Managing Cultural Diversity

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Managing Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity refers to the aspect of varied cultures and the ability to acknowledge and value the differences there is among people. Cultural differences may be in form of sexuality, one’s gender, originality societal position socially and sexual alignment. Cultural diversity is occasionally used to describe human civilizations or ethnicities living in a given geographical place or in the globe. Cultural diversity entails all the parameters that form a person including religious conviction and character. Understanding cultural diversity has been increasingly important in the business arena since it escalates the chances of success no matter the locality. Business leaders need to understand the culture of the prospective partners to ensure that they do not commit obvious mistakes that may harm the meetings. This paper highlights Hofstede’s dimensions in relation to cultural diversity, recommendations and conclusions with regard to the meeting with the Hong Kong partners (Barnes, Leonidou, Siu & Leonidou, 2015).

Hofstede’s Dimensions

Geert Hofstede established a cultural dimensions concept that serves as a basis for intercultural communication. The concept pinpoints the impacts of humanity’s culture on the morals of its individuals and how they link with character based on a system obtained from factor analysis. Geert came up with his concept following factor analysis to evaluate the outcomes of a global review of workers values (Beugelsdijk, Maseland & Hoorn, 2015). The work has been improved since its inception although the work was initially composed of four dimensions through which ethnic norms would be evaluated: uncertainty avoidance; power distance, masculinity and individualism. Later Hofstede added indulgence against restraint and dimension. It is important, therefore, to understand how the Hofstede’s dimensions apply in Hong Kong to ensure cultural competence during the planned partners meeting.

Power distance index is on the average since Hong Kong has been known as a relatively unequal place where wealth and power are greatly in asymmetry. It should never worry anyone after realizing that most of the Hong Kong residents do not value equality. The people are used to the imbalance situation an act that makes most of the Hong Kong Chinese to be great respecters of hierarchy. Hong Kong demonstrates a very minimal individualism score since most of the natives believe in a collective approach. Most business ventures will be approached by several people as opposed to an individual. The Hong Kong people mostly work in groups which are characterized by faithfulness. Every member in the group is accountable for the other an act that ensures that the groups are sustainable (Hofstede, 2015).

Hong Kong exhibits minimal uncertainty avoidance meaning that the culture withstands new opinions and different cultures. A person willing to visit Hong Kong needs to know that the destination is tolerant and multicultural. In masculinity versus femininity Hong Kong demonstrates a high motivation to succeed. Women are slowly catching up with the men although at a slower pace. The city has a high long-term orientation score an act that makes it respect its culture that believes in light handshakes, the concept of face, respect to hierarchy and seniority, exchanging business cards alongside respect to titles. Hong Kong scores well on indulgence versus restraint since the culture seeks to achieve happiness through the different ventures the natives execute (Beugelsdijk, Maseland & Hoorn, 2015).


Considering the Hong Kong culture several recommendations are necessary for they can be very helpful during the planned partner’s meeting. Culturally competent business leaders have been proved to be more successful than those counterparts who do not value cultural diversity. The following are important recommendations that need to be put into consideration to ensure that the meeting is more successful. Since the Chinese believe in the face concept it is important to view it as a mark of an individual’s self-respect among the other people. The face according to the Hong Kong Chinese is not supposed be lost, impaired, raised or even given (Rallapalli & Montgomery, 2015). During the meeting one must bear in mind how important the face is and that firms and individuals seek to safeguard theirs. During the meeting, it is necessary to give the partners face through genuinely praising and acknowledging their deeds. Honoring people in Hong Kong is really beneficial for it boosts their face and confidence. In an effort to protect the partner’s face it open criticism is not advisable just like any abusive language. In Hong Kong it is always recommendable to handle most of the issues privately. For business success one needs to be committed to protect the face of all the probable partners (Hofstede, 2015).

It is very crucial for one to respect seniority and hierarchical systems during meetings and any other operations in Hong Kong. Failure to observe protocols can cost one a very important business deal since it shows not only disrespect to the individuals in the meeting but also to the Hong Kong culture. It is advisable to be very alert when it comes to seniors in every aspect. One has to be very cautious with this aspect and ensure that they do not assume. Introductions are also based on seniority meaning that the most senior can introduce the others who have lesser roles. This aspect of Hong Kong is pivotal for it shows respect and commitment to the partners (Warner, 2014).

Despite the fact that the business culture in Hong Kong is diverse, one should not assume that it is business as usual. Taking time to learn from the partners is very essential to ensure one does not lose the course or indulge in disrespectful culture. Individuals must always feel free to enquire from residents on any issues that may be unclear to them. It is important to dress properly while interacting with the Hong Kong Chinese. Suits are a common outfit for the business world or just a good shirt and trouser. Women are advised to embrace blouses, skirts and good dark footwear. Proper dressing during meetings is a clear mark of seriousness during meetings (Warner, 2014). All meetings must be communicated earlier to allow confirmation and adequate preparation. Prior to the meeting one has to send a notification and wait for response. Follow up calls can be made although most of the people in Hong Kong take business seriously. English is the most used language in most businesses so before meeting one must consider the appropriate (Hofstede, 2015).

The handshake is the widely used form of greeting and Hong Kong residents have a tendency to lower their eyes as a mark of respect. This gesture is not routinely observed although one needs to avoid maintaining eye contact for long. It is advisable to wait for the introduction by the hosts although the vice versa is allowed especially if one is the host. Most of the Chinese prefer using three names and feel respected when referred using their titles, although some may like using western names alongside their surnames. It is always wise to clarify the name which the resident prefers to be called for it shows politeness (Beugelsdijk, Maseland & Hoorn, 2015).

