Final Examination
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1) Writers and philosophers tell us about human nature. Why do we also need psychology?
A) Writers and philosophers ignore maladjusted personalities.
B) Psychology allows a systematic understanding of human nature. C) Writers and philosophers ignore human motivation.
D) Psychology is concerned with values, which writers and philosophers ignore.
2) Which of the following kinds of questions are not addressed by personality theory?
A) questions about personality dynamics B) questions about personality description C) questions about personality development D) questions about personality diffusion
3) When we ask, “How do people adjust to their life situations?” and “How does their thought affect what they do,” we are asking questions about the
of personality.
A) destiny
B) dynamics
C) development
D) description
4) A diagnosis, made by a clinician, describes a person using
A) a type.
B) non-scientific measurement. C) a trait.
D) a factor.
5) A hypothesis is
A) a proposal to change the way personality is developed, based on theoretical considerations.
B) a statement saying how a theoretical construct can be measured. C) a prediction about observations in research.
D) an abstract statement telling how two theoretical constructs are related.
Final Examination
6) Which statement best describes the relationship between theory and research?
A) When research has become sophisticated, with good measuring instruments, theory is no longer necessary.
B) Theory influences research by suggesting research ideas, but research has no impact on theory.
C) Theory and research mutually influence one another.
D) Theory and research are separate disciplines within personality psychology.
7) A researcher is interested in testing the proposition that watching a lot of television causes increased aggressiveness among children at school. This can be tested by conducting an experiment in which the independent variable is
A) watching a lot of television. B) aggressiveness.
C) being in school. D) age.
8) A is a conceptual tool for understanding certain specified phenom- ena.
A) theory
B) psychological test
C) variable
D) theoretical construct
9) Tests, such as inkblot tests, which ask people to respond to ambiguous stimu- li, are called
A) self-report measures. B) projective tests.
C) behavioral measures. D) response measures.
10) Material that is not in awareness at a particular time, but that can readily be recalled if we try, is
A) postconscious. B) preconscious. C) conscious.
D) unconscious.
Final Examination
11) Hypnosis is best described as
A) an epileptic-like seizure. B) a fraudulent claim.
C) a separate state of consciousness. D) a state of great suggestibility.
12) The id functions according to
A) tertiary process.
B) secondary process. C) primary process.
D) the reality principle.
13) Which of the defense mechanisms listed below is the most primitive? A) rationalization
B) identification
C) denial
D) projection
14) A person who unconsciously hates a sibling, but consciously feels only love for the sibling, is using the defense mechanism of
A) projection.
B) identification. C) isolation.
D) reaction formation.
15) Attitudes toward money are, according to psychoanalytic theory, related to development during the stage.
A) phallic
B) anal
C) oral
D) latency
16) Sex roles, according to Freud, are learned at about age
A) fourteen. B) ten.
C) two. D) four.
Final Examination
17) Experimental research on memory finds that
A) false memories can be created in highly neurotic subjects, but not in those who are psychologically well-adjusted.
B) through suggestion, research subjects report false memories of being lost in a shopping mall.
C) true memories and false memories can easily be distinguished using brain scans.
D) false memories of childhood sexual abuse are easily created under laboratory conditions.
18) Modern researchers report that
A) stress impairs animals’ memory in experimental studies.
B) psychotic delusions are accompanied by changes in brain functioning. C) traumatic stress can influence brain functioning in humans.
D) all of the above
19) The fact that Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed himself within the Christian symbols of his own heritage, rather than using symbols from other religious traditions,
A) was evidence that he had not developed to his full potential.
B) was consistent with Jung’s advice that people stay within the symbols and mythology of their own heritage.
C) would have been a disappointment to Jung. D) shows that he was prejudiced.
20) Compared to Freud, Jung’s theory is
A) more concerned with early childhood experience. B) mystical.
C) less concerned with heredity. D) highly deterministic.
21) When Jung and Freud first met
A) they had much to talk about (13 hours worth!).
B) they argued, and decided they could not be colleagues. C) they planned to set up a joint therapy clinic.
D) Jung asked to be Freud’s patient.
