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School of Information & Communication Technology Trimester 2 2018
Individual Assignment (50%) Final Assignment due: Week 9, Sunday 16 Sep 2018, 11pm
An Information System for Stakeholders of Amazon Australia
Description In this assignment you are required to play the role of a trainee business analyst working on an information system solution for Amazon Australia. You work for an IT consultancy firm called Information Systems Wizards.
The Brief from Amazon Australia’s CEO (the Assignment Question) The CEO of Amazon Australia would like you to analyse an existing human activity system within Amazon Australia that suffers from issues and needs improvement, and also to suggest a new information system for a specific purpose which can help Amazon Australia overcome those issues and perform better (the system can be an improved version of an existing system). You also need to come up with recommendations as to how Amazon Australia’s identified human activity system can better make use of a new information system in order to perform better.
Note: The chosen information systems can do anything you like.
Note: The HAS can be fictional or real. If the HAS is real, you need to identify a new problem and new information system, that has not been implemented by Amazon Australia (or in other countries).
Work Organisation You need to submit a final report for the Assignment in Week 9 submitted online via the Learning @ Griffith course website. Details for the submission process will be supplied later in the trimester.
Assignment Objectives: Your 3,000-4,000 word report will demonstrate that you have:
• shown competence in finding, reading, analysing and synthesising materials from the course readings and applied this material in the writing of your report
• made use of the concepts, theories, models and ideas introduced in the course to understand and analyse the requirements to make well-founded recommendations
• researched and understood the purpose and operational context of the identified human activity system at Amazon Australia
• shown creativity and initiative in understanding and capturing how Amazon Australia operates (for example, by looking on the Amazon Australia website, searching for relevant newspaper articles, drawing on your own experiences, or interviewing friends/family)
• identified, based on the aforementioned research, a new information system and its associated human activity system that you will recommend to Amazon Australia together with a brief discussion of its implications for Amazon Australia’s operation
• described the expected impact of the new information system on Amazon Australia’s operation and various stakeholders; and
• used analogies, where information was not available, to make logical and relevant assumptions (this could include information about how Amazon operates in other countries).
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Assignment Questions and Deliverables: This assignment has 4 parts. In part 1, you will analyse the overall business of Amazon Australia by answering a number of questions. In part 2, you will identify an existing human activity system within the organisation which needs improvements and answer a series of questions in relation to that system. In part 3, you will suggest a new information system for a specific purpose supporting the HAS in part 2 that will help Amazon Australia perform better and answer a series of questions with regards to that information system. In part 4, you will synthesise the outcomes of parts 1, 2 & 3 into a report containing a series of recommendations to Amazon Australia’s management.
Part 1) An overall analysis of the business of Amazon Australia (10 marks):
In this part of the assignment, you will analyse the overall business of Amazon Australia by addressing the following requirements:
a) Provide information about Amazon Australia and locate relevant information about its strategy, how it competes in the market, and its operations. b) Describe the organisational form of Amazon Australia using Mintzberg’s classification. c) Present the value chain of Amazon Australia using Porter’s Value Chain Model. List and describe the primary and support activities of Amazon Australia. d) Analyse the competitive strategy of Amazon Australia using Porter’s competitive forces model. For each of the five forces, explain if that force is low, medium, or high, and explain why.
Part 2) Analysing an existing human activity system that is problematic (18 marks):
In this part of the assignment, you will identify aspects of an existing human activity system within Amazon Australia which is problematic and needs improvement, and answer the questions below:
a) Identify an existing human activity system within Amazon Australia which could be identified by some stakeholders as being problematic and suffering from issues (problems). Also, list the stakeholders of this human activity system and define their roles. b) Draw a rich picture showing the issues and the concerns of the stakeholders you have identified. c) Draw a process model using the BPM notation for the process of the existing human activity system you have identified. d) Use the DeLone-McLean Model of Information System Success to describe the areas in which the existing human activity system is not successful. e) Describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness) for the existing human activity system identified, and explain using success measures where the HAS falls short.
Part 3) Suggesting a new Information System to support the HAS in part 2 (15 marks):
In this part of the assignment, you will suggest a new information system for a specific purpose, which can help Amazon Australia overcome those issues identified in part 2, and perform better. This must be a new or modified information system. Answer the following questions with regards to the new information system:
a) Identify a new information system which can clearly add value to the business of Amazon Australia. Is it a primary or secondary activity according to Porter’s value model? Also, list the likely stakeholders of this new information system and define their roles. b) Describe the data and information that the new system involves, explain the types of knowledge that the new information system can create, and describe how it can inform decision-making. c) Draw a process model using the BPM notation for the new information system you have identified. d) Classify the new information system within Amazon Australia as either: front-end, back-end, customer- facing, or supplier-facing; and explain why. e) Describe dimensions of impact of your proposed new information system within Amazon Australia for all stakeholders; identify intended and positive effects (and possible negative effects) and describe the proposed impact of the new system on the organisation, groups, and individuals. f) Describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness) for the proposed new information system.
