Hospitality Analytics and Revenue Management RVC & RPC-Lotte New York Palace

Kelly Hadad

Class HFT 4413

Professor Nathan Dodge

New York Lotte Palace

With its location at the Madison Avenue, New York, the place was named as one of the top hotels by the Conde Nast Traveller (2017). Located across St. Patrick Cathedral, the hotel offers 7000 square feet of spa and a fitness lounge. Open for weekend brunches and breakfast, the hotel Villard offers one of the top-notch hospitality areas in the city of New York. Additionally, the hotel offers an onsite bakery, inbound dining areas and two lounges for the visiting guests. For the room spacing, each room offers a marble bathroom offering a sightseeing view of the Cathedral and the Rockefeller Foundation. Other than the Cathedral, the building is surrounded by the Central Park which is 0.6 miles from the hotel.

In this essay, an analytical report of the Lotte New York Hotel General manager will be provided. Becky Hubbard, the General Manager for the hotel was interviewed over the position of the hotel in the business, competition as well as their revenue strategies. Using the STAR program, the General Manager explains how the company uses direct competition, pricing, average rack price, Average Daily rate, occupancy and market segmentation to affect the financial and revenue strategies.

Direct Competition

During doing business, Hubbard stated that despite Lotte New York Hotel is a five-star facility, there are several competing companies offering services at slightly cheaper prices. For instance, the General Manager mentioned the entry of the Hampton Inn Brooklyn into the New York hospitality business as the greatest competitor for the Lotte New York Hotel. With Lotte New York hotel charging $295 per night for the double lounges, Hampton Brooklyn Inn provides the same at $200 and therefore most of the long-term customers have shifted to the new hotel. However, the general manager made it clear that their services are top-notch and are incomparable to those offered by the competitors. To counter the competition, Hubbard said that Lotte New York Palace aims at maximizing the standards, quality and the customer satisfaction levels. Based on the operational costs, the manager indicated that they can’t lower their prices for the products and services. However, they were concentrated on utmost service delivery to attract more guests despite their higher prices relative to those offered by the competitors.

Another way of countering competition by the Hotel as argued by the General Manager is by increasing the awareness of the services offered by the company. For instance, the website has been upgraded to offer more information about the services offered, food, catering, accommodation, bookings, reservations and so on. Additionally, the GM indicated that the company has tendered a new organization to offer advert consultancy services to the company. The GM exposed that Tambourine has been used as the marketing partners for Lotte New York Palace for the last one year to perfect on their awareness strategies.

Pricing and Booking

With the 909 total rooms and suites, the company offers varying prices based on the size of the room, the events and the season of the year. For instance, the GM indicated that at Summer and Christmas holidays, the prices for their, rooms, wedding lobbies and restaurants are at peak. At these seasons, the hotel receives the highest number of local and foreign guests visiting the city of New York for Vacations and holidays. Therefore, the private spaces for the lavish wedding and dinners are only a reserve for a few during such seasons as the prices are highly bloated. The GM blamed the increasing prices on the natural forces of demand and supply.

During normal seasons, the manager indicated that the property charges normal price schedules. For instance, a double suite that will go for $400 during the peak season will go for $290 during the normal seasons. For the special occasions and events, the hotel also introduces discounts and offers which are highly publicised over the company’s website. The manager argues that over the years, the discounted prices for the rooms and suites have had the hotel attracting more customers a guests in the past. However, Hubbard indicates that the hotel does not entertain closeout in its policy even when the business is down. The prices can only rise during the peak seasons and standardize when the normal business reigns. Otherwise, the GM argued that closeouts would normally lower the standards of the hotel. According to Hubbard, closeouts are only possible for the four-star hotels which care less about competition and class.

On whether the hotel experiences overbooking, the GM indicated that during the peak seasons, it's normal to run out of space for the rooms and events due to high rates of reservation from clients. In such cases, Hubbard said that the hotel recommends the customers to their other chains or hotels in town. As a business community, the manager indicated that Lotte New York Palace enjoys a good relationship even with their competitors and they are always willing to share business in good times.

Customer Satisfaction

According to Hubbard, the primary aims of Lotte New York Palace is to maximize the utility customer derive from their property. Therefore, the pricing is determined by the quality of the rooms, the size and the needs of the clients. For instance, the specialty suites and lounges are quite expensive because they offer unique stuff to the clients. The Double suites are cheaper because they are standard rooms with luxury Bengali but not reaching the quality of the Lounges. Additionally, the hotel has 24 hours security offered by top-notch security firms in the New York to ensure that the clients in the rooms, suites, lounges, and restaurant are safe.

