
I went to Winthrop university

Graduated 05/2011

My major was communication of sciences and disorders also known as speech pathology

I received my BA degree

The program was closing as I was attending

The program is now closed

Website: https://www.winthrop.edu/

HEA 540 Module One Brainstorm Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: This assignment offers the opportunity to brainstorm what sources of quantitative and qualitative data might be needed to eva luate an academic program. As you did in this module’s discussion, you will use your undergraduate academic program as the context for your brainstorming.

Prompt: Evaluating an academic program requires many sources of data. This includes quantitative and qualitative data from sources both internal and external to the institution housing the academic program. There are many sources of data, and this assignment offers the opportunity to brainstorm some sources. For this assignment, think generally about sources; you do not yet have to be specific about sources for your selected academic p rogram.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

 Table: Create a table with four columns and at least four rows.

 Sources: The first column should be labeled “Data Source.” Use this column to identify each source of data from within the institution or sources external to the institution that might support an academic program evaluation.

 Location: The second column should be labeled “Location.” For each source listed in the first column, identify whether the data source is internal to the institution or external to the institution.

 Type: The third column should be labeled “Type.” For each source listed in the first column, identify if the data from the source i s quantitative, qualitative, or mixed.

 Justification: The fourth column should be labeled “Justification.” For each source listed in the first column, explain in this column how the data from this source might support an academic program evaluation.


Guidelines for Submission: Your assignment should be submitted as a table in a Microsoft Word document or as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Table Formats i nformati on as a tabl e Does not format i nformati on as a tabl e 20

Sources Identi fi es s ources of data appropri ate for an academi c program eval uati on

Identi fi es s ources of data that are not appropri ate for an academi c program eval uati on, or does not i denti fy any s ources of data


Location Identi fi es whether the data s ource i s i nternal or external to the i ns ti tuti on

Does not Identi fy whether the data s ource i s i nternal or external to the i ns ti tuti on, or i denti fi cati on i s i naccurate


Type Identi fi es data as quanti tati ve, qual i tati ve, or mi xed Does not i denti fy data as quanti tati ve, qual i tati ve, or mi xed, or i denti fi cati on i s i naccurate


Justification Expl ai ns how the data from each s ource mi ght s upport an academi c program eval uati on

Does not expl ai n how the data from each s ource mi ght s upport an academi c program eval uati on, or expl anati on i s i ncompl ete or

i naccurate


Total 100%

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