Final Examination
22) Jung refers to the total, integrated personality as
A) the persona. B) the Self.
C) the animus.
D) the Great Mother.
23) Individuation is the process of
A) finding a social identity.
B) discovering one’s major personality traits. C) re-centering in adult development.
D) finding the one individual who will be a life-long love partner.
24) Jung suggested that the center of personality ought to be
A) balanced between the conscious and unconscious aspects of personality. B) in the unconscious aspects of personality.
C) in the conscious aspects of personality. D) outside of personality.
25) According to Jung, prejudice against racial minorities involves projection of the
A) shadow.
B) dominant function. C) animus.
D) anima.
26) A patient who has conflicted, unconscious, emotional ideas about his or her mother is said (in Jungian theory) to have
A) an archetype.
B) a mother complex. C) a Great Mother.
D) a transference.
27) Jung devised the Word Association Test in order to explore
A) the collective unconscious. B) complexes.
C) active imagination. D) transference.
Final Examination
28) Research on early memories
A) shows that they are not important, and that Adler’s predictions were not con- firmed.
B) has not been conducted.
C) confirms that they correlate with many behaviors. D) shows that early memories are usually inaccurate.
29) Which phrase did Adler use to refer to people who do not develop in a healthy way?
A) retarded
B) neurotic misfits
C) mistaken styles of life
D) psychologically underdeveloped
30) Adler categorized delinquents as type people. A) brutal
B) getting
C) ruling
D) aggressive
31) Adler recommended that parents should
A) indulge their children.
B) teach their children about sex roles. C) avoid pampering their children.
D) punish any early signs of homosexuality.
32) The most favorable birth order, according to Adler, is the
A) youngest child. B) first-born.
C) second-born. D) only child.
33) Adler’s major criterion for psychological health is
A) creativity.
B) the absence of anxiety.
C) high achievement in school. D) social interest.
Final Examination
34) Adlerian therapy aims to increase people’s
A) social interest.
B) ability to recall dreams. C) self-disclosure.
D) ambition.
35) The term “family constellation” refers to
A) the number, age, and sex of siblings.
B) the fact that grandparents are also important in determining personality. C) the family’s beliefs about who is the “star.”
D) the genetics of personality.
36) In his epigenetic principle, Erikson compared development with
A) an actor or actress learning a script. B) the biological development of a fetus. C) the spiritual development of a soul.
D) the motion of objects as described in physics.
37) In Erikson’s third psychosocial stage, the child acts in a(n) mode. A) incorporative
B) intrusive
C) incompetent
D) selfish
38) According to Erikson’s theory, a sense of inferiority is particularly likely to develop during the stage of development.
A) second B) fourth C) third
D) fifth
39) Teenagers who are rebellious, nonconforming, and philosophically concerned are typical of those in the category of on Marcia’s measure.
A) Moratorium
B) Identity Achiever
C) Foreclosure
D) Identity Diffusion
Final Examination
40) Research finds that people are more likely to be concerned with helping other people, through work or political activity or social activism, if they are high in
A) integrity. B) autonomy. C) trust.
D) generativity.
41) According to Erikson, the crisis of infancy is
A) life or death.
B) autonomy or shame. C) eat or throw up.
D) trust or mistrust.
42) The experience of basic anxiety is the feeling of being in a poten- tially helpless world.
A) loved but challenged
B) armed and dangerous
C) responsible and in charge
D) isolated and helpless
43) Which of the following is not one of the three interpersonal orientations de- scribed by Horney?
A) moving alongside
B) moving against
C) moving away
D) moving toward
44) People who adopt the resignation solution are seeking
A) self-actualization. B) freedom.
C) mastery. D) love.
Final Examination
45) Culture, according to Horney, encourages women to develop
A) fear of failure. B) fear of men.
C) fear of relationships. D) fear of success.
46) Research on the relationship between sex role orientation and mental health shows that
A) psychological femininity is associated with higher mental health in women, but not in men.
B) psychological masculinity is associated with higher mental health in both sexes.
C) psychological masculinity is associated with higher mental health in men, but not in women.
