Report Option #2: Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (Adult)
Court Name of Defendant:
True Name of Defendant: Sentencing Date:
Docket No.(s):
Alias or Nickname: State No.:
Offender Description
Present Address: Telephone No.:
Name of Address of Closest Relative: Telephone No.
Age: Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: Soc. Sec. No.:
Sex Height Weight Eyes Hair Complexion Build Race
Identifying Mark(s):
Present Offense
Judge: State’s Attorney: Defense Attorney:
Offense(s) as Charged:
Offense(s) as Convicted:
Statute(s) & Penalty(ies)
Arrest Date(s): Co-defendant(s):
Bond: Confined: Convicted By: Criminal Record: No ____ Yes ____ (see attached)
Offender’s Version
Criminal Record
Current Personal History
Supplementation Information
Attached (Specify)
Based on the investigation, the following is recommended: Probation: ____ Yes ____ No ____Other (Specify)
Respectfully Submitted By (Probation Officer)
- Report Option #2: Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (Adult)
- Court Name of Defendant:
- Court:
- CityTown:
- True Name of Defendant:
- Sentencing Date:
- Alias or Nickname:
- State No:
- Docket Nos:
- Offender Description:
- Present Address:
- Telephone No:
- Name of Address of Closest Relative:
- Telephone No_2:
- Age:
- Date of Birth:
- Place of Birth:
- Soc Sec No:
- Sex:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Eyes:
- Hair:
- Complexion:
- Build:
- Race:
- Identifying Marks:
- Present Offense:
- Judge:
- States Attorney:
- Defense Attorney:
- Offenses as Charged:
- Offenses as Convicted:
- Statutes Penaltyies:
- Arrest Dates:
- Codefendants:
- Bond:
- Confined:
- Convicted By:
- No:
- Yes:
- Disposition:
- Offenders Version:
- Criminal Record:
- Date:
- Location:
- Disposition_2:
- Current Personal History:
- Recommendation:
- Supplementation Information:
- Attached Specify:
- Yes_2:
- No_2:
- Other Specify:
- Respectfully Submitted By Probation Officer:
Communicating professionally and ethically is an essential skill set we teach at
Strayer. The following guidelines ensure:
·· Your writing is professional
·· You avoid plagiarizing others
·· You give credit to others in your work
Review Strayer’s Academic Integrity Policy in the Student Handbook.
Bookmark the SWS website for additional SWS resources.
Visit the SWS YouTube page to view helpful SWS videos.
Fall 2020
Strayer Writing Standards 2
� Include page numbers.
� Use 1-inch margins.
� Use numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) or spell out numbers (one, two, three, and so on).
� Double space body text in the assignment.
� Use consistent 12-point font.
� Use section headings to divide separate content areas. Center the section headings on the page, be consistent, and include at least two section headings in the assignment.
� Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate page (first page of submission).
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Choose a point of view (first, second, or third person) as required by assignment guidelines.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.
� Include a Sources List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� Type “Sources” centered horizontally on the first line of the Source List page.
� Record the sources that you used in your assignment in a numbered list (see Giving Credit to Authors and Sources section).
Essay/Paper Guidelines
Title Page
Cite Credible Sources
Build a Sources List
Use these rules when working on an essay!
Strayer Writing Standards 3
� Use the provided template to format the assignment.
� Generally not required. If it is required, include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate page (first page of submission).
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Choose a point of view (first, second, or third person) as required by assignment guidelines.
� Specific assignment guidelines may override these standards. When in doubt, follow specific assignment guidelines first.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.
� Complete the provided Source List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� If no specific area exists in the template, consult the assignment and instructor guidelines for appropriate source credit methods.
� Cite sources throughout your assignment when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� When quoting or paraphrasing a source, include the source number in parentheses after the body text where you quote or paraphrase.
Templated Assignment Guidelines
Title Page
Cite Credible Sources
Build a Source List
Use these rules when working on a written assignment that is not explicitly an essay!
Strayer Writing Standards 4
� Use a background color or image on slides.
� Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font style.
� Use 28–32-point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point.
� Use 36–44-point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style).
� Limit slide content (7 or fewer lines per slide and 7 or fewer words per line).
� Number slides when the assignment requires 3 or more slides. Place numbers wherever you like (but be consistent).
� Include appropriate images that connect directly to the slide content or presentation content.
� Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate slide (first of submission).
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.
� Sources may be provided on a slide-by-slide basis (providing Source List entries at bottom of slide where source referenced) or in a comprehensive Source List at the end of slideshow.
� Include a Sources List slide when assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� Type “Sources” centered horizontally on the first line of the Source List slide.
� Provide sources used in your assignment in a numbered list (see Giving Credit to Authors and Sources section).
PowerPoint/Slideshow Guidelines
Title Page
Cite Credible Sources
Build a Sources List
Use these rules when working on a PowerPoint or slideshow assignment!
Strayer Writing Standards 5
� Use consistent 12-point font.
� Include appropriate images or media links that connect directly to discussion topic/content.
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your discussion response when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Cite quotes and paraphrases correctly: Include the source number in parentheses after the body text where quotation or paraphrasing occurs.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Sources List if used as a source.
