Mack 4
Henry Mack
Grantham University
Obesity is a Preventable Disease
Obesity can be defined as a medical condition where an individual carries excess body fat or weight. The excess weight, in many cases, impacts the health of a person negatively. The negative impacts range from disabilities, diabetes to chronic heart diseases, which lead to premature deaths in both adults and children. It is estimated that over 30% of people in America and 20% in Europe are affected by diabetes, and in no intervention is made over 20% of the world adult population will be obese by 2030 (Hruby and Hu). Various factors are used to determine where an individual is overweight or not, and they include body mass index (BMI), waist-to –hip-size ratio and the distribution of fat in one’s body. Obesity as much as it is preventable has become a menace in our modern-day society due to poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, and poor sleeping patterns. This essay seeks to outline the various ways in which society can help in reducing and preventing obesity.
Diabetes Prevention Strategies
Physical Activity
Both adults and children should participate in physical activities as a means of preventing disabilities. school-based programs should be structured in a way that they incorporate enough time for physical activities. Adults should also strive to engage in regular physical activity. Physical activities are essential as they help increase energy expenditure reducing total body fat. By exercising, both adults and children will be able to maintain the recommended body weight reducing the chances of being obese.
Healthy Diet
Diet is a significant determinant of one’s health. Individuals should incorporate fruits and vegetable which are high-fiber foods in their diets. High-fiber foods are rich in minerals, low fats, and few calories. Eating such foods is helpful as they have lots of bulk keeping one full for a long time (Chan and Woo). This is helpful to prevent overeating. These foods are also digested slowly compared to other foods. The slow digestion process helps in maintaining the recommended amount of blood sugar level for an extended period. Whole grains are also important as they are a source of nutrients that help in maintaining the proper body weight and preventing obesity.
Clinical Interventions
Healthcare providers can also be used to prevent and reduce obesity levels among their patients. This can be done by increasing the number of dietitians and nutritionists in healthcare facilities. Improving patient care is critical as it enhances special care among patients (Hruby and Hu). Nutritionist advises and guides patients on what they should or should not eat according to their health status. If this is done, individuals will receive personal care on matters affecting them, and by following up on their patients, a nutritionist will ensure that people are eating healthy, and this will contribute towards reducing obesity.
Evidently, diabetes is a preventable disease that has considerable health care effects and costs. It is crucial to come up with strategies that will help people make changes that will promote healthy lifestyles globally, as poor lifestyle choices are the leading causes of obesity. Policymakers should, therefore, come up with motivation strategies that will motivate people to make behavioral changes, which will eventually impact their health positively by reducing obesity levels.
Works Cited
Chan, R. S., and J. Woo. "Prevention of Overweight and Obesity: How Effective is the Current Public Health Approach." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 7, no. 3, 2010, pp. 765-783, doi:10.3390/ijerph7030765.
Hruby, A., and F. B. Hu. "The Epidemiology of Obesity: A Big Picture." PharmacoEconomics, vol. 33, no. 7, 2014, pp. 673-689, doi:10.1007/s40273-014-0243-x.

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