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Part 4) Recommendations and reflection (7 marks):
a) Synthesise the outcome of parts 1, 2, and 3 into a report containing a series of recommendations to Amazon Australia’s management.
b) You need to devise recommendations as to how it can make use of a new information system in order to provide better service to customers; and to ensure success of the information system by taking steps to avoid system failure.
Your report must be submitted using the mandated template, and follow the exact format of the template. Failure to use the template will result in your assignment receiving 0 marks. (See the marking criteria.) The template will be provided in the same place from where you downloaded this assignment specification document.
During the workshops, on a weekly basis, your workshop tutor will be making links between the course material and giving you more guidance on the assignment to help you deliver the above report. In particular, you will be given practical exercises each week that are similar in nature to those required in the assignment.
The workshop exercises are therefore very important for developing the skills required for the assignment. Workshop attendance is therefore essential and your attendance will be recorded. Please refer to your tutor in the workshops for further clarification or questions. The lecturer is also available after the lecture for consultation, in the common time, or by appointment.
- Description
- The Brief from Amazon Australia’s CEO (the Assignment Question)
- Work Organisation
- Assignment Objectives:
- Assignment Questions and Deliverables:
- Part 1) An overall analysis of the business of Amazon Australia (10 marks):
- Part 2) Analysing an existing human activity system that is problematic (18 marks):
- Part 3) Suggesting a new Information System to support the HAS in part 2 (15 marks):
- Part 4) Recommendations and reflection (7 marks):
Name ______________
CEE-PUBH 5730-6730 Environmental Chemistry of Organic Contaminants
Quiz 2 Take home 100 pts
09/07/18 1. Use EPA’s EPI Suite program to rank the following compounds (1 lowest-5 highest) in order of increasing vapor pressure. Submit the output (hard copy or electronic copy by e-mail) for each compound for full credit (25 pts). Also compare the estimated vapor pressures to the experimental vapor pressure where available by filling in the table below (25 pts).
toluene, phenol, br omobenzene, chlor obenzene, heptane
Compound Exp Pv (mm Hg)
Est Pv (mm Hg)
Rank (1 – highest)
toluene phenol
bromobenzene chlorobenzene
heptane 2. A graduate student was setting up a series of soxhlet extractions when a bottle containing 4 liters of heptane (CAS # 108-88-3) was accidentally dropped onto the floor. The student quickly left the room and closed the door but unfortunately had not yet turned on the fume hood. Assuming equilibrium conditions, no exchange of air in the room with the outside, a room air temperature of 25 ˚C, and a room volume of 1 x 105 L, answer the following questions a and b. Use the information (vapor pressure, density) from the EPI Suite program to help answer the questions. a) Does any liquid heptane remain on the floor? (25 pts) b) Calculate the concentration (mg/L) of heptane in the room air? (25 pts)
School of Information & Communication Technology Trimester 2 2018
Major Assignment Marking Scheme
Introduction Introduction to the report, including: description of the new IS, the proposed benefits, the issues
instigating the system, definitions of key terms, and an outline of the remaining report. 2
An overall analysis of the business of Amazon Australia, or your chosen HAS within it – Part 1
a) Provide information about Amazon Australia and locate relevant information about its strategy, how it competes in the market, and its operations.
b) Describe the organisational form of Amazon Australia using Mintzberg’s classification. 2
c) Present the value chain of Amazon Australia using Porter’s Value Chain Model. List and describe the primary and support activities of Amazon Australia.
d) Analyse the competitive strategy of Amazon Australia using Porter’s competitive forces model. For each of the five forces, explain if that force is low, medium, or high, and explain why.
Total marks 10
Identify aspects of an existing human activity system within Amazon Australia which is problematic and needs improvement – Part 2
a) Identify an existing human activity system within Amazon Australia which could be identified by some stakeholders as being problematic and suffering from issues (problems). Also, list the stakeholders of this human activity system and define their roles.
b) Draw a rich picture showing the issues and the concerns of the stakeholders you have identified.
c) Draw a process model using the BPMn notation for the process of the existing human activity system you have identified.
d) Use DeLone & McLean’s model of information system success, describe the areas in which the existing human activity system is not successful.
e) Describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness) for the existing human activity system identified, and explain using success measures where the existing HAS falls short.
