Formal Outline
I Introduction.
A. What is the relation between the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice with the Attorney General?
1. The Office of the Attorney General was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789, as a part-time position.
3. The DOJ mission as an enforcement of the law and a defender of the interests of the United States and its people.
B. A brief review of how different agencies react under the DOJ under the attorney general.
1. According to the press secretary for the Department of Education the secretary of press Still, “enforcement instructions seek to clear out the backlog while giving every complaint the individualized and thorough consideration it deserves.” (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed eliminating its environmental justice program, which addresses pollution that poses health threats concentrated explicitly in minority communities (Eliperin, Brown and Fears 2017).
C. Thesis: Changes implemented by the Justice Department under President Trump are having the overall effect of reducing the enforcement of civil rights laws.
II. The DOJ actions that concern the right civil acts are in conflict of interest.
A. Brief Information about conflict and conflict of interest.
1. Folger, Poole & Stutman defined conflict as the interaction of independent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility (Folger, Poole and Stutman 108-138).
2. Davis and Stark refer to a conflict of interest as a conflict of interest that occurs when a person or a company are involved in multiple interests and decisions that involves relationship or proper judgment (Davis and Stark 8).
B. Several statements from executives and former employees of the administration.
1. Vanita Gupta, former acting head of the DOJ civil rights “At best, this administration believes that civil rights enforcement is superfluous and can be easily cut. At worst, it really is part of a systematic agenda to roll back civil rights,” (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. Press release from the US Commission on Civil Rights published in 2017: “…these proposed cuts that would result in a dangerous reduction of civil rights enforcement across the country, leaving communities of color, LGBT people, older people, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups exposed to greater risk of discrimination.” (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 1).
C. The risk of compromising Democracy.
1. Lincoln, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Lincoln 121).
2. General information about countries that do not practice Democracy such as Syria and Iran.
3. Risks of political conflict between groups who are in the oppressive-depressive relationship. An example would be the US civil war in 1861.
II. A failure of leadership.
A. Interference with law and enforcement.
1. The Attorney General Sessions issued a memo to all the heads of department components and attorneys reviewing the consent decrees with troubled police departments nationwide to ensure that they were in line with the current administration’s law-and-order goals. (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. The DOJ had asked a judge to postpone a hearing on a consent decree with the Baltimore Police Department that had been arranged during the last days of the Obama administration (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
B. A transition of leaders and conflict handling.
1. when a new entity is elected to replace the previous one such as government parties, firm owners, CEOs, and managers, there is an expectation for new leadership, a new approach and sometimes changes.
2. It is more important how to approach conflict and how to handle it than getting it resolved. The ability to resolve conflicts is only as valuable as the ability to solve whatever the next conflict is.
III. Possible resolutions.
A. Long-term over a short term.
1. A change of administration will probably allow for proper protection of civil rights.
2. Strattera government watchdog groups to identify the most egregious civil rights violations and bring lawsuits on behalf of the victims to protect their civil rights.
B. Locally.
1. lobby for funds and oversight to protect civil rights and for funding to enable training of police and other government workers regarding proper and fair treatment of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
2. Support the media to do a thorough job of exposing unaddressed civil rights violations.
VII. Conclusion
When the media on a daily basis reflect on civil rights and the how the current administration is compromising them, one must stop and ask himself: “Have changes implemented by the Trump era Justice Department affected civil rights and if so, how have civil rights been affected?”. It is enough to look around and see the increase of antisemitism, discrimination, and violence. To understand better the root of the issue, it is not enough to hold the blame on one person, and though that person has the influence, this is the exact cause of the creation of checks and balances. The DOJ is an entity that acted under the banner to protect the people and defend their right. This entity is so important that by being compromised, we can see the change in society. It is not a theoretical issue that the changes implemented by the Justice Department under President Trump are having the overall effect of reducing the enforcement of civil rights laws.
Formal Outline
I Introduction.
A. What is the relation between the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice with the Attorney General?
1. The Office of the Attorney General was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789, as a part-time position.