� Type the word “Sources” at the end of your post, and below that include a list of any sources that you cited.
� Number all sources in the order they appear.
Discussion Post Guidelines
Cite Credible Sources
Use these rules when working on a Discussion Forum post or response!
For more information on building a Source List Entry, see Source List section.
The work is the important part of any writing assignment. According to Smith, “writing things down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant because…
Sources 1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. http://
If you pulled information from more than one source, continue to number the additional sources in the order that they appear in your post.
The work is the important part of any writing assignment. According to Smith, “writing things down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant because…
The other side of this is also important. It is noted that “the act of writing isn’t important as much as putting ideas somewhere useful” (2).
Sources 1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. http:// 2. Patricia Smith. 2018. The Way Things Really Are.
Strayer Writing Standards 6
Credit to Authors and Sources
Option #1: Paraphrasing
Rewording Source Information in Your Own Words · Rephrase source information in your own words. Avoid
repeating the same words of the author.
· Remember, you cannot just replace words from the original sentence.
· Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of your paraphrase as a citation (which will be the same on your Source List).
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”
As Harvey wrote, when writing a paper for higher education, it is critical to research and cite sources (1).
When writing a paper for higher education, it is imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey, 1).
Option #2: Quoting
Citing Another Person’s Work Word-for-Word · Place quotation marks at the beginning and end of quoted
· Limit quotes to two or fewer sentences (approximately 25 words) at a time.
· Do not start a sentence with a quotation.
· Introduce and explain quotes within the context of your paper.
· Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of the quote as a citation (which will be the same on your Source List).
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”
Harvey wrote in his book, “Writing at a college level requires informed research” (1).
Many authors agree, “Writing at a college level requires informed research” (Harvey, 1).
Use these rules for using evidence and creating in-text citations!
General Credit · Credit quoted or paraphrased sources using an in-text citation. An in-text citation includes the primary author’s last name and
the number of the source from the Source List.
· Before using any source, first determine its credibility. Then decide if the source is appropriate and relevant for your project. Find tips here.
· Well-researched assignments have at least as many sources as pages (see assignment instructions).
Strayer Writing Standards 7
Web sources are accessed through an internet browser.
Home Pages A home page loads when typing a standard web address. For instance, typing into any web browser will take you to Google’s home page.
Cite a homepage when using information from a news thread, image, or basic piece of information on a company’s website. Find Tips Here.
Specific Web Pages If using any web page other than the home page, include the specific page title and direct link (when possible) in the Source List entry.
If the assignment used multiple web pages from the same source, create separate Source List entries (if the title and/or web address is different).
Effective Internet Links When sharing a link to an article with your instructor and classmates, start with a brief summary of the article and why you chose to share it.
Share vs. URL Options Cutting and pasting the URL (web address) from your browser may not allow others to view your source. This makes it hard for people to engage with the content you used.
To avoid this problem, look for a “share” option and choose that when possible. Always test your link(s) before submitting.
If you cannot properly share the link, include the article/source as an attachment. Interested classmates and your professor can reference the article shared as an attachment. Find tips here.
Credit for Web Sources
Charts, images, and tables should be centered horizontally on the page and should be followed by an in-text citation. Design your page and place a citation below the chart, image, or table. When referring to the chart, image, or table in the body of the assignment, use the citation.
Do not include a chart, image, or table without introducing it in the assignment and explaining why it is necessary.
On your Source List, provide the following details of the visual:
· Author’s name (if created by you, provide your name).
· Date (if created by you, provide the year).
· Type (Chart, Image, or Table).
· How to find it (link or other information; see Source List section for additional details).
Charts, Images, and Tables
Strayer Writing Standards 8
Traditional Sources
Page Numbers When referencing multiple pages in a textbook or other print book, consider adding page numbers to help the audience understand where the information is found. You can do this in three ways:
a. by including it in the body of your assignment; or
or b. by using an in-text citation;
or c. by listing page numbers in the order used in your assignment on the Source List.
Check with your instructor or the assignment guidelines to see if there is a preference based on your course.
(Harvey, 1, p. 16)
In the example, the author is Harvey, the source list number is 1, and the page number where this information can be found is page 16.
Multiple Sources (Synthesizing) Synthesizing is the use of multiple sources in one paraphrased sentence or paragraph to make a strong point. While this is normally done in advanced writing, it could be useful for any writing where you use more than one source. Find tips here.
The key is clarity. If you paraphrase multiple sources in the same sentence (or paragraph if most of the information contained in the paragraph is paraphrased), you should include each source in the citation. Separate sources using semi-colons (;) and create the citation in the normal style that you would for using only one source (Name, Source Number).
(Harvey, 1; Buchanan, 2)
In the example, the authors Harvey and Buchanan were paraphrased to help the student make a strong point. Harvey is the first source on the Source List, and Buchanan is the second source on the Source List.
Advanced Methods Some assignments require more advanced techniques. If necessary, these guidelines help with special case scenarios.
Strayer Writing Standards 9
Substitution and Ellipsis Omitting unnecessary information from a direct quotation is often required. To omit information, delete the unnecessary information and replace it with an ellipsis inside of square brackets, like this: […]. Find tips here.
