Numeric Grade: 22 / 30 pts |
Letter Grade: |
The following questions should serve as a guide for your entry: · What is one group (racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, gender, religious, social class, etc.) with which you feel you can identify in terms of belonging to this group? · Would you consider this group a majority or minority group? Why? · How important is this group identity to you? If it is very important, what do you think makes it important? If it is not, why do you think it is not important to you? · In what way or ways might this group identity help to shape your view of the world? · How is your ability to be objective about minority-majority issues influenced, either positively or negatively by this group identity? Comments: Carl, you’ve done a very good job on your first journal entry and your application of the concepts of “machismo” and objectivity. See my comment on the definition of minority. Are Hispanics considered a minority only due to their numbers? Other relevant concepts that might apply to what you’ve written here might be symbolic interaction and cultural differentiation. You needed to apply two theories this week. You might have used social identity theory to explain your feeling of comfort around those like you in terms of the ethnicity and social status. You might also have used Interactionist theory to explain the process of cultural transmission of Hispanic norms and values, especially those that apply to Hispanic males as well as to explain why skin color may be significant in the U.S. while it is not as significant in Latin American countries. Interactionists would also suggest that taking one’s time may be interpreted as being lazy in the US and this might result in conflict. Our culture shapes our perceptions and in turn, this influences how we react to those who are not like us in certain respects. Your APA format is very good overall. If the information cited is quoted material, then you also need to include the page number on which the quoted material is located. As noted in the instructions, these journals are “practice” for the paper. They are meant to help you in applying concepts and theory, so be sure to follow my comments and the feedback I give you each week. Review the rubric below to see where you need to concentrate on improving your entries. If you do not understand something, please contact me. Thanks! Instructor C :-) The ethnic group with which I feel I can identify in terms of belonging to this group is Hispanic. I would consider this group to be a minority group and so does society. Although Hispanics have grown significantly in numbers throughout the United States their numbers as far as population goes are still low in comparison to others in the United States[k1] . Hispanics have grown to be the largest minority group in the United States (Parrillo, 2011). Being Hispanic to me is very important. It signifies who I am and what I am about. One thing that makes this identity important to me is its male image[k2] . Hispanic males are raised to be good providers for family, be the strength in face of adversity, be reliable, independent, and to protect the families honor at all times (Parrillo, 2011). “In most Latin American cultures skin color is less important than social class as an indicator of social status” (Parrillo, 2011, p[k3] . #). This view helps me to identify with society in a viewpoint that the person’s quality is what makes the difference and not where they are from or what color they may or may not be. Another thing that has shaped my view of the world is that I was brought up in the mentality that when you take your time things will get done right. Hispanics have a more casual attitude than others in the United States when it comes to rushing and believe that it robs one of dignity (Parrillo, 2011[k4] ). It’s hard to say I can be objective about minority-majority issues given my Hispanic background and upbringing. I try to be as objective as I can but I think this has to do with one’s level of education more than anything. It is my belief that in any given culture or ethnic group that the most there are those with a lesser degree of education who are severely subjective about minority-majority issues due to their lack of education about others.
Reference: Parrillo, V. N. (2011). Strangers to these shores. (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon [k1]However, remember that in the context of minority-majority relations, minority does not refer to numbers but to other characteristics that distinguish a group from the majority. [k2]“Machismo”? [k3]Include the page number on which this quoted material is found. [k4]What theoretical perspective do you think explains the points you’ve written in this paragraph? What do Inteactionists say shapes our view of the world and of other groups? |
Journal Week 2
· To what extent do you feel that your group identity influences your day-to-day experiences and interaction with others?
· In what way or ways have your experiences with those of other group identities helped to shape your own identity?
· What prejudices might you have? Do you feel these have influenced you to act in a discriminatory manner toward others based on their group identity? Why or why not?
· Have you experienced prejudice and discrimination due to your group identity? What are experiences with others from different groups that stand out in your mind as being very positive or very negative?
· In what way or ways have you responded to prejudice and/or discrimination? Have these been effective? Why or why not?
