
F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 456.4761904762 444.9285714286
Variance 4000.0619047619 3420.9945054945
Observations 21 14
df 20 13
F 1.1692687312
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.3943962452
F Critical one-tail 2.4588817723

Maintenance Data

Buena School District Bus Data
Maintenance cost per month (in Dollars) Age (in years) Miles per month Engine type 0 = Diesel, 1 = gasoline Seating capacity Manufacturer
329 7 853 0 55 0
503 10 883 0 42 1
505 10 822 0 55 0
546 8 870 0 55 1
433 9 848 0 55 0
561 12 838 0 55 2
357 8 760 0 6 0
329 3 741 0 55 0
489 9 858 0 55 0
455 7 828 0 55 0
503 8 857 0 55 0
380 9 803 0 55 1
432 6 819 0 42 0
478 6 821 0 55 0
471 9 815 0 42 1
444 2 757 0 14 1
493 10 1008 0 55 0
452 9 831 0 42 1
461 6 849 0 55 0
496 8 839 0 55 2
469 8 812 0 55 0
466 10 865 1 55 0
359 7 751 1 55 1
427 5 780 1 14 1
474 9 857 1 55 1
382 3 818 1 6 1
422 8 869 1 55 0
474 10 845 1 55 0
558 10 885 1 55 0
497 10 859 1 55 0
459 8 826 1 55 1
355 3 806 1 55 0
436 2 785 1 55 0
514 11 980 1 55 0
406 3 798 1 55 1


Mean 451.8571428571
Standard Error 10.2733352212
Median 461
Mode 329
Standard Deviation 60.777870807
Sample Variance 3693.9495798319
Kurtosis -0.3180288622
Skewness -0.3888314463
Range 232
Minimum 329
Maximum 561
Sum 15815
Count 35

Maintenance Data

Buena School District Bus Data
Maintenance cost per month (in Dollars) Age (in years) Miles per month Engine type 0 = Diesel, 1 = gasoline Seating capacity Manufacturer
329 7 853 0 55 0
503 10 883 0 42 1
505 10 822 0 55 0
466 10 865 1 55 0
359 7 751 1 55 1
546 8 870 0 55 1
427 5 780 1 14 1
474 9 857 1 55 1
382 3 818 1 6 1
422 8 869 1 55 0
433 9 848 0 55 0
474 10 845 1 55 0
558 10 885 1 55 0
561 12 838 0 55 2
357 8 760 0 6 0
329 3 741 0 55 0
497 10 859 1 55 0
459 8 826 1 55 1
355 3 806 1 55 0
489 9 858 0 55 0
436 2 785 1 55 0
455 7 828 0 55 0
514 11 980 1 55 0
503 8 857 0 55 0
380 9 803 0 55 1
432 6 819 0 42 0
478 6 821 0 55 0
406 3 798 1 55 1
471 9 815 0 42 1
444 2 757 0 14 1
493 10 1008 0 55 0
452 9 831 0 42 1
461 6 849 0 55 0
496 8 839 0 55 2
469 8 812 0 55 0

LH economics

ECON 2110 Dr. Martin Gritsch

Paper Assignment – Part 2

A reminder about Academic Integrity from the syllabus:

Cheating in its various forms will be severely punished. The minimum penalty is a grade of zero on the assignment in question, but it can go up to expulsion from the university. If you have not done so yet, please familiarize yourself with the “Academic Integrity Policy” (available online at All parts of that Policy are relevant and important, but for the online setting of the class, I especially would like to stress sections II.B. (on plagiarism) and II.C. (on collusion).

Please make sure that you truly understand what all parts of the policy mean. To name a few examples, working together with another student on an assignment, getting help on an assignment from someone else (e.g., a tutor), and copying another student’s work are all violations of the Academic Integrity Policy.


This second part of the paper will be worth 15 percent towards your final score. However, if your revised version (to be submitted later) is an improvement over this version, I will weigh this version with 7.5 percent and the final version accordingly more.

I expect this paper to be about equal in length to the first part of the paper.

Required steps for this part of the assignment follow.

Section 1: Data Analysis

Using the same data set that you have been working with in the first part of the paper, please carry out the following steps:

1.1 Regress “maintenance cost” on the “engine type” dummy variable by which you divided the data set in the previous assignment.