Therefore, the GM indicated that the average daily rates for the rooms are entirely based on the classified unit of the property. In other words, Hubbard said that the rooms with the highest ADR have the highest quality of goods and services such as the furniture, electronics and so on. For instance, for the specialty lounges and suites, the televisions screens are internet connected and therefore clients can surf from the comfort of their TV Screens. For Double Suites and lounges, the television screens are not connected to the internet and therefore the customers can only surf from their devices such as phones and laptops from the hotel WIFI. Looking at the ADR, the financial performance of rooms is highly determined by the quality of the services. As stated by Choi (2014) ADR cannot be used to determine the performance of the hotel rooms, an argument that is supported by Hubbard in relation to Lotte New York Lounge. For the average occupancy percentage, the GM indicated that the hotel has policies clearly explained to the clients when making reservations and hiring premises at the hotel. For instance, during the peak seasons, occupancy rates tend to be 100% with the same going as low as 50% and 60% during the normal business seasons. To increase the occupancy rate, the GM stated that the hotel offers rooms and suites for 12hours and 24 hours with varying prices. As stated by Law (2004), the room occupancy rate can be increased using the restrictions over the length of stay. Therefore, the clients are aware of the time restrictions for their stay in the hotel and this has a positive impact on the financial performance of the hotel.

For the market segmentation, Hubbard states that the prices for Lotte New York Palace are fixed although the company reserves the rights to change. However, in its branches in other states, the prices are slightly varied based on the city, locations and the government policies. For instance, Hubbard states that the prices of the hotel in Texas and New York may not be the same based on the economic conditions of the two states and the varying state regulations over the hotel business. The average rack rate similarly is determined by the quality of the suites and lounges.


In the report, the paper has highlighted various issues as explained by the General Manager, Lotte New York Palace over its financial strategies. The financial leveraging powers analysed include the average occupancy, average rack and direct competition. As the forms of STAR program, the manager explained how the facility used the techniques to maximise the profits attained from the property.


Choi, S., & Mattila, A. S. (2014). Hotel revenue management and its impact on customers' perceptions of fairness. Journal of Revenue and pricing Management, 2(4), 303-314.

Law, R. (2004). Initially testing an improved extrapolative hotel room occupancy rate forecasting technique. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 16(2-3), 71-77.

Final Project

HFT4413 – Hospitality Analytics and Revenue Management RVC & RPC

The final project will be an individual assignment. Feel free to collaborate with other students, however, every student will have to turn in their own project consisting of their own work. If you collaborated on this project with other students please detail on the Title page who were your collaborators.

Project Description:

· Interview a Hotel General Manager or Head of Revenue Management and find their revenue strategy for their property.

· Explain in a 8‐9 page paper how the interviewee has come to make the decisions regarding the strategy (STAR reports, cold calling, internet searches) {8‐9 pages will be of the Main Body, not the total length of the paper}.

· Who is their direct competition?

· How do they make decisions regarding pricing, overbooking, and closeouts?

Your paper should go into detail about:

· The value that the customer receives based on the price that they pay, and perceived benefit of staying in this property.

· What is the Average Daily Rate (ADR) for the property, average occupancy %, the distribution channels that the property uses, and their market segmentation mix (Transient, group, and special contract and negotiated rates)?

· What is the average Rack‐Rate for this property and the usual discount that is given in season, versus out‐of‐season?

· You also must relate what you learn from the interview back to the book and back to journal articles that you find.

· You should also go into detail about the company, this information should be found on their website or in articles. I want to feel like I am learning something not only about their pricing but also about the company, the industry, and their competition.

It is understandable that some of this information will be proprietary and confidential so general information will be acceptable and they do not need to go into full details if they are not comfortable with that.

APA Style:

This paper must be in APA style. If it is not it will automatically lose 20%. Please follow the APA style guide located on the Purdue Website ( If the paper is missing any one of these guidelines it will be marked incorrect. I do not want you to lose 15% for not having an abstract, or a title page, or a work cited page. Please if you have any questions ask me, I will be happy to answer any questions before the deadline. More information regarding APA style is listed under Grading.

Project Justification:

I am trying to get you to have an idea of how real life revenue controllers do their jobs and make money for the property. Also by going to properties that you may work for, or may want to work for and asking these questions might help get a foot into the door for an internship possibility. Also find out if the GM or RM would be interested in being a guest speaker this semester or in semesters in the future.

