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Chapter 2: Publishing a Trifold Brochure: 2-17d Extend Your Knowledge Book Title: The Shelly Cashman Series Collection Printed By: Latrice Reaves ([email protected]) © 2018 Cengage Learning, Cengage Learning
2-17d Extend Your Knowledge
Extend the skills you learned in this module and experiment with new skills. You may need to use Help to complete the assignment.
Creating a Brochure from Scratch
Note: To complete this assignment, you will be required to use the Data Files. Please contact your instructor for information about accessing the Data Files.
Instructions: Run Publisher. You are to start from scratch and create the brochure shown in Figure 2-75. You will insert images you obtain online, change the color and font scheme, create panel guides, and add other formatting to the brochure.
Figure 2-75
Perform the following tasks:
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Click BUILT-IN, and then click Brochures. Scroll to the Blank Sizes area, and then click the Letter (Landscape) thumbnail.
Choose the Maroon color scheme and the Office 1 font scheme. Click the CREATE button to create the publication.
When the publication is displayed, maximize the window, if necessary. If necessary, click the Special Characters button (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display special characters.
Use Help to read about creating guides and then perform the following tasks:
To create panel guides, drag from the vertical ruler into the publication to create a nonprinting guide, stopping at as measured on the horizontal ruler. Drag another guide from the vertical ruler into the publication, stopping at .
In the Page Navigation pane, right-click the page 1 icon, and then click ‘Insert Duplicate Page’ on the shortcut menu. You will leave page 2 blank for future content.
If necessary, click the Page 1 icon in the Page Navigation pane to return to page 1 in the brochure.
Save the publication on your storage device with the file name, Extend 2-1 Team Training Brochure.
Click the Online Pictures button (Insert tab | Illustrations group). Use Bing Image Search to insert a picture of the earth or a globe similar to the one shown in Figure 2-75. Be sure you review the specific copyright license of any pictures you use from the web. Drag the picture to the scratch area and then click the Arrange Thumbnails button (Picture Tools Format tab | Arrange group) to reduce the size of the thumbnail.
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Repeat Step 5 to insert three photos of state map outlines — you may have to enter the search term of a specific state, such as Kentucky state outline. Review the specific copyright license of any pictures you use from the web.
To create the right panel, which serves as the front of the brochure, do the following:
Drag the earth to the right panel. Position it approximately in the center, vertically; and resize it so that it almost fills the panel horizontally. Click the More button (Picture Tools Format | Pictures Styles), and choose an appropriate picture style, such as the Drop Shadow Rectangle. Deselect the picture.
Click the ‘Draw Text Box’ button (Home tab | Objects group). Drag to create a text box at the top of the right panel, approximately " tall. Stay within the margin and guides. Type Early Response Team Training to enter the text. Right-click
the text, and then click Best Fit on the shortcut menu.
Click the ‘Draw Text Box’ button (Home tab | Objects group). Drag to create another text box in the lower portion of the right panel. Type A collaborative effort to provide a
caring presence in the aftermath of disaster to
enter the text in the text box. Right-click the text, and then click Best Fit on the shortcut menu.
To create the left panel:
Create another text box in upper part of the left panel. Type Our
Mission in the text box Use the ‘Increase Font Size’ button to
make the font size approximately 36.
Create a larger text box below the Our Mission text box, approximately high. Click inside the text box, and change the font size to 16. Type the following paragraphs letting Publisher wrap the text:
Early Response Team Training (ERTT) fills an
important need in the early days after a
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disaster. It is important to note that ERTs are
trained primarily to respond within their own
Each class is 8 hours long. Topics include
safety, response situations, equipment, team
building, and the safe sanctuaries policy.
You must be at least 18 years old to receive this
Create a text box at the bottom of the panel, still within the margins and guides of the left panel. Type www.ertt.org to
enter the web address. When Publisher capitalizes the first letter, use the AutoCorrect Options button to remove the capitalization. Autofit the text.
If requested by your instructor, change the web address to your webpage or Facebook page.
Use Help to read about the Align and Distribute commands related to objects.
To create the middle panel of page 1:
Create another text box in upper part of the center panel. Type Serving:. Use the ‘Increase Font Size’ button (Home tab | Font
group) to make the font size approximately 36.
One at a time, drag the state outline graphics from the scratch area to the middle panel. Place them in the approximate locations shown in Figure 2-75.
Select one of the state outline graphics. Click the Caption button (Picture Tools Format tab | Picture Styles group) and choose a caption style, such as Reversed Layout 1. Type the name of the state in the resulting caption text box. Repeat the process for the other two state outline graphics.
Drag around all three graphics and captions in the middle panel. Click the Align Objects button (Drawing Tools Format tab |
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Arrange group) and then click Distribute Vertically on the Align Objects menu.
Click the Background button (Page Design tab | Page Background group) and then click ‘Accent 2 Horizontal Gradient’ in the Background gallery.
