BUS 307 Case Study 2 – Professional Memo

Jennifer Moore


BUS 307- Business Law II

November 27, 2022

BUS 307 Case Study 2 – Professional Memo

To: Fred and Sally

From: Jennifer Moore

Date: November 27,2022

Subject: Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup

This memo's objective is to make you aware of any potential legal problems resulting from Jane's theft. I will also give you information on civil claims you might have, the various sorts of commercial bankruptcy lawsuits, and other legal options that could be used to prevent the bankruptcy of Fred's Miracle Cough Syrup.

Legal Defences

For a court to render a verdict, the defendant must have the opportunity to defend oneself against the civil allegations. Common law mandates that the person accused of a crime must present a defence in order to determine whether or not they should be found guilty of the crime. If there is no tangible proof confirming their guilt, the defendants must provide evidence to support their innocence or refute the accusations. In these instances, Jane used a fake check to settle her debts to Don. If Don receives the check, he may charge Fred and Sally of fraud. Since their document is fraudulent, Fred and Sally cannot compensate Don. Given that there is no connection between them, a strong defence against the allegation is likely.

In this instance, Jane is responsible for maintaining company documents. She has no part in business leadership, management, sales, processing, or delivery. Therefore, it is not her function and responsibility to make payments. Due to her lack of integrity and responsibility, she has compromised the organization's ideals by falsifying the check and acting above her authority. A violation of duty is a criminal offense. Consequently, the defendants may assert that Jane behaved as an individual and not as a corporation (Ambos, 2018). The check was meant just for buying of Fred Miracle syrups, but Jane wanted to use it to settle a few of her personal debt. There is no binding official document between Don and Fred. In the absence of an agreement between two parties, there is no contract. Fred and Sally thus are not accountable to Don. Given there was no contract, neither Sally nor Fred received any services from Don. Therefore demonstrating that Fred and Sally are not responsible for Don's civil lawsuits.

Jane was responsible for the gambling obligation, not Fred's business, because she was the one who obtained the service from Don's company. Don should therefore submit the complaint to Jane and not Fred and Sally. Jane also exceeded his authority, thus neither Fred nor Sally are responsible for her acts. Consequently, she should bear the loss as a result of her conduct. Fred and Sally will be victorious in their case since they are in no way responsible to Don (Ambos 2018).


Offerings are contributions or donations made to the church. Therefore, the cheque with Fred and Sally's names that Jane presents in church seemed to be a gift. The cheque was issued without Fred and Sally's permission. Jane fabricated the check, which bears the signatures of Fred and Sally. Hence, the church might sue them for misleading or deceptive conduct over the counterfeit check issue, as it is impossible to determine whether they are being genuine and honest. In this scenario, Fred and Sally might try to disprove the claim by claiming that in order for a payment to be considered legal, it needs to be authorized by the signatory of the account. They must thus show that Jane really did falsify their signatures in order to prove that they are immune from liability and cancel the transaction (Aldulaimy, 2020). They ought to keep the cheque as well as the evidence that Jane attempted to give it to Don but was ineffective. They will prevail in their arguments, resulting in the court penalizing Jane.

Civil Claims against Jane

Jane has caused financial harm to the company through theft and forgery on multiple occasions. Because of their wrongdoing, Fred and Sally have lost all of their business's credibility and can no longer afford to run their operations. It is illegal to create a fake document, especially if it is going to be used fraudulently. Consequently, Fred and Sally have legal grounds to sue Jane for forgery and deception. Sally and Fred are the only authorized signatories for the company bank account (Parness, 2018). Jane has no authority over the company's finances, yet she still made a photocopy of their falsified signatures to use in her transactions. Sally must do a comprehensive assessment of their company's financial accounts in order to uncover any proof that Jane has used faked cheques to pay for her own expenses or without Sally and Fred's permission. Consequently, establishing Jane's liability for fraud. To be successful in their allegations, they need adequate proof against Jane showing that the cheques utilized to help complete these transactions were not approved by the authorized signatories, but instead by an impersonator identifiable as Jane.


A large number of companies are forced to declare bankruptcy every year as a result of poor financial management and unforeseen catastrophes. In the event that a firm is unable to pay off its debts, a legal process is initiated in order to seek relief from the full or partial weight of the obligations. In circumstances like this, the most frequently used varieties of bankruptcy are chapter 7 and chapter thirteen. The process of selling off one's possessions is covered in Chapter 7. The sale of the assets is done to satisfy the obligations that have been incurred to the creditors. The liquidation process shall take six months or 180 days from the date of filing for bankruptcy. Once the lawsuit is solved, there should be no more debts, regardless of whether or not all obligations have been paid. In chapter thirteen, home savings, auto savings, and home savings using are discussed. It was suggesting that the issuer of the asset for reimbursement is not invariably the debtor. For this to occur, the debt must have reached a certain threshold, and the court will prolong the debtor's payment period until all debts are paid (United States Courts, 2010). After the conclusion of the case, the debtor retains ownership of the asset.

