
Directions: Your task is to prepare a presentation about the 1970s.

The presentation must include information on the following categories:

· social

· economic

· political affairs

· foreign affairs

You may use PowerPoint or any other Web 2.0 tool to create your presentation.Your presentation must include visual information, some examples could be film clips, political cartoons, posters, etc.

Some suggested topics BUT not limited to the following:

· the "moral majority"

· Environmental Protection Agency 

· detente

· Kent State protest

· end of Vietnam War

· Watergate scandal

· OPEC Oil Embargo

· Energy Crisis

· stagflation

· Camp David Accords

· Iranian Hostage Crisis

The presentation should include a minimum of 10 slides and 10 images.  Be sure to cite sources for information and images. Have fun!


Question 1

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Which of the following is best described as a computer-based global information system?

Select one:

a. television

b. fax

c. Internet

d. phone

Question 2

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The Federal Government responded to the 2001 attacks on the World Trade center and Pentagon by

Select one:

a. deporting illegal immigrants

b. decreasing military spending

c. expanding civil liberties of Americans

d. created the Department of Homeland Security

Question 3

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Which major event occured in 2008 that was an historic moment in United States history?

Select one:

a. Iraq invaded American troops

b. George Bush was elected

c. the first African American was elected President

d. terrorist attacks on U.S. soil

Question 4

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All of the following are major events that have occurred during Barrack Obama's Presidency except:

Select one:

a. major bailout of banking industry

b. end of the war in Afghanistan

c. health care was reformed

d. major bailout of automobile industry

Question 5

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This law was passed under President Bush’s administration as a result of the 9/11 attack.

Select one:

a. Illegal Aliens Act

b. Banking Reform Act

c. The Patriot Act

d. Automobile Industry Act

Question 6

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The Democratic nominee for president and the winner of the 2008 election was?

Select one:

a. George W. Bush

b. John McCain

c. Barack Obama

d. Hillary Clinton

Question 7

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By 2010, the census reported over ______ million Americans.

Select one:

a. 500 million

b. 400 million

c. 284 million

d. 184 million

Question 8

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The U.S. government must increase spending on _____________ because of the increased lifespan of Americans.

Select one:

a. Unemployment insurance

b. Worker's compensation insurance

c. Family leave

d. Medicare

Question 9

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People move from the cities to the suburbs in what is know as _______________.

Select one:

a. suburbination

b. urban flight

c. white flight

d. downtown renourishment

Question 10

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__________ becomes more prosperous because of the increase in their tax base.

Select one:

a. downtown areas

b. rural areas

c. suburbs

d. urban areas

Question 11

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This law resulted in cuts to education and health benefits to illegal immigrants.

Select one:

a. Proposition 187

b. Illegal Immigrant Act 2008

c. Restoration Act 2010

d. the Patriot Act

Question 12

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In the early 1990s, the ____________ was developed, in large part, for commercial purposes.

Select one:

a. fiber optic cables

b. dot com companies

c. World Wide Web

d. Internet

Question 13

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The Internet was developed during the 1970s by the Department of ____________.

Select one:

a. Labor

b. Defense

c. Commerce

d. Homeland Security

Question 14

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Environmentalists observed the diminishing of _________ and global warming trends.

Select one:

a. hurricanes

b. rainforests

c. wetlands

d. endangered species

Question 15

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Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989 and rising gasoline prices in 2000 illustrated America's embarrassing dependency on ___________.

Select one:

a. fossil fuel

b. rainforests

c. none of the above

d. trees


Module 9, Lesson 3 Assignment 2: Challenges and Successes of Presidents Bush and Clinton

Directions: Using the information from Module 9, Lesson 3 your task is to create a presentation that explains the following:

1. One domestic challenge for each President Bush and President Clinton. 

2. One foreign challenge for each President Bush and President Clinton. 

***You must present two challenges, one domestic and one foreign, for BOTH men.

1. One domestic success for each President Bush and President Clinton.

2. One foreign success for each President Bush and President Clinton. 

***You must present two successes, one domestic and one foreign, for BOTH men.

Your presentation should include the following:

· You must state the success or challenge, summarizing the basic facts surrounding the event. 

· You must then explain how each President dealt with that particular success or challenge.

· You should include a minimum of one graphic per topic discussed in your presentation. 

· You may use PowerPoint, Prezi, Slideshare, or other Web 2.0 tool.

Before beginning work on your presentation, it would be helpful to organize the information in an outline such as this:

I. President Bush

A. Challenges

B. Successes

II. President Clinton

A. Challenges

B. Successes

Examples: For example, a foreign policy success for President Bush might be Operation Desert Storm and a domestic challenge for President Bush might be his "No new taxes" statement.  A domestic success for President Clinton might be the thriving economy and a foreign policy challenge for President Clinton might be his support of NAFTA.


Directions : Create a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint or any Web 2.0 tool of your choice about the 70s, 80s, and 90s.


· You will pick five of the people/events/terms listed below from each category.

· Your multimedia presentation should describe each person/event/term in detail, with a minimum of three important facts for each AND state why this person/event/term is important to the time period .

· Your presentation should include a graphic representation for each person/event/term you have selected.

· Your presentation will have a total of 15 of the terms/events/people listed below and a minimum of 15 slides. 

· Please remember to cite your sources for information and for your graphic representations.

· Please remember you only select 5 from each category.