In the preparation to meet with the business partners, one must understand that the Hong Kong people adore business cards than any other culture in the world. One must prepare adequate cards to share with all the partners. Cards need to be printed in English and may be the Chinese languages. To protect people’s face one must always handle the cards with respect to avoid hurting the owner. Throwing the cards away with its owner watching is forbidden for this might injure the already established relationship. The business cards can only swapped after the first meeting for members has already formed a rapport. An appealing card printed mostly in a golden color is most likely to yield better results. During the card switch it is advisable to utilize the two hands as a mark of politeness. Mishandling the cards through writing on them, tearing them or placing them in unsafe place is considered as disrespect. The information presented on the business card must be useful to the firm since the culture in Hong Kong holds card very seriously. Properly presented cards enable the Hong Kong partners to comprehend how one can work with them (Beugelsdijk, Maseland & Hoorn, 2015).

Appointments are very important and need to be placed between four and eight weeks before one travels to Hong Kong. Meetings must never coincide with the New Year for many people in the business world are preparing or celebrating the same, an act that means that most businesses will be closed. Punctuality is important while attending the meetings for Hong Kong Chinese are strict time case one is unable to keep time, it is always important to communicate appropriately. Business negotiations are made slowly and it is always advisable to avoid showing fury for it can be very detrimental to one’s reputation. Compressive tactics are not recommended for decisions are made mutually and after wide consultation despite the involved pressure (Barnes, Leonidou, Siu & Leonidou, 2015). In case the discussion involves pricing decisions one needs to start at a point that allows further negotiations for according to the Hong Kong Culture, the first price is never correct. Business is more of the attached monetary value than the quality delivered. In Hong Kong it is not unusual to see the residents opt to involve astrologers before responding to some questions. One must then be willing to adhere to all the cultural aspects to raise the chances of business success.

Lasting relations might not be a major concern in Hong Kong although personal relationships are a major necessity since most of the firms are owned by households. Hong Kong Chinese like communicating directly although at some point they utilize the non-verbal communication mode. Hong Kong culture does not allow direct embarrassments a fact that makes it hard for them to say no openly. It is wise, therefore, to avoid embarrassing them for this is very hurting (Beugelsdijk, Maseland & Hoorn, 2015). The Chinese tend to be very inquisitive and one must not feel bad even when asked questions that may seem personal and irrelevant. Should someone from Hong Kong suck air through the teeth during negotiations, it is important to note that they are infuriated and apologizing and reevaluation of the earlier statement is necessary. In addition, if one remains silent unusually for a certain duration caution should be exercised before initiating a dialogue (Warner, 2014)

Strict rules must be observed in case one wants to give a gift to a Chinese. One needs to understand that gifts might not be accepted initially and they may be declined because of how they are wrapped, their color or their type. Sharp objects, red or white flowers are not good options for a gift in Hong Kong. Gifts must never be four and should always be presented with both hands unless the giver has one. It is unusual for the Chinese to open the gifts immediately unlike the other cultures, so one should not be shocked by that (Tong, Tak & Wong, 2015).


Cultural diversity is very important especially in the business world. It is always necessary to be well versed with the other people’s culture to ensure that no one is hurt during the meeting. Geert Hofstede suggested several cultural dimensions that can be used in the analysis of people’s culture. Among the dimensions include power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation and indulgence all which can be measured to show how a certain culture is in different aspects (Hofstede, 2015).

Due to the different cultural inclinations in Hong Kong it is necessary to follow certain recommendations to ensure that the meeting is successful. These recommendations are based on the local culture and seek to prepare a person prior to the meeting. The concept of face must always be upheld during all the interactions to ensure that the dignity of the Hong Kong people, appointments must be placed prior to the meeting and they should never coincide with the New Year celebrations since most of the businesses are closed. Handshakes form a basic handshake mode, although one needs not to maintain a prolonged eye contact (Beugelsdijk, Maseland & Hoorn, 2015).

Gifts must be given in the proper manner bearing in mind that color, number and the type of the gift is very important to the Chinese. One must print appealing business cards in English and the Chinese languages since they are greatly valued. One should focus on the establishment of good business relationships since they are very essential to the business world.


Barnes, B. R., Leonidou, L. C., Siu, N. Y., & Leonidou, C. N. (2015). Interpersonal Factors as Drivers of Quality and Performance in Western-Hong Kong Interorganizational Business Relationships. Journal of International Marketing23(1), 23-49. doi/10.1503/scl.1000

Beugelsdijk, S., Maseland, R., & Hoorn, A. (2015). Are Scores on Hofstede's Dimensions of National Culture Stable over Time? A Cohort Analysis. Global Strategy Journal5(3), 223-240. doi/10.1002/gsj.1098

Hofstede, G. (2015). Geert Hofstede's Dimensions of Culture and Edward T. Hall's Time Orientations. Intercultural Organizational Development.

Rallapalli, K. C., & Montgomery, C. D. (2015). Marketing Strategies For Asian-Americans: Guidelines Based on Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. In Minority Marketing: Research Perspectives for the 1990s (pp. 73-77). Springer International Publishing.

Tong, C., Tak, W. I. W., & Wong, A. (2015). The Impact of knowledge sharing on the relationship between organizational culture and Job satisfaction: The perception of information communication and technology (ICT) practitioners in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Studies5(1), 19-47.

Warner, M. (2014). Culture and management in Asia. Routledge.


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