The application of cognitive psychology in mental illness or trauma


Pavlov P. I. (2010). Conditioned reflexes: An investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex. Annals of neurosciences17(3), 136–141. Retrieved from

Pavlov gives a perfect approach towards conditioned reflexes and applies realistic evidence to elucidate the fact. Reading through the entire article one understands the elements of conditioned reflexes and how response is associated with them. He conducts an investigation of the normally physiological activity that takes places the cerebral cortex. This plays an important part in pointing out the necessary facts that needs to be observed throughout the practice. The elaboration of key facts is giving an important consideration with all the surrounding evidence that is accurate and reliable. The article is more educative based on the approach that it applied in addressing the topic. It played a key part in explaining the necessary practices that needs to be observed when it comes to conditioned reflexes. The concepts explained are realistic and applicable if given the appropriate consideration.

Watson, J. B. (1913). Psychology as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20(2), 158–177. Retrieved from

Watson gives a creative approach towards psychology that enables the reader to gain interest in it. This is based on the fact that important concepts are involved in the practice and they are highly elemental to apply and understand in relation to the field that is being addressed. He explains psychology in the manner in which the behaviorist views it. It is consequential matter of concern that involves the application of the correct concepts. In a psychologist view, creative approaches are given to enable a reader to understand the behaviorist approaches towards certain issues within people and the appropriate ways to handle certain situations. This gives a reliable framework that is important to understand and apply based on the implication that it has on the entire process. the aspect comes with the observation of order and understanding which is highly important for the people to apply.

Antoni, M. H., Lutgendorf, S. K., Blomberg, B., Carver, C. S., Lechner, S., Diaz, A., ... & Cole, S. W. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics. Biological psychiatry71(4), 366-372. Retrieved from

There have been studies that have identified the relationship between anxieties with pro-inflammatory transcriptional profiles in circulating leukocytes. This study, therefore, examined whether cognitive-behavioral stress management prevention measures can counteract anxiety-related cases. In the study, 199 women who were undergoing primary treatment of breast cancer were randomly selected to act as respondents for the survey. Statistical tools were used to provide descriptive statistics of the data obtained to determine whether cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics. The result of the study indicated that patients of breast cancer at the early stages of intervention through primary treatment are in a position to reverse anxiety-related up-regulation of pro-inflammatory gene expression leukocytes. From the study, it is evident that behavioral intervention has an influence on the physical health of an individual, which may affect brain effectiveness and cognitive processes. The data that was obtained from the selected breastfeeding mothers who were undergoing the first stage of breast cancer treatment, which is the primary stage, gives a positive association between cognitive-behavioral with reverses anxiety.


Skinner, B. F. (1950). Are theories of learning necessary? Psychological Review, 57(4), 193–216. Retrieved from

Skinner gives a different approach towards learning that are important to understand and conceptualize. He questions the theories that are involved in learning which is a different approach that needs to be understood based on the importance of the learning process. it is a key fact that involves the application of various approaches that surrounds the well-being of certain concepts that involves the interest of the public. Learning the initiatives plays an important part in giving the general direction forward and key aspects that are involved in the general studies. He gives a critical review in the pages that are important to clearly conceptualize and understand its general implication to the learning process. Ideally, the concepts that are explained are focused on pointing out the weaknesses in the learning processes and the appropriate actions that needs to be done to put the interest of people at hand.


Freud, S. (1910). The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis. The American Journal of Psychology, 21(2), 181-218. Retrieved from https://doi:10.2307/1413001.

Freud gives a detailed explanation that is required to understand the development and origin of psychoanalysis. This is a critical aspect that gives a detailed understanding of the entire process based on the fact that several elements are involved in the process and it is essential that a clear operational framework is created in which they could successfully operate. It is a critical matter that address the key origins and how the practice emerged. The general description is given abut a detailed analysis is explained. The manner in which Freud approaches the concept is a critical matter based on the fact that several complexities are involved in the entire process. The development of psychoanalysis needs a general conception that focuses on the interest of the people in a positive way in regard to the field that is being addressed.

Schuckit, M. A. (2016). Treatment of opioid-use disorders. New England Journal of Medicine375(4), 357-368.

