-Both from Vienna Secession. -contour lines: drawing, outer edge, dropout -form by lines. Kolomon Moser: -inspired by curving linears -body of angle printed in metalic copper/gold ink -drawing made up of negaive contour lines, lines droppout yellow paper -typography-simplify roman typeface -limited color palette Ver Sacrum: -rectilinear -simplify geometric influence by Glasgow Style -symmetrical, patterning, -the types become patterns, decorated type, illegible, justify lines, type designed within rectangular format -3 abstract figures composed of circles and tear drop shapes -long & vertical format -flat red & blue colors in various shape -circular shape dropout to the background -equal negative & positive space
Capstone Grade Grid
Evaluation Criteria |
Mastery Level 60 |
Excels Competency 50 |
Competent 40 |
Below Competency 30 |
Spreadsheet One: Listing Salaries |
Included salaries on all employees in case study. |
Included salaries on all but five of the employees in case study. |
Included at least most of the employees in case study. |
Did not include enough employees in case study to be sufficient for budgeting. |
Spreadsheet Two: Monthly Breakdown |
None of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has mathematical errors.
90-100 % of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has no mathematical errors.
80-90 % of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has no mathematical errors.
79 % or more of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has mathematical errors.
Spreadsheet Three: Annual Budget |
None of the formulas or totals has mathematical errors.
90-100 % of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has no mathematical errors.
80-90 % of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has no mathematical errors.
79 % or more of the formulas or monthly breakdowns has mathematical errors.
Justifications for Budget- Word Document |
All budget items are addressed and all rationales provided with at least 2 sentences about each. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Most budget items are addressed and most rationales provided with at least 2 sentences about each. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Most budget items are addressed and most rationales provided with at least 1 sentence about each. A few grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
One or more budget items not addressed. Many grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. |
Request for Proposal |
Well written proposal with clearly defined needs and parameters of selection process. |
Well written proposal with most needs defined and most of the parameters clearly identified in selection process. |
Proposal was included but needs and parameters of selection process not clearly identified in document. |
Proposal was vague and did not include the needs or parameters of selection. |