From the 1970’s: (select 5 of the topics below)

· Richard Nixon

· New Federalism

· Gerald Ford

· Jimmy Carter

· Swann c. Charlotte Mecklenberg Schools

· Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

· Camp David Accords

· Stagflation


· Three Mile Island

From the 1980’s: (select 5 of the topics below)

· Gorbechev

· glasnost

· perestroika

· Strategic Defense Initiative

· NASA  after the Challenger accident

· Nuclear weapons and  the INF Treaty

· Fall of the Berlin Wall

· Tiananmen Square

· AIDS/AIDS research 

From the 1990’s: (select 5 of the topics below)

· Saddam Hussein 

· Operation Desert Storm 

· Americans With Disabilities Act 

· Clarence Thomas 

· North American Free Trade Agreement 

· Brady Bill 

· 27th Amendment 

· Newt Gingrich 

· impeachment of President Clinton 

· computer revolution 


Question 1

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Which is true concerning President Nixon and the Watergate scandal?

Select one:

a. President Nixon was impeached but found not guilty by Senate trial.

b. President Nixon resigned from office before being impeached.

c. President Nixon was not impeached and did not resign from office.

d. President Nixon was impeached and removed from office.

Question 2

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Which would be considered a major achievement of the Nixon administration?

Select one:

a. the Camp David Accords

b. removal of the Berlin Wall

c. detente with China and the USSR

d. stagflation

Question 3

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What is the importance of the ruling in the Supreme Court case, Swan v Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools?

Select one:

a. Affirmative action could be used for university admission.

b. Campain finance laws were deemed constitutional.

c. Airline deregulation could proceed.

d. Busing became an appropriate means of school desegregation.

Question 4

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What was the major cornerstone of Jimmy Carter's foreign policy while President?

Select one:

a. aggressive military action

b. importing energy

c. human rights

d. fighting global warming

Question 5

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What economic issue did President Gerald Ford struggle with during his time in office?

Select one:

a. stagflation

b. record unemployment

c. growing trade surplus

d. Federal Reserve policy

Question 6

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Which President was known as the "Great Communicator" because of his warm style and excellent speaking skills?

Select one:

a. Richard Nixon

b. Gerald Ford

c. Jimmy Carter

d. Ronald Reagan

Question 7

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President Reagan's "supply side economics" advocated providing tax benefits to

Select one:

a. government agencies.

b. factory workers.

c. business owners.

d. foreign governments.

Question 8

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In the election of 1980, the nation's leadership moved

Select one:

a. more conservative.

b. little from previous years.

c. to a less practical style.

d. more liberal.

Question 9

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Glasnost and perestroika are both terms associated with the decline of the Cold War in the Soviet Union, as promoted by which leader?

Select one:

a. Khruschev

b. Sadat

c. Khomeini

d. Gorbechev

Question 10

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What new health issue was brought to the forefront during the decade of the 1980s?

Select one:

a. cancer


c. starvation

d. West Nile virus

Question 11

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What is considered one of the greatest accomplishments of President Geroge H.W. Bush's administration?

Select one:

a. Approinting many women to government jobs

b. Removing Saddam Huessein from power

c. Adding the 27th Amendment

d. Passage of the Brady Bill

Question 12

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What was the major goal of Yasser Arafat and the PLO?

Select one:

a. Removal of Israel's Prime Minister

b. Creation of a World Bank

c. Establishment of a Palestine state

d. Ending hunger in Somalia and Ethiopia

Question 13

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Which President would be most responsible for the above headline appearing in newspapers around the nation?

Select one:

a. George H.W. Bush

b. Ronald Reagan

c. George W. Bush

d. Bill Clinton

Question 14

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Affirmative action programs of the 1990s were aimed at helping which group of people?

Select one:

a. the poor

b. minorities

c. wealthy

d. white men

Question 15

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North Carolina was involved in a 1990s U.S. Supreme Court case revolving around what issue?

Select one:

a. gerrymandering

b. discrimination

c. interstate commerce

d. affirmative action


Module 9, Lesson 2 Assignment 1: The US in the 80s--the National Budget

During the 1980s, the United States government had a multimillion dollar budget.  Although the national debt rose to record levels during the decade of the 80s, most people felt good about the economy. 

Directions: Your job is to develop a presentation that you would pitch to the President of the United States and the United States Congress of a plan for spending for an imaginary $1 million of the federal budget. You may use Prezi, Slideshare, PowerPoint, or another Web 2.0 tool of your preference for this presentation.

Your presentation should include the following:

· You must include your rationale or reasoning for each choice in your budget. 

· You must create a detailed break down for the budget proposal that you will present to the President and the United States Congress explaining your budget choices.

Step 1: Address  these questions:

· How will you raise the $1 million?  Like President Reagan, you can use supply-side economics and create  tax cuts for the business owners in America.  Or, you could cut taxes for the working class. 

· Will you raise taxes in order to be able to spend more? 

· Will you cut taxes to stimulate the economy? 

· Will you raise the national debt? Explain how your actions would help you to achieve success in the economy. 

Step 2: How will  you spend the $1 million?  You must address the following areas of 1980s budgeting:

· Assisting Gorbechev with his policies of glasnost and perestroika

· Strategic Defense Initiative

· NASA after the Challenger accident

· Nuclear weapons and the INF Treaty

· Financial assistance to Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall

· Supporting the growth of democracy in China after Tienanmen Square

AIDS research 


Module 10, Lesson 2 Assignment 1: United States Presidents of the 21st Century

Directions: Please complete the chart below about the United States Presidents of the new millennium. You may copy and paste the chart from below or open from the link.

Module 10, Lesson 2 Assignment 1: US Presidents of the New Millennium


DIRECTIONS:  Fill in the information for the chart below about the Presidents of the New Millennium.  



Economic Issues

Political Issues

Social Issues

Domestic Issues

Foreign Policy Issues

George Bush












Barack Obama












***Please cite your sources for any information you used from a source other than our course notes.












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