Effects of Possible Bankruptcy

The company's conversion to sole proprietorship eliminates any impact on personal assets from a prospective business insolvency process. When one individual runs all aspects of a firm, that entity is called a "sole proprietorship" (Foss et al., 2021). All of the initial funding comes from that one source, be it loans or personal wealth. Although the sole proprietor may employ others to help with business choices, he retains ultimate authority. The sole proprietor takes on all the rewards and losses of the company. In addition, a single proprietorship is not considered a separate entity from its owner for legal purposes. Companies and sole proprietors are subject to the same rules and laws. The sole proprietor as well as the business coexist. Therefore, they are same.

Family Assets

A sole proprietorship is a form of business that is owned by an individual and he/she owns all the rights. The proprietor is individually responsible for all debts and obligations incurred by the company (Foss et al., 2021). In the event that the company's assets are insufficient to cover its debts, the owners may be forced to liquidate their personal holdings to do so. As a result, the owner's business and private property may be taken by creditors in the event of non-payment of bills. In the event that the entity goes bankrupt, these may have an effect on the property of family members even though they do not control the business.

Intellectual Property

Sam decided against pressing forward with moving into an elite supply deal with Bob, the proprietor of a home drugstore. Bob's temper flared up, and he went back to using the modified cough syrup strategies. After some time, Bob posted the method for exacting revenge online. In the event that Bob violates Fred's intellectual property rights, Fred can file a lawsuit against Bob in the form of copyright infringement or patent infringement.

Businesses and corporations take steps to protect their copyright interests by registering existing works and producing new ones. If interested parties are willing to pay for the owners' products or enter into licensing agreements, they can gain permission to use the copied works (Savelyev, 2018). Nonetheless, there are a number of factors that can make it easier for third parties to infringe, such as a shortage of supply channels for the protected work or a rise in the price of permitted works. As a result, copyright infringement occurs when content protected by copyright laws and regulations is used without permission from the content's owner.

Once an organization has applied for and been awarded a patent for an invention, they have exclusive rights to that invention and can prevent anyone from making, using, or selling it. Companies or individuals who carry out these actions without authorization are infringing on the rights of the patent's rightful owner. Hence, patent infringement occurs when one sells or uses a patented invention without the owner's consent. Direct and indirect infringements of patents can occur in a number of different ways. Infringing can include, for instance, willful infringement upon the patent rights of a competitor (Kim & Yoon, 2021). The infringer is aware of the firm's patent yet chooses to ignore it anyhow. The infringement may make use of all of the firm's claimed patent inventions. Consequently, Fred will win his case against Bob for patent and copyright violation. Bob published Fred's secret recipe for cough syrup without Fred's knowledge or permission, leading to this.

Intellectual property takes the form of trade secrets, which are a type of confidential business procedures that are not disclosed to anyone who are not affiliated with the firm. This method is considered a competitive advantage because it was developed in-house thanks to research and development efforts (Frankenfield, 2021). Based on the evidence presented in the court, Bob divulged the recipe for the cough syrup without first obtaining permission from the manufacturer, which led to the exposure of a significant commercial secret. If information had inherent economic value, then the United States government classifies it as a trade secret.


Aldulaimy, F. (2020). Exceeds the limits of the right to legal defense under international law. alrafidain of law22(70). ISSN: 1648-1819 (Print)

Ambos, K. (2018, December). International economic criminal law. In  Criminal Law Forum (Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 499-566). Springer Netherlands. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10609-018-9356-9

Foss, N. J., Klein, P. G., Lien, L. B., Zellweger, T., & Zenger, T. (2021). Ownership competence.  Strategic Management Journal42(2), 302-328.  https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3222

Frankenfield, J. (2021). Trade Secret. Investopedia. Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trade-secret.asp

Kim, S., & Yoon, B. (2021). Patent infringement analysis using a text mining technique based on SAO structure.  Computers in Industry125, 103379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2020.103379

Parness, J. A. (2018). Principles Guiding Civil Claim Settlements.  Principles Guiding Civil Claim Settlements, Lexis Nexis. ISBN 978-1-6328-3-7189

