Name ____________________________ Student # __________ Score __________
Learning Strategies Final Exam Take Home Questions
20 points
The four questions below are the take home portion of your final exam for Learning Strategies. The answers account for 20 points of your final exam grade . This assignment is due at the beginning of our last regularly scheduled class period. You may use any sources you think necessary to answer the questions fully; however, the work must be your own. Your answers must be typed. You may download this as a word document from the final exam review page. If you retype it instead of downloading, be sure to include the questions as well as your answers. You will want to save a copy for you to keep.
1. Learning Profile
Use a highlighter to “color in” the blocks that describe your learning style. You may color all of part of a block depending on your strengths.
Sensory Mode Preference |
Visual |
Kinesthetic |
Auditory |
Hemispheric Dominance |
Left Brained |
Right Brained |
Both |
Multiple Intelligence Preference |
Linguistic |
Logical-Mathematical |
Spatial |
Musical |
Bodily-Kinesthetic |
Interpersonal |
Intrapersonal |
Naturalist |
II. Learning Strategies/ Study Aids
One goal of this class is to help each student find ways of learning and studying that work and are efficient for that individual. Examine your learning profile Given what you know about how your learn best, list and explain 5 specific strategies or study aids you discovered that will help you learn and study better. Give enough detail in your explanation so that someone who reads your strategies will know exactly what to do.
Your explanation for each strategy should be at least a half a page.
III. Goals
State one goal you accomplished this semester. List in detail the steps you took to accomplish it. (Make sure your goal is expressed in a useful way including all five elements.)
Goal 1
State one non-school related goal you plan to accomplish in the next four months. (Make sure your goal is expressed in a useful way including all five elements.) Detail the steps you think are necessary in order to accomplish your goal
Goal 2
IV. In a well-developed paragraph, evaluate your uses of a master schedule this semester.

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