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Arisleidy Green

motivation ppt.pptx

Summary  1424 Words  



Arisleidy Green

Gcu- sec-505

Dr. alt hea walker

July 10, 2019

In ordinary experiences, it is generally recognized t hat mot ivat ion occupy a place

which is import ant in human learning.

Mot ivat ion is used as a st imulat ion means of a desire on t he learner’s part t o react t o

a sit uat ion or t o mast er t he subject mat t er (Ast ut i et al. 2016).

In adolescent learning, mot ivat ion denot es desires, drives, sat isfact ions or urges.


Typical adolescent s st udent s can be mot ivat ed in a number of ways such as,

highlight ing t he posit ive. Your unmot ivat ed st udent has probably experienced failure

recent ly. Celebrat e t heir wins and help t hem see t he posit ives of t heir st udies:

increased vocabulary, more fluid speaking, increased reading abilit y, bet t er

pronunciat ion, leadership skills, grammar. Because fear isn’t an effect ive mot ivat or,

st udent s who worry about t he wrat h of t heir t eachers and parent s aren’t likely t o

t hrive. Support your most anxious st udent s and learn what has grown t heir anxiet y.



Mot ivat ion t hus becomes effect ive in giving a ment al set t oward learning.

The learning effect iveness depends in t he part upon t he needs st rengt h and up on

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sat isfact ion brought about by learning.

Therefore, learning rat e depend on t he mot ive st rengt h t hus mot ivat ion becoming

t he heart of every learning process (Greiner et al. 2018).

The learning effect iveness depends in t he part upon t he needs st rengt h and up on

sat isfact ion brought about by learning. Adequat e mot ivat ion in adolescent learning

set in t he act ivit y mot ion result ing t o learning and also sust aining and direct ing it .

Adolescent learning must be mot ivat ed in a manner t hat t he lesson’s int erest t o be

learned is est ablished upon t he exist ing int erest of t he learner. Therefore, learning

rat e depend on t he mot ive st rengt h t hus mot ivat ion becoming t he heart of every

learning process.


To have st udent s inspired and mot ivat ed, one should let t he st udent s know each

ot her at personal level which enables one t o predict t he st rat egies which might work.

Anot her st rat egies t o have st udent success promot ed t oget her wit h et hical

educat ion is t hrough growing a communit y of learners in a classroom (Shi et al. 2016).

A safe classroom environment is needed by st udent s where t hey are in a posit ion of

t aking t he risks and st ruggle.


To promot e st udent success and also et hical educat ion one have t o develop

respect ful and meaningful relat ionship wit h t he st udent s. If we are going t o t ruly

inspire and mot ivat e all of our st udent s, we should know each of t hem on a personal

level. We need t o know t heir int erest s and hobbies, who t hey hang out wit h, t heir

family sit uat ions, and what get s t hem excit ed. Each st udent is going t o require

different mot ivat ional st rat egies, and we have t o know t hem t o be able t o predict

what st rat egies might work. A safe classroom environment is needed by st udent s

where t hey are in a posit ion of t aking t he risks and st ruggle.


The ot her st rat egy is est ablishment of high expect at ions and also clear goals.

The support ing of st udent s when t hey st ruggle and high expect at ions are set allow

t hem t o rise and meet t he given expect at ions (Beshir et al. 2017).

Last ly, is t he st rat egy involving being inspirat ional.


Set t ing high expect at ions and support ing st udent s as t hey st ruggle allows learners

t o rise t o meet t hose expect at ions. When expect at ions are t ransparent , st udent s

know where t heir learning is headed and are mot ivat ed t o get t here because it seems

possible: t he pat h is visible. Working t owards daily, weekly, and yearly goals gives

st udent s a purpose and a meaning for t he hard work t hat t hey do.

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 Date: 29-Apr-2019



Typical adolescent s st udent s can be mot ivat ed in a number of ways such as,

highlight ing t he posit ive.

Also, fost ering a classroom which is t hreat -free is a st rat egy which help mot ivat e

t ypical adolescent st udent s (Madikiza et al. 2018).

Fear is not an effect ive mot ivat or as learners who worry t he t eacher’s wrat h are not

likely t o t hrive.

Typical adolescent s st udent s can be mot ivat ed in a number of ways such as,

highlight ing t he posit ive. Your unmot ivat ed st udent has probably experienced failure

recent ly. Celebrat e t heir wins and help t hem see t he posit ives of t heir st udies:

increased vocabulary, more fluid speaking, increased reading abilit y, bet t er

pronunciat ion, leadership skills, grammar. Because fear isn’t an effect ive mot ivat or,

st udent s who worry about t he wrat h of t heir t eachers and parent s aren’t likely t o

t hrive. Support your most anxious st udent s and learn what has grown t heir anxiet y.


Also, encouraging a friendly compet it ion is a st rat egy which can help mot ivat e t ypical

adolescent s st udent s.

Allowing choice where possible is also a st rat egy which help mot ivat e adolescent

st udent s as it provides more decision making opport unit ies (Waddingt on et al. 2017).