D) psychological femininity is associated with higher mental health in both sexes.
47) Which interpersonal orientation(s) does a healthy person use, according to
A) moving toward, against, and away
B) moving away, but not toward or against C) moving toward, but not against or away D) moving against, but not toward or away
48) Allport grew up in
A) Vienna.
B) an orphanage. C) India.
D) the American Midwest.
49) Allport described traits as traits that are possessed by only one person.
A) common B) individual C) cardinal
D) central
Final Examination
50) Secondary traits describe ways in which
A) people try to get their own way in competitive settings. B) personality can be measured by questionnaire.
C) people are inferior to others.
D) people are consistent, but in ways that affect few behaviors.
51) According to Allport, there is little personality change after age
A) |
30 |
B) |
18 |
C) |
5 |
D) |
3 |
52) Instead of “intrinsic religious orientation,” Batson suggests that “ ”
leads people to non-judgmental concern for helping others.
A) Christianity
B) religious fundamentalism
C) religion as quest
D) extrinsic religious orientation
53) In their classic study of rumor transmission, Allport and Postman found that
A) eyewitnesses are more accurate than is generally believed. B) rumor transmission cannot be studied in the laboratory.
C) often a black was reported, wrongly, to have been holding a knife. D) rumors increase the amount of violence, the more they are retold.
54) A procedure predicts behavior from several variables at once. A) statistical
B) correlational
D) multivariate
Final Examination
55) Cattell thought that factors were required to make good prediction of behavior.
A) |
16 |
B) |
2 |
C) |
10 |
D) |
5 |
56) Constitutional, dynamic source traits such as anger, curiosity, and fear are called
A) sentiments. B) attitudes.
C) metaergs. D) ergs.
57) Connie is imaginative and artistic, and more liberal and broad-minded than most people. The factor that best describes her is
A) agreeableness
B) neuroticism C) extraversion D) openness
58) Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement-seeking, and posi- tive emotions are of extraversion.
A) facets
B) opposites
C) operational definitions
D) invalidation
59) Cattell’s major contribution has been to
A) social psychology. B) psychotherapy.
C) interview techniques. D) measurement.
Final Examination
60) Evolutionary theory has implications for
A) altruism.
B) sexual behavior. C) emotions.
D) all of the above
61) The sexes differ in attitudes toward sexual promiscuity, according to evolu- tionary theory, because of
A) parental uncertainty.
B) differences in the age of puberty. C) differences in parental investment. D) different social norms.
62) Evolution selects for parents who
A) abuse their children. B) nurture their children. C) have only one child.
D) adopt children.
63) High levels of BIS activity are associated with
A) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. B) anxiety.
C) criminal behavior. D) all of the above
64) In J. A. Gray’s theory, low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine are associ- ated with
A) alcoholism.
B) goal-directed behavior. C) reward dependency.
D) harm avoidance.
Final Examination
65) Tiger Woods’ ability to hit a golf ball well is an example of which component of the Basic Behavioral Repertoire?
A) Language-Cognitive B) Motor-Conditional C) Sensory-Motor
D) Emotional-Motivational
66) Matthew has learned to tease his little sister, Jane. When he first meets his cousin, Sarah, he teases her, too. What learning concept best explains this teasing of Sarah?
A) discrimination
B) negative reinforcement
C) generalization
D) ratio schedule reinforcement
67) A shortcoming of continuous reinforcement is that it produces learning that is
A) difficult to eliminate.
B) impossible to generalize to new situations. C) not measurable by observers.
D) not resistant to extinction.
68) The first step in behavior modification is
A) making a functional analysis of the behavior to be changed. B) selecting a reinforcer.
C) deciding on a schedule of reinforcement. D) extinguishing the undesirable behavior.
69) Staats developed a theory called
A) tokenism.
B) behavioral psychology.
C) psychological behaviorism. D) repertory psychoanalysis.
Final Examination
70) In addition to Freud’s first three psychosexual stages, Dollard and
Miller described a fourth stage, concerned with conflict over
A) sex roles. B) playmates. C) siblings.
