







Campus Gun Control

Tiffany Marie Stone


Campus Gun Control

The rise of shooting-related cases at schools has been on high alert. This has prompted measured by different stakeholders to beef-up security in their respective enviros in a bid to curb any of such tragedies. The world currently feels unsafe owing to the increasing security attacks in almost every country in the globe. Different Educational centers therefore need to ensure the safety of their learners at every time. Young people between the ages of 18 and 24 in campuses and colleges have a higher affinity to engage in gun related fights (Ponder, 2016). Campus brings together people of diverse backgrounds who will have varied opinions and views, this retaliates the need to promote harmony, embrace and tolerance. This can be achieved by instilling the right knowledge and training among learners. For instance, students may be required to respond to emergency situations such as fire out-break in campus, basic life skills are crucial to ensure a proper response (Shepperd, ET al, 2017). However, this does not mean students should be allowed to carry guns on campus but rather be equipped with self-defense skills to defend themselves in cases of gun-attacks. this raises the question if students should be allowed to carry guns to campus or not? this paper seeks to discuss if students should be allowed to carry guns to campus to ensure their safety or not. People have different points of view regarding this issue. Some support the carrying of guns by students on campus while others have a different stance that guns should be prohibited in campus.


One of the main arguments against carrying of guns on campus is that it would create an unsafe environment for students as well teachers who would constantly worry about their safety. The campus is only meant for studies and development, any issue that interferes with this would

comprise on the students' education. Carrying a gun in a purse among the student or teacher will only distract their attention or cause an unsafe environment for others. "Guns on Campuses Make Colleges Less Safe." According to Javier Auyero a writer with the New York Times, argues that where there are more guns its more unsafe. If allowed to carry guns the number of Professors and students carrying guns on campus would double or even quadruple. "When there are more guns around, there is more risk." (n.p). this would create an unsafe environment for students (Shepperd, ET al, 2017).

Carrying guns to campus may make other learners feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Imagine having a heated conversation with a high-tempered student about a particular topic. How would one know that he or she won't use the gun if the conversation does not favor them? Also, there have been cases of accidental shootings due to lack of proper training on gun safety and use.

One may wonder why some advocates and firearm vendors are promoting the passing of legislations that support gun carrying on campus. If this question were posed a decade ago, it would have been out rightly rejected. Possibly because the world was still a safer place to live in and crimes such as terrorism and mass shootings were rarely unheard off. The world has evolved so much, and insecurity is so rampant to the extent that everybody wants to own a firearm to feel safe (Rubin & Rita, 2016). People like the fact that owning a gun puts security right in their hands


instead of relying on police and law enforcement agencies (Ponder, 2016). It is the responsibility of the government and law enforcement agencies to ensure the security of its citizens.

On the other side, Personal safety is paramount and being armed may increase the chances of an individual defending themselves in cases of extremely insecure stings. If students are allowed to own firearms, attackers will be repelled off for fear of harsh retaliation from gun fire. Allowing self-defensive mechanisms Putting security is noble but will require great responsibility among students and those they interact with on campus. (Ponder, 2016).

Owning guns has led to saving of lives. It is better to feel safer than sorry they say. Every year, ladies have used guns in various occasions to repel sex predators (Ponder, 2016). The feeling of safety pumps self confidence among some people and can lead to a higher morale and thus better performance in some activities around campus.

Owing to the two discussions, it is evident that carrying guns to campus would create an unconducive environment for learning. In as much as self-defense offers the first line of protection from hazards, Security in campus should be trusted and left in the hands of the government and law enforcement agencies. Also, the risk of carrying a gun to campus and the harm it may cause outweighs the benefits. Possibilities of accidental shootings, fear of retaliation among peers, anger, and possible crime from owning guns are some of the reasons why gun control in campus is paramount.



Ponder, J. (2016). From the Tower shootings in 1966 to Campus Carry in 2016: Collective trauma at the University of Texas at Austin. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.

Shepperd, J. A., Pogge, G., Losee, J. E., Lipsey, N. P., & Redford, L. (2017). Gun attitudes on campus: united and divided by safety needs. The Journal of social psychology, (just-accepted).

Comments in the order they are highlighted need correction:

I sent you screen shots to go with this and what the comments to the problems are. I really need clarification of the source for the 4th highlighted area "Guns on Campuses Make Colleges Less Safe." According to Javier Auyero a writer with the New York Times, argues that where there are more guns its more unsafe.

This is due back 1/31 so any help is apprecieated.

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