Question #1.

Are counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship behaviors opposite ends of the same scale (ie. Is a low score on one the same as a high score on the other?) Why or why not? Think carefully about your answer before writing.

Question #2

Imagine you created a new personality trait to predict job performance. Name and describe two types of studies you might use to assess this trait’s criterion-related validity. Describe the relative strengths and weaknesses of these two types.

Question #3

Describe an operationalization of the construct “stress at work”. What kind of reliability is appropriate for assessing this operationalization? Why? What kind of reliability is inappropriate for assessing the operationalization? Why?

There is no single right answer to this question. The goal is to demonstrate your understanding of Psychometric measurement through your response.

(Grading for each question occurs on three dimensions)

Relevance to question

Demonstrating knowledge

Appropriate length response (each response should be one to two paragraphs in length)

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