Savelyev, A. (2018). Copyright in the blockchain era: Promises and challenges.  Computer law & security review34(3), 550-561. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clsr.2017.11.008

United State Courts. (2010). Types of Bankruptcy [Video]. YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXv-na6y8nE



Professional Memo

Jennifer Moore

Southern New Hampshire University


November 13, 2022

Professional Memo

TO: Fred and Sally

FROM: Jennifer Moore / Lawyer

DATE: November 13, 2022

SUBJECT: Issues and Facts of Business Law

Business Entities

The primary business entities include sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, as well as corporations. Each form of corporate entity possesses its own set of distinguishing qualities. A sole proprietorship is a business entity in which a single person acts as both owner and manager. The sole proprietor manages all aspects of the company and takes full responsibility for any financial obligations. This makes the sole proprietor personally liable for the company's debts in the event of the company's insolvency. A partnership is a business that is owned and managed by more than one person. There are two types of partnerships: general and limited. All partners in a general partnership are jointly and severally responsible for the partnership's obligations. This implies that in the event of the partnership's insolvency, the onus of payment for the obligations will fall on each individual member (Beatty et al., 2018). A limited partnership consists of at least one general partner who assumes responsibility for the firm's obligations and liabilities and one or more limited partners who do not. Limited liability firms are statutory bodies that provide limited liability protection for its owners. This protects the owners from having their own assets seized to pay off the company's debts. An LLC might have one member or several. The lone "member" of a single-member limited liability business is its sole proprietor. It takes two or more people to form a multi-member limited liability business (Xue et al., 2020). A corporation exists independently from its shareholders. This protects the owners from having their own assets frozen because of the corporation's debts. A company might be organized for profit or not. Business entities that are organized primarily to generate profit are called "for-profit" corporations. Businesses that don't make a profit for their shareholders but instead exist to further a charitable cause are called "not-for-profits."

Product Liability

Product liability refers to the legal obligation that falls on the shoulders of the maker or seller of an item to reimburse any customer who sustain injuries as a result of using that product. Product liability law varies from country to country, but there are generally three types of product liability claims: manufacturing defects, design defects, and warning defects. A manufacturing defect is a flaw in the manufacturing process that makes the product unsafe. A design defect is a flaw in the design of the product that makes it unsafe (Beatty et al., 2018). A warning defect is a lack of adequate warnings or instructions on the product that makes it unsafe. There are several product liability issues present in the case of Fred's Miracle Cough Syrup. First, there is a risk that the product may not be effective. If the cough syrup does not work as advertised, Fred could be sued for false advertising. Second, there is a risk that the product may cause adverse side effects. If Fred's cough syrup causes any injuries or illnesses, he could be sued for personal injury or wrongful death. Third, there is a risk that the product may be counterfeit. If Fred's cough syrup is not the real thing, he could be sued for fraud. Finally, there is a risk that the product may be mislabelled. If the labels on Fred's cough syrup are inaccurate or misleading, he could be sued for false advertising or misleading marketing.

There are several steps Fred can take to mitigate the risks associated with his product. First, he should ensure that his product is effective. He can do this by conducting clinical trials and/or hiring an independent testing company to test his product. Second, he should ensure that his product is safe. He can do this by conducting safety testing and/or hiring an independent safety testing company to test his product. Third, he should ensure that his product is correctly labelled. He can do this by hiring a professional labelling company to create his labels. Finally, he should take steps to ensure that his product is not counterfeit. He can do this by trademarking his product and/or hiring a professional anti-counterfeiting company to protect his product.

Agency Relationship

The legal concept of agency alludes to the link that exists between two or more individuals, who are collectively referred to as agents, in which one of them performs an action on behalf of the other, who is referred to in this context as the principle. In the same vein, one may also operate in favour of either the firm or the government in certain circumstances based on the contract that was agreed upon. In most cases, the agent as well as the principle are the parties involved in this relationship; nevertheless, none of these parties can legitimately claim to act as the agent of the other within the context of this formation. Consequently, the agency law in the situation of Sam and Fred as described in the case remained absent as the former acted merely as a worker to the parent, in this scenario Fred, regardless of the fact that Sam later acquired half ownership of the business (Beatty et al., 2018). Prior to and even after the development of the company, Sam's participation in this firm does not always result in the construction of an agency relationship with Fred. This is mostly due to the absence of any kind of agreement between the two parties, which would allow one to act in the other's place whilst the other is away and prevent Sam from pretending to fulfil Fred's obligations.