There are times when a quality source has made a mistake, but you still value the information that the source provides. To solve this issue, change elements of the source (noting what additions or changes were required). When changing elements within a direct quotation, delete the original information and surround the new wording or spelling with square brackets, like this: “[W]riting”.
The bracket here shows that the original source may have misspelled “writing” or that the “W” has been capitalized and was lowercase in the source material.
NOTE: Ellipsis and square brackets cannot be used in paraphrased source material.
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”
Harvey wrote that writing “at a college level requires […] research” (1).
Many authors agree that “[w]riting at an [undergrad- uate] college level requires informed research” (1).
Footnotes and Additional Content Written assignments may benefit from including relevant background information that is not necessarily important for the main body of the assignment.
To include extra secondary evidence or authorial commentary, insert a numeral superscript into the text of the assignment and add the extra evidence or commentary in the footer of the page as a footnote. (Note: Microsoft Word’s “Insert Footnote” function is the preferred method.)
When writing a paper for higher education,4 it is imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey, 1). This suggestion applies to both undergraduate and graduate students, and it is the first thing that beginning students must internalize.
4 Mathews has pointed out that this suggestion is appropriate for all levels of education, even those outside of university, and is in fact best practices for any form of professional writing (2). However, this paper focuses specifically on writing in college-level education.
Appendices An assignment may require an appendix following the Source List. The appendix is meant to declutter the assignment body or provide relevant supplemental information for the audience.
If there is only one appendix, it is labeled, Appendix. More than one appendix may be required. Label the first appendix Appendix A, the second Appendix B, and so on. Each chart, graphic, or photograph referred to in the body of the assignment requires its own listing in the appendices.
Use descriptive labels in the body of your written assignment to link each chart, graphic, or photograph to its place in the appendices. For example, when referring to a chart found in Appendix B, a student would include (see Appendix B, Cost of Tuition in Secondary Education, 2010-2019) after referring to data drawn from that chart.
Strayer Writing Standards 10
Source List The Source List includes all sources used in your assignment. It is a new page added at the end of your assignment. The list gives credit to authors whose work supported your own and should provide enough information so that others can find the source(s) without your help.
Build your Source List as you write.
� Type “Sources” at the top of a new page.
� Include a numbered list of the sources you used in your paper (the numbers indicate the order in which you used them).
1. Use the number one (1) for the first source used in the paper, the number two (2) for the second source, and so on.
2. Use the same number for a source if you use it multiple times.
� Ensure each source includes five parts: author or organization, publication date, title, page number (if needed), and how to find it. If you have trouble finding these details, then re- evaluate the credibility of your source.
� Use the browser link for a public webpage.
� Use a permalink for a webpage when possible. Find tips here.
� Instruct your readers on how to find all sources that do not have a browser link or a permalink.
� Separate each Source List element with a period on your Source List.
The person(s) who published the source. This can be a single person, a group of people, or an organization. If the source has no author, use “No author” where you would list the author.
The date the source was published. If the source has no publication date, use “No date” where you would list the date.
The title of the source. If the source has no title, use “No title” where you would list the title.
The page number(s) used. If the source has no page numbers, omit this section from your Source List Entry.
Instruct readers how to find all sources. Keep explanations simple and concise, but provide enough information so the source can be located. Note: It is your responsibility to make sure the source can be found.
Michael Harvey
In the case of multiple authors, only list the first.
This is not the same as copyright date, which is denoted by ©
The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing
p. 1
Include p. and the page(s) used. login?url=http://search.
Setting Up the Source List Page
Creating a Source List Entry
Source List Elements
Strayer Writing Standards 11
NOTE: For the example, Harvey is the first source used in the assignment.
How It Will Look in Your Source List
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1.
Sample Source List
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1.
2. William R. Stanek. 2010. Storyboarding Techniques chapter in Effective Writing for Business, College and Life. http://libdatab.
3. Zyad Hicham. 2017. Vocabulary Growth in College-Level Students’ Narrative Writing.
4. Anya Kamenetz. July 10, 2015. The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives.
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Case Study 1 The Officer and the Drug Arrest Officer Williams is an officer with the Richmond police department and has been with the department for five years. He received information that a citizen living in the local housing project was selling drugs. This information was conveyed to Officer Williams by an anonymous caller to the officer on his personal cell phone. Officer Williams immediately went to the housing project and stopped the citizen as he was leaving his apartment. Officer Williams searched the citizen and found drugs. Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a 1- to 2-page paper in which you:
· Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. In your own opinion, discuss if you support his actions or not. Justify your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents.
· Analyze the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions.
· Determine whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three (3) ways whereby probable cause can be established. Provide a rationale for your response.
· Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS ). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
· Research and analyze procedures governing the process of arrest through trial.
· Critically debate the constitutional safeguards of key amendments with specific attention to the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments.
· Describe the difference between searchers, warrantless searches, and stops.
