Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Writing Style: APA

Number of sources: 1

You are working as a behavioral consulting intern. Your company’s ongoing client is Pathway High School, an alternative high school for students who have been unsuccessful in their original school due to challenging behavior. The school hired your company 6 months ago to implement a School-Wide Positive Behavioral Support (SWPBS) program. The data, found in the Spreadsheet icon, has been collected on: Figure 1: The occurrence of aggressive behavior incidents reported before and after the program began Figure 2: A sample of classroom teacher’s scores from an observational checklist measuring correct implementation of behavior correction procedures in the classroom (before and after the program was implemented) Figure 3: Student satisfaction rating results for their daily school experience before the program, 3 months after the program began, and 6 months after the program began Your role is to view this data, determine results and analyze results (minimum of 2 pages): Determine the purpose of each data requirement above by discussing how it can be used in the program planning process. Identify each type of data collected as either quantitative or qualitative. Using the data in Figure 1, discuss the level of challenging behavior incidents reported before and after the program began (include discussion of the need for the program and the general impact the program had on challenging behavior). Using the data in Figure 2, calculate the mean (average) score on the observational checklist before the program was implemented and after. Use this data to discuss the impact of the program on behavior correction procedures in the classroom. Using the data in Figure 3, calculate the percentage of students who rated their school experience at the highest level (5) and the lowest level (1). Discuss these results as they relate to student satisfaction after the SWPBS program was implemented. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages in length, include proper APA formatting (including properly formatted headings for each section of your plan), and include at least 2 academic references (including your course readings)

FIGURE 1 Pre-Program Program Implemented Month SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY # of challenging behavior incidents 248 262 275 225 198 144 127 99 83


Scores on Observational Checklist (out of 100) Before Program Implementation After Program Implementation Teacher A 65 95 Teacher B 85 100 Teacher C 40 75 Teacher D 60 100 Teacher E 50 80 Teacher F 65 100 Teacher G 40 85 Teacher H 60 90


worst - best Rating Scale 1 2 3 4 5 # of students before program start- 70 85 40 30 0 # of students 3 months after program start 25 45 95 45 15- # of students 6 months after program start 10 35 115 50 15 Total # of students surveyed = 225

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