D) anger.
71) Dollard and Miller postulated that interfering with an organism’s be- havior which would reduce a drive (for example, preventing a hungry animal from eating) would produce
A) aggression. B) apathy.
C) identification.
D) discrimination learning.
72) Language is, for Dollard and Miller, the key to understanding Freudian
A) superego
B) id
C) ego
D) defensive
73) Expressing difficult emotions by writing about them has been shown to
A) increase physical health
B) reduce feelings of anxiety
C) reduce feelings of depression
D) all of the above
74) Miller and Dollard suggested that “in order to learn, one must want some- thing, notice something, something, and get something.”
A) decide
B) do
C) give
D) ask for
Final Examination
75) The term consistency paradox refers to
A) the paradox that most personality theories seem to be saying the same thing, only in different words.
B) the challenge of understanding how people can develop across a lifetime yet still remain consistent.
C) the discrepancy between research, which shows that people act differently in different situations, and common sense, which says they are consistent.
D) people’s efforts to seem consistent to other people.
76) Delay of gratification is easier if
A) the child sees models who delay their own gratification. B) the rewards are visible.
C) the child thinks about how good the reward is. D) all of the above
77) Bandura and colleagues demonstrated that children can learn
through modeling.
A) arbitrary playful behaviors
B) performance standards
C) aggression
D) all of the above
78) In his studies of film-mediated aggression, children watched models behave aggressively toward
A) children.
B) a Bobo doll. C) animals.
D) other adults.
79) In his studies of aggressive behavior, Bandura found that
A) children increased their aggression if the model was punished for being ag- gressive.
B) children stopped their aggression if it led to physical injury. C) boys were more aggressive than girls.
D) children imitated live models, but not models seen on film.
Final Examination
80) Kelly’s concept of helps understand unconscious and emotional experience.
A) preemption
B) constructive alternativism
C) preverbal constructs
D) the Dichotomy Corollary
81) According to Sherry, “Most people are selfish.” Her therapist asks her, “What are the other people like, the ones who are not selfish?” The therapist is ask- ing about the .
A) concrete construct
B) contrast pole C) likeness pole D) core construct
82) ”Slot-movement” refers to
A) role changes, such as moving from being a student to being an employee. B) gambling.
C) radical changes, such as from atheist to “born-again Christian.” D) a method for scoring personality tests.
83) What is the third phase of the C-P-C cycle? A) calibration
B) control
C) circumspection
D) counting
84) In order to have a relationship with someone, according to Kelly’s Sociality
Corollary, you must
A) have the same personal constructs. B) mutually trust one another.
C) mutually respect one another.
D) understand that person’s construct system (or be understood by that person).
Final Examination
85) When people are emotionally disturbed or criminals, Rogers blamed
A) bad genetic influences. B) their parents.
C) social forces.
D) them for a lack of will power.
86) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fully functioning person, according to Rogers?
A) creativity
B) openness to experience
C) the experience of freedom
D) adaptation to others’ expectations
87) Which of the following was not one of the characteristics of a fully function- ing person listed by Rogers?
A) creativity
B) existential living
C) openness to experience
D) social interest
88) Rogers called his therapeutic method
A) self-actualization therapy. B) revised psychoanalysis.
C) client-centered therapy. D) individualized therapy.
89) A person who is “metamotivated”
A) is in the middle of the need hierarchy.
B) is passive and receptive, rather than active.
C) feels determined by forces beyond his or her control. D) is trying to restore homeostasis.
Final Examination
90) Which of the following characteristics is typical of D-love?
A) facilitation of each partner’s growth
B) independence for both partners
C) jealousy
D) self-actualization
91) Maslow described self-actualized people as thinking like a(n) A) psychologist.
B) politician. C) scientist. D) artist.
92) People who score high on self-actualization are also likely to score high on various measures of
A) mental illness. B) mental health. C) sexual guilt.
D) alcohol abuse.
93) Karma refers to
A) intentional, willful activity.
B) the selfless ideal of Buddhism.
C) good or bad consequences for our actions. D) detachment.
