INDS 400

Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%

Advanced 90-100%

Proficient 70-89%

Developing 1-69%

Not present

Interdisciplinarity Reflection

18 to 20 points

Student’s definition of interdisciplinarity is grounded in the reading, thorough, and clear. Reflection on impact of interdisciplinarity is clear and effective.

14 to 17 points

Student’s definition and reflection contains most of the main ideas and is largely clear.

1 to 13 points

Student’s definition and reflection do not seem to grasp the core of what interdisciplinarity is.

0 points

Not present

Covey Reflection

15 points

Student has obviously put serious thought into Covey’s reading and has included well-thought-through, unique, personal reflection.

11 to 14 points

Student has put some thought into reflection, but some detail is lacking.

1 to 10 points

Student seems to have put little thought into reflection, and significantly higher amounts of detail are needed.

0 points

Not present

Structure 30%

Advanced 90-100%

Proficient 70-89%

Developing 1-69%

Not present

Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Formatting

15 points

Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format, and general APA is used.

11 to 14 points

Spelling and grammar have some errors. Sentences are presented well. Where applicable, references are cited with some APA formatting though APA formatting does contain mistakes.

1 to 10 points

Spelling and grammar errors distract. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Where applicable, references are minimally or not cited in current APA format. General APA formatting contains several large mistakes.

0 points

Not present

Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions

Prompt: In 200-300 words, explain what interdisciplinarity is and reflect on how it impacts your worldview. And, in another 200-300 words, reflect on and explain the personal impact of the single most helpful lesson you learned from Covey this subterm.


1. You may use first person, but not second person.

2. Use unique title lines to clearly separate your answers.

3. Your grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be flawless. Visit the Liberty University writing centers if you want extra help:

4. Use APA formatting, but no abstract page is required.

Additional Suggestions:

1. You can do it differently, but the simplest route may be to explain interdisciplinarity in one paragraph and then to reflect on it in the next paragraph or two.

2. You can explain interdisciplinarity in your own words, but if you find it hard to describe it in a way not already done, it would be better to cite references and create a references page than to accidentally plagiarize.

3. Remember to focus on just one topic from Covey and to give it personal application.

4. You can begin brainstorming for your reflection using the following questions (though you shouldn’t use these exact wordings in your reflection itself—be original):

A. How has interdisciplinarity affected my life?

B. How has interdisciplinarity affected the way I see the world?

C. How will I use an interdisciplinary mindset to tackle problems in the future?

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