Requirements Documentation
· Business requirements for the Peter’s Company (company-level perspective).
Peter’s Company is the client in this case study. They are a regular client of Corwin Corporation and have a good working relationship with the company. They have approached Corwin to produce a new rubber product material, as they do not have the manpower or skilled labor to execute this project. Their testing and R&D facilities cannot take on any more projects.
· Business requirements for the Corwin Corporation (company-level perspective).
Corwin Corporation is a multi-million dollar company, reputed for manufacturing superior quality rubber materials at low costs. Corwin Corporation’s key issues were that the company did not like to take on any risks and they did not want to expand their product offering; instead they preferred to penetrate new markets with their current products. All projects were led and decisions were made by the marketing team, while manufacturing and engineering played more of a supportive role.
Corwin took on the assignment from Peter’s Company because of the potential for future assignments from them and the fact that they had developed a good rapport with the company.
· Stakeholder requirements for Delia, Royce, Frimel, Reddy, West, and Ray.
Delia – Frank Delia is the Marketing VP at Peter’s Company and has assigned the project to Corwin. He is the client here and he lays out all deliverables for Corwin to execute. In this case, the project assigned is towards the development of a new rubber product material.
Royce – He is the VP of Engineering at Corwin and sits of the board with Frimel for a vote on approval of this project. He has been assigned complete responsibility of the project as Frimel is going on vacation during the execution of the project. He is involved in creating the proposal and providing the costing data and pricing rates.
Frimel – Gene Frimel is the VP of Marketing at Corwin and acts as the liaison between both companies to facilitate and execute this assignment. He is on the board deciding whether to take on this project. He is usually the lead on projects undertaken by Corwin for Peter’s Company. However, in this instance, the lead has been given to Royce, as Frimel is on leave.
Reddy – He is the R&D Director at Corwin and is usually actively involved in all projects undertaken for Peter’s Company. However, he is on vacation and the lead for this project is assigned to one of the R&D scientists.
West – Dan West, an R&D scientist, is the project leader for the assignment for Peter’s company. He creates the project proposal and prepares the number of man-hours required for completing this assignment.
Ray – He is the in-house representative sent over by Peter’s Company to oversee the project at Corwin. He reports directly to Delia.
· Solution requirements
Peter’s Company was looking to develop a new rubber product material and required the R&D team at Corwin to execute the project. A team of skilled engineering personnel led by an R&D manager was required and 30 tests would be needed to deliver this product. Conclusive test data was crucial for the project team to deliver results for the next test.
· Project requirements
In order to execute this project, R&D would need to complete 30 tests. A test matrix was prepared, but this only listed out the test conditions for the first five tests. Thereafter, Corwin and Peter’s Company would figure out the test conditions for the remaining 25 at a later date. Peter’s Company had assigned a budget of $250,000 for the development of the material and given Corwin a 6-month time frame to finish and deliver the final product. Under a clause in the contract, Peter’s Company would also be sending one of their representatives to Corwin for the duration of the project.
The project was given a new direction after the first 45 days, as Peter’s company’s in-house representative was not happy with the outcome of the first 3 tests. This was resulting in the project exceeding the budget, as Corwin had only budgeted for 30 tests. Currently, they had completed 20 and Peter’s Company now wanted them to schedule another 15tests. The project was facing several constraints as the in-house representative from Peter’s Company was causing several disruptions with the tests.
· Transition requirements (should successful R&D occur)
The result of each test was crucial for the project team to then move forward with the next test. Successful R&D did not occur as the project was disrupted several times by Peter’s Company and finally they terminated the contract with Corwin as the data did not look like it could deliver successful results and the team at Corwin kept changing the direction of the project. They also thought that Corwin did not have a competent project manager leading this assignment.
CSC 102: Application Development for Beginners
Project 1
Learning Objectives:
Apply problem solving techniques and programming structures to solve basic problems.
Problem Details:
Log in to your account. Using PlayLab, create a game project that has the following
specifications. You must name the file with your first and last name and your ID:
Project1_yourname_ID, for example Project1_AhmadMitairi_12345.
The game includes two levels.
In level 1:
a) Give a title to the game and show it on the screen once the game starts along with the
level number.
b) Create a main actor as knight or Princess (actor 1), a target actor (actor 2), and three
scary actors (actors 3-5).
c) Choose a background for this level.
d) Change the size of all actors to 0.5.
e) actor 2 should start from the lower right corner, whereas the main actor (actor 1) should
start from the upper left corner. The scary actors should start from the middle of the
f) The scary actors (actors 3-5) should move repeatedly in random directions each with
different number of pixels.
g) You (the user) should be able to move actor 1 in the four directions using the arrow keys.
h) The game should include a score.
i) When the main actor touches the target actor, the score should increase by 1, and the
target actor should disappear for 5 seconds then it should appear again on a random
j) When the main actor touches any of the scary actors (actors 3-5), the score should be
deducted by one point, and the main actor should return back to the upper left corner.
k) If the score goes below zero, the game is over and “You lose” message should be
displayed on the middle of the screen and all actors should stop moving.
l) If the score reaches 10, the game is over and “You win” message should be displayed on
the middle of the screen and all actors should stop moving.
m) If the score becomes 5, the game should switch to another level (make it as a function).
Level 2 on next page
In Level 2:
This level has the exact same specifications of level I with the following differences:
a) Show the title of the game on the screen once the new level starts along with the level
b) A new background is displayed.
c) The score starts from the same value scored at the end of level I.
d) Introduce a new scary actor (actor 6) that moves in a random direction with a certain
number of pixels, and a size of 0.5.
e) The same rules (of old scary actors) applies on the new scary actor whenever it touches
the main actor (actor 1).
General Instructions:
You have to submit within the due date and time. Late submission will be penalized by 25%
deduction for each day.
You should only submit as a MS Word file with multiple screenshots showing all code
and your name on Make sure to name the file with your name and ID. Also
write your name and ID inside the Word file.
Cheating will not be tolerated. The cheated parts will be graded as ZERO!

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