· Write clearly and concisely about the criminal procedure using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric
Points: |
Case Study 1: The Officer and the Drug Arrest |
Criteria |
Unacceptable Below 60% F |
Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D |
Fair 70-79% C |
Proficient 80-89% B |
Exemplary 90-100% A |
1. Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. In your own opinion, discuss if you support his actions or not. Justify your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents. Weight: 35% |
Did not submit or incompletely identified the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. Did not submit or incompletely discussed if you supported his actions or not. Did not submit or incompletely justified your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents. |
Insufficiently y identified the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. Insufficiently discussed if you supported his actions or not. Insufficiently justified your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents. |
Partially identified the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. Partially discussed if you supported his actions or not. Partially justified your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents. |
Satisfactorily identified the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. Satisfactorily discussed if you supported his actions or not. Satisfactorily justified your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents. |
Thoroughly identified the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. Thoroughly discussed if you supported his actions or not. Thoroughly justified your answer using the appropriate case law and Supreme Court precedents. |
2. Analyze the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions. Weight: 25% |
Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions. |
Insufficiently analyzed the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions. |
Partially analyzed the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions. |
Satisfactorily analyzed the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions. |
Thoroughly analyzed the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions. |
3. Determine whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three ways whereby probable cause can be established. Provide a rationale for your response. Weight: 25% |
Did not submit or incompletely determined whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three ways whereby probable cause can be established. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response. |
Insufficiently determined whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three ways whereby probable cause can be established. Insufficiently provided a rationale for your response. |
Partially determined whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three ways whereby probable cause can be established. Partially provided a rationale for your response. |
Satisfactorily determined whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three ways whereby probable cause can be established. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. |
Thoroughly determined whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three ways whereby probable cause can be established. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response. |
4. Cite two references. Weight: 5% |
No references provided |
Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. |
Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. |
Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. |
Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. |
5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% |
More than 8 errors present. |
7-8 errors present. |
5-6 errors present. |
3-4 errors present. |
0-2 errors present. |
Officer Williams is an officer with the Richmond police department and has been with
the department for five years. He received information that a citizen living in the local
housing project was selling drugs. This information was conveyed to Officer Willi
ams by
an anonymous caller to the officer on his personal cell phone. Officer Williams
immediately went to the housing project and stopped the citizen as he was leaving his
apartment. Officer Williams searched the citizen and found drugs.
Note: You may cr
eate and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the
completion of this assignment.
Write a 1
to 2
page paper in which you:
Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. In y
our own
opinion, discuss if you support his actions or not. Justify your answer using the appropriate case law
and Supreme Court precedents.
Analyze the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions.
Determine whether or not Officer Williams'
actions were justified by any of the three (3) ways
whereby probable cause can be established. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as
academic resources.
r assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new
). The format is different than other
Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one
inch margins on all sides;
citations and
references must follow SWS or school
specific format. Check with your professor for
any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name,
the course title, and the date. The cove
r page and the reference page are not included in the required
assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Research and analyze procedures governing the process of arrest through trial.
Critically deba
te the constitutional safeguards of key amendments with specific attention to the 4th,
5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments.
Describe the difference between searchers, warrantless searches, and stops.
Write clearly and concisely about the criminal procedure using
proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the
paper, and language and writing skills, using the following
Case Study 1: The Officer and the Drug Arrest
Below 60% F
69% D
79% C
89% B
100% A
Case Study 1 The Officer and the Drug Arrest
Officer Williams is an officer with the Richmond police department and has been with
the department for five years. He received information that a citizen living in the local
housing project was selling drugs. This information was conveyed to Officer Williams by
an anonymous caller to the officer on his personal cell phone. Officer Williams
immediately went to the housing project and stopped the citizen as he was leaving his
apartment. Officer Williams searched the citizen and found drugs.
Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the
completion of this assignment.
Write a 1- to 2-page paper in which you:
Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams' actions. In your own
opinion, discuss if you support his actions or not. Justify your answer using the appropriate case law
and Supreme Court precedents.
Analyze the validity and constitutionality of Officer Williams' actions.
Determine whether or not Officer Williams' actions were justified by any of the three (3) ways
whereby probable cause can be established. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as
academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other
Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides;
citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for
any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name,
the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required
assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Research and analyze procedures governing the process of arrest through trial.
Critically debate the constitutional safeguards of key amendments with specific attention to the 4th,
5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments.
Describe the difference between searchers, warrantless searches, and stops.
Write clearly and concisely about the criminal procedure using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the
paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric
Points: Case Study 1: The Officer and the Drug Arrest
Below 60% F
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A
Communicating professionally and ethically is an essential skill set we teach at
Strayer. The following guidelines ensure:
·· Your writing is professional
·· You avoid plagiarizing others
·· You give credit to others in your work
Review Strayer’s Academic Integrity Policy in the Student Handbook.
Bookmark the SWS website for additional SWS resources.
Visit the SWS YouTube page to view helpful SWS videos.
Fall 2020
Strayer Writing Standards 2
� Include page numbers.
� Use 1-inch margins.
� Use numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) or spell out numbers (one, two, three, and so on).
� Double space body text in the assignment.
� Use consistent 12-point font.
� Use section headings to divide separate content areas. Center the section headings on the page, be consistent, and include at least two section headings in the assignment.
� Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate page (first page of submission).
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Choose a point of view (first, second, or third person) as required by assignment guidelines.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.
� Include a Sources List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� Type “Sources” centered horizontally on the first line of the Source List page.
� Record the sources that you used in your assignment in a numbered list (see Giving Credit to Authors and Sources section).
Essay/Paper Guidelines
Title Page
Cite Credible Sources
Build a Sources List
Use these rules when working on an essay!
Strayer Writing Standards 3
� Use the provided template to format the assignment.
� Generally not required. If it is required, include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate page (first page of submission).
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Choose a point of view (first, second, or third person) as required by assignment guidelines.
� Specific assignment guidelines may override these standards. When in doubt, follow specific assignment guidelines first.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.
� Complete the provided Source List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� If no specific area exists in the template, consult the assignment and instructor guidelines for appropriate source credit methods.
� Cite sources throughout your assignment when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� When quoting or paraphrasing a source, include the source number in parentheses after the body text where you quote or paraphrase.
Templated Assignment Guidelines
Title Page
Cite Credible Sources
Build a Source List
Use these rules when working on a written assignment that is not explicitly an essay!
Strayer Writing Standards 4
� Use a background color or image on slides.
� Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font style.
� Use 28–32-point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point.
� Use 36–44-point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style).
� Limit slide content (7 or fewer lines per slide and 7 or fewer words per line).
� Number slides when the assignment requires 3 or more slides. Place numbers wherever you like (but be consistent).
� Include appropriate images that connect directly to the slide content or presentation content.
� Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate slide (first of submission).
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.
� Sources may be provided on a slide-by-slide basis (providing Source List entries at bottom of slide where source referenced) or in a comprehensive Source List at the end of slideshow.
� Include a Sources List slide when assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.
� Type “Sources” centered horizontally on the first line of the Source List slide.
� Provide sources used in your assignment in a numbered list (see Giving Credit to Authors and Sources section).
PowerPoint/Slideshow Guidelines
Title Page
Cite Credible Sources
Build a Sources List
Use these rules when working on a PowerPoint or slideshow assignment!
Strayer Writing Standards 5
� Use consistent 12-point font.
� Include appropriate images or media links that connect directly to discussion topic/content.
� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your discussion response when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Cite quotes and paraphrases correctly: Include the source number in parentheses after the body text where quotation or paraphrasing occurs.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Sources List if used as a source.
� Type the word “Sources” at the end of your post, and below that include a list of any sources that you cited.
� Number all sources in the order they appear.
Discussion Post Guidelines
Cite Credible Sources
Use these rules when working on a Discussion Forum post or response!
For more information on building a Source List Entry, see Source List section.
The work is the important part of any writing assignment. According to Smith, “writing things down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant because…
Sources 1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. http://
If you pulled information from more than one source, continue to number the additional sources in the order that they appear in your post.
The work is the important part of any writing assignment. According to Smith, “writing things down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant because…
The other side of this is also important. It is noted that “the act of writing isn’t important as much as putting ideas somewhere useful” (2).
Sources 1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. http:// 2. Patricia Smith. 2018. The Way Things Really Are.
Strayer Writing Standards 6
Credit to Authors and Sources
Option #1: Paraphrasing
Rewording Source Information in Your Own Words · Rephrase source information in your own words. Avoid
repeating the same words of the author.
· Remember, you cannot just replace words from the original sentence.
· Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of your paraphrase as a citation (which will be the same on your Source List).
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”
As Harvey wrote, when writing a paper for higher education, it is critical to research and cite sources (1).
When writing a paper for higher education, it is imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey, 1).
Option #2: Quoting
Citing Another Person’s Work Word-for-Word · Place quotation marks at the beginning and end of quoted
· Limit quotes to two or fewer sentences (approximately 25 words) at a time.
· Do not start a sentence with a quotation.
· Introduce and explain quotes within the context of your paper.
· Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of the quote as a citation (which will be the same on your Source List).
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”
Harvey wrote in his book, “Writing at a college level requires informed research” (1).
Many authors agree, “Writing at a college level requires informed research” (Harvey, 1).
Use these rules for using evidence and creating in-text citations!
General Credit · Credit quoted or paraphrased sources using an in-text citation. An in-text citation includes the primary author’s last name and
the number of the source from the Source List.
· Before using any source, first determine its credibility. Then decide if the source is appropriate and relevant for your project. Find tips here.
· Well-researched assignments have at least as many sources as pages (see assignment instructions).
Strayer Writing Standards 7
Web sources are accessed through an internet browser.
Home Pages A home page loads when typing a standard web address. For instance, typing into any web browser will take you to Google’s home page.
Cite a homepage when using information from a news thread, image, or basic piece of information on a company’s website. Find Tips Here.
Specific Web Pages If using any web page other than the home page, include the specific page title and direct link (when possible) in the Source List entry.
If the assignment used multiple web pages from the same source, create separate Source List entries (if the title and/or web address is different).
Effective Internet Links When sharing a link to an article with your instructor and classmates, start with a brief summary of the article and why you chose to share it.
Share vs. URL Options Cutting and pasting the URL (web address) from your browser may not allow others to view your source. This makes it hard for people to engage with the content you used.
