COGS Assignment Outline – 44556624 ( Irshad Mulla)

1. Description of disorder

· What is aphasia

· Causes of aphasia

· Types

2. Description of selected impairment associated with the disorder

· Difficulty in reading irregular words

· Description of impairment

· Case studies of it and example

3. Understanding of the cognitive account of the impairment

· Examples

· Types of reading models

4. Providing relevant supporting evidence of the account and reading

· Evidence regarding model

· Studies going against model

5. Suggestions for future research

· Research suggestions

· Treatment suggestions

6. Providing a strong conclusion.



Short Staffing of Nurses

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Institutional Affiliation

Short Staffing of Nurses

Nurses play an intricate role in the medical field in that they are responsible for the continued assessment of a patient’s health status, and at the same time examining the patient’s response to the prescribed treatment. In addition, nurses also ensure that the patient’s needs that are, cognitive, physical, and emotional are fulfilled. In the United States, registered nurses make up the largest group of medical practitioners (Keenan, 2003). One issue that is not only affecting the nursing practice in the United States, but across the world, is short staffing of nurses in health care institutions, which means a decrease in the number of nurses in these health care center. An example of a negative consequences associated with the issue of short staffing of nurses is increase in patient mortality, and various solutions can be provided to ensure that the quality of care is not compromised further (Janiszewski Goodin, 2003),

To ensure patient safety and well-being, health care centers ought to employ an adequate number of nurses. Some of the major reasons being short staffing of nurses is a decrease in the overall budget allocated by the United States government for its health care programs, as well as increased demand for health care services (Keenan, 2003). It has also been noted that other career options are behind the decreased number of nurses in health care centers, as there are more lucrative career options for individuals. Short staffing of nurses may lead to a number of negative consequences, for example, increased rates of patient mortality and complexities in the delivery of health care. (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2003). From research carried out, in 2002, the shortage of registered nurses in the United States was around 125,000, and it is projected to rise to over 400,000 by 2020 (Aiken, Clarke, Sloane, Sochalski & Silber, 2002). In a study by University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, May, Bazzoli and Gerland (2006), observed the high mortality rates that can result from the inadequacy of nurse services within the hospital operation. There is the idea that if the nurses in a healthcare facility are few, then the present ones are overworked. The effect is spread to other staff like the physicians where for example when in an operation with few nurses they may have a lot to do which can result to errors. Janiszewski Goodin (2003), reported on a research that has found four main factors contributing to the nursing shortage in the USA. These factors are the declining enrollment in nursing schools, poor public image of nursing, the aging RN workforce population and the changing work climate.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2003) noted the resultant effect of shortage observing that few nurses in a big healthcare facility are overworked which results to burning out or losing their morale in carrying out their duties of care. High levels of this overworking result into frustration making many of the nurses quit working. This makes the situation more pathetic: a hopeless situation where the facility needs nurses but the available ones are quitting. From these facts, it is clear that a hospital needs adequate nurses to have them for long and be able to give quality care has not been achieved satisfactorily yet.

Various strategies out that may provide solutions to the problem of short staffing of nurses would be to increase the number of individuals enrolled in nursing programs in educational institutions and enactment of comprehensive health care policies that cater for the needs of nurses. For the government of the United States to increase the number of individuals that enroll in nursing programs, it ought to increase the funding for said programs (Institute of Medicine & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2011). At the same time, the government should also cater for the needs of already registered nurses through the increase of their wages, and this may discourage individuals from seeking other career options. In some nations, the government has resorted to hiring foreign nurses as well, as an immediate strategy to resolving the issue of short staffing, and the United States government have been using such options as well.

Positive Social Change

It is evident that the issue of short staffing of nurses has a direct influence on the quality of care that patients receive. The ramifications of short staffing of nurses, therefore, cannot be ignored, for example, short staffing of nurses is related to increase in drug administration errors and patient’s length of stay in hospitals (Aiken et al., 2002). The government of the United States has the potential of bringing change to the situation through policy reforms, specifically, those dealing with wages registered nurses receive, as well as funding for nursing programs in higher educational institutions. Private organizations can also help in rectifying the situation, by providing the funding needed for nursing recruitment programs, for example, scholarships and outreach programs to high school students.


