
Anything less than the material for a minimum grade will earn zero points.