Student’s Name
Mrs. Ashcraft
English 11
19 March 2014
I. Thesis Statement
II. (BT) Body Thesis (Topic Sentence) (Complete sentence that explains the main point of the
A. “ Quote” (Lee 4).
B. “ Quote” (Author page).
C. “ Quote” (Author page).
D. “ Quote” (Author page).
E. “ Quote” (Author page).
A. “ Quote” (Author page).
B. “ Quote” (Author page).
C. “ Quote” (Author page).
IV. (BT)
A. “ Quote” (Author page).
B. “ Quote” (Author page).
C. “ Quote” (Author page).
D. “ Quote” (Author page).
E. “ Quote” (Author page).
V. (BT)
A. “ Quote” (Author page).
B. “ Quote” (Author page).
C. “ Quote” (Author page).
VI. Conclusion
*Notes: You can have as many paragraphs as you need, but you must have at least 4 body
paragraphs and an intro and conclusion.
*If you think you will use quotes in the intro or conclusion go ahead and put those in.
*Points will be deducted for body theses that don’t match the quotes or are inadequate.
*Points will be deducted for incorrect citations.
*Points will be deducted for a lack of organization /flow of the paper. (We talked about this
in class.)
*Points will be deducted for missing items.
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