Last ly, giving responsibilit ies also serves as st rat egy of mot ivat ing t ypical adolescent

st udent s.


Also, encouraging a friendly compet it ion is a st rat egy which can help mot ivat e t ypical

adolescent s st udent s. When used well, compet it ion is a powerful mot ivat or. Use

games t o review vocabulary and grammar point s—but always encourage

light heart edness: t his will keep st udent s “wit h you for t he ride” and work t o keep t he

at mosphere posit ive. Whet her choosing bet ween complet ing a list ening or reading

act ivit y; select ing an assignment t opic, or which problems t o t ackle first , some

unmot ivat ed st udent s will dig int o t he chance t o own t heir class experience. Last ly,

giving responsibilit ies also serves as st rat egy of mot ivat ing t ypical adolescent

st udent s.


Offering rewards is an example of a t echnique which help mot ivat e st udent s wit h

issues of st ruggling like t hose wit h learning disabilit y.

A st udent wit h learning disabilit y can be mot ivat ed t hrough giving praise earned.

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Encouragement is a form of mot ivat ion which works well as many crave for praise and

recognit ion (Nichols Hess et al. 2015).


Offering rewards is an example of a t echnique which help mot ivat e st udent s wit h

issues of st ruggling like t hose wit h learning disabilit y. Everyone likes get t ing rewards,

and offering your st udent s t he chance t o earn t hem is an excellent source of

mot ivat ion. Things like pizza part ies, wat ching movies, or even somet hing as simple as

a st icker on a paper can make st udent s work harder and really aim t o

achieve. Encouragement is a form of mot ivat ion which works well as many crave for

praise and recognit ion.


Padlet is among t he digit al t ools t hat can support t he mot ivat ion and learning of

st udent s.

It is a virt ual wall which st udent s can use it in t he expressing of t heir t hought s on t he

given t opic (Ast ashova et al. 2017).

Anot her digit al t ool able t o support mot ivat ion and learning is known as recap.

It is format ive assessment t ool which is video-based and allows a t eacher t o pose a

quest ions and t he st udent s expect ed t o respond wit h a video which is short by

recording on t heir phones t o provide feedback.

Zapt ion is also a digit al t ool which allow one t o t ake videos which are already-made

which help publish lessons which are int eract ive and one can t ract t he underst anding

of t he st udent


Pallet is a virt ual wall t hat st udent s use t o express t heir t hought s on a t opic. In

addit ion t o writ t en expression, you can embed audio and video and have st udent s

respond in t he form of a t hreaded discussion. Wit h password prot ect ion, you can use

different padlet s for different classes or groups of st udent s. Anot her digit al t ool able

t o support mot ivat ion and learning is known as recap. It is a video-based format ive

assessment t ool t hat allows you t o pose a quest ion, have st udent s respond wit h a

short video t hey've recorded on t heir cell phone, t hen provide t hem wit h feedback.

Zapt ion is also a digit al t ool which allow one t o t ake videos which are already-made

which help publish lessons which are int eract ive and one can t ract t he underst anding

of t he st udent .



Ast ashova, N. A., Bondyreva, S. K., & Malkina, O. V. (2017). St rat egic guidelines of t he

educat ional int eract ive environment as a basis t o develop t he axiosphere of a fut ure

t eacher. Journal of Fundament al and Applied Sciences, 9(7S), 1392-1418.

Ast ut i, S. P. (2016). Exploring mot ivat ional st rat egies of successful t eachers. Teflin

Journal, 27(1), 1-22.

Beshir, H. (2017). Assessing English Language Teachers’ Awareness and

Implement at ion of Mot ivat ional St rat egies in EFL Class: Chilalo and Tokuma High

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Schools in Oromia Region Arsi Zone in Focus, Et hiopia. Int ernat ional Journal of

Mult icult ural and Mult ireligious Underst anding, 5(3), 203-210.

Greiner, J. M. (2018). Mot ivat ional Programs and Product ivit y Improvement in Times of

Limit ed Resources. In Public Sect or Performance (pp. 175-196). Rout ledge.

Madikiza, N., Cekiso, M. P., Tshot sho, B. P., & Landa, N. (2018). Analysing English First

Addit ional Language t eachers' underst anding and implement at ion of reading

st rat egies. Reading & Writ ing, 9(1), 1-10.

Nichols Hess, A. (2015). Mot ivat ional design in informat ion lit eracy

inst ruct ion. Communicat ions in Informat ion Lit eracy, 9(1), 3.

Shi, L., & Crist ea, A. I. (2016, June). Mot ivat ional gamificat ion st rat egies root ed in self-

det erminat ion t heory for social adapt ive e-learning. In Int ernat ional Conference on

Int elligent Tut oring Syst ems (pp. 294-300). Springer, Cham.

Waddingt on, J. (2017). Teacher underst anding and implement at ion of mot ivat ional

st rat egies in ELT. ELT Journal, 72(2), 162-174.












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