94) Buddhism describes moments of perception.
A) |
25 |
B) |
5 |
C) |
17 |
D) |
10 |
95) Attending to the first levels in the moments of perception (those things that are below traditional levels of conscious attention) is called .
A) anatta
B) perceptual yearning C) focused awareness D) pure awareness
Final Examination
96) Uri has been meditating for many years. What is likely true about his psycho logical state?
A) He has low levels of ego development B) He has higher moral reasoning skills. C) He has a constant identity crisis.
D) He lacks coping skills.
97) Which of the following theorists described personality adjustment as “devel- oping to your full potential”?
A) Freud B) Cattell C) Horney D) Maslow
98) One value that some people seek in personality theory, but that is not listed by the text as a criterion of a good theory, is
A) applied value.
B) optimism about human nature. C) comprehensiveness.
D) verifiability.
99) Rogers’s “actualizing tendency” is based upon a(n) metaphor. A) mechanistic
B) information processing
C) organic
D) political
100) The approach that advocates combining various theories into one systematic whole is called
A) pluralism.
B) unified theory. C) eclecticism.
D) none of the above
Portfolio Project: Trust and Estates - Part 1 (175 Points)
For this assignment, you will complete two tax returns (Corporation Return and Partnership Return), for 175 points each. You may use the tax software
found at
Please note there is a limit of 5 returns per session.
PART I – Tax Return #1, Corporate Return
Jane Collier, James Taye, and Steve Allwine each own one-third of the common stock of Tasty Treats and Beverages. The corporation was incorporated on
April 3, 2004. It has only one class of stock outstanding and operates as a C corporation for tax purposes. Tasty Treats and Beverages caters kid-friendly
social events.
Located at 1215 Blue Horizon, Dallas, TX 12234.
Employer Identification Number is 12-34567890.
Business activity is catering food. Its business activity code is 722300.
The shareholders also work as officers for the corporation as follows:
o Jane is the chief executive officer and president (Social Security number 242-62-5786).
o James is the executive vice president and chief operating officer (Social Security number 563-58-8923).
o Steve is the vice president of finance (Social Security number 575-58-1572).
All officers devote 100% of their time to the business
All officers are U.S. citizens.
Use the accrual method of accounting and have a calendar year-end.
Four equal estimated tax payments of $28,000 each quarter. Its tax liability last year was $85,000.
If it has overpaid its federal tax liability, the corporation would like to receive a refund.
Dividend paid of $20,000 to its shareholders on October 1. The Corporation had ample earnings and profits (E&P) to absorb the distribution.
Financial Statements
Tasty Treats and Beverages, Inc.
Income Statement
For year ended December 31, 2013
Revenue from sales 1,500,000
Sales returns and allowances (25,000)
Cost of goods sold (325,000)
Gross profit from operations 1,150,000
Other Income:
Capital loss (7,500)
Dividend income 15,000
Interest income 12,000
Gross income 1,169,500
Compensation (750,000)
Depreciation (12,000)
Bad debt expense (7,800)
Meals and entertainment (3,000)
Maintenance (2,500)
Property taxes (10,000)
State income taxes (30,000)
Other taxes (11,000)
Rent (28,000)
Interest (7,300)
Advertising (6,200)
Professional services (5,000)
Employee benefits (8,000)
Supplies (2,500)
Other expenses (1,750)
Total expenses (885,050)
Income before taxes 284,450
Federal income tax expense 96,713
Net income after taxes 187,737
Tasty Treats and Beverages, Inc.