Fernando Pupo: Week 2 Journal |
Numeric Grade: 25 / 30 pts |
Letter Grade: |
Comments: Carl, you’ve done a very good job here of tying the research you used to your example of discrimination. Another major point made by the research that you might consider bringing out in your core assessment is the idea that non-white characteristics are usually defined as “deviant.” Deviance itself is a social construction as explained using interactionist theory and the labeling perspective. This would tie your research to a specific theory. See my note on the prejudice you noted. A specific example would have clarified this. Remember to include the page number in your in-text citation when you are quoting a source. Journal articles also have page numbers, just as your textbook has them. *Submit your entry by the due date to avoid a late penalty. Thanks and keep up the good work! Instructor C
I feel my group identity has an influence on my day to day interaction with others. I have been raised to respect my elders no matter if they are wrong or right. I treat others with the respect I deserve to be treated with. My experiences helping others each day is a strong influence from my Latino upbringing. I strive to help whoever I can in whichever way possible. The “never let anything stop you” cultural upbringing that I have does not leave room for me to not be able to help with something. If there is desire, there will always be a way to do things. That’s[k1] the way I see it and the way I was raised. A prejudice I have is towards cultures who allow their children to crash so to say in an “effort” to let them become mature[k2] , and adults on their own. I do act discriminatory at times towards cultures like this because it goes against everything I was raised and brought up on.
I have been discriminated against for being Hispanic by people saying I can’t do things on my own, and that I would always live in poverty like my ancestors before me. My classmates in school would say derogatory statements about my ethnicity saying I was a dirty field worker and there was no need for me to be in school. I was told I was wasting valuable classroom space and should go cut sugarcane and make them drinks because they where thirsty. “By assigning expectation states to status characteristics, one can observe the differentiation of social relations into positive or negative events” (Aguirre, 2004, p. 932[k3] ). School became increasingly difficult to deal with because the other cultures and ethnicities did not always treat me with the respect I deserved. I kept my head held high as I was raised to do and kept pushing forward.
Reference: Aguirre, A. (2004). Profiling Mexican American identity: Issues and concerns. American Behavioral Scientist, 47(7), 928-922. Doi: 10.1177/0002764203261072. Retrieved from
[k1]Watch comma splices. You have a tendency to separate two independent clauses with a comma rather than a period. [k2]This needs further clarification. What is meant by “crash”? Do you mean that the parents believe it is appropriate to allow their children to make mistakes in order to learn from those mistakes? Are you saying that such parents might be using this as an excuse to shirk their own duties as parents? A specific example would be good here. What culture or cultures practice this? [k3]Include the page number where this quoted material is located. |
Journal Week 3
Fernando Pupo: Week 3 Journal |
Numeric Grade: 30 / 30 pts |
Letter Grade: |
· How did your ancestors (or you) become part of this society? What types of factors may have influenced their or your decisions to come here? · Did the way in which you or your ancestors became part of this society influence the ability to assimilate? If so, why and how? If not, why not? · How do you feel the history of your identity group compares to the history of your ancestors and your personal family history? What are the similarities and/or differences? · What major historical events do you feel have helped to shape the circumstances of your identity group and that of your ancestors/family? Comments: Carl, you’ve done a good job applying theory and concepts this week. Interactionist theory is a good theory to use when you want to discuss how perceptions and socialization to cultural norms and values can affect intergroup relations. Interactionist theory would also be a good theory to explain how different Cuban immigrants were perceived, depending upon the time period and the circumstances of their immigration. Cubans who came during the time Castro took power in Cuba are often viewed much differently than those who came in the 1980s. Good APA format this week as well. Thanks and keep up the good work! Instructor C My grandmother on my mother’s side came to the United States from Cuba in 1967 when my mother was only five months old. Poverty was amongst them, in the town where they lived, and my grandfather who was the breadwinner, passed away. There were scarce opportunities to make money that would support my family so my grandmother fought hard and alone against all odds to come to the United States. The United States has always been a land of opportunity and endless possibilities. Many Cubans knew this and this part of why my family moved here. After the long hard battle was over and my grandmother arrived in the United States, things where difficult for her since she did not know English. Luckily she quickly moved to Hialeah Florida where there was a heavy Latino and minority presence which quickly helped her to get on her feet. [k1] Even though everyone was not Hispanic or even spoke Spanish in that neighborhood everyone blended in and had a sense of understanding, a common purpose and expression. The interactionist theory examines the shared interpretations and interaction patterns of everyday life (Parrillo, 2011 pg. 19). It doesn’t take everyone speaking the same language or even being from the same place to understand each other and interact[k2] .