Real Property

The location of the company, a family farm in this instance, presents possible real estate concerns. There could be potential zoning issues if the farm is located in a rural area that does not allow for commercial businesses. Zoning regulations are put in place to control the development of land and protect the health and well-being of the community. If the farm is located in a rural area that does not allow for commercial businesses, this could limit Fred's ability to operate his business and sell his cough syrup. There could also be issues with the property title if the farm has been in the family for generations and is held in trust. If the farm has been in the family for generations and is held in trust, there may be restrictions on how the property can be used (Beatty et al., 2018). These restrictions could limit Fred's ability to use the property for his business. Secondly, there may be problems with running the business if the necessary permission to do so on this land isn't in place. Fred would need the license in order to legally run his business in the city. Thirdly, it would be difficult to enforce the requirement that the home-based company be located on the family's property. It would entail, among other things, making sure there is enough room to grow into the property that personnel have easy access to the building, and that utilities are set up in a way that works for them.


Yes, the manufacture of Fred's Miracle Cough Syrup on the family farm does necessitate a formal transfer of ownership or possessory rights. This is because when Fred manufactures the cough syrup on the farm, he is using farm resources to do so. Therefore, he needs to formally transfer ownership or possessory rights in order to use the farm resources for his business. Some of the resources that Fred would need to use in order to manufacture his cough syrup on the family farm include the land itself, any buildings or structures on the property, and any equipment or machinery that is needed. In order to use these resources, Fred would need to get permission from the owner of the farm (likely his parents or grandparents). Once he has obtained this permission, he can then go about setting up his business (Beatty et al., 2018). There are a few different ways that Fred can go about transferring ownership or possessory rights to the family farm resources. One option is to simply lease the land from the owner. This would give Fred the right to use the land for his business for a set period of time, after which he would need to renew the lease or return the land to the owner. Another option is to purchase the land outright from the owner. This would give Fred full ownership of the land and he would not need to renew the lease or return the land at the end of the lease period. Another option for Fred is to enter into a partnership with the owner of the farm. This would involve both parties sharing ownership of the land and any resources on it. The partnership agreement would need to be drawn up in order to specify the rights and responsibilities of each party.

Personal Property

Sam's car being used to transport the goods raises a number of questions about ownership of various items. Vehicle liabilities are one concern, as accidents as well as other types of damage are unfortunately possible in the line of duty. If an accident were to occur while making deliveries or performing other tasks directly linked to the company's operations, it would be Fred and Sam's responsibility to make sure the vehicle was adequately insured. Also, as noted by Bian et al., (2018) well-crafted vehicle policies would be essential in preventing the car that in this case acts as the means of transportation of items, from being used for purposes unrelated to the company. Finally, using Sam's car to convey the products to customers would have tax implications. As a result, Sam will need to keep meticulous records of the company's expenditures. In the event that Sam does not get compensation for Fred's use of his vehicle, he will be able to deduct this expense from his taxable income by keeping meticulous records.

Liability Issues

When Sam's vehicle is used for business-related deliveries, both Sam and the company are put in a position where they could be held liable for a variety of negligence-related liabilities. These liabilities could, in most circumstances, range from hiring and retaining employees all the way to the actual servicing of Sam's car. In this context, negligent recruiting refers to a circumstance in which a party engaged in an accident may prosecute the owner of the business for potentially hiring an inexperienced driver and deciding to keep them despite the fact that they were involved in creating an accident (Beatty et al., 2018). Therefore, prior to hiring Sam, Fred needs to perform the necessary research to guarantee that Sam is still competent for the job. The term "negligent lending" refers to the practice of extending driving privileges to those who do not meet the requirements, in this case to unsuitable employees who are aware of their circumstances. If Fred was cognizant of Sam's health situation at the time of the accident, this would indicate that he should still be held responsible for the incident. It is considered negligent maintenance when one does not take the necessary precautions to guarantee that the delivery vehicle is kept in a safe condition at all times.

Estate Planning

Some potential estate planning difficulties include a lack of an extensive strategy, the absence of professional engagement, and the absence of regular evaluations. In the first case, the state statutes would step in after the demise of the proprietors to fill the void left by the absence of a detailed plan. Here, Fred needs to make sure there's a solid strategy in place for what to do after the heirs are gone. As for the second concern, the company's demise is guaranteed if its owners refuse to seek professional assistance in running the company. As a result, Fred must pursue and pay for specialist counsel on the management of this company, including its web appearance, rather than restricting service to relatives. The third aspect of performing reviews describes the company's standing. Consequently, the proprietors of this organization, led by Sam, should adhere to this procedure strictly to prevent its eventual demise.