Aiken, L. H., Clarke, S. P., Sloane, D. M., Sochalski, J., & Silber, J. H. (2002). Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction. Jama288(16), 1987-1993. doi:10.1001/jama.288.16.1987

American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2003. Nursing Shortage Facts Sheet.

Cooper, K., & Gosnell, K. (2015). Foundations and adult health nursing.

Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., & Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2011). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press.

Janiszewski Goodin, H. (2003). The nursing shortage in the United States of America: an integrative review of the literature. Journal of advanced nursing43(4), 335-343.

Keenan, P. (2003). The nursing workforce shortage: causes, consequences, proposed solutions. Issue Brief (Commonwealth Fund), (619), 1-8.

May, J. H., Bazzoli, G. J., & Gerland, A. M. (2006). Hospitals’ responses to nurse staffing shortages. Health Affairs25(4), W316-W323.



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Researchable Populations in My Area of Practice

            A population is considered researchable in the event that they are accessible and can easily provide relevant information about the research problem (Laureate Education, Inc. 2011). The researchable populations in this practice problem which is “Short Staffing of Nurses” are nurses. They are the most suitable populations that can satisfy the research objectives, which is focused on the shortage of nursing. Since the research goals include the evaluation of the causes of unnecessarily long stay of patients in hospitals, and errors in drug administration. As such, the most relevant populations for probing the research questions are nurses in the public hospital I work for. The choice of nurses is because they are the ones who handle patients the most. They are responsible for providing psychological and emotional support for patients. Besides, they are also the ones who administer medications to patients, and monitor the health of patients.  For these reasons, the welfare and number of nurses are crucial factors to consider in this study. Nurses from the public hospital I work for, are the best sample because it’s often understaffed as compared to private hospitals. Their activities at quantified time intervals will also be used to evaluate their workload.

Challenges of Obtaining a Sample from this Population

            Some of the challenges faced in obtaining the samples include availability of the samples, state regulations or the hospital on information sharing by the samples, gaining access to the individual samples and willingness of the samples to participate in the study (Gray, Grove & Sutherland, 2017). The other challenge involves willingness of the nurses to participate, whether they have the will or if the hospital’s administration can allow them to participate. Privacy of the nurses during the sampling process is also a major challenge (Fawcett & Garity, 2009).

How to Address the Sampling Challenges

            However, challenges are common in any research study and in this case, the challenges encountered can be addressed by obtaining samples in the following ways. First, conducting a pre-sampling research to know which part of the population might be worthwhile to be approached. This is to prevent challenges on state or hospital laws on information sharing and also willingness of the sample to participate. Secondly, I could ensure that the time for the study is flexible to them so that they are able to choose a favorable time which they will be available. Finally, I could effectively use communication platforms in order to gain access to the targeted sample from emails to social media and telephones. This would make it easier to even retain communication out of the professional context in order to build rapport. Privacy of the nurses can be addressed by replacing their real names with pseudo names (Fawcett & Garity, 2009). The researcher will also use an online platform to increase privacy of the participants.

Data-collection Approaches

            Data collection approaches that would be most appropriate are questionnaires. In order to collect the intended data from the sample, I choose to use a quantitative research data collection approach of questionnaires. The targeted samples are expected to fill them. The questionnaires mainly ask for the number of nurses at a particular time and even the patients in order to analyze them later (Gray et al., 2017)

 Questionnaires will be web-based, in which the respondents receive emails that have links, which will lead them to a protected web site where they will fill questionnaires with semi-structured questions, meaning that they could be accessed easily by the samples and the results can be quickly relayed to us (Williams, Harris & Turner-Strokes, 2009).


            Questionnaires are one of the most effective ways of collecting data that has been standardized. This is because information is collected in the same way across the board. Questionnaires like the one used above also makes it possible to collect data from a large number of samples. The only issue is for a researcher, like me in this case, to carefully select the samples to be used. They are also effective in collection of data that is in statistical form. In this case, the issue is about the numbers (Walden University, 2011). Is the number of nurses in that particular hospital enough when compared to the number of patients at a particular time or period of time? Web-based questionnaires are also appropriate for the ever-busy nurses because they can participate in the study even in their free time at home. This ensures that they do not waste work-time when answering the questions (Corrigan et al., 2010). These proposed methods are convenient because they ensure that privacy of the respondents is highly secured.