2. After the civil war, Congress passed the act to establish the Department of Justice with the Attorney General (DOJ) as its head.
3. The DOJ mission as an enforcement of the law and a defender of the interests of the United States and its people.
B. A brief review of how different agencies react under the DOJ under the attorney general.
1. According to the press secretary for the Department of Education the secretary of press Still, “enforcement instructions seek to clear out the backlog while giving every complaint the individualized and thorough consideration it deserves.” (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed eliminating its environmental justice program, which addresses pollution that poses health threats concentrated explicitly in minority communities (Eliperin, Brown and Fears 2017).
C. Thesis: Changes implemented by the Justice Department under President Trump are having the overall effect of reducing the enforcement of civil rights laws.
II. The DOJ actions that concern the right civil acts are in conflict of interest.
A. Brief Information about conflict and conflict of interest.
1. Folger, Poole & Stutman defined conflict as the interaction of independent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility (Folger, Poole and Stutman 108-138). 2. Davis and Stark refer to a conflict of interest as a conflict of interest that occurs when a person or a company are involved in multiple interests and decisions that involves relationship or proper judgment (Davis and Stark 8).
B. Several statements from executives and former employees of the administration.
1. Vanita Gupta, former acting head of the DOJ civil rights “At best, this administration believes that civil rights enforcement is superfluous and can be
easily cut. At worst, it really is part of a systematic agenda to roll back civil rights,” (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. Press release from the US Commission on Civil Rights published in 2017: “…these proposed cuts that would result in a dangerous reduction of civil rights enforcement across the country, leaving communities of color, LGBT people, older people, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups exposed to greater risk of discrimination.” (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 1).
C. The risk of compromising Democracy.
1. Lincoln, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Lincoln 121).
2. General information about countries that do not practice Democracy such as Syria and Iran.
3. Risks of political conflict between groups who are in the oppressive- depressive relationship. An example would be the US civil war in 1861.
II. A failure of leadership.
A. Interference with law and enforcement.
1. The Attorney General Sessions issued a memo to all the heads of department components and attorneys reviewing the consent decrees with troubled police departments nationwide to ensure that they were in line with the current administration’s law-and-order goals. (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. The DOJ had asked a judge to postpone a hearing on a consent decree with the Baltimore Police Department that had been arranged during the last days of the Obama administration (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
B. A transition of leaders and conflict handling.
1. when a new entity is elected to replace the previous one such as government parties, firm owners, CEOs, and managers, there is an expectation for new leadership, a new approach and sometimes changes.
2. It is more important how to approach conflict and how to handle it than getting it resolved. The ability to resolve conflicts is only as valuable as the ability to solve whatever the next conflict is.
III. Possible resolutions.
A. Long-term over a short term.
1. A change of administration will probably allow for proper protection of civil rights.
2. Strattera government watchdog groups to identify the most egregious civil rights violations and bring lawsuits on behalf of the victims to protect their civil rights.
B. Locally.
1. lobby for funds and oversight to protect civil rights and for funding to enable training of police and other government workers regarding proper and fair treatment of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
2. Support the media to do a thorough job of exposing unaddressed civil rights violations.
VII. Conclusion
When the media on a daily basis reflect on civil rights and the how the current administration is compromising them, one must stop and ask himself: “Have changes implemented by the Trump era Justice Department affected civil rights and if so, how have civil rights been affected?”. It is enough to look around and see the increase of antisemitism, discrimination, and violence. To understand better the root of the issue, it is not enough to hold the blame on one person, and though that person has the influence, this is the exact cause of the creation of checks and balances. The DOJ is an entity that acted under the banner to protect the people and defend their right. This entity is so important that by being compromised, we can see the change in society. It is not a theoretical issue that the changes implemented by the Justice Department under President Trump are having the overall effect of reducing the enforcement of civil rights laws.
Formal Outline
I Introduction.
A. What is the relation between the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice with the Attorney General?
1. The Office of the Attorney General was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789, as a part-time position.
2. After the civil war, Congress passed the act to establish the Department of Justice with the Attorney General (DOJ) as its head.