Transfer Ownership

If Fred and Sally want to make sure that both Sam and Lilly benefit from the family business, they can use estate planning tools like trusts and family limited partnerships. Trusts are useful in this situation because they allow Fred and Sally to transfer ownership without giving up access to their riches while they are still alive (Beatty et al., 2018). The drawback is that Sam and Lilly will not be able to enjoy all the advantages of the land throughout their parents' lives. Fred and Sally will benefit from the family limited partnership since they will not have to give up control of the business following the transfer, whereas Sam and Lilly will suffer the opposite fate.

Business Entity

Following a condensed investigation into the concerns raised up top, it has become clear that operating a firm as a sole proprietorship is the most prudent course of action. Since the company is not very large at the moment, it is hoped that Fred will be able to expand it more quickly and then hand Sam some of the company's ownership.

Best regards,

Jennifer Moore


Beatty, J. F., Samuelson, S. S., & Abril, P. (2018).  Essentials of Business Law. Cengage Learning.

Bian, Y., Yang, C., Zhao, J. L., & Liang, L. (2018). Good drivers pay less: A study of usage-based vehicle insurance models.  Transportation research part A: policy and practice107, 20-34.

Nurumov, D. (2020). Role and Importance of Advocacy In Legal Support Of Business Entities.  The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology2(12), 117-122.

Xue, Y., Temeljotov-Salaj, A., Engebo, A., & Lohne, J. (2020). Multi-sector partnerships in the urban development context: a scoping review.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 122291.

BUS 307 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

Overview Business law plays an integral part in both our personal and professional lives. A solid grasp of essential business law concepts is critical for the successful navigation of complex and diverse business environments. You will assess relevant legal issues as well as apply the discipline-specific knowledge necessary to successfully address real-world business situations such as business formation and management, liability issues, and compliance with government and industry regulations, as well as to effectively communicate issues and facts to peers and professionals.

The final project represents an authentic competency, as you will have the opportunity to present your analysis of the legal and ethical issues involved in three hypothetical business scenarios as well as to evaluate and make recommendations to avoid such issues in the future.

This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

• Apply the law regarding business relationships, such as agency law, partnership, and corporate law as strategies for appropriate and effective business

management • Analyze issues of real and personal property as they pertain to business formation and management • Determine the legal rights and duties of the parties to commercial paper for their impact on fundamental business operations • Analyze the rights and duties of the parties in credit transactions, including secured transactions and bankruptcy law, as they apply to fundamental

business operations • Evaluate the impact of government regulation on business practices for strategic and compliance purposes

Prompt The final project for this course consists of two milestones and the final project submission. Milestones One and Two take the form of short answers crafted in memo format from the perspective of a corporate attorney making recommendations to a client. For Case Studies 1 and 2, craft a professional memo for each, appropriate in format, tone, and content, to send to your clients Fred and Sally, with your preliminary thoughts on the issues within. Your memos should illustrate the issues and relevant law, apply the facts, and support your conclusions with regard to each issue. Always remember to be clear, kind, and professional in your communications. The third element, Case Study 3, will be a short, 2–3-page essay in APA format that will require you to independently issue-spot as well as provide a factual analysis of relevant law and recommendations. You will receive feedback on both milestones and the initial element of Case Study 3. Make any necessary revisions and then include them all in the final submission, where you will label them as Case Study 1, 2, and 3.

Case Study 1 Fred is well known in his town for his homeopathic cough syrup. After years of encouragement, he has decided to take his miracle cough remedy to market as “Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup.” While his cough syrup is homeopathic, one of the key ingredients causes a severe reaction when taken in conjunction with aspirin. Fred plans to make and bottle his cough syrup in an outbuilding on the family farm. His son, Sam, has been raving to the locals about his father’s cough syrup for years, and the local drug store and grocer have contacted Fred to place orders as a result. Sam also intends to approach several national chains in an effort to secure supply contracts for Fred’s cough syrup. Fred has asked Sam to assist him with deliveries, as Sam has a van. Fred would like Sam to be involved with the

business as an employee initially, with the option of making him a partial owner at a later time. Fred and his wife Sally have two children, Sam and Lilly. Both live in cabins on the family farm with their spouses and children. Fred and Sally engage you as their attorney to assist with the formation of the new business, including determining the appropriate business entity type, management issues, product liability issues, and estate planning for both the business and family property. After your initial meeting, you identify and research the following issues.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Describe the main types of business entities and their defining characteristics. II. Apply product liability law and determine what issues are present. How would you advise your client to mitigate those issues? III. Apply the elements and characteristics of an agency relationship to Sam’s actions. Does Sam’s involvement prior to the business formation, as well as his