To avoid this problem, look for a “share” option and choose that when possible. Always test your link(s) before submitting.
If you cannot properly share the link, include the article/source as an attachment. Interested classmates and your professor can reference the article shared as an attachment. Find tips here.
Credit for Web Sources
Charts, images, and tables should be centered horizontally on the page and should be followed by an in-text citation. Design your page and place a citation below the chart, image, or table. When referring to the chart, image, or table in the body of the assignment, use the citation.
Do not include a chart, image, or table without introducing it in the assignment and explaining why it is necessary.
On your Source List, provide the following details of the visual:
· Author’s name (if created by you, provide your name).
· Date (if created by you, provide the year).
· Type (Chart, Image, or Table).
· How to find it (link or other information; see Source List section for additional details).
Charts, Images, and Tables
Strayer Writing Standards 8
Traditional Sources
Page Numbers When referencing multiple pages in a textbook or other print book, consider adding page numbers to help the audience understand where the information is found. You can do this in three ways:
a. by including it in the body of your assignment; or
or b. by using an in-text citation;
or c. by listing page numbers in the order used in your assignment on the Source List.
Check with your instructor or the assignment guidelines to see if there is a preference based on your course.
(Harvey, 1, p. 16)
In the example, the author is Harvey, the source list number is 1, and the page number where this information can be found is page 16.
Multiple Sources (Synthesizing) Synthesizing is the use of multiple sources in one paraphrased sentence or paragraph to make a strong point. While this is normally done in advanced writing, it could be useful for any writing where you use more than one source. Find tips here.
The key is clarity. If you paraphrase multiple sources in the same sentence (or paragraph if most of the information contained in the paragraph is paraphrased), you should include each source in the citation. Separate sources using semi-colons (;) and create the citation in the normal style that you would for using only one source (Name, Source Number).
(Harvey, 1; Buchanan, 2)
In the example, the authors Harvey and Buchanan were paraphrased to help the student make a strong point. Harvey is the first source on the Source List, and Buchanan is the second source on the Source List.
Advanced Methods Some assignments require more advanced techniques. If necessary, these guidelines help with special case scenarios.
Strayer Writing Standards 9
Substitution and Ellipsis Omitting unnecessary information from a direct quotation is often required. To omit information, delete the unnecessary information and replace it with an ellipsis inside of square brackets, like this: […]. Find tips here.
There are times when a quality source has made a mistake, but you still value the information that the source provides. To solve this issue, change elements of the source (noting what additions or changes were required). When changing elements within a direct quotation, delete the original information and surround the new wording or spelling with square brackets, like this: “[W]riting”.
The bracket here shows that the original source may have misspelled “writing” or that the “W” has been capitalized and was lowercase in the source material.
NOTE: Ellipsis and square brackets cannot be used in paraphrased source material.
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”
Harvey wrote that writing “at a college level requires […] research” (1).
Many authors agree that “[w]riting at an [undergrad- uate] college level requires informed research” (1).
Footnotes and Additional Content Written assignments may benefit from including relevant background information that is not necessarily important for the main body of the assignment.
To include extra secondary evidence or authorial commentary, insert a numeral superscript into the text of the assignment and add the extra evidence or commentary in the footer of the page as a footnote. (Note: Microsoft Word’s “Insert Footnote” function is the preferred method.)
When writing a paper for higher education,4 it is imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey, 1). This suggestion applies to both undergraduate and graduate students, and it is the first thing that beginning students must internalize.
4 Mathews has pointed out that this suggestion is appropriate for all levels of education, even those outside of university, and is in fact best practices for any form of professional writing (2). However, this paper focuses specifically on writing in college-level education.
Appendices An assignment may require an appendix following the Source List. The appendix is meant to declutter the assignment body or provide relevant supplemental information for the audience.
If there is only one appendix, it is labeled, Appendix. More than one appendix may be required. Label the first appendix Appendix A, the second Appendix B, and so on. Each chart, graphic, or photograph referred to in the body of the assignment requires its own listing in the appendices.
Use descriptive labels in the body of your written assignment to link each chart, graphic, or photograph to its place in the appendices. For example, when referring to a chart found in Appendix B, a student would include (see Appendix B, Cost of Tuition in Secondary Education, 2010-2019) after referring to data drawn from that chart.
Strayer Writing Standards 10
Source List The Source List includes all sources used in your assignment. It is a new page added at the end of your assignment. The list gives credit to authors whose work supported your own and should provide enough information so that others can find the source(s) without your help.
Build your Source List as you write.
� Type “Sources” at the top of a new page.
� Include a numbered list of the sources you used in your paper (the numbers indicate the order in which you used them).
1. Use the number one (1) for the first source used in the paper, the number two (2) for the second source, and so on.
2. Use the same number for a source if you use it multiple times.
� Ensure each source includes five parts: author or organization, publication date, title, page number (if needed), and how to find it. If you have trouble finding these details, then re- evaluate the credibility of your source.
� Use the browser link for a public webpage.
� Use a permalink for a webpage when possible. Find tips here.