Other than the language barrier, which made it difficult to get certain things done, my ancestors quickly applied what they were raised on and did not let anything stop them from living the American Dream and providing a safe, stable, healthy environment for themselves[k3] . Avoidance, a minority group response to prejudice and discrimination became common amongst many of my ancestors to those who would make things difficult for them by insulting them and their culture (Parrillo. 2011 pg.71). My ancestors where often made fun of and where talked down to when they first came to this country. It was a form of self-justification in which people are denigrated in an effort to justify their maltreatment (Parrillo, 2011 pg. 47). A major historical event that basically made my family need to move to the United States was Fidel Castro going into power. My grandmother talks about it almost every day. She says once he took over he promised the world and delivered to a very scare percentage and robbed everyone else from the daily necessities they needed to live on a day to day basis. A major historical event which allowed more family to come to the United States from Cuba and help my grandmother as well as save themselves from a falling country and economy was the Mariel boat lift which allowed Cubans to freely leave Cuba in 1980. Even though my ancestors suffered much prejudice in thinking they were less than they were and lower class people before even getting to know them, they lived with their heads held high. This is a tradition I hope to carry on in my family till the end of time.
Parrillo, V. N. (2011). Strangers to these shores. (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. [k1]This might be an example of “chain migration.” [k2]That is true, but your grandmother obviously went where she knew she would be able to speak Spanish and where she felt more comfortable. Interactionists suggest that when a group shares a similar history, they also share similar symbols that allow them to communicate easily. Likewise, if they do not share a similar history, it may be more difficult for them to communicate. [k3]Something I’ve noticed in your postings and entries is that you seem to gloss over the challenges faced or the conflicts that could and do occur. Acknowledging these things doesn’t mean that individuals have to give in to them or that they will not achieve their American Dream. When you do not acknowledge these issues as legitimate issues to be confronted, your statements can appear contradictory. For example, you are trying to apply Interactionist theory but instead of pointing out how differences can create conflict, you are trying to say they make no difference and that everyone in your grandmother’s neighborhood got along great, regardless of race/ethnicity or the language they spoke. Then later you point out that language barriers made it difficult to get some things done. This appears contradictory to the reader. |
Journal Week 4
· Did religion play a role in the lives of your ancestors? Does it play a role in your life? If so, how and to what extent?
· What religious or other Cultural Markers define you as an individual and/or as a member of your identity group?
· How might the circumstances of your identity group have changed over time? What are some of the cultural and structural factors you see as influencing those changes?
· In respect to the influence of group identity on the lives of individuals, how is life different for you today than it was for your ancestors? If you don't think it is different, explain why.