anticipated role once the business is formed, create an agency relationship? Why or why not? IV. Identify potential real property issues based on the location of the business on the family farm. Justify each potential issue. V. Does the manufacture of Fred's Miracle Cough Syrup on the family farm necessitate a formal transfer of ownership or possessory rights? Defend your response. VI. Identify potential personal property issues based on the use of Sam’s personal vehicle to deliver the product. Justify each potential issue. VII. Does the use of Sam's personal vehicle in the course of business expose Sam or the business to any liability issues? Defend your response. VIII. Identify potential estate planning issues with regard to the business and the family farm. Justify each potential issue. IX. What estate planning vehicles are available to Fred and Sally should they desire to transfer ownership in the business and family farm, respectively, to Sam and

Lilly equally? What are the advantages and disadvantages to each? X. Applying your analysis of the issues above, which type of business entity do you recommend for Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup and why?

Case Study 2 Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup has hit the market and become a huge success with the burgeoning integrative medicine demographic. Per your advice, Fred has patented his famous concoction and trademarked the Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup name and logo. Demand is so high that Fred and Sally are working full-time on the business. Their children, Sam and Lilly, and their respective spouses, Jane and Tim, have joined the company full-time as well. In fact, Fred and Sally have made Sam and Lilly part owners of the business. Fred, Sam, and Tim handle the production, sales, and delivery. Sally and Lilly handle the majority of the administrative and business management tasks, while Jane acts as the bookkeeper. Sally and Fred are the only authorized signatories on the corporate account.

Sally and Lilly have been hard at work securing a new production facility and distribution chain to accommodate an upcoming contract with a national chain. After locating a large warehouse on several acres, Sally and Lilly approach their local credit union for a loan. The business has only one business credit card used to purchase supplies for the production of Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup, and there is a small mortgage outstanding on the family farm. Personal debts of the individual family members consist of small credit-card balances for Fred, Sally, Sam, and Lilly as well as an auto loan on Sam’s van.

During the commercial loan accounting review process, Sally and Lilly discover that Jane has been siphoning off large amounts of corporate money and “cooking the books” to hide her actions. Jane has written several checks from the corporate account and forged both Sally’s and Fred’s signatures. Jane has made out all but one of the forged checks to Don, a local loan shark, in an effort to repay her gambling debts. The check Jane did not deliver to Don was made out to “Cash,” which she slipped into the collection box at church in an effort to absolve her guilt. The embezzlement was so severe that the family fears that Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup is now on the brink of bankruptcy. Meanwhile, Sam’s refusal to enter into an exclusive distribution deal with the local drugstore has enraged Bob, the owner. Bob has now reverse engineered Fred’s cough syrup recipe and has posted it online in an act of vengeance.

As Fred and Sally tearfully recount the events of the past month, you reassure them that you are on the case, and you begin to ponder the legal issues at hand.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. What legal defenses might Fred and Sally raise with regard to the checks written by Jane to Don? Why do you believe they will be successful or unsuccessful? II. What legal defenses might Fred and Sally raise with regard to the check written by Jane and delivered to the church? Why do you believe they will be

successful or unsuccessful? III. What, if any, civil claims do Fred and Sally have against Jane based on her actions? Why do you believe they will be successful or unsuccessful? IV. Analyze the forms of bankruptcy available to the business in this instance (assume the business entity is the same form as you chose in Case Study 1).

What form is most appropriate and why? V. Analyze the implications of a potential bankruptcy action on the business assets (assume the business entity is the same form as you chose in Case Study

1). Explain which, if any, are subject to forced sales, liens, or forfeiture. VI. Analyze the implications, if any, of a potential bankruptcy action by the business on the assets of the individual family members (assume the business entity is

the same form as you chose in Case Study 1). Explain if the assets of business owners are subject to forced sale, liens, or forfeiture. VII. What legal recourse does Fred have against Bob for infringement of intellectual property rights? Do you believe he will be successful? Why or why not?