� Instruct your readers on how to find all sources that do not have a browser link or a permalink.
� Separate each Source List element with a period on your Source List.
The person(s) who published the source. This can be a single person, a group of people, or an organization. If the source has no author, use “No author” where you would list the author.
The date the source was published. If the source has no publication date, use “No date” where you would list the date.
The title of the source. If the source has no title, use “No title” where you would list the title.
The page number(s) used. If the source has no page numbers, omit this section from your Source List Entry.
Instruct readers how to find all sources. Keep explanations simple and concise, but provide enough information so the source can be located. Note: It is your responsibility to make sure the source can be found.
Michael Harvey
In the case of multiple authors, only list the first.
This is not the same as copyright date, which is denoted by ©
The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing
p. 1
Include p. and the page(s) used. login?url=http://search.
Setting Up the Source List Page
Creating a Source List Entry
Source List Elements
Strayer Writing Standards 11
NOTE: For the example, Harvey is the first source used in the assignment.
How It Will Look in Your Source List
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1.
Sample Source List
1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1.
2. William R. Stanek. 2010. Storyboarding Techniques chapter in Effective Writing for Business, College and Life. http://libdatab.
3. Zyad Hicham. 2017. Vocabulary Growth in College-Level Students’ Narrative Writing.
4. Anya Kamenetz. July 10, 2015. The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives.
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Assignment 1 Criminal Justice Report
As a criminal justice professional, report writing is an important aspect of your responsibilities. For this assignment, you will review a scenario and complete a report commonly found within a particular criminal justice profession.
Review the four (4) options below and choose one option to complete this assignment. For your chosen option, review the associated scenario and complete the provided report template:
· Option 1: Law Enforcement Officer
. Scenario: Watch and take notes on the video scenario: CJ in Practice Video: Traffic Stop
. Report Template: Assume that an arrest is made in the scenario and complete the Arrest Report .
· Option 2: Adult Parole and Probation Officer
. Scenario: Read the Lindsey Nahol Scenario below:
The defendant, Lindsey Nahol, entered Sparkle Jewelry and asked the sales clerk to show her several pieces of expensive jewelry. When the clerk turned his back, the defendant slipped a diamond necklace into her purse and walked towards the exit. When the security guard attempted to stop the defendant, she kicked and scratched the security guard. With help from the store clerk, the security guard restrained the defendant and held her in a room until the local police arrived. The local police officer placed her under arrest for robbery. Ms. Nahol has been in jail for 60 days, and has plead guilty to robbery and assault and battery. Before imposing sentencing, Judge Fairmont ask for a pre-sentence investigation or report.
The pre-sentence investigation reveals that Ms. Nahol, now 30, has been involved in the criminal justice system since she was 14, when she was adjudicated for car theft, for which she was placed on juvenile probation. However, she violated her probation, however, upon reinstatement of the probation, she successfully completed a 36-month probational term. As an adult, Ms. Nahol has been sentenced three previous times, as an adult, for various crimes including shoplifting, burglary and possession of a controlled substance. She successfully completed her probation for these offenses one year ago. Ms. Nahol states that she stole the car when she was 14 because she wanted her friends to think that she was cool and not a nerd. She states that this is also the reason why she started using drugs. As for the security officer, during the interview, Ms. Nahol stated that she was defending herself and standing her ground, because the security guard grabbed her first, when he was trying to prevent her from leaving the store.
Ms. Nahol has her high school diploma; she has not spoken to any of her family members in more than a year. But states that she is very close friends who let her crash at their house anytime she wants. She spends her time thinking about her future and is interested in earning her degree in criminal justice from Strayer University and after obtaining her degree she wants to be a juvenile probation officer.
The prosecutor has asked for five (5) years in prison, followed by five (5) years of probation. The defense attorney has asked for time served and two years of probation.
. Report Template: Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (Adult)
· Option 3: Juvenile Parole and Probation Officer
. Scenario: Watch and take notes on the video scenario: CJ in Practice: Juvenile Detention
. Report Template: Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (Juvenile)
· Option 4: Criminal Investigator
. Scenario: Read “A Mutilation Murder” Case on page 670 of your textbook.
. Report Template: Crime Scene Investigation Report
Once you have chosen one of the options above and reviewed the scenario and required report template, complete the report template in which you:
1. Fill out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario.
2. Fill out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario.
3. Articulate the circumstances of the scenario in the narrative portion of the report, as appropriate.
4. Use concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
· Prepare reports commonly found in the Criminal Justice workplace that communicate effectively with a range of audiences and make use of appropriate information technology.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric
Points: |
Assignment 1: Criminal Justice Report |
Criteria |
Unacceptable Below 60% F |
Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D |
Fair 70-79% C |
Proficient 80-89% B |
Exemplary 90-100% A |
1. Fill out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario.
Weight: 30% |
Did not submit or incompletely filled out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario. |
Insufficiently filled out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario. |
Partially filled out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario. |
Satisfactorily filled out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario. |
Thoroughly filled out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario. |
2. Fill out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario.
Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely filled out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario. |
Insufficiently filled out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario. |
Partially filled out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario. |
Satisfactorily filled out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario. |
Thoroughly filled out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario. |
