Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Writing Style: APA Number of sources: 2

Please answer the following 7 questions and provide ASAP: 1)Discuss the market system and the need for ethics in business and distinguish it from the law and concepts of virtue and morality. 2)Discuss ethics in the context of relativism, psychological egoism, utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. 3)Discuss the ideas of character ethic, female ethic, human rights, and ethical action. 4)Discuss the factors influencing employee issues including the right to work, employment at will, due process and employee participation, health and safety standards, family responsibilities, the right to privacy, and substance abuse testing. 5)Discuss the professional ethics and responsibilities of intermediaries, managerial responsibility and loyalty, and employee responsibilities to the community. 6)Discuss how the traits of ethical leaders and the influence of the group affect moral responsibility. Provide an example in your writing. 7)Discuss how this class has changed your behavior as it relates to ethical business decisions.

American Ways Essay In American Ways, Chapter 9 “Education in the United States” a quote from George S. Counts is given to open the chapter stating, “Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved.” Use the information in this chapter and your interview responses to support this thesis. Then consider similarities and differences in your own country’s views about education. (Minimum of 2 pages typed, double spaced, 12 font) Your paper should have

 a strong introductory paragraph ending in your Thesis Statement

 discussion of how education helps erase inequalities

 discussion of how education helps desirable ends to be achieved

 inclusion of interview responses and chapter information as supporting evidence

 comparison of your country’s views with American views of the value of education

 appropriate MLA format and citation

This essay will be due October 10, 2013

Last weekend, I interviewed five Americans and asked them about high education in U.S. I want to find out how they think about the importance of collage education. I chose the people according to Diversity because that I think the diversity play an important role in their opinions. Almost, most of Americans have the same thinking, which is not surprised me because I know U.S is very famous as a Civilize country.


          First one, was a white American girl, her name is Kitty franklin. She is 19 years old. Kitty is sophomore at journalism at Chico state university. She thought that the high education in united state is really important. In America today, higher education get you any were you like that give you not only the basis to work but also to go for a life. Everyone in her family has graduated form a college that support her to graduated also. She had opportunity to go collage or to study abroad but she decided to go collage instead because she thought that going to collage would shape her personality and let her focus in the study not any thing else.

        Second one, was an African American woman, her name is Alisha macforlen. She is 19 years old. Alisha is studying business administration in Chico state university. She thought that high education is very important. Also, all her family graduated from collage and the expectation from her to graduate from college also. However, in the marketing field which is her major, she need to be educated to work as what it’s suppose to be. On other hand, a person that graduated from collage will have more opportunity to find a job. Also, when I asked her about the income, she said, “ There is a study shows that if you have a collage degree, you are going to have more money after you graduate”.

       The third woman was white. When I asked Jennifer, 32 years old. She is working in T.J. maxx as casher. She thought that high education in United State is very important as well as in every country. As well, She explained her words by” more educations you have better jobs and better opportunities”

      Fourth person was Cacy, 46 yeas old. White Americans.  He responds to my question as it used to be high expectation on higher education but not any more, now it’s more for training. He said, “Going to school to get four years collage degree to ensured your career bath, but now it’s to leave high school to go find career bath in training as automotive or construction”. What I understand from him most jobs these days looking for experience than the degree.

       Last person Frank, Hispanic American, 34 years old. He is seller in ROSS. He thought that collage education is really important because it’s hard to get regular job with at least high school education. He mentioned that a lot of places will not make an interview if the person doesn’t have at least high school education.


      In the summary, I think that the American’s opinions’ have the same the Saudi’s opinions’ which is the collage education is very important in these days. Most of factories and companies required the high education, as well as, the consequent monthly income will also be high. However, I think the advantages of the high education are improving the human mentally and physically. Also, the human will be full prepared to get a job.


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