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©2009 Argosy University Online Programs

Rationale, Value, and Expectations for Discussions

Online discussion-based learning has been practiced for decades with impressive results. Originally associated with the term computer conferencing, discussion learning quickly gained popularity when it became apparent that it provided optimal opportunities for active and higher-level learning. Discussions provide ongoing and intensive opportunities for:

Critical thinking

Applying concepts and theories

Evaluating the logic and evidence for a point of view, including one's own point of view

Practice and feedback

Problem posing, problem solving, and persuasion

Synthesizing information

Linking content to personal goals

Changing attitudes

Revealing assumptions that lead to misunderstandings

Participation in the online learning environment can be defined in the following ways:

Meaningful contributions that advance the successful achievement of a given learning competency

Comments that help to focus the conversation

Contributions that demonstrate one's ability to test and apply theory, concepts, and skills

Engaging in discussion with other students and the facilitator, which promotes the advancement of the overall knowledge of the class relative to the subject matter

Demonstrating critical-thinking skills

Posting responses on time

In fully online programs, students are held accountable for actively participating in and advancing the learning process. That is why it is critical for you to understand the difference between attendance and participation. Consider the following criteria for a good response:

Take a position and persuade your peers by including relevant points from the lectures, text, and other readings.

Cite your references, including Web site addresses.

Include relevant personal experience with the content, if possible.

Organize your responses logically by including the following points:

o A clearly stated central thesis

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©2009 Argosy University Online Programs

2 Module 1 Rationale, Value, and Expectations for Discussions

o Main ideas

o Relevant facts and examples

If you discover conflicting points of view in the readings or between the readings and the lectures, describe the various points of view and cite their source.

When responding to classmates, try to add clarity to what has already been presented by adding your own experience or knowledge.

Reply to the responses with which you agree by adding support or clarifying the point of view.

Reply to statements with which you disagree by presenting counterarguments.

Always communicate respectfully.

Remember that the goal of the discussion is to achieve specific learning outcomes. Try to be both subjective and objective in your point of view. It will help you clarify your position and can make discussions more stimulating.

When you are participating in discussions:

Open your response with a salutation. E-mail and computer technologies provide few cues to help understanding or facilitate trust. Treating the post as a letter helps extend courtesy to build and maintain trust.

Restate the question you are responding to at the beginning of your response.

Post an open-ended question at the end of your response whenever possible.

A part of your discussion grade will be tied to the quality of your follow-up questions. Your questions should be thought-provoking comments that reflect a deep understanding of the subject matter.

All communication should reflect the synthesis of theory and practice.

Post on time and do not make all of your posts in one day. It works against ongoing discussion and limits learning outcomes.

If the facilitator asks a question, please respond to it. The facilitator tries to personally engage every student throughout the course. The purpose of the question is to stimulate deeper thought, apply what you are studying, or improve clarity for the entire class.

Avoid expressing a personal opinion when discussing a topic or completing a written assignment. Instead, express your opinion with authoritative proof such as scripture or citations from the text. When you support your comments with citations, it changes your comments from a personal opinion to an informed opinion. You will gain more knowledge and understand its appropriate application faster if you always support your conclusions or arguments with proof. In essence, the facilitator wants to know what the experts say about your conclusions or arguments.

For you to maximize what you learn, everyone must participate, otherwise our dialogue is simply a monologue.

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