Fernando Pupo: Week 4 Journal |
Numeric Grade: 30 / 30 pts |
Letter Grade: |
Comments: Carl, you’ve done an excellent job in applying the findings of this research to your own experiences. Your entry demonstrates that you have a very good understanding of what the research encompassed as well as how it relates to you personally. *Continue to work on your APA format. See my comments on including the page number in your in-text citation when you are quoting word-for-word from your source. Thanks and keep up the great work! Instructor C
Religion has played a major role in the life of my ancestors. Most Cubans in Cuba are Hispanic and come to the United States with the mentality of those around them share similar beliefs and religious views. When moving to the United States they had to deal with others of different religions questioning their beliefs. Religion also plays a role in my life. Although while it can be scary to think someone is always watching over you, it often serves to keep you in the right direction when you may be falling off track. Religion has helped me treat others respectfully and has been a foundation of my upbringing and a major reason I am the way I am to this very day. Embracement of religion and acceptance of God or any other higher being in your religion is an essential step in being accepted by others of your ethnic group. Catholics have big parties and celebrations once members of their youth complete their communion. Becoming close to one’s religion is becoming close to their family. Religion brings people together and has brought my ancestors together for years. No matter what may be going on there will always be a common belief in a greater good that brings people together for a common good. Religion is very close to culture and ethnicity. “Sometimes it is very difficult to work out where a religious identity ends and a cultural identity begins” (Michell, 2006, p[k1] . #). Over time other ethnic groups have shared and expressed their religious views and ideas in various ways. Over time ones religion tends to shape throughout the decades. New testaments and beliefs are created based on a religion’s experiences and beliefs. Even if with time one tends not to be such engaged in the church and or religion is still forever apart of them and who they are. “Whilst the individual’s relationship with religious beliefs may be ambiguous, beliefs are clearly still a factor in their social relationships” (Michell[k2] , 2006). From the days my ancestors came to the United States till now I believe our religious beliefs as a family have changed quite a bit. Experiences change people. Mitchell, C. (2006). The religious content of ethnic identities. Sociology, 40(6), 1135-1152. Doi: 10.1177/0038038506069854. Retrieved from
[k1]Include the page number of the journal on which the quoted material can be located. [k2]See comment 1. |
Journal Week 5
Fernando Pupo: Week 5 Journal |
Numeric Grade: 24 / 30 pts |
Letter Grade: |
· What specific strategies were used by your identity group in its attempt to establish itself in American society? · How would you characterize these according to the response patterns presented in Parrillo (2011) Chapter 4 and to the coping strategies outlined by Michael LeMay (Week 2 Lecture)? · What course concepts and theories do you feel are most relevant in explaining the experience of your identity group? Why? · Were the response patterns and strategies used by your ancestors similar or different from those identified by social theorists for your identity group? · How successful do you believe these response patterns and strategies have been in accomplishing group goals? Comments: Carl, you are on the right track here in terms of pointing out behavior that links to the response patterns in your text. I would agree that acceptance is a response pattern practice by Hispanics and has been from the beginning of their immigration. See my comments on other response patterns and on LeMay’s Model and how they might be applied. *You needed to apply LeMay’s Model in this entry, along with an additional theory. Thanks and keep up the good work! Instructor C
In establishing themselves in the United States, Hispanics have gone through many trials and tribulations. My ancestors got jobs in factories and crop fields where they received low pay. This was not much, but it served enough to put food on the table and take care of their own. Through the years they worked their way up in factories taking on tougher challenges proving that they could do more. Doing so slowly established a positive identity for them in society and they were less looked down upon and more respected. In coping with the typical response patterns presented in Parrillo (2011) acceptance had to be one of the first responses from Hispanics establishing themselves in the United States (Parrillo, 2011). Acceptance of a minority status and being less than an American needed to be the way they took things in order to get ahead in life. They simply could not let being a minority and being put down stop them from their dream of success for them and their family[k1] . The responses used by ancestors were very similar to those identified by social theorists for my identity group. Prejudice is a concept that is very relevant to the identity of my group. There are those who think of Hispanics as nothing but field and factory workers good for manual labor and not much more. I believe that my ancestors did what they had to do in terms of laying low and not creating a big disturbance at first when they were put down. They knew who they were and what they were about and fought hard to make in somewhere in the work place before coming out more aggressively towards equality. Discrimination has affected my ancestors tremendously and the Hispanic ethnicity. A head held high and a continued show of a positive attitude, continued education, and dedication will provide for the biggest step to overcome discrimination and head towards a more equal form of society[k2] . Reference: Parrillo, V. N. (2011). Strangers to these shores. (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon [k1]This is a good application of the minority response pattern of acceptance. Keep in mind that not all members of a group will utilize the same strategies and may try different strategies, depending on the time period and circumstances. One might also apply the response pattern of defiance or deviance as some choose to ignore immigration law to come here illegally and still do today. Deviance can also be seen in gang membership and activity.
What coping strategy identified by LeMay would you say is reflected in the overall Hispanic experience? Economic accommodation is definitely a strategy as Hispanics/Latinos have been recruited for labor in the United States. The Chicano Movement would be an example of New Style Radicalism. Separatism is also a coping strategy that has been used by Hispanic/Latino Americans. [k2]This would represent a functionalist view of Hispanic/Latino assimilation. That is one theory you might have used here in addition to an application of LeMay’s Model. |
Journal Week 6
· Do you feel your group identity provides you with either advantages or disadvantages or some of both? Why?