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2013
ASSETS January 2013 December 2013
Cash 175,000 190,000
Accounts Receivable 63,000 54,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts (8,000) (7,000)
Inventory 225,000 275,000
US government bonds 30,000 25,000
State and local bonds 50,000 50,000
Investments in stock 325,000 335,000
Fixed assets 475,000 485,000
Accumulated depreciation (198,000) (215,000)
Other assets 11,000 12,000
Total assets 1,148,000 1,204,000
Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity
Accounts payable 225,000 200,000
Other current liabilities 135,000 55,000
Other liabilities 75,000 68,263
Capital stock 250,000 250,000
Retained earnings 463,000 630,737
Total liabilities and stockholder's equity 1,148,000 1,204,000
Additional Information
o Inventory-related purchases during 2013 were $175,000. It values its inventory based on cost using the FIFO inventory cost flow method. Assume the rules
of §263A do not apply.
o Of the $12,000 interest income, $1,500 was from a City of Dees bond that was used to fund public activities (issued in 2011), $1,750 was from an Border
city bond used to fund private activities (issued in 2004), $2,500 was from a U.S. Treasury bond, and the remaining $6,250 was from a money market
o Dividend income came from ABC Inc. Owned 10,000 shares of the stock in ABC Inc. at the beginning of the year. This represented 10 percent of
outstanding stock.
o On September 1, 2013, the corporation sold 1,000 shares of its ABC stock for $15,000. It had originally purchased these shares on June 13, 2006, for $7,500.
After the sale, the Corporation owned 9 percent of ABC.
o compensation is as follows:
Jane $175,000
James $150,000
Steve $150,000
Other $275,000
o The Corporation wrote off $10,000 in accounts receivable as uncollectible during the year.
o Regular tax depreciation was $28,000. None of the depreciation should be claimed on Form 1125A.
o The $7,300 interest expense was from a business loan.
o Other expenses include $3,000 for premiums paid on term life insurance policies for which Tasty Treats and Beverages, Inc. is the beneficiary. The policies
cover the lives of Jane, James, and Steve.
Mod 8: Portfolio Project Part 2
Portfolio Project: Trust and Estates - Part 2 (175 Points)
PART II – Tax Return #2, Partnership Return (Form 1065, only Page 1 and Schedule K required)
The Rowdy Fun is a limited partnership and was formed on June 1, 2005, by Thomas Kyle, its general partner, and two other limited partners when they
each contributed an equal amount of cash to start the new enterprise. Rowdy Fun is an outdoor equipment retailer focused on selling outdoor activities gear.
Thomas has a 33.33% profits and capital interest and the limited partners hold the remaining 66.66% of the profits and capital interests. Their profits and
capital interests have remained unchanged since the partnership was formed. Thomas is actively involved in managing the business while the limited partners
are simply investors.
Rowdy Fun is located at 8955 Golden Drive, Sunnydale, AZ 34592.
The employer identification number for Rowdy Fun is 47-8593563.
Rowdy Fun uses the accrual method of accounting and has a calendar year end.
Thomas' address is 853 Crystal Drive, Sunnydale, AZ 34592.
Additional Information
Rowdy Fun has total assets of $1,900,000 and total liabilities of $550,000 at the beginning of the year and total assets of $2,300,00 and total liabilities of
$725,000 at the end of the year.
Partnership liabilities consist of accounts payable, and Thomas, as general partner, is legally responsible for paying these liabilities if the partnership does
Five years ago, Rowdy Fun purchased an original outdoor statue with the intent for display in the store. In 2013, the statue was sold. The $15,000 recognized
gain from the sale is reflected in the income statement.
For tax purposes, Rowdy Fun has consistently elected under Section 179 to expense any furniture or fixtures purchased every year since it was formed. There
is no tax basis in any of its depreciable assets. This year, Rowdy Fun expensed $23,000 of signs and display cases for tax purposes.
On November 20th, Rowdy Fun distributed $90,000 ($30,000 per partner) to the partners.
Miscellaneous expenses include a $1200 fine for violating a local ordinance.
Rowdy Fun maintains its books using generally accepted accounting principles.
Financial Statements
Rowdy Fun
Income Statement
For year ended December 31, 2013
Sales returns and allowances
Cost of goods sold
Gross profit from operations
Other Income:
Interest from Money Market
Gain for sale of statue
Gross income
Employee wages
Interest on accounts payable
Payroll and property taxes
Rent on retail building
Depreciation on furniture and fixtures
Guaranteed payments to Thomas Kyle
Accounting and legal services
Meals and entertainment
Charitable Contributions
Miscellaneous expense
Total expenses
Net Income for Books

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