Total marks 18
Propose a new information system to support the HAS, and help Amazon Australia overcome these issues and perform better. – Part 3
a) Identify a new information system which can clearly add value to the business of Amazon Australia. Is it a primary or secondary activity according to Porter’s value model? Also, list the likely stakeholders of this new information system and define their roles.
b) Describe the data, information, and types of knowledge that the new IS can produce. Describe how this knowledge can inform decision making, and by whom within the HAS?
School of Information & Communication Technology Trimester 2 2018
Major Assignment Marking Scheme
c) Draw a process model using the BPMn notation for the new information system you have
identified. 3
d) Classify the new information system within Amazon Australia as either: front-end, back-end, customer- facing, or supplier-facing; and explain why.
e) Describe dimensions of impact of your proposed new information system within Amazon Australia for all stakeholders; identify intended and positive effects (and possible negative effects) and describe the proposed impact of the new system on the organisation, groups, and individuals.
f) For the proposed new information system, define success measures for efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness; and briefly describe each success measure proposed.
Total marks 15
Synthesise the outcomes of all your analysis into a report containing a series of recommendations to Amazon Australia’s management. – Part 4
a) Synthesise the outcome of parts 1, 2, and 3 into a report containing a series of recommendations to Amazon Australia’s management.
b) You need to devise recommendations as to how it can make use of a new information system in order to provide better service to customers; and to ensure success of the information system by taking steps to avoid system failure.
Total marks 7
Marks will be deducted if your word processing and the report template has not been used or has not been adhered to.
Spelling and grammatical errors (please proof-read your work and correct all spelling mistakes) Up to -3
Executive summary containing a summary of findings only. Up to -3 Appropriate headings and sub-headings devised. Up to -2 Report template not altered in any way. Headers, footers and front page complete. Up to -2 Referencing appropriate, complete, and consistent Up to -2 Not used the template (mandatory) -50 Lateness penalty (5 marks per day, or part day)
Total deductions
Assignment Total /50
Insert your Report Title here (up to 8 words)
Report Title
[Replace this text] Your name Student number Course code Campus, Workshop Day and Time Tutor name Your student e-mail [End replace this text] |
Executive Summary
All information about the formatting requirements and report content is contained in this document. Please review it carefully. This template is mandatory. Several styles have been included in this template to facilitate formatting – you may find it easier to use them instead of formatting each segment differently. Do not alter this template apart from the section headings. Importantly, the Executive Summary is a summary of your findings only. Do not describe what you will do in the report, or summarise the headings. The busy executives only want to read about your analysis findings here.
Keywords: [Replace this text]List the keywords in your report[End replace this text]
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We ask that you follow these basic guidelines when submitting your assignment report worth 50%. In essence, you should format your report exactly like this document. Do not alter this template apart from the section headings and comments as directed.
It is important that your work is presented in a professional manner. The template and guidelines are intended to help you achieve that goal. By adhering to the template, you aid the reader in understanding and following your written arguments.
The easiest way to use this template is to replace the content with your own material. The template file contains specially formatted styles (e.g., Normal, Heading, Bullet, References, Title, Author, Affiliation) that are designed to reduce the work in formatting your final submission. The template also contains content in brackets [Replace this text]/[end replace this text], [Edit this title], and [remove this text]/[End remove this text].
In this section, please give a high level introduction to the issue, an overview of what your project will propose, its benefits, background information on the organization and the services it provides. Also discuss the structure of the report.
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Part 1 [Edit this title]
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In this part of the assignment, you will analyse the overall business of Amazon Australia.
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2.1 Part 1- question a: [Edit this title]
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Provide information about Amazon Australia and locate relevant information about its strategy, how it competes in the market place, and its operations.
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2.2 Part 1- question b: [Edit this title]
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Describe the organisational form of Amazon Australia using Mintzberg’s classification.
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2.3 Part 1- question c: [Edit this title]
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Present the value chain of Amazon Australia using Porter’s Value Chain Model. List and describe the primary and support activities of Amazon Australia.
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2.4 Part 1- question d [Edit this title]
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Analyse the competitive strategy of Amazon Australia using Porter’s competitive forces model. For each of the five forces, explain if that force is low, medium, or high, and explain why.
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Answer to Part 2: [Edit this title]
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In this part of the assignment, you will identify aspects of an existing human activity system within Amazon Australia which is problematic and needs improvement.
