Group Assignment

GE Cooking Stove

GE Cooking Stove

Project Objective : To build a new cooking stove for General Electric within 8 months with a budget of $10M, that has all the latest state of the art features of a cooking stove, meets all the federal regulations of the United States and is available to consume both the power sources – gas as well as electricity.

High-level Schedule Estimate:

Prototype: Oct. 1st week, 2013

Design: Nov. 1st week, 2013

Testing: Dec. 3rd week, 2013

Production start: Feb. 1st week, 2014

Product Launch: Mar. 1st week, 2014

High-level Cost Estimate:

$9.7M (R&D – $500K, Testing – $500K, Marketing - $1M, Production - $7.5M, Training & Support - $200K, Management - $20K)


GE Cooking Stove

Business case:


GE Cooking Stove


Explanation: The launch of the stove by March 2014 is the highest priority to garner larger market share and pre-empt the advantage of NewGen Stove launch by cookers corporation. The scope has been defined in close coordination with market research team, but it can be enhanced and cost can exceed a little, to meet the timelines.


Scope Time Cost

Responsibility Matrix

Deliverables Design Development Production Testing QA Delivery Manufacturing Support


GE Cooking Stove: Communications Plan

Deliverable Description Delivery Method Frequency Owner Audience
Reports   Project status report Regular update on project including status and issues E-mail Weekly Project Manager Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Team
Quality audit report Regular update on project quality performance E-mail Weekly Quality Manager Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Team Quality Manager
Presentations Project Dashboard A concise display of current status of the project and various metrics Sharepoint Fortnightly Project Manager Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Team
Project Announcements   Task reminders Task owner schedule reminders E-mail Daily Project Manager Project Manager Project Team
Key Milestones List of key milestones Sharepoint Weekly Project Manager Project Manager Project Team
Reviews and Meetings   Steering Committee Meeting High Level Review Meeting with key stakeholders Meeting Monthly Project Manager Project Manager Project Sponsor
Team meeting Meeting to review project status Meeting Weekly Project Manager Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Team Quality Manager
Team Building Team Get-together Regularly schedule team get-together Event Quarterly Project Sponsor Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Team


GE Cooking Stove

Major Deliverables:

Project plan

Design Specifications


Test plan

Production ramp up plan

Marketing plan

Delivery Schedule

Handoff to Support

Lessons Learnt & Project Closure


GE Cooking Stove

Limitations & Exclusions:

Market research will be performed by an external group

After sales support is to be planned and executed by support and maintenance team

Procurement of parts will be handled by Procurement group

Any advancement in the federal regulations and standards will be handled in later releases of the product 


GE cooking Stove

Deliverables for Project


Phase Milestone
Initiation Project Charter
Planning Project Plan
Design Design Specifications Prototype
Execution Marketing Plan Production ramp-up plan Delivery Schedule
Testing Test Plan
Closure Hand-off to Support Lessons Learnt

GE Cooking Stove

High level Cost estimate for Project


Deliverable Cost Estimate
Project Charter 5K
Project Plan 15K
Design Specifications Prototype 250K 250K
Marketing Plan Production Delivery 1M 7M 500K
Test Plan 500K
Hand-off to Support 200K

GE Cooking Stove



Stakeholder Position
Project Sponsor VP – Appliance Products
Project Manager Project Manager
Project Team Design Team, Engineering Team, QA Team, Production Team
Suppliers/Vendors Sears, Home Depot, JC Penny
Consumers/Users Dealers, Consumers
Other Interested Parties Retailers, Suppliers, Competitors

GE Cooking Stove

Success criteria: Launch of the cooking stove in North American and European market by Mar. 2014 with fewer than 5 major defects and with in ±5% of budget allocated.

Approver : VP- Appliance Products


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