Deadline: April 8, 2018 11:59PM – The paper will not be accepted late!

Grading: The paper will be graded on 2 Rubrics. There is also semester long weekly APA assignment that should help you to prepare for this Assignment. The paper will be graded 20% on an APA style rubric and 80% on a Content Rubric. The weekly APA Assignment that consists of 14 1-4 Question quizzes that will be worth 2% on your final grade. The answers to the quizzes relate to many of the sections in the APA rubric so if you do well on these very simple quizzes you will have no problems with APA style on the project.


There are 2 Rubrics for this assignment as follows:

APA Rubric (20% of Paper Grade)


Proficient  100%

Competent 50%

Novice 0%

Title Page - APA Quiz #2 

Correct format of title page.

Title Page present, however contains picture or is improperly constructed.

No Title Page

Running Head - APA Quiz #3 

The running head (along with the page numbers) appears in the header of every page.

Running head present, centered or right justified. Not in capital letters, no page number, not in Times New Roman 12.

No Running Head

Abstract - APA Quiz #4 

Single paragraph double-spaced, less than 250 words, concise introduction and overview of what will be covered in the paper.

More than 250 words or less than 150 words. Does not give the reader an idea of what will be mentioned in the paper.

No Abstract

Keywords - APA Quiz #5 

Keywords listed under the abstract: Correctly formatted

Keywords not in correct structure and/or do not relate to content.

No Keywords

Font & Font Size 

12 Point Times new Roman


Anything other than 12 Point Times new Roman

Number of Pages - Located in syllabus and instructions for assignment 

5-6 Pages

Less than 5 Full pages

Far too few pages to accurately complete assignment.

Use of Long Quotes - APA Quiz #6 

Few, and correctly using long quotes

Long quotes, not handled correctly.

Multiple long quotes or compiling the interview in a Q&A part of the paper.

In-Text Citation - APA Quiz #5 

Correclty using in-text citation

Incorrectly citing information or not citing all information found in paper.

No In-text citation

Reference List - APA Quiz #7 #9 

Reference List

Named anything other than Reference List

No Reference List

Proper Paragraph Structure 

Properly indented and spaced paragraph structure.

No indentation, and/or incorrect use of spaces and punctuation.

Improper paragraph structure.

Final Paper Rubric (80% of Paper Grade)


Exceptional Quality 100%

Good Quality 80%

Average Quality 60%

Poor Quality 0%

Spelling & Gramar 5%

Please spell check. This is an easy 5% to gain or lose.




Quality of Writing 5%

Perfect use of the written English language.

Issues with the written English language but understandable.

Poor use of the written English Language.


Layout of Paper 15%

Paper is structured correctly with headers that break up sections.

Paper lacks the structure of a College level assignment.

The research paper has a large section of Q/A.

The research paper is not a research paper but a Q/A of interview questions and responses.

Depth of Interview Question for GM or RM 25%

Good interview using both questions provided and new questions from the interviewer.

Interviewee questions with the stock questions in the assignment.

Reader is unable to determine what the interview questions were.

No interview conducted or the reader is left questioning what the paper was about.

Detail of paper and using articles to relate back to the subject and how does what the hotel is doing relate to what other hotels are doing in the industry. 20%

Journal articles, websites of the company, and sections from the book must be used to relate the to the interview.

One or two articles with or without the text book used but the reader is left hoping to have more information.

Only the book, or use of only websites to relate back with no articles that tie the information together.

Company website or nothing at all in the Reference page of the paper.

Justification of why you chose this hotel/ restaurant/ cruise line... and why you chose this company instead of one of the millions of other hospitality companies 15%

Be excited about this interview and convey it in the paper.

Took the easy way but came up with an ok justification.

You describe in the paper that you didn't know a lot about the company until you started your interview.

"Because this is where I work"

Amendment to Assignment:

Please use your creativity. If you want to interview a RM director of a Cruiseline, Airline, Logistics Company, Car Rental agency, Resort, or something else you may do so. I recommend a hotel because it should be the easiest to find information on and make contact with. I will not take any credit off of the project if you do something creative, as long as you are able to answer the majority of questions or be able to adjust them to fit another industry.

Help from the professor:

Please let me know in the next two weeks who you are interviewing and for what company (industry). I want to make sure that you are on the right path and will be able to get what you need accomplished. If you have major problems, come see me in my office or email me.

Final Project Discussion Board:

There is a Final Project Discussion Board that has been created. It will be available every week. If you have a question post it here. You most likely are not the only one with the same question.

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