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3.1 Part 2- question a: [Edit this title]
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Identify an existing human activity system supporting Amazon Australia which is identified by some stakeholders as being problematic and suffering from issues (problems). Also, list the stakeholders of this human activity system and define their roles.
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3.2 Part 2- question b: [Edit this title]
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Draw a rich picture showing the issues and the concerns of the stakeholders you have identified.
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3.3 Part 2- question c: [Edit this title]
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Draw a process model using the BPMn notation for the process of the existing human activity system you have identified.
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3.4 Part 2- question d: [Edit this title]
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Use the DeLone-McLean Model of Information System Success to describe the areas in which the existing human activity system is not successful.
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3.5 Part 2- question e: [Edit this title]
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Describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness) for the existing human activity system identified, and explain using success measures where the HAS falls short.
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Answer to Part 3: [Edit this title]
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In this part of the assignment, you will suggest a new information system for a specific purpose which can help Amazon Australia overcome those issues identified in part 2, and perform better. This must be a new or modified information system.
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4.1 Part 3- question a: [Edit this title]
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Identify a new information system which can clearly add value to the business of Amazon Australia (is it a primary or secondary activity according to Porter’s value model). Also, list the likely stakeholders of this new information system and define their roles.
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4.2 Part 3- question b [Edit this title]
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Describe the data and information that the new system involves, explain the types of knowledge that the new information system can create, and describe how it can inform decision-making.
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4.3 Part 3- question c: [Edit this title]
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Draw a process model using the BPMn notation for the new information system you have identified.
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4.4 Part 3- question d: [Edit this title]
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Classify the new information system within Amazon Australia as either: front-end, back-end, customer-facing, or supplier-facing; and explain why.
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4.5 Part 3- question e: [Edit this title]
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Describe dimensions of impact of your proposed new information system within Amazon Australia for all stakeholders; identify intended and positive effects (and possible negative effects) and describe the proposed impact of the new system on the organisation, groups, and individuals.
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4.6 Part 3- question f: [Edit this title]
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Describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness) for the proposed new information system.
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Answer to Part 4: [Edit this title]
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Devise recommendations as to how the organisation can make use of a new information system in order to provide better service to customers; and to ensure success of the information system by taking steps to avoid system failure.
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5.1 Part 4- question a: [Edit this title]
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Synthesise the outcome of parts 1, 2, and 3 into a report containing a series of recommendations to Amazon Australia’s management.
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5.2 Part 4- question b: [Edit this title]
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You need to devise recommendations as to how it can make use of a new information system in order to provide better service to customers; and to ensure success of the information system by taking steps to avoid system failure.
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It is important that you write for a specific audience – the CEO. In this section, briefly (and we mean very briefly), provide a guiding summary of your report aims, your findings and your recommendations. Then discuss what your findings mean to the CEO, and come to a conclusion – what does your report overall say or find?
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References and Citations
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Use the Harvard in-text referencing style. References must be complete, i.e., include, as appropriate, volume, number, month, publisher, city and state, editors, last name & initials of all authors, page numbers, etc. Try to cite the publication source rather than a URL.
(Ensure that all references are present, complete, in alphabetical surname order, and accurate as per the examples)
Benbasat, I., and Zmud, R. W. (2003) “The Identity Crisis within the IS Discipline: Defining and Communicating the Discipline’s Core Properties,” MIS Quarterly (27:2), pp. 183-194.
Beynon-Davies, P, (2013) Business Information Systems 2nd Ed, Palgrave.
Bonini, C. P. (1963). Simulation of Information and Decision Systems in the Firm, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Broadbent, M., Weill, P., O’Brien, T., and Neo, B. S. (1996) “Firm Context and Patterns of IT Infrastructure Capability,” in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems, J. I. DeGross, S. Jarvenpaa, and A. Srinivasan (eds.), Cleveland, OH, pp. 174-194.
Carroll, J. (2005). “The Blacksburgh Electronic Village: A Study in Community Computing,” in Digitial Cities III: Information Technologies for Social Capital, P. van den Besselaar and S. Kiozumi (eds.), New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 43-65.
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Formatting guide:
Page Size (another H1 main heading)
Please adhere to the A4 size only (hopefully Word or other word processors can help you with it). Right margins should be justified, not ragged. All margins must measure 1” (2.5 cm) around. Beware, especially when using this template on a Macintosh, Word may change these dimensions in unexpected ways.
Your entire report should be no more than 3,000-4,000 words, including all materials and sections such as figures, tables, appendices and references. You can write 2,500 words if you like, or 3,000. It’s up to you.