· How do you feel these advantages/disadvantages compare with others of your identity group and with members of other identity groups in terms of life chances?
· Do you feel the response patterns and coping strategies used by your identity group have played a role in your own life chances? Why or why not? Have you as an individual followed the same strategies or different ones?
· Are there more effective strategies you believe might have been used by your identity group? If so, what are they? What makes you feel they would be more successful?
Havent done this assignment yet.
CJS 240
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice Version 2 08/06/07
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus CJS 240
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CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 3
Course Syllabus Course Title: CJS 240—Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Required Texts Siegel, L. J. and Welsh, B. C. (2005). Juvenile delinquency: The core. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA:
Thomson Wadsworth. Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook, available online at Please Note: All required text and materials are found on the Materials tab of the student web page. The student web page can be accessed through the Axia College of University of Phoenix Student and Faculty Web site at
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 4
Course Overview
This course is a general orientation to the concept of delinquency and the field of juvenile justice. Students will examine the nature of delinquency, as well as a variety of theories and suspected causes of delinquent behavior. Students will study factors related to delinquency and/or prevention including gender, youthful behavior, family, peers, drug use, school, and community.. This course will also familiarize students with the evolution of juvenile justice and key players in the juvenile justice process. Additionally, students will develop an understanding of the juvenile court process, as well as juvenile detention, restitution, prevention and treatment.
Childhood Development and Delinquency
Discuss juvenile accountability.
Identify the risk factors associated with chronic offenders.
Identify the pros and cons of Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and self-report data.
Individual Theories of Delinquency
Differentiate between general deterrence, specific deterrence, and situational crime prevention.
Discuss individual theories of delinquency.
Sociological Theories of Delinquency
Give examples of social disorganization.
Discuss the impact of social structure theories on delinquency prevention.
Identify examples of the application of sociological theories of delinquency.
Gender Differences and Family Impact
Critique the child protection system.
Describe current explanations for gender differences and delinquency.
Discuss gender discrimination in the juvenile justice system.
Explain how family makeup and behavior influence delinquency.
The Juvenile Justice System
Examine issues within the juvenile court process.
Identify the main components of a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy.
Compare and contrast the juvenile and adult justice systems.
Juvenile Corrections and Treatment
Explain the roles and responsibilities of juvenile probation officers.
Explain community-based treatment efforts.
Summarize important issues impacting institutionalized juveniles.
Discuss the importance of aftercare programs.
Peers, Juvenile Gangs, and School
Discuss the impact of adolescent peer relations.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 5
Describe the relationship between academic performance and delinquency.
Recognize theories of gang development.
Explain methods to control gang activity.
Drug Use and Control
Describe the key reasons for youth drug use.
Explain the relationship between drug use and delinquency.
Assess the major drug control strategies.
The Juvenile Delinquent and the System
Discuss the future of juvenile justice.
Debate a contemporary issue in juvenile justice.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 6
Point Values for Course Assignments
Week One: Childhood Development and Delinquency
Discussion Questions 10
Participation 10
CheckPoint: Statistics 30
Week Two: Individual Theories of Delinquency
CheckPoint: Delinquency Deterrence Response 30
Assignment: Individual Theories 100
Week Three: Sociological Theories of Delinquency
Discussion Questions 10
Participation 10
CheckPoint: Sociological Theories Response 30
Week Four: Gender Differences and Family Impact
CheckPoint: Case Study Critique 30
Assignment: Gender and Family 100
Week Five: The Juvenile Justice System
Discussion Questions 10
Participation 10
CheckPoint: The Justice Systems 30
Week Six: Juvenile Corrections and Treatment
CheckPoint: Probation Presentation 30
Assignment: Corrections and Treatment 100
Week Seven: Peers, Juvenile Gangs, and School
Discussion Questions 10
Participation 10
CheckPoint: Gang Development and Control 30
Week Eight: Drug Use and Control
CheckPoint: Drug Use and Delinquency Response 30
Assignment: Drug Czar Presentation 100
Week Nine: The Juvenile Delinquent and the System
Capstone Discussion Question 20
Participation 10
Final Project: Justice System Position Paper 250
Point Totals 1,000
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 7
Policies and Procedures All students in this course are required to abide by the policies and procedures described in the Policies section of the Student Web Page. To view these policies, students must be logged in to the Student Web Page. The same information can be accessed via the Policies link located in the Materials section of the Classroom tab on the Student Web Page.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 8
Week One
Childhood Development and Delinquency
Discuss juvenile accountability.