Case Study 3 Both Fred’s family and the business have rebounded from their prior issues. Jane sought counseling for her gambling issues and has worked hard to mend her relationships with the family. Prior to cashing the forged checks from Jane, Don was struck by lightning and experienced a spiritual enlightenment. He willingly returned the checks to Fred and Sally and promptly joined the Peace Corps. Likewise, when the church found out the donated check was a forgery, it was immediately returned. Bob’s wife (also Sally’s best friend) found out about Bob’s online sabotage and promptly remedied the situation. Once Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup was back on track, the company’s growth was exponential. Featured on a widely viewed talk show starring a prominent doctor, online orders and demands from big-box chains nationwide skyrocketed. Fred and Sally have been told that now would be an ideal time to take Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup public. The only distressing issue at hand involves Tammy, a local girl who had been working as a delivery girl for the company. She applied for Jane’s former job as bookkeeper. Fred and Sally hired Ted, an experienced accountant, instead, and Tammy has filed a claim of sex discrimination against the company and Fred personally. Fred and Sally are seeking your advice regarding Tammy and the possibility of taking the company public.

Complete a legal analysis of the given facts, including the following elements.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Evaluate three current or potential legal and/or regulatory issues apparent in this fact pattern that might impact a public offering. II. Determine whether Fred's Miracle Cough Syrup is in compliance with government regulations involving public offerings by analyzing relevant laws and using

the appropriate legal test and facts given. III. Support your conclusions and provide recommendations to improve compliance and strategies for corporate growth.


Milestone One: Case Study 1 In Module Three, you will read Case Study 1 of the final project and respond in “memo” format to the client, addressing the listed critical elements. This milestone is graded with the Case Study 1 Rubric.

Milestone Two: Case Study 2 In Module Five, you will view the video resource on bankruptcy basics. Then, you will read Case Study 2 of the final project and respond to the client in “memo” format, addressing the listed critical elements. This milestone is graded with the Case Study 2 Rubric.

Final Submission: Case Studies 1, 2, and 3 In Module Seven, you will read the module resources and then respond to the remaining Case Study 3 critical elements, incorporating your feedback from the Module Six discussion topic. Submit the case study in a 4-7 page essay. Include rewrites of Milestones One and Two, and submit all three case studies as a final submission. This submission is graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your three “memos” should be 4-7 pages each, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and follow APA 7th edition

format for layout and citations.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Case Study 1: Business


Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers insight into the nuances of each type of business entity in relation to one another

Describes the main types of business entities and their

defining characteristics

Describes the main types of business entities, but does not

describe their defining characteristics

Does not describe the main types of business entities or their characteristics


Case Study 1: Product


Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites specific, applicable rules of


Applies product liability law to determine issues and

recommends mitigating actions

Applies product liability law, but does not recommend mitigating actions

Does not apply product liability law to determine issues


Case Study 1: Agency

Relationsh ip

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

provides a thorough, step-by- step analysis with specific supporting evidence applied to each element of the relevant legal test

Applies elements and

characteristics of an agency relationship to actions to determine if an agency relationship was created and provides justification

Applies elements and

characteristics of an agency relationship to actions, but does not determine if an agency relationship was created, or justification is not logical

Does not apply elements and

characteristics of an agency relationship to actions to determine if an agency relationship was created


Case Study 1:

Real Property

Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites specific, applicable rules of law

Identifies potential real property issues based on the location of the business on the family farm and provides justification for each

Identifies potential real property issues based on the location of the business on the family farm, but does not provide justification for each

Does not identify potential real property issues


Case Study 1:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers insight into the nuances of real property issues as they pertain to business

Determines if the manufacturing necessitates a formal transfer of ownership or possessory rights and defends response

Determines if the manufacturing necessitates a formal transfer of ownership or possessory rights, but does not defend response

Does not determine if the

manufacturing necessitates a formal transfer of ownership or possessory rights


Case Study 1: Personal


Meets “Proficient” criteria and

cites specific, applicable rules of law

Identifies potential personal

property issues based on the use of Sam’s personal vehicle to deliver the product and provides justification for each

Identifies potential personal

property issues based on the use of Sam’s personal vehicle to deliver the product, but does not provide justification for each

Does not identify potential

personal property issues


Case Study 1: Liability Issues

Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers insight into the nuances of personal property issues as they pertain to business

Determines if the use of a

personal vehicle exposes Sam or the business to any liability issues and defends response

Determines if the use of a

personal vehicle exposes Sam or the business to any liability issues, but does not defend response

Does not determine if liability

issues are present


Case Study 1: Estate Planning

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

cites specific, applicable rules of law

Identifies potential estate planning issues and provides justification for each

Identifies potential estate planning issues, but does not provide justification for each

Does not identify potential estate planning issues


Case Study 1:Transfer Ownership

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

offers insight into the importance of estate planning issues in business

Determines estate planning

vehicles available to transfer ownership equally and provides advantages and disadvantages of each