Your report’s title should be in Georgia 20-point bold. Ensure proper capitalization within your title (i.e. “New Information System for Amazon Australia” versus “new is for aa”.
Your name
Your name should be in Georgia 13-point bold, and student number, course code, etc. in Georgia 13-point.
Executive Summary and Keywords
Every submission should begin with a summary outlining the main findings and recommendations of your report (not an outline of your report headings), followed by a set of keywords. Remember the executive is busy and only wants to read your findings and recommendations to sum up whether they should read further. So, make the findings sound interesting. The header is Georgia 13-point bold centered (AbstractHeader style), while the summary text is Georgia 10-point italic, full justified with left and right indents of 0.5 in. (1.25 cm) AbstractText style. Keywords are to appear in Georgia 10-point (Keyword style).
Normal or Body Text
Please use a 10-point Georgia font (similar to Times New Roman, but more easily read online) or, if it is unavailable, another proportional font with serifs, as close as possible in appearance to Times New Roman 10-point. The body of your text will be Normal Style in this template file. On a Macintosh, the similar font will be named Times and not Times New Roman.
The heading of a section should be Georgia 13-point bold, left justified (Heading 1 Style in this template file). Sections preferably should be numbered.
Headings of subsections should be in Georgia 11-point bold italics with initial letters capitalized (Heading 2). (Note: for sub-sections and sub-subsections, words like ‘the’, ‘of’, ‘a’, ‘an’ are not capitalised unless it is the first word of the heading.) Number each subsection incrementally, i.e. 2.1.
Headings for sub-subsections should be in Georgia 10-point bold with initial letters capitalized (Heading 3). Please do not go any further into another layer/level. 3 levels is the max, i.e. 2.1.2.
Figures, Tables & Captions
Place figures and tables close to the relevant text (or where they are referenced in the text).
Captions should be Georgia 10-point bold (Caption Style in this template file). They should be numbered (e.g., “Table 1” or “Figure 2”), centered and placed beneath the figure / above the table. Please note that the words “Figure” and “Table” should be spelled out (e.g., “Figure” rather than “Fig.”) wherever they occur. Remember to refer to the figures in your report and discuss the content. Don’t let the tables or figures ‘do the talking’.
Inserting Images
Occasionally, MS Word generates larger-than-necessary PDF files when images inserted into the document are manipulated in MS Word. To minimize this problem, use an image editing tool to resize the image at the appropriate printing resolution (usually 300 dpi), and then insert the image into Word using Insert | Picture | From File...
As indicated in Figure 1, using figures to hold places can work very well in Word. If you want to copy a figure from another application (such as PowerPoint) and then paste to the place where you want your figure to be, make sure that (1) the figure stays in the position, and (2) it does not take up too much space. You can ensure the former by double clicking the figure, then go to “Layout” tab, and select “In line with text.” To ensure the latter, use “Paste Special,” then select “Picture.” You can resize the figure to your desired size once it is pasted.
Figure 1. Process Model of the XYZ Human Activity System |
Table Style
Inserting a table in the text can work well too. You may want to adjust the vertical spacing of the text in the tables. (In Word, use Format | Paragraph… and then the Line and Page Breaks tab. Generally, text in each field of a table will look better if it has equal amounts of spacing above and below it, as in Table 1.)
Table 1. A Very Nice Table
Capability |
Target Capability |
Process A |
L |
H |
Process B |
L |
H |
Process C |
L |
H |
Table of Contents
Table of Contents is not required. This is a small report, so let’s save paper.
Language, Style, and Content
With regard to spelling and punctuation, you may use any modern dialect of English, but please pay attention to the following:
Spelling and grammatical errors will result in marks being deducted. There is no excuse for spelling errors when using a modern word processor with an inbuilt spell-checker.
Write in a straightforward style; and always proof-read your work before submitting.
Try to avoid long or complex sentence structures.
Briefly define or explain all technical terms that may be unfamiliar to the CEO reading the report.
Explain all abbreviations the first time they are used in your text – e.g., “human activity system (HAS)”.
Be careful with the use of gender-specific pronouns (he, she) and other gendered words (chairman, manpower, man-months). Use inclusive language that is gender-neutral (e.g., they, s/he, chair, staff, staff-hours, person-years).
Headers and Footers
This document is set up for you to insert identifying content in your headers and footers. Odd and even pages are not the same, so work through all of them. Page numbers are already included. If you are using Word, then click on ‘Insert’ and click on the ‘Headers & Footers’ tab. Enter your name, student number, course code, and report title where indicated.
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Assignment Report – 1803ICT or 7610ICT (omit one) 1
4 Insert your name and student number here

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