3. Articulate the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate.
Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely articulated the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate. |
Insufficiently articulated the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate. |
Partially articulated the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate. |
Satisfactorily articulated the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate. |
Thoroughly articulated the circumstances of the scenario in a narrative, as appropriate. |
4. Use concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively.
Weight: 20% |
Did not submit or incompletely used concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively. |
Insufficiently used concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively. |
Partially used concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively. |
Satisfactorily used concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively. |
Thoroughly used concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively. |
5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10% |
More than 8 errors present. |
7-8 errors present. |
5-6 errors present. |
3-4 errors present. |
0-2 errors present. |
As a criminal justice professional, report writing is an important aspect of your
responsibilities. For this assignment, you will review a scenario and complete a report
commonly found within a particular criminal justice profession.
Review the four (4) o
ptions below and choose one option to complete this assignment.
For your chosen option, review the associated scenario and complete the provided
report template:
: Watch and take
notes on the video scenario:
Assume that an arrest is made in the scenario and complete the
Read the Lindsey Nahol Scenario below:
The defendant, Lindsey Nahol, entered Sparkle Jewelry and asked the
sales clerk to show her several pieces of expensive jewelry.
When the
clerk turned his back, the defendant slipped a diamond necklace
into her
purse and walked towards the exit.
When the security guard attempted to
stop the defendant, she kicked and scratched the security guard.
With help
from the store clerk, the security guard restrained the defendant and held
her in a room until the
local police arrived.
The local police officer placed
her under arrest for robbery.
Ms. Nahol has been in jail for 60 days, and
has plead guilty to robbery and assault and battery.
Before imposing
sentencing, Judge Fairmont ask for a pre
sentence inves
tigation or
The pre
sentence investigation reveals that Ms. Nahol, now 30, has been
involved in the criminal justice system since she was 14, when she was
adjudicated for car theft, for which she was placed on juvenile
However, she v
iolated her probation, however, upon
reinstatement of the probation, she successfully completed a 36
probational term.
As an adult, Ms. Nahol has been sentenced three
previous times, as an adult, for various crimes including shoplifting,
burglary an
d possession of a controlled substance.
She successfully
completed her probation for these offenses one year ago.
Ms. Nahol
states that she stole the car when she was 14 because she wanted her
friends to think that she was cool and not a nerd.
She state
s that this is
also the reason why she started using drugs.
As for the security officer,
during the interview, Ms. Nahol stated that she was defending herself and
standing her ground, because the security guard grabbed her first, when he
was trying to pre
vent her from leaving the store.
Ms. Nahol has her high school diploma; she has not spoken to any of her
family members in more than a year.
But states that she is very close
friends who let her crash at their house anytime she wants.
She spends
her time
thinking about her future and is interested in earning her degree in
Assignment 1 Criminal Justice Report
As a criminal justice professional, report writing is an important aspect of your
responsibilities. For this assignment, you will review a scenario and complete a report
commonly found within a particular criminal justice profession.
Review the four (4) options below and choose one option to complete this assignment.
For your chosen option, review the associated scenario and complete the provided
report template:
Option 1: Law Enforcement Officer
o Scenario: Watch and take notes on the video scenario: CJ in Practice Video: Traffic Stop
o Report Template: Assume that an arrest is made in the scenario and complete the Arrest
Report .
Option 2: Adult Parole and Probation Officer
o Scenario: Read the Lindsey Nahol Scenario below:
The defendant, Lindsey Nahol, entered Sparkle Jewelry and asked the
sales clerk to show her several pieces of expensive jewelry. When the
clerk turned his back, the defendant slipped a diamond necklace into her
purse and walked towards the exit. When the security guard attempted to
stop the defendant, she kicked and scratched the security guard. With help
from the store clerk, the security guard restrained the defendant and held
her in a room until the local police arrived. The local police officer placed
her under arrest for robbery. Ms. Nahol has been in jail for 60 days, and
has plead guilty to robbery and assault and battery. Before imposing
sentencing, Judge Fairmont ask for a pre-sentence investigation or
The pre-sentence investigation reveals that Ms. Nahol, now 30, has been
involved in the criminal justice system since she was 14, when she was
adjudicated for car theft, for which she was placed on juvenile
probation. However, she violated her probation, however, upon
reinstatement of the probation, she successfully completed a 36-month
probational term. As an adult, Ms. Nahol has been sentenced three
previous times, as an adult, for various crimes including shoplifting,
burglary and possession of a controlled substance. She successfully
completed her probation for these offenses one year ago. Ms. Nahol
states that she stole the car when she was 14 because she wanted her
friends to think that she was cool and not a nerd. She states that this is
also the reason why she started using drugs. As for the security officer,
during the interview, Ms. Nahol stated that she was defending herself and
standing her ground, because the security guard grabbed her first, when he
was trying to prevent her from leaving the store.
Ms. Nahol has her high school diploma; she has not spoken to any of her
family members in more than a year. But states that she is very close
friends who let her crash at their house anytime she wants. She spends
her time thinking about her future and is interested in earning her degree in

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