Discussion: No required minimum words.
Discussion: The Cold War: Who Shot First?
The United States accused the Soviet Union of breaking all its wartime pledges and holding Eastern Europe hostage while trying to subvert governments in the West. The Soviet Union accused the US and its allies of trying to surround, and ultimately destroy it. War of words? Or was somebody telling the truth? And where do our 'isms' fit in? In particular nationalism?
· At least one
Discussion: Cold War and the End of Empires
What accounts for the rather late emergence of African countries as independent nation-states? Is there something peculiar about Africa that delayed its drive for independence? Why has the Arab-Israeli conflict been so persistent? What religious and cultural factors have contributed to the persistent state of unrest in the Middle East and, in particular, in what some people refer to as the Holy Land?
· At least one
Discussion: The End of the Cold War
What impact did Mikhail Gorbachev's ideas of glasnost (openness), perestroika (restructuring) and demokratizatsiia (democratization) have on Communist society? Were these principles compatible with collectivization and a command economy? Did Communist leaders favor these principles, or did they feel that their hands were tied once they were introduced into Communist society?
· At least one
Discussion: Communism vs. Capitalism
It would be easy to dismiss the Cold War simply as proof that Capitalism was a better theory than Communism. Easy, but not the whole story. In order for Communism to be relegated to the dustbin of history, it first had to be proven that its struggle against Capitalism was unnecessary and thus irrelevant. How did the US and the USSR close the gap in the last quarter of the 20th Century to allow Communism to go out with a whimper and not a bang?
· At least one
Discussion: Brave New World
The Cold War is over. Time to do a victory lap and celebrate the primacy of American power. But the celebration seemed short-lived, as there were plenty of other concerns. Nothing is as it should be. Our adversaries are now our allies, and our allies are now competitors. The end of the Cold War knocked down the Iron Curtain, but it also destroyed conventional economic patterns. Is the end of the Cold War proving to be good for world peace, but not so good for world business?
· At least one
Discussion: Looking Ahead
Read the article entitled “Strategic Collaboration: How the United States Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise.” Do you agree with the authors’ assertions that the United States needs to engage certain powers to remain safe from present-day dangers? Elaborate.
· At least one
Case study: 900 minimum words
Case Study: The Creation of Israel and Israeli Settlement in Palestine
Instructions Review the following resources:
· Link (website): UN Resolution 181 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
· Link (website): Statement of Dr. Hanan Ashrawi in Regard to Jewish Settlements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Address the following in a case study analysis:
· According to UN Resolution 181, what are the rights of Arabs in Israel and what are the rights of Jews in Palestine?
· Are the resulting conflicts religious, economic, territorial, or a combination of these? Support your assessment with evidence.
· Is the practice of creating Israeli settlements in Palestine illegal? Assess Dr. Ashrawi's statement that "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more committed to settlement expansion than to peace."
· What is the US position on this practice and how has this affected international relations?
· At least two
Week 7 Case Study: Generation Kill: A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal
Introduction According to Biography.com, "Stanley A. McChrystal led the Joint Special Operations Command in Iraq during the Persian Gulf Wars and was top Commander of American forces in Afghanistan" ("Stanley McChrystal Biography," n.d.). In the following interview, he describes the challenges of fighting terrorist/insurgent forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
· Link (library article): Generation Kill A Conversation With Stanley McChrystal (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Instructions Address the following in a case study analysis:
· According to McChrystal, how did the battle against terrorist organizations/insurgencies change after 9/11 and from what factors do they draw their strength?
· What technological methods are used in Afghanistan and Iraq and how have they been used tactically (i.e., what goals are they used to achieve)?
· Have they been successful?
· What is the risk of using technological capabilities against terrorists?
· Addresses all aspects of the question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding regarding concepts.
· Integrates evidence to support discussion from at least one outside scholarly source. Sources are credited.
· Throughout the whole work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.
· Throughout the whole work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.
· Throughout the whole work, the text is free of major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation; demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety.
· At least two
Task 1 Requirements Your project must meet the following criteria:
Be created as a Django v1.11.2 project, with at least one App (most will only need one app).
A landing page (sometimes called a home page) that includes: o Your name. o Your student number. o A brief paragraph (a few sentences) that talks about your principal topic, and how the associated tables are important in relation to that topic.
Navigation options that provide easy access to the website’s home page, and other logical or helpful URL’s within your project. The navigation options should be available at all times throughout your website.
Use Django to store your information dynamically in a local database.
Use Django Forms on your website to accept the user input which will affect the database.
Full CRUD functionality available on your website for each table in your data model.
All hyperlinks must be constructed with the use of named URL Paths and {%url%} tag. Any hyperlink which points to resources outside of your own website project is exempt from this requirement.
The website should use standard HTML5 syntax and make use of normal HTML formatting, such as headers, tables, hyperlinks and text formatting where appropriate.
Minimum data complexity requirement must be met (a minimum of 3 related classes/tables in your data model).
Data model classes must include the supporting structure for the relationships between the classes. Eg, models.ForeignKey( … ) and/or models.ManyToManyField( … ).
A sample data set must be supplied with the project submission containing a minimum of 6 records for the principal topic chosen, along with any required secondary records. The number of secondary records will depend on your data model and chosen topic.
Task 2 – Documentation Create a PDF file containing the following elements which document your project:
A high level ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) showing the cardinality between the classes (tables) in your data model. This should be a quick diagram similar to the example from slide 3 of the week 7 lecture.
A detailed data dictionary for each class in your data model. Refer to the lecture from week 5 for minimum expected information to be included.
A brief user guide on how to use your website to Add, Update & Delete a record. The guide only needs to be for 1 of the classes/tables in your project. You can include small images to provide clarity if you wish (not a requirement). Using the Cooking Recipe example from Task 1, I could create a user guide on how to Add, Update & Delete records from my Ingredients table.

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