3. The DOJ mission as an enforcement of the law and a defender of the interests of the United States and its people.
B. A brief review of how different agencies react under the DOJ under the attorney general.
1. According to the press secretary for the Department of Education the secretary of press Still, “enforcement instructions seek to clear out the backlog while giving every complaint the individualized and thorough consideration it deserves.” (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed eliminating its environmental justice program, which addresses pollution that poses health threats concentrated explicitly in minority communities (Eliperin, Brown and Fears 2017).
C. Thesis: Changes implemented by the Justice Department under President Trump are having the overall effect of reducing the enforcement of civil rights laws.
II. The DOJ actions that concern the right civil acts are in conflict of interest.
A. Brief Information about conflict and conflict of interest.
1. Folger, Poole & Stutman defined conflict as the interaction of independent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility (Folger, Poole and Stutman 108-138). 2. Davis and Stark refer to a conflict of interest as a conflict of interest that occurs when a person or a company are involved in multiple interests and decisions that involves relationship or proper judgment (Davis and Stark 8).
B. Several statements from executives and former employees of the administration.
1. Vanita Gupta, former acting head of the DOJ civil rights “At best, this administration believes that civil rights enforcement is superfluous and can be
easily cut. At worst, it really is part of a systematic agenda to roll back civil rights,” (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. Press release from the US Commission on Civil Rights published in 2017: “…these proposed cuts that would result in a dangerous reduction of civil rights enforcement across the country, leaving communities of color, LGBT people, older people, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups exposed to greater risk of discrimination.” (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 1).
C. The risk of compromising Democracy.
1. Lincoln, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Lincoln 121).
2. General information about countries that do not practice Democracy such as Syria and Iran.
3. Risks of political conflict between groups who are in the oppressive- depressive relationship. An example would be the US civil war in 1861.
II. A failure of leadership.
A. Interference with law and enforcement.
1. The Attorney General Sessions issued a memo to all the heads of department components and attorneys reviewing the consent decrees with troubled police departments nationwide to ensure that they were in line with the current administration’s law-and-order goals. (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
2. The DOJ had asked a judge to postpone a hearing on a consent decree with the Baltimore Police Department that had been arranged during the last days of the Obama administration (Huseman and Waldman 2017).
B. A transition of leaders and conflict handling.
1. when a new entity is elected to replace the previous one such as government parties, firm owners, CEOs, and managers, there is an expectation for new leadership, a new approach and sometimes changes.
2. It is more important how to approach conflict and how to handle it than getting it resolved. The ability to resolve conflicts is only as valuable as the ability to solve whatever the next conflict is.
III. Possible resolutions.
A. Long-term over a short term.
1. A change of administration will probably allow for proper protection of civil rights.
2. Strattera government watchdog groups to identify the most egregious civil rights violations and bring lawsuits on behalf of the victims to protect their civil rights.
B. Locally.
1. lobby for funds and oversight to protect civil rights and for funding to enable training of police and other government workers regarding proper and fair treatment of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
2. Support the media to do a thorough job of exposing unaddressed civil rights violations.
VII. Conclusion
When the media on a daily basis reflect on civil rights and the how the current administration is compromising them, one must stop and ask himself: “Have changes implemented by the Trump era Justice Department affected civil rights and if so, how have civil rights been affected?”. It is enough to look around and see the increase of antisemitism, discrimination, and violence. To understand better the root of the issue, it is not enough to hold the blame on one person, and though that person has the influence, this is the exact cause of the creation of checks and balances. The DOJ is an entity that acted under the banner to protect the people and defend their right. This entity is so important that by being compromised, we can see the change in society. It is not a theoretical issue that the changes implemented by the Justice Department under President Trump are having the overall effect of reducing the enforcement of civil rights laws.
Professor notes:
Good effort. However, please remember that this is a research, which is longer than a normal
essay with one a few paragraphs. You need to have many more paragraphs than the ones
outlined here. Also, your entire paper needs to prove the negative effects on the enforcement of
civil rights that are the result of changes implemented by the DOJ.

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