Click the Shapes button (Insert tab | Illustrations group) and then click the Rectangle shape in the Shapes gallery. Drag a rectangle across the top of page 1. With the rectangle selected, click the Shape Outline arrow and then click ‘Accent 5 (White)’ in the Shape Outline gallery. Click the Shape Fill arrow (Drawing Tools Format tab | Shapes Styles group) and then click ‘Accent 5 (White)’ in the Shape Fill gallery. Click the Send Backward button (Drawing Tools Format tab | Arrange group) three times to move the rectangle behind the text boxes.
Check the brochure for spelling errors and design errors and fix them as necessary. Save the file again.
Use the Pack and Go Wizard as described in the module, to pack the publication.
Preview the publication using the Print gallery. If possible, print the publication on special brochure paper
When would you use a template instead of creating a brochure from scratch? Would formatting the font before you type be easier than selecting text and formatting it afterward?
Chapter 2: Publishing a Trifold Brochure: 2-17d Extend Your Knowledge Book Title: The Shelly Cashman Series Collection
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© 2019 Cengage Learning Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may by reproduced or used in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, or in any other manner - without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Assignment 2 Situation Analysis |
Name: Professor’s Name: Course Title: Date: Company/Brand Selected (Mini Cooper, Samsung, Dairy Queen, or Axe): NOTE: You will be completing an ORIGINAL Analysis on the business. |
1. Customers
Who are the current customers/users? Include information related to demographics, psychographics and buying behavior, price sensitivity, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
For example: You could include information such as whether the brand is trying to appeal to a certain social or cultural group and how customers perceive the product/brand. It’s also possible to include demographic information related to: age, educational attainment, geographic area, gender, race, employment status and/or home ownership. Additionally, you can discuss psychographic information which includes those attributes that relate to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles of people. This area is also related to situational life stages as well as customer beliefs, and how customers want to see themselves and be perceived. Some examples of psychographic groups include video gamers, soccer moms, sports fanatics, hipsters, and single moms. Life cycle stages include: retirees, new homeowners, college students and new parents. Be aware that some products/brands may appeal to a wider customer base than others.
[Insert response]
What do the customers buy/use of value from the business?
[Insert response]
What changes can the company/brand expect in the future? How can the company/brand better serve its customers?
(For example, you could include information about the current demand for the product/brand, and how it is changing or has changed including possible variations or modifications in the future. You may also determine/discuss if the brand/company can take advantage or has taken advantage of the changes. It’s also possible to consider and talk about whether the product/brand is a less expensive substitute, perhaps, or maybe a product/brand that is easier to use with more features.)
[Insert response]
Opportunities (Make sure you label why you call each item an opportunity):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
Threats: (Make sure you label why you call each item a threat):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
2. Company
This Section Discusses what the brand is currently. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the company/brand as it exists today, providing at least 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses. What does the company/brand do well and not so well at this very moment?
List 3 Strengths (Make sure you label why you call each item a Strength):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
List 3 Weaknesses: (Make sure you label why you call each item a weakness):
1. [Insert response]
2. [Insert response]
3. [Insert response]
This Section deals with what the company/brand needs to become.
How can the company/brand improve its weaknesses and maintain or grow its strengths? Suggest how the company/brand can improve upon the things it does well and not so well.
[Insert response]
3. Context
Define the current business environment. Include information about political, legal, economic technological and societal factors that may influence sales.
For example: You could perhaps discuss the current trends and conditions for this Industry and for the brand. It’s possible to include information about how the Economy affects this industry. This could include changes in income: are people losing jobs, or getting paid more? Changes in spending habits could be considered as well. Other factors such as use of public transportation and shopping online may also be relevant. Whether or not the product is high-tech, or state-of-the-art can be also be included in describing the context. For example, are there other companies producing new versions of the product? Is the market changing quickly? How is technology affecting this product or service? Are there any new laws that may affect the brand?
Political Environment: [Insert response]
Legal: [Insert response]
Economic: [Insert response]
Technological: [Insert response]
Societal/Sociocultural: [Insert response]
4. Collaborators
Define the business partnerships. Does the company/brand have any current partnerships? What other company/brand do you think may be a good partner for them?
Current Partnerships and the discussion on them: [Insert response]
Proposed NEW Partnerships and the discussion them: [Insert response]
5. Competitors
Who are the main competitors? Label and discuss the top three competitors and why you consider them a competitor.
Competitor 1: [Insert response]
Competitor 2: [Insert response]
Competitor 3: [Insert response]
6. Recommendations
Based upon the analysis you just completed in this worksheet, what are three (3) key recommendations that you could pass along to Management regarding the future direction of the company you selected? Discuss why you have created these strategies and why you think they should be undertaken and work for the business.
1.Recommendation #1 and the Defense/Justification of the Recommendation: [Insert response]
2. Recommendation #2 and the Defense/Justification of the Recommendation: [Insert response]
3. Recommendation #3 and the Defense/Justification of the Recommendation: [Insert response]
© 2015 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.
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