Corrigan, P. W., Tsang, H. W., Shi, K., Lam, C. S., & Larson, J. (2010). Chinese and American employers’ perspectives regarding hiring people with behaviorally driven health conditions: The role of stigma. Social science & medicine, 71(12), 2162-2169.

Fawcett, J., &Garity, J. (2009). Evaluation of samples. In Evaluating research for evidence-based nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis

Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Quantitative research: Sampling. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Walden University. (n.d.). Collecting quantitative data. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from

Williams, H., Harris, R., & Turner‐Stokes, L. (2009). Work sampling: a quantitative analysis of nursing activity in a neuro‐rehabilitation setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(10), 2097-2107.

August 2017

Assignment Information COGS 101 Delusions and Disorders of the Mind and Brain


Discuss a cognitive account of an impairment within a particular disorder.


Pick one of the following disorders: Aphasia, Amnesia

You should describe the disorder and the impairment associated with it, and explain how the cognitive theory accounts for the impairment. You should then review the experimental evidence supporting (or contradicting) this account.

Example Dyslexia*:

If the disorder was Dyslexia, you may want to follow these steps:

1. Pick a disorder: Dyslexia – describe what dyslexia is.

2. Pick a cognitive impairment within the disorder: A specific difficulty in reading irregular words – describe the impairment.

3. Pick a theory/model that accounts for this cognitive impairment: The Dual Route Model of reading– describe the Dual Route Model.

Explain how the theory/model accounts for the impairment (provide evidence): Impairment in irregular word reading is a result of a deficit in the lexical route of the Dual Route Model.

4. Discuss the theory/model and its supporting (or contradicting) evidence. The dual route model account for irregular word reading, and this is supported by empirical data showing…

*Note that Dyslexia is not an optional assignment topic. It is used for illustrative purposes in this example only.

Word Limit: 1,500 words

Format: Double spaced, and printed in 12-point font with 2.54 cm margins. The word limit includes in-text referencing but does not include the reference list at the end, or the title page.

Referencing: Your assignment should also follow APA (American Psychological Association) formatting and referencing guidelines.

Submission: The assignment should be submitted on TURNITIN. The submission procedure will be provided in the next tutorial.

Marking Criteria: Please refer to the COGS101 Assignment Marking Guide. It is important that the structure of your assignment follows the marking guide and covers the sections included in the marking guide, as this is the basis of how the assignments are marked.

COGS 101 –Assignment Marking Guide & Performance Indicators

Criteria Excellent (HD) Poor (P) 1. Description of the disorder (15%)

An excellent and highly accurate understanding of the disorder.

A poor understanding of the disorder with information incorrect/missing

2. Description of the selected impairment associated with the disorder (15%)

An excellent and highly accurate understanding of the impairment.

A poor understanding of the impairment. Most information incorrect/missing.

3. Understanding of the cognitive account of the impairment (20%)

The account is relevant, highly accurately and well described and all relevant components are included.

The account is only relevant in some aspect but not accurately described, many components missing/unclear.

4. Providing relevant supporting evidence of the account and demonstrating a wide and critical reading (20%)

The relationship between research and the selected account is clearly articulated and accurate. A wide and critical reading is demonstrated.

Connection to theory is mostly unclear and incomplete, or has some errors. Little or no supporting reading.

5. Suggestions for future research and/or treatment options based on the cognitive account (10%).

Contains a careful consideration of future research that can improve the cognitive account. The possible treatment(s) based on the cognitive account is discussed.

Future directions and research not considered, and possible treatments are not included.

6. Providing a comprehensive and thoughtful conclusion (10%)

Conclusion is clearly stated and connections to the topic and position are clear and relevant. The underlying logic is explicit.

Conclusion is not clear and the connections to the research are mostly incorrect or unclear or just a repetition of the findings without explanation. Underlying logic has major flaws.

7. Writing style & presentation (10%) - A Clear and logical structure - Clear and precise expression - Relevant references given - Appropriate citation style - Conforms APA Guidelines

Paper is coherently organized and the logic is easy to follow. There are no spelling or grammatical errors and terminology is clearly defined. Writing is clear, concise and persuasive. Accurate APA citation style.

Paper is very poorly organized and difficult to read and does not flow logically. There are many spelling and/or grammatical errors; technical terms may not be defined or are poorly defined. Errors in citation.

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