Identify the risk factors associated with chronic offenders.
Identify the pros and cons of Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and self-report data.
1. Read objectives and welcome.
Read instructor’s bio and post your own bio.
Due Date: Day 1 [post to the Chat Room forum]
2. Read Appendix A regarding the final project requirements.
3. Read Ch. 1, 2, & 3 of the Juvenile Delinquency: The Core text.
4. Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [post to the Main forum]
Post your response to the following: Are juveniles truly capable of understanding the seriousness and consequences of their actions? If so, at what age are they capable of understanding? At what age should juveniles be tried as adults? Explain your answer.
5. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [post to the Main forum]
Post your response to the following: Is the commission of delinquent activities a normal process of growing up or are there specific factors that initiate this type of behavior? If some delinquent activities are part of growing up, what factors contribute to the progression of delinquent behavior from normal adolescent behavior to chronic offending? Explain your answer.
6. CheckPoint: Statistics
Resource: Appendix B
Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]
Complete the UCR and Self-Report Data matrix in Appendix B. To complete this matrix, you will need to list two pros and two cons of UCR data and two pros and two cons of self-report data. Additionally, find one Web resource of official information and one Web resource of unofficial information about the occurrence of delinquency in the United States. Copy and paste the URL addresses into Appendix B.
Post Appendix B as an attachment.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 9
Week Two
Individual Theories of Delinquency
Differentiate between general deterrence, specific deterrence, and situational crime prevention.
Discuss individual theories of delinquency.
1. CheckPoint: Delinquency Deterrence Response
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
Write a 300- to 350-word response explaining how the threat of punishment either does or does not deter juvenile delinquency. Provide examples of general deterrence, specific deterrence, and situational crime prevention strategies. Additionally, identify which concept or concepts of deterrence you believe offer the best method of controlling juvenile crime.
2. Assignment: Individual Theories
Resource: pp. 47-80 of Juvenile Delinquency
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Write a 500- to 750-word paper in APA format explaining why some adolescents are motivated to commit crimes while others in similar circumstances are not. Support your explanation by applying at least two of the individual theories of delinquency listed below:
o Routine activities theory o General deterrence theory o Specific deterrence theory o Biochemical theory o Neurological theory o Genetic theory o Psychodynamic theory o Behavioral theory o Cognitive theory
Cite at least two sources to support your explanation.
Post your paper as a Microsoft ® Word attachment.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 10
Week Three
Sociological Theories of Delinquency
Give examples of social disorganization.
Discuss the impact of social structure theories on delinquency prevention.
Identify examples of the application of sociological theories of delinquency.
1. Read Ch. 4, 6, & 7 of Juvenile Delinquency.
2. Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
Post your response to the following: Describe a community in your city or state that currently exemplifies the concept of social disorganization. What solutions might you implement to revitalize that community?
3. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum
Post your response to the following: During the 1960s, social structure theories strongly influenced the development of delinquency prevention programs. Why did many of the earliest programs fail? What is being done differently today in the development of promising prevention programs?
4. CheckPoint: Sociological Theories Response
Resource: pp. 101-105 of Juvenile Delinquency
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
Research the Internet to find federal, state, or local programs with elements that exemplify the application of each of the sociological theories listed below:
o Social structure theories o Social process theories o Social conflict theories
Write a 100-word description for each program. You should have one program that exemplifies social structure theories, one that exemplifies social process theories, and one that exemplifies social conflict theories. Include the programs’ main elements and explain the aspects of each program that address the focus of the theory.
Cite your references in APA format.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 11
Week Four
Gender Differences and Family Impact
Critique the child protection system.
