[Assignment Title]

[Student Full Name]

Strayer University

PHI220 – Ethics

[Professor’s Name]



State your relevant facts in bullets below.

Clarify Relevant Concepts

In a short paragraph of five to seven sentences, clarify all relevant concepts.

Choose a Standard

Clearly state the moral standard you are applying to this case.


In a short paragraph of five to seven sentences, state your conclusion. Your conclusion is your response to the question posed at the end of the case.


List any sources that you use in this assignment.

1. Judith Boss. 2019. Ethics for Life (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

2. Judith Boss. 2020. Analyzing Moral Issues (7th ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

How to Do Well in Discussions

· Posting late may lose you points.

· Respond to the specific questions posed in the discussion.

· Be sure to base your initial post and responses on course materials, and use 7th ed. APA citations in every post.

· Post your responses over three days and respond to four or more students to receive full credit for frequency of participation.

· Write clearly and proofread; errors can lose you points.

· Quality of posts, citations, frequency, and timeliness of posts all factor into your discussion grade. See the Participation Grading Rubric for details.


· Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.

For candidate one, his advantage is that he is a great salesman. He has high sales records, worked in a similar organization, and can prove to bring an increase in profit to the company. Unfortunately, due to candidate one being a white middle-aged man, he would be able to contribute to making the sales department more diverse, ethnics wise. For candidate two, his advantage is that he has a significant amount of knowledge about 3D printers and how they operate. Furthermore, he would help diversify the sales department due to his ethnical background. The only disadvantage is that he does not display much interest in sales and has a lower sales record than candidate one. Lastly, candidate three has the advantage of showing ambitious competencies, an education, and an interest in the field of sales, specifically 3D printing’s future. Furthermore, she would help diversify the sales department due to her ethnical background and aid in the growth of the sales department revenue as she grows with her sales. The only disadvantage is that her sales record is not as high as candidate one and she has no prior history of working in similar organizations.

· Do you see any ethical issues in choosing which candidate to hire?

The only ethical issues I feel should be discussed is making a decision based on the candidate’s racial background. Making the decision not to hire someone due to their ethnicity is highly unethical and biased. Even though an organization may benefit from a diversity of employees, an individual’s race should not be taken in consideration when it comes to diversity. There are surveys, tests, and quizzes on cultural and diverse differences which could be utilized to measure an individual’s knowledge of diversity in the workplace. However, I do understand that picking a candidate based off of their diversity may ethically come into play when both candidates have equal qualifications and experience, (Gilbert, 2016). 

· Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?

The ethical tool that should be utilized for this dilemma is Fairness and Justice in order to prevent unethical decisions when it comes to picking candidates. Measuring the candidate’s interview, skills, and experience without considering the diverse impact (in regards to their ethnicity) they may make will allow everyone to get a fair chance of getting the job. 

· Who would you ultimately hire and why?

Personally, I would hire candidate three due to her work ethics. She started out by having her own business selling tupperware in order for her to pay for college. This tells me she goes above and beyond to reach her goal, which is an attractive trait in an employee. Furthermore, although she is not as skilled as candidate three when it comes to her sales record, she proves to be improving as time goes by. With her improvement, she could possibly one day have a better sales record than candidate three and suggest new ideas which may have not been considered previously. 

Gilbert, J. (2016). Performance Appraisals and Compensation . EBSCO Information Services, Inc. |  www.ebsco.com . Retrieved May 23, 2022, from  https://www.ebsco.com/  


· Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.

Candidate 1- Advantages- has a stellar sales record selling supplies Disadvantages- Not diverse

Candidate 2- Advantages- relied heavily on 3D printers, technical whizbang Disadvantages-sales numbers were respectable but not as high as Candidate 1.

Candidate 3- Advantages- background in IT, sold computers and office equipment for much of her career, determined. Disadvantages- sales were not as large as Candidate 1

· Do you see any ethical issues in choosing which candidate to hire?

Yes, considering in the past years buyers were primarily middle-aged white men. In other words, there may be discrimination when choosing who will be hired next due to the trend that has been going on. 

· Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?

Gather the facts and decide with fairness. The candidates will be looked at based on their criteria and experience with fairness (Gilbert, p.g. 143). 

· Who would you ultimately hire and why?