Determines estate planning

vehicles available to transfer ownership equally, but does not provide advantages and disadvantages of each

Does not determine estate

planning vehicle available


Case Study 1:

Business Entity

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

offers insight, based on research, as to why the chosen type of business entity would be an appropriate choice for Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup

Applies legal and factual analysis to form a recommendation on an appropriate business entity and provides rationale

Applies legal and factual analysis to form a recommendation on an appropriate business entity, but does not provide rationale

Does not apply legal and factual

analysis to form a recommendation


Case Study 2: Legal Defenses

Meets “Proficient” criteria and is well supported using appropriate sources

Determines the legal defenses

with regard to the checks written by Jane to Don and explains why defenses would be successful or unsuccessful

Determines the legal defenses

with regard to the checks written by Jane to Don, but does not explain why defenses would be successful or unsuccessful

Does not determine the legal

defenses with regard to the checks written by Jane to Don


Case Study 2: Church

Meets “Proficient” criteria and is well supported with appropriate sources

Determines the legal defenses

with regard to the check written by Jane and delivered to the church and explains why defenses would be successful or unsuccessful

Determines the legal defenses

with regard to the check written by Jane and delivered to the church, but does not explain why defenses would be successful or unsuccessful

Does not determine the legal

defenses with regard to the check written by Jane and delivered to the church


Case Study 2: Civil Claims

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

provides specific supporting evidence applied to each element of the relevant legal test

Determines civil claims availableto Fred and Sally against Jane and evaluates potential for success of those claims

Determines civil claims available to Fred and Sally against Jane, but does not evaluate potential for success

Does not determine civil claims

available to Fred and Sally against Jane


Case Study 2:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers research to illustrate why the chosen types of bankruptcy would be available based on the chosen type of business entity

Analyzes available forms of

bankruptcy based on the chosen type of business entity and determines which form is most appropriate and why

Analyzes available forms of

bankruptcy based on the chosen type of business entity, but does not determine which form is most appropriate or why

Does not analyze available forms of bankruptcy based on the chosen type of business entity


Case Study 2: Business Assets

Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers a nuanced insight into the relationship between a bankruptcy action by a business and business assets

Analyzes implications of bankruptcy on business assets and explains which are subject to forced sales, liens, or forfeiture

Analyzes implications of bankruptcy on business assets, but does not explain which are subject to forced sales, liens, or forfeiture

Does not analyze the implications of bankruptcy on business assets


Case Study 2: Family Members

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

offers a nuanced insight into the relationship between a bankruptcy action by a business and personal assets

Analyzes implications of

bankruptcy on personal assets of individuals and explains if the assets are subject to forced sale, liens, or forfeiture

Analyzes implications of bankruptcy on personal assets of individuals, but does not explain if the assets are subject to forced sale, liens, or forfeiture

Does not analyze implications of bankruptcy on personal assets of individuals

4 . 8

Case Study 2:

Intellectual Property

Righ ts

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

cites specific, applicable rules of law

Determines the legal recourse

Fred has against Bob and explains why Fred will be successful or unsuccessful

Determines the legal recourse

Fred has against Bob, but does not explain why Fred will be successful or unsuccessful

Does not determine the legal

recourse Fred has against Bob


Case Study 3:

Regulatory Issues

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and

choices are suitable and well supported

Accurately evaluates three

current or potential legal and/or regulatory issues in the fact pattern that might impact a public offering

Evaluates three current or

potential legal and/or regulatory issues in the fact pattern that might impact a public offering, but evaluation lacks accuracy

Does not evaluate potential

issues in the fact pattern


Case Study 3: Legal Test

Meets “Proficient” criteria and

provides specific supporting evidence applied to each element of each relevant legal test

Accurately determines whether

Fred’s Miracle Cough syrup is in compliance by analyzing relevant laws and using the appropriate legal test and facts given

Determines whether Fred’s

Miracle Cough syrup is in compliance by analyzing relevant laws and using the appropriate legal test and facts given, but determination lacks accuracy

Does not determine whether

Fred’s Miracle Cough syrup is in compliance


Case Study 3: Recommendatio ns

Meets “Proficient” criteria and uses discipline-specific language to establish expertise

Supports conclusions of law and provides recommendations to improve compliance and strategies for corporate growth

Supports conclusions of law, but does not provide recommendations to improve compliance and strategies for corporate growth

Does not support conclusions of law or provide recommendations


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors

related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors

related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors

related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors

related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Earned Total 100%

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