Describe current explanations for gender differences and delinquency.
Discuss gender discrimination in the juvenile justice system.
Explain how family makeup and behavior influence delinquency.
1. CheckPoint: Case Study Critique
Resource: Appendix C
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
Read the case study provided in Appendix C.
Write a 200- to 350-word response answering the following questions:
o What are some of the possible reasons caseworkers were not aware of the conditions in the Jackson home?
o From the information presented in the case study, should the nine members of the Division of Youth and Family Services staff have been fired? Why or why not?
o Do you believe justice was served in this case? Why or why not? o Could this situation have been prevented? If so, how? If not, why?
2. Assignment: Gender and Family
Ch. 6 & 7 discuss the impact gender and family can have on delinquency. In addition, you have read briefly about gender and the juvenile justice system.
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format answering the following questions:
o How does gender affect delinquency?
What are some current explanations for gender differences?
o How does family affect delinquency?
How does family makeup affect delinquency?
How does family behavior impact delinquency?
o Are delinquent females treated differently by members of the juvenile justice system?
Are they treated unfairly?
Do they benefit from being female? Why or why not?
Post your paper as a Microsoft ® Word attachment.
CJS 240 Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Course Syllabus Page 12
Week Five
The Juvenile Justice System
Examine issues within the juvenile court process.
Identify the main components of a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy.
Compare and contrast the juvenile and adult justice systems.
1. Read Ch. 11, 13, & 14 of Juvenile Delinquency.
2. Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
Review pp. 320-324 and pp. 332-335 of Juvenile Delinquency.
Your instructor will divide the class into three discussion clusters and assign each cluster one of the following controversial issues:
o Confidentiality in juvenile proceedings o Waiver to adult court o Death penalty for juveniles
Post your response to the question below for the cluster to which you are assigned:
o Confidentiality in juvenile proceedings
What do you feel is more important—freedom of press to publish pictures and names of juvenile offenders or juveniles’ rights to private court proceedings? Explain your answer.
o Waiver to adult court
Should certain juvenile offenders be waived to adult courts? Why or why not?
o Death penalty for juveniles
Should juveniles who commit serious capital crimes under the age of 16 be eligible for the death penalty? Why or why not?
Consider reviewing the discussions in the other clusters to gain a deeper understanding of these three issues. In addition, the CheckPoint this week will ask you to further discuss these issues. Reviewing and taking notes on the discussions in the other clusters will help you save time with the CheckPoint later this week.
3. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum
Post your response to the following: What are the benefits of a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy? What aspects of a comprehensive strategy contribute to those benefits? What are the drawbacks to implementing a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy?
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Consider discussing specific programs that contribute to a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy that you may be familiar with or have heard about in the media, such as D.A.R.E., teen courts, drug courts, or Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
4. CheckPoint: The Justice Systems
Resource: Appendix D
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
Complete the System Comparison Matrix, the 200- to 300-word response on controversial issues in the juvenile court system, and the selection of your final project position in Appendix D.
Post Appendix D as an attachment.
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Week Six
Juvenile Corrections and Treatment
Explain the roles and responsibilities of juvenile probation officers.
Explain community-based treatment efforts.
Summarize important issues impacting institutionalized juveniles.
Discuss the importance of aftercare programs.
1. CheckPoint: Probation Presentation
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
Create an informative 5- to 7-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint
presentation about probation
and the roles and responsibilities of probation officers. Take on the role of a juvenile probation officer recruiter and address the presentation to an audience of individuals who are interested in applying for the position of a juvenile probation officer. Your presentation should include:
o General information regarding probation
What is probation?
Who is on probation?
What are the conditions of probation?
o Roles and responsibilities of juvenile probation officers
What are the duties of probation officers?
When do probation officers become involved in the court process?
What are the responsibilities of probation officers?
Prepare detailed speaker notes for each of the slides.
Post your presentation as a Microsoft ® PowerPoint
® attachment.
2. Assignment: Corrections and Treatment
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Write a 350- to 700-word paper in APA format summarizing information on juvenile corrections and community-based treatment programs. Include the following in your paper:
o Community-based treatment
Describe two or three community-based treatment efforts.