The article addresses different treatment methods that are used to treat opioid use disorders. Opioid use disorders are defined as a repeated occurrence that happens within 12 months withdrawal where an individual isolate from others and giving up in life. Opioid withdrawal symptoms can be treated through detoxification, where the doctor supervises patient withdrawal. When the doctor manages the patient, there are in a position to improve their health and be in a position to adapt well in the rehabilitation program without having a negative side effect. There are psychological changes that affect patients when they abruptly withdraw; then, they may suffer from long term adverse side effects. This is the reason why the withdrawal should be monitored by the doctor to ensure that those are undergoing a rehabilitation program. Clonidine can also be used as medicine to help reduce anxiety. Even if the patient is undergoing rehabilitation, it is essential to be treated for permanent change. According to the study, clonidine is the best medicine since it has a minimal side effect.

Humanistic Psychology

Rogers's 1946 article, "Significant aspects of client-centered therapy." American Psychologist. 1(10), 415–422. Retrieved from

Rogers applies a creative approach that is important to conceptualize and understand. It is a key factor that is related to the basic parameters that needs to be applied with respect to the complicated fields that is involved in the entire process. He explains of the significant aspect of the client-centered therapy that played an important part in the field of therapy. The basic elaborations that he gives are clear and easy to understand based on the complicated measures involved in the application of the correct concepts that involves the interest of the people. It is a critical aspect that is generally addressed through the observation of order and understanding that is an elemental aspect that needs to be broadly understood. Ideally, it gives a clear direction forward on the appropriate measures that are put in place hen the interest of the client comes in place.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370–396. Retrieved from

Maslow applied a creative approach in explaining the theory of motivation. Through it we come to understand the basic needs of human. It explains the changing character of humans over time and why it is important that the changes take place. the hierarchy of needs is a creative approach that he gives towards the topic. It provides a clear direction forward and the important approaches that are supposed to be observed when the interest of the public comes into place. it provides the clear elaborations of what needs to be observed and the necessary practices that needs to be put in place when the interest of the public comes into place the factor focuses on the general well-being of the public which is a critical aspect that involves various conceptions that are important to integrate. The motivational theory enables one to understand people better.


Hebb, D. O. (1955). Drives and the C. N. S. (conceptual nervous system). Psychological Review, 62(4), 243–254. Retrieved from

Hebbs gives a creative approach towards cognitive psychology that is important for the readers to clearly understand. The basic concepts are perfectly elaborated giving a clear understanding to the basic procedures involved in the practice. He explains the drives and the conceptual nervous system in an appropriate way that is easy to understand and conceptualize in relation to the field that is being addressed. The concept focuses on important elements that involve the needs of the people. Key factors such as operational parameters cannot be ignored based on the fact that they give a reflection of the basic aspects that involves the interest of the public. Focusing on the basic interest is an aspect that involves the application of general measures that involves the interest of the public in an appropriate way. Key elements of the CNS are explained enabling a person to gain a broader understanding of the basic practices that needs to be observed to ensure that social order is generated in the society.

Cognitive Psychology

Miller, G. A. (1994). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 101(2), 343–352. Retrieved from https://doi.org10.1037/0033-295X.101.2.343.

Miller gives a critical approach of the magical number seven. Ideally, he approaches it in a clear manner that is easy to understand and conceptualize the meaning of the entire topic. The magical number seven, minus, or plus two is applied in explaining the limits that we have on our general capacity of information processing. It is a key element that focuses on important aspects that involves the interest of the public. The processing of the information is a critical factor that involves several approaches that are important to understand and conceptualize based on their general importance to the people to understand. He gives basic examples that enables the reader to understand how information can be positively or negatively processed to give an entirely different meaning.


Antoni, M. H., Lutgendorf, S. K., Blomberg, B., Carver, C. S., Lechner, S., Diaz, A., ... & Cole, S. W. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral stress management reverses anxiety-related leukocyte transcriptional dynamics. Biological psychiatry71(4), 366-372.

Freud, S. (1910). The origin and development of psychoanalysis. The American Journal of Psychology, 21(2), 181-218. doi:10.2307/1413001.

Hebb, D. O. (1955). Drives and the C. N. S. (conceptual nervous system). Psychological Review, 62(4), 243–254.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370–396.

Miller, G. A. (1994). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 101(2), 343–352.

Pavlov P. I. (2010). Conditioned reflexes: An investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex. Annals of neurosciences17(3), 136–141.

Rogers's 1946 article, "Significant aspects of client-centered therapy." American Psychologist. 1(10), 415–422.

Schuckit, M. A. (2016). Treatment of opioid-use disorders. New England Journal of Medicine375(4), 357-368.

Skinner, B. F. (1950). Are theories of learning necessary? Psychological Review, 57(4), 193–216.

Watson, J. B. (1913). Psychology as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20(2), 158–177.

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