Required Texts

Title:  St. Martin's Guide to Writing Author: Axelrod, Rise B. / Cooper, Charles R. Edition/Copyright:  9th Edition (Copyright 2010) or 10th Edition (Copyright 2013) Publisher:  Bedford Books Type:  Hardcover, Paperback, or eBook ISBN-10:  0-312-53612-7 (9th Ed) or 1-457-63250-0 (10th Ed) ISBN-13:  978-0-312-53612-1 (9th Ed) or 978-1-4576-3250-1 (10th Ed)

**If you still have the 8th edition, this is also acceptable as long as it is the full 8th edition and not the short version (ISBN-10: 0-312-44624-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-312-44624-6).

You may order your book from our online bookstore. Click the following link:   You will need to know the course number.


Course Description

Course Description:      An approach to purposeful writing focusing on advanced problems in composition, especially the nature of argumentation, critical thinking, and persuasive writing.


Course Syllabus




Course Number:             ENGL 1206

Course Title:                 English Composition II

Course Description:      An approach to purposeful writing focusing on advanced problems in composition, especially the nature of argumentation, critical thinking, and persuasive writing.


Students and faculty of Barton County Community College constitute a special community engaged in the process of education. The college assumes that its students and faculty will demonstrate a code of personal honor, which is based upon courtesy, integrity, common sense, and respect for others both within and outside the classroom.

The college reserves the right to suspend a student for conduct, which is detrimental to the college’s educational endeavors as outlined in the college catalog.

Plagiarism on any academic endeavors at Barton County Community College will not be tolerated. Learn the rules of and avoid instances of intentional or unintentional plagiarism.

Anyone seeking an accommodation under provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act should notify the instructor and the BCCC enrollment specialist.

Please visit the Barton Fort Riley web site at for specific college policy and notices concerning: Non-Discrimination, Civil Rights Act of 1964, (FERPA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Sexual Harassment, Substance Abuse, Academic Clemency Policy, and Academic Suspension.

Student grievance procedure: Barton Community College policy is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to problems which may arise during the conduct of our LSEC, College, BSEP, or bartonline academic programs.  The place to start is with the course instructor.  If there is no resolve after the course instructor, then go to one of the following (appropriate for your need).   Other Barton assistance staff members: Michelle Koch ([email protected]), LSEC and BSEP/GT Coordinator; Ange Sullivan ([email protected]), Associate Dean of Distance Learning; Janet Balk ([email protected]), CP Coordinator; Kandi LeClear ([email protected]), VA Certifying Official; Rey Domingo ([email protected]), Assistant Dean of Student Services.  Student academic concerns that cannot be resolved with the course instructor and others in the above list should then be directed to Ashley Arnold, Dean of Military Academic Services, 785-784-6606 or [email protected]


The purpose of Composition II is to equip students with the tools they need to become effective and responsible persuasive communicators in their personal, professional, and academic lives.  This course will challenge students to think critically about the subject matter and apply these concepts to written communication opportunities beyond the classroom.

Composition II is an approved general education course at Barton County Community College. The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course outline or syllabus meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Groups project for this course as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents.


Barton County Community College is committed to the assessment of student learning and to quality education.  Assessment activities provide a means to develop an understanding of how students learn, what they know, and what they can do with their knowledge.  Results from these various activities guide Barton, as a learning college, in finding ways to improve student learning.

After completing this course, a student will be able to

1. Demonstrate control of the writing process, specifically in paragraph development and essay construction.

2. Read outside source material critically, for both its inherent meaning and its potential use in one’s writing.

3. Make reliable decisions regarding the most appropriate method for managing outside source material.

4. Effectively integrate outside source material into one’s own writing.

5. Understand the need for documentation of outside source material.

6. Document outside source material accurately using the Modern Language Association style of documentation.

7. Utilize various computer writing and research tools.

8. Evaluate whether an outside source is credible, verifiable, and authoritative.

9. Utilize both library and field research (as appropriate).

10. Recognize both sides of controversial issues, and consider opposing points of view in developing arguments.

11. Employ logical reasoning in argument development

12. Write a fully developed, researched, and documented essay on a controversial issue or problem.

13. Evaluate one’s own and others’ writing for persuasiveness, fluency, coherence, style, and unity.

14. Contribute to the revising process of another student’s writing by offering constructive criticism.

15. Develop one’s understanding of writing processes, particularly through feedback and revision, so as to build on individual strengths and remedy weaknesses.


1. Effectively integrate direct and indirect quotes from literary selections into his compositions as minor levels of support.

2. Use quotations from authorities to support his opinion, not as thesis or main points.

3. Quote accurately and demonstrate the ability to smoothly work quotations into the essay through the use of transitional devices, explanation, and justification.

4. Accurately use the Modern Language Association style of in-text citations.

5. Create an accurate Works Cited page of varied sources documenting outside sources he/she has incorporated into an essay.

