Book- Staffing Organizations (Seventh Edition)

Herbert G. Heneman III

Timothy A Judge

John D. Kammeyer-Mueller

Unit Assignments

In completing these assignments the university requires that you follow APA guidelines in preparing citations and references.

Unit IV Assignment


Read the Applications case study, Evaluation of Two New Assessment Methods for Selecting Telephone Customer Service Representatives, found on page 359-361 in your textbook. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the three questions found in the lower half of page 361. Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and be at least 250 words in length but should be submitted as one file.


1. How do you interpret the reliability results for the clerical test and work sample? Are they favorable enough for Phonemin to consider using them for keeps in selecting new job applicants?

2. How do you interpret the validity results for the clerical test and work sample? Are they favorable enough for Phonemin to consider using tem for keep in selecting new job applicants?

3. What limitations n the above study should be kept in mind when interpreting the results and deciding whether to use the clerical test and work sample?

Unit V Assignments

Applications 1

Read the Applications case study, Reference Reports and Initial Assessment in a Start-Up Company, found on page 417-419 in your textbook. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the four questions found in the lower half of page 418 and upper part of 419. Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and be at least 250 words in length but should be submitted as one file.


1. What sort of back ground testing should BSS conduct on its applicants?

2. Is there any information BSS should avoid obtaining for legal or EEO reasons?

3. How can BSS know that its background testing programs are effective?

4. In the past, BSS has used the following initial assessment methods: application with the applicants from employer. Beyond changes to its background testing program, would you suggest any other alterations to BSS’s initial assessment process?

Unit VI Assignment


Read the Applications case study, Changing a Promotion System, found on page 532-533 in your textbook. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the three questions found in the lower half of page 533. Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and be at least 300 words in length but should be submitted as one file.


1. What is likely to cause of CSD’s problems?

2. How might CSD and Bio glass more generally, make better promotion decisions in the future? Be specific

3. In general, what role should performance appraisals play in internal selection decisions? Are there some cases in which they are more relevant than others? Explain

Unit VII Assignments

Applications 1

Read the Applications case study, Choosing Entrants into a Management Training Program, found on page 573-575 in your textbook. Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the three questions found in the middle of page 574. (You will need to use the table on page 575 to help answer the questions.) Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and be at least 300 words in length but should be submitted as one file.


1. How would you go about deciding whom to select for the openings? In other words, without providing your decision for the individual candidates, describe how you would weigh the various selections information to reach a decision?

2. Using the decision-making process from the previous question, which three applicants would your selected for the training program? Explain your decision?

3. Although the data provided in the exhibit reveal that all selection measures were given to all 11 candidates, would your advise Come as you are t continue to administer all the predictors at one time during the half day assessment program? Or should the predicators be given in a sequence so that a multiple hurdles or combined approach could be used? Explain your recommendation

BHR 4601, Staffing Organizations 3

Applications 2

Read the Applications case, Evaluating a Hiring and Variable Pay Plan, study found on page 626-627 in your textbook.

Answer the questions that fall after the case description; these are the six questions found in the bottom of page 627.

Each question should be numbered, answered separately, and be at least 150 words in length but should be submitted as one file.

1. If you were an applicant, would the HVP program be attractive to you? Why or why not? If you were an offer receiver which of the three plans would you choose, and why?

2. Will the HVP program likely increase the job offer acceptance rate? Why, or why not?

3. Will the HVP program likely reduce turnover? Why or why not?

4. How will current associates react to the HVP program, and why

5. What issues and problems will the HVP plan create fro HR? For the hiring manger?

6. What changes would you make in HVP program, and why?

Read the Applications problem, Learning About Jobs in Staffing, found on page 676 in your textbook. Answer the numbered items that fall after the case description; these are the five items found in the middle of page 676. Each item should be numbered, answered separately, and be at least 200 words in length but should be submitted as one file Copy and paste the job description into your Word document and submit as one file.

Applications 1


1. The organization product and services, size and staffing (employment) function

2. The job holder job titles, and why you chose that persons job to study

3. A summary of the tasks performed by the job holder and the KSAO’s necessary for the job

4. A summary of the extrinsic and intrinsic reward received by the job holder

5. Unique characteristics of the job that did not expect to the be part of the job

APA Guidelines

CSU requires that students use the APA style for papers and projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting,

paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. A document titled “APA Guidelines Summary” is available

for you to download from the APA Guide Link, found in the Learning Resources area of the my CSU Student Portal. It may

also be accessed from the Student Resources link on the Course Menu. This document provides links to several internet

sites that provide comprehensive information on APA formatting, including examples and sample papers.


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