PEST analysis stands for “ Political, Economic, Social and Technological analysis ” and is used for business and strategic planning, marketing planning, organizational change, business and product development and research reports. Political Factors
A political factor relates to the pressures and opportunities brought by political institutions and to what degree the government policies impact the business. Political factors are basically to what degree the government intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided and those that the government does not want to be provided (demerit goods or merit bad). Furthermore, governments have great influence on the infrastructure, health and education of a nation.
· Government policies
· Government term and change
· Trading policies
· Funding, grants and initiatives
· Wars, terrorism and conflicts
· Elections and political trends
· Internal political issues etc.
Economic Factors Economic factors relates to economic policies, economic structures and to what degree the economy impacts the business. Economic factors are basically economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how businesses operate and make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firm's cost of capital and therefore to what extent a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy
· Local economy
· Taxation
· Inflation
· Interest
· Economy trends
· Industry growth
· Import/export ratios
· International trade etc.+
Social Factors
Social factors relates to the cultural aspects, attitudes, beliefs, that will affect the demand for a company's products and how the business operates. Social factors are basically the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company's products and how that company operates. Furthermore, companies may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends (such as recruiting older workers).
· Advertising and publicity
· Demographics
· Media views of the industry
· Work ethic
· Brand, company, technology image
· Lifestyle trends
· Cultural Taboos
· Consumer attitudes and opinions
· Consumer buying patterns
FIRST TWO OR THREE WORDS (Remove “Running head” verbiage) 3
Software Requirements: <Name of Software>
<Your Name>
Notes Section (Please Remove from your final paper)
With the progression through each unit, students have worked on the all of the sections of their software requirements document. So, if the student has completed each drop box assignment, all that needs to be done is incorporate instructor feedback, polish the diagrams, ensure diagrams are in the correct format, ensure diagrams use a consistent style (i.e. same color palette), paste the diagrams into the appropriate section, add details to certain sections as needed, and triple check spelling/gramma.
This paper should be 20 pages in length. Please subtract one page for any diagram that is not included in this document – but attached separately in the drop box.
Business Case
Notes: (please remove from final paper) In this section: Explain the business. Explain the business problems that have necessitated the development of this software. Why is this software needed? What niche will this software fill? Explain how the product will address each of the business problems.
Project Scope
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 4, Figure 4-13. The project scope should be similar to the example in figure 4-13.
System Development Approach
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 1. There are six development approaches explained in that chapter. Refer to Appendix B as well to learn about the agile approach. Choose the best approach, explain why you chose the approach and explain the other approaches and why you did not choose the other approaches.
System Acquisition Approach
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 2. While a systems analyst might need a unique solution for their particular organization, there are many sources where the analyst can acquire already existing pieces that can be brought together to build their unique solution. There are many acquisition approaches explained in that chapter. Choose the best approach, explain why you chose the approach and explain the other approaches and why you did not choose the other approaches.
Project Plan
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 3. Use MS Project to create a Gantt chart (like the one in Figure 3-11 or the one in Figure 4-19) and a Network Diagram (similar to the diagram in Figure 3-14). If the chart/diagram will fit on the page clearly, paste the chart/diagram in this document. If the chart/diagram is too large to be seen clearly, then write “See attachment <attachment name>”. If the chart/diagram is not included in this document – then assume that these take up two pages. The Gantt chart should contain at least seven main tasks with several tasks listed underneath. Your grade on this section will depend on how the tasks are organized, related, and how dependencies and co-requisites are shown. MS Project is the best way to illustrate the plan. The instructor is looking to see that the student displays a keen understanding of all the tasks in the project and the interdependencies/relationships among those tasks.
Feasibility Analysis
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 4. All of the items below should be shown in this section. Chapter 4 provides the details on what should be populated in each Feasibility Analysis section including (Economic, Operational, Technical, Schedule, Legal & Contractual and Political).
Economic - See Chapter 4 beginning on page 94
Notes: (please remove from final paper).You may use a table to show this information. Be sure to include the: Tangible Benefits, Costs (one-time), Costs (recurring), Intangible Benefits and Costs. The spreadsheet in Figure 4-10 is a good example of what should be included in the Economics area.
Operational - See Chapter 4 beginning on page 102
Legal & Contractual
Requirements Gathering
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 5. Requirements gathering techniques include interviews, observations, and obtaining information from organizational documents, as well as Joint Application Design (JAD) and prototyping. Requirements gathering is one of the most important and sometimes overlooked aspects of software development. For this assignment list four techniques along with why the technique was chosen and how the technique will be used Tables 5-1 and 5-2 will be helpful with this. Use Table 5-3 to help define how the Interview technique will be used. Use a high-level of detail in this section as requirements gathering is one of the most important planning tasks, for example if you plan to use the interview method, include the interview questions and the associated audience.
Technique 1:
Notes: (please remove from final paper).why the technique was chosen and how the technique will be used
Technique 2:
Notes: (please remove from final paper).why the technique was chosen and how the technique will be used
Technique 3:
Notes: (please remove from final paper).why the technique was chosen and how the technique will be used
Technique 4:
Notes: (please remove from final paper).why the technique was chosen and how the technique will be used
Context Diagrams
Notes: (please remove from final paper). Refer to Chapter 6. Draw two diagrams: a simple context diagram, like the one in Figure 6-5 and then another that expands on the processes, like Figure 6-6 . Please paste the models here.
Dialogue Diagram
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Refer to Chapter 8. Figure 8-20 illustrates a dialogue diagram. Dialogue diagramming is a formal method for designing and representing human-computer dialogues using box and line diagrams. Only one symbol appears on a dialogue diagram, a box with three sections. Each box corresponds to one display. A dialogue diagram can represent sequence, selection, and iteration; Figure 8–19 illustrates these three concepts. Graphical development environments speed prototype development. Please paste your dialogue diagram in this section. There should be a box in the dialogue diagram to represent every screen, report, form, etc. in your system.
Use Case
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Refer to Appendix A. Include at least 4 use case (actions) within your diagram as seen in Figure A-1 and Figure A-2. Please paste the use cases in this section and separate with a heading explaining what the task represents. Please use Visio to create the Use-case diagram.
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Refer to Chapter 8. Prototypes are sometimes referred to as line drawings or wireframes. Paste or draw in this section prototypes of all of the reports, forms, and dialogues. For this section it is very important that the guidelines in chapter 8 for forms, reports and dialogues are incorporated into your prototypes. Refer to Table 8-2 for guidelines on developing forms and reports. Refer to Table 8-14 for guidelines on creating dialogues. See these links for examples of prototypes:
Implementation Plan
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Refer to Chapter 10. Chapter 10 is full of details on how to do complete all of the sections below. List the activities for implementation and how each will be implemented in the project. Include:
Testing Plan
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). There are seven types of tests.
Installation Plan
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). There are four approaches to installation.
Documentation Plan
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Types of documents include: Online Help, Online User Guide, Online Software Installation Guide, Online Hardware Installation Guide, and Online Support Manual. List the types of documentation available to the user, how that documentation will be implemented, and why you chose the documentation over other forms of documentation.
Training Plan
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Explain the training methods used to help the implementation of this project go smoothly.
Support Methods
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Explain the support methods used to help system users.
Maintenance Plan
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). There are four main maintenance activities.
Future Development
Notes: (please remove the notes from final paper). Whenever designing a new system, it is always a good idea to have in mind what upgrades you might want for the next version. This section is where you can illustrate your knowledge of technology. For example, how will the cloud or virtualization affect your product going forward?

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