Briefly explain the purpose and importance of the community-based treatment efforts you described.
o Institutionalization
Describe two or three issues affecting institutionalized juveniles.
Address why the juvenile justice system should be concerned with those issues.
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o Aftercare programs
Describe two of the three Intensive Aftercare Programs (IAP) discussed in the text.
Address the importance of aftercare programs.
Post your paper as a Microsoft ® Word attachment.
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Week Seven
Peers, Juvenile Gangs, and School
Discuss the impact of adolescent peer relations.
Describe the relationship between academic performance and delinquency.
Recognize theories of gang development.
Explain methods to control gang activity.
1. Read Ch. 8 & 10 of Juvenile Delinquency.
2. Read Truancy reduction: Keeping students in school at the following Web site:
3. Discussion Question 1
Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
Post your response to the following: How do peers impact delinquency? Do delinquents simply seek out antisocial and delinquent peers as friends or does having delinquent peers cause an individual to become delinquent? Explain your answer.
4. Discussion Question 2
Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum
Post your response to the following: How is school failure related to delinquency? Do delinquents fail at school or is school failure responsible for delinquency? Explain your answer.
5. CheckPoint: Gang Development and Control
Resource: Appendix E
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum
Complete the Gang Development and Gang Control tables in Appendix E.
Post Appendix E as an attachment.
Baker, M. L., Nady Sigmon, J., & Nugent, M. E. (2001). Truancy reduction: Keeping students in
school. U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention Web site. Retrieved March 16, 2007, from
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Week Eight
Drug Use and Control
Describe the key reasons for youth drug use.
Explain the relationship between drug use and delinquency.
Assess the major drug control strategies.
1. CheckPoint: Drug Use and Delinquency Response
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
Research the University Library for two current, scholarly journal articles that highlight reasons for youth drug use and the association between drug use and delinquency.
Write a 200- to 350-word response answering the following questions:
o According to the articles:
What are the main reasons for youth drug use?
In what ways does drug use relate to delinquency?
Cite the articles in APA format.
2. Assignment: Drug Czar Presentation
Resource: p. 256 of Juvenile Delinquency
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Read the “Applying What You Have Learned” scenario on p. 256 of Juvenile Delinquency.
Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint
presentation illustrating the advantages
and disadvantages of the three drug control policy strategies presented at the open hearing in the scenario. Take on the role of the drug czar in the presentation. Present the policy or policies that you, as the drug czar, believe to be the best strategies for reducing youth drug use.
Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.
Cite at least two sources in APA format to support your statements.
Post your presentation as a Microsoft ® PowerPoint
® attachment.
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Week Nine
The Juvenile Delinquent and the System
Discuss the future of juvenile justice.
Debate a contemporary issue in juvenile justice.
1. Capstone Discussion Question
The future of the juvenile justice system is in debate. There has been a movement to get tough on juvenile crime at the same time that researchers are seeing more public support for prevention and intervention methods.
Due Date: Day 3 [Main] forum
Post your response to the following: What are your thoughts on the future of the juvenile justice system? Should there be a juvenile justice system? Why or why not? Should there be a focus on a comprehensive juvenile justice strategy or should the juvenile justice system focus on one particular area? Explain your answer.
2. Final Project: Justice System Position Paper
Throughout this course, you have become acquainted with explanations of juvenile delinquency, correlates of juvenile delinquency, and the intricacy of the juvenile justice system. For your final project, you are asked to assess one of the major debatable issues regarding the juvenile justice system.
Resource: Appendix A
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum
Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word position paper in APA format arguing one of the following positions:
o The juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation. o The juvenile justice system should focus on punishment.
Include the following in your paper:
o Why should the juvenile justice system adopt the focus you have chosen?
What evidence supports your position?
o How will the specific focus you have chosen impact
law enforcement?
court processes?
community services?
intervention programs?
o What are some arguments for the opposing side?
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Why are those arguments not as valid as your arguments?
Provide evidence to support your claims.
o How do the advantages of the juvenile justice system adopting the specific focus you have chosen outweigh the disadvantages?
Cite at least five sources to support your position.
Post your paper as a Microsoft ® Word attachment.

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