6. Write an orderly, concise précis which reflects the principle content of the original material.

7. Render a more difficult portion of literature into a simple paraphrase that states the author’s ideas.

8. In his own writing, distinguish the difference between effective use of outside source information and plagiarism.

9. Use the library, including electronic sources available there for finding research information.

10. Conduct interviews for the purpose of gathering research related to a topic

11. Identify and omit irrelevant or insignificant information.

12. Edit and revise his own and others’ writing to meet the needs of subject, audience, and purpose.

13. Objectively evaluate his own and others’ writing for quality of expression.

14. Demonstrate the ability to organize material for effective presentation.

The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course outline or syllabus meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Groups project for this course as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents. VI.  INSTRUCTOR EXPECTATION OF STUDENTS IN CLASS

Bartonline distance learning classes are designed in weekly blocks.  Students are expected to complete all required reading, submit completed projects, post module essay entries and participate in required threaded discussions on a weekly basis. In the event of technical problems or natural disaster contact the instructor by e-mail: [email protected]. Courteous participation in class thread discussions is the standard. Disruptive and/or offensive behavior in the electronic medium will not be tolerated.


Title:  St. Martin's Guide to Writing Author: Axelrod, Rise B. / Cooper, Charles R. Edition/Copyright:  9th Edition (Copyright 2010) or 10th Edition (Copyright 2013) Publisher:  Bedford Books Type:  Hardcover, Paperback, or eBook ISBN-10:  0-312-53612-7 (9th Ed) or 1-457-63250-0 (10th Ed) ISBN-13:  978-0-312-53612-1 (9th Ed) or 978-1-4576-3250-1 (10th Ed)

**If you still have the 8th edition, this is also acceptable as long as it is the full 8th edition and not the short version (ISBN-10: 0-312-44624-1 or ISBN-13: 978-0-312-44624-6).

You may order your book from our online bookstore. Click the following link:   You will need to know the course number.


No additional references are required beyond the material included on the course website.


1)      Major papers will receive a numerical grade (see formula below).  Papers which are unacceptable (or would not yet pass an outside portfolio reading) at the first grading will be marked “Needs Revision” (R).  Unacceptable papers must be revised to an acceptable degree for them to pass.  An unrevised paper with an original grade of R will be counted as an F in determining final grades.

2)      Any major paper may be revised once, regardless of initial grade.  Once I email you your grade and my comments on your draft, you will typically have at least 3-5 days to revise (with the exception of the Introduction Assignment and the Final Letter to the Instructor, which you will not be able to revise due to end of semester time constraints).  I will list the specific revision due date in my comments. 

Please keep in mind that a revision does not automatically receive a better grade.  The revision must be substantially improved, simply making editing corrections will not warrant a higher grade.  For a definition of ‘revision’ for this course, see below.

3)      I will determine your final grade by the following formula:

Introductory Email                                                                         _____/5 pts

Summary/Critical Response (Major Paper #1)                                  _____/25 pts

Letter to the Editor--Problem/Solution (Major Paper #2)                    _____/25 pts

Persuasive Research Paper (Major Paper #3)                                    _____/35 pts

Letter to the Instructor--Justifying an Evaluation                               _____/10 pts


TOTAL                                                                                           _____/100 pts


[100-90 A                 89-80 B                    79-70 C                    Below 70 F]



Class attendance in Bartonline distance learning classes is measured primarily by timely completion of the assignments. Timely submission of assignments and participation in discussions (when applicable) will be factors in your final course grade. In the event of technical problems or natural disaster contact the instructor by email: [email protected].

If you plan on dropping the class, you must use the drop/add link that is located on the left side of your bartonline home page. Please review the drop/add dates and refund policy that is contained in the academic calendar portion of the website.


Our first week of the semester is designed as an ORIENTATION WEEK.  In other words, for the first week (Monday, March 14th through Sunday, March 20th), your only task is to complete the required Orientation Week tasks and familiarize yourself with the course and the online structure (as outlined in the welcome/introductory notes), so that you're ready to get down to work on Week 2. Starting with Week 2, I recommend you complete one unit every week to keep up in this course.  While you do not have to have every unit done by the date I've listed below, the red dates--when papers are due--are non-negotiable.  In other words, you must have your papers posted to the appropriate dropboxes by the red dates listed below.

Sunday, March 27                      Unit 1 Completed & Introduction Essay Due

Sunday, April 3                            Unit 2 Completed (recommended)

Sunday, April 10                        Unit 3 Completed--Summary/Crit Resp Due

Sunday, April 17                        Unit 4 Completed--Letter to Editor Due

Sunday, April 24                          Unit 5 Completed (recommended)

Sunday, May 1                           Unit 6 Completed--Persuasive Research Paper Due

Sunday, May 8                           Unit 7 Completed--Letter to the Instructor Due


ADDENDUM Kansas Regents Shared Number Courses Syllabus Statement

Reapproved by the Kansas Council of Instructional Administrators, September 26, 2013 KRSN Course ENG1020 The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this course outline or syllabus meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Groups project for this course as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents. Detailed Course Equivalency Information for Kansas Regents Institutions Can Be Found Here:

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