Ultimately, I would hire Candidate 3 due to her sales growing rapidly and her determination which has been shown by selling Tupperware at first, in her neighborhood and then across the city. Due to that, she became one of Tupperware’s top salespersons so it has shown she has determination. With the combination of her determination and rapidly growing sales I believe she is the best candidate. 


Joseph Gilbert. (2016). Ethics for Managers : Philosophical Foundations and Business Realities: Vol. Second edition. Routledge.


In order to select the most qualified candidate, it is important to be advised the ethical approach of fairness and justice. Reason being, hiring manager does not have to be fair during the hiring process          and its primary goal is to make the correct decision for the company success “Gilbert, Chapter 7, 2016).

· Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.

For candidate 1, advantages are having experience selling a similar product and being stellar doing so. Not having education can be a disadvantage but candidate can make up with the experience on the field.

For candidate 2, advantages can be being a subject matter expert in 3d printer innovative usage. Vast experience on the product different use. Weakness can be not being a stellar salesman.

For candidate 3, has background in IT and sales in computers and office equipment.  Has college education and additional selling experience in selling Tupperware products were the candidate exceeded. Has experience selling different products and excelling at it. Weakness, has no experience selling 3D printers.

· Do you see any ethical issues in choosing which candidate to hire?

I don’t see any ethical issues during the hiring process due to all candidates being exceptional. All the candidates can perfectly fit in the open position.

· Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?

The best ethical tool for this dilemma will be using the fairness and justice analysis. This tool allows the hiring manager to hire the best person into a vacancy and the person will be the best contributor for work success (Gilbert, Chapter 7, 2016).

· Who would you ultimately hire and why?

Even though all the candidates have great qualifications, I will have to go with Candidate 3. Even though candidate does not have experience selling 3D printer, but has demonstrated perseverance in previous employments.


Gilbert, J. (2016) . Ethics for Managers: Philosophical Foundations and Business Realities, Chapter 7. Retrieved from  https://eds-p-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/eds/ebookviewer/ebook?sid=fb4ff1ab-d22b-42d9-9e3d-17f6cca4bbe7%40redis&ppid=pp_105&vid=0&format=EB


Hello all,

· Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.

There are both advantages and downsides to each candidate's hiring. Candidate 1 has extensive sales expertise, has worked in similar organizations, and has a proven track record of success. He is likely to outperform the preceding salesperson in terms of revenue generation. On the other hand, he may not be able to connect with the company's newer, more varied customer base or provide new ideas to the current sales team. In Candidate 2, you'll find a 3D printer expert with a wealth of knowledge who can help the sales team expand their horizons by introducing fresh perspectives. In contrast to Candidate 1, he has a lower sales volume. Candidate 3 has some IT and computer sales experience, but she lacks the depth of knowledge that both Candidates 1 and 2 possess. In her view, 3D printers are the future, and she is a huge fan of them. She has the ability to connect with a newer, more diversified customer base and bring a fresh viewpoint to the sales team. Although she has a lower sales record than her rivals, both candidates are making progress.

· Do you see any ethical issues in choosing which candidate to hire?

When making a hiring decision, there are ethical considerations to keep in mind. White middle-aged males are a large portion of the present sales force, as previously noted. Aside from one applicant, there are two who would provide diversity to the team: This raises the question of a sort of affirmative action that is banned in the United States, where a candidate may be chosen based on gender or ethnicity (Gilbert, 2016, p. 110).

· Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?

Determine the minimum set of skills necessary to perform the job well, and then apply the fairness and justice analysis (Gilbert, 2016, p. 117). Each candidate can then be judged based on their talents rather than their ethnicity or gender once this is known.

· Who would you ultimately hire and why?

In the end, I would choose Candidate 2 over Candidate 1. He is the only candidate who has actually sold 3D printers, and his tales offer a fresh perspective on the technology's evolution. He's not as successful as Candidate 1, but he's a step ahead of Candidate 3. Since sales have been stagnant recently, the corporation may need to replace the retired salesperson with someone with a fresh viewpoint in order to get sales back on track. Candidate 2's contributions are more valuable to the organization as a whole than simply hiring a salesperson who can match prior earnings on their own.

Reference: Gilbert, J. (2016). Ethics for Managers: Philosophical Foundations and Business Realities: Vol. Second edition. Routledge.

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