1.2 Regress your “maintenance cost” on two variables: the “engine type” dummy variable from the previous regression and an additional independent variable. (You will need to justify below why you decided to include this particular variable.) The way we enter the necessary information in Excel requires that your independent variables are in adjacent columns. In case they are not currently next to each other and you do not know how to move the one column next to the other, please see If that does not help, please send me an e-mail.

Section 2: Reporting Your Results

For each step of the data analysis that you carried out above, you must again copy and paste the results into your paper. The subsequent explanation of what the results mean is crucial. Once again, your explanations should be geared to a high school graduate who has not taken a college-level course in statistics. You need to address the following items.

For the regression with only the dummy variable as independent variable (1.1 above) Go back to the t-test from the first part of the paper. (If I indicated in my feedback to your first part of the paper that something was wrong with the way you had done the t-test, please go back and fix that first and use the corrected output for this step.) The means for the two groups are part of the t-test output. Subtract the one mean from the other and compare your result to the coefficient estimate from the regression. What do you observe? Why does that make sense?

What is the p-value of the test for “H0: the slope coefficient on the dummy variable is zero in the population”? (This is just what we call the test for statistical significance.) What is the p-value of the test for “H0: the slope coefficient on all variables is zero in the population”? (We called that the global test for overall significance.) How do the two p-values compare to each other and why does that make sense?

(Continued on next page)

For the regression with the dummy variable and the other variable of your choice as independent variables (1.2 above) - Explain why you think the second independent variable that you included in your regression will have an impact on the dependent variable. - For both coefficient estimates, - State what your coefficient estimate is. - Interpret the coefficient estimate. - Do you feel that your estimate is of practical significance? Justify your answer.

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LH economics

ECON 2110

Dr. Martin Gritsch

Paper Assignment – Part 1

A reminder about Academic Integrity from the syllabus:

Cheating in its various forms will be severely punished. The minimum penalty is a grade of zero on the assignment in question, but it can go up to expulsion from the university. If you have not done so yet, please familiarize yourself with the “Academic Integrity Policy” (available online at All parts of that Policy are relevant and important, but for the online setting of the class, I especially would like to stress sections II.B. (on plagiarism) and II.C. (on collusion).

Please make sure that you truly understand what all parts of the policy mean. To name a few examples, working together with another student on an assignment, getting help on an assignment from someone else (e.g., a tutor), and copying another student’s work are all violations of the Academic Integrity Policy.


The purpose of this paper is for you to get an appreciation of some of the most important techniques that we are covering in this course by working on a real data set. In addition to carrying out the techniques in Excel, you will need to explain what your results mean. I envision this paper as a fairly labor-intensive, yet doable project for all students. Throughout the process, I am available to help. I hope that you will all do a great job on this paper.

I do not know how much of a background you have in Excel. I will provide you with information on how to carry out the various techniques (either via the Chapter Notes or in the assignment itself). If I am assuming too much, though, especially as it concerns how to manipulate data in Excel (e.g., if you want to switch two columns, how to sort from lowest to highest, or how to select certain cells that need to be included in one of the dialog windows of Data Analysis), please let me know.


I will provide you with feedback on your draft which I expect you to incorporate in a revised version of the paper. You will submit the revised version together with new material (to be assigned in a few weeks). This iterative process will hopefully result in great papers! As posted on the syllabus, the final paper will be worth 50 percent of your course grade. The breakdown is as follows:

First draft: 15 percent

Second draft: 15 percent

Final version: 20 percent

However, if your final version is an improvement over the drafts, I will weigh the final version with 30 percent and each of the drafts with 10 percent.

While there is no strict requirement for the length of this assignment, I expect this first part of the paper to be about 600 to 1,000 words long.

Actual Assignment

Required steps for this first part of the paper are:

Section 1: Data Analysis

Before you start any data analysis, here’s a reminder about how to access the “Data Analysis” feature in Excel 2007 (please let me know if you are using an older version or a Mac and need assistance). Click on the “Data” tab, then select “Data Analysis” on the far right. (If “Data Analysis” is not shown there, please refer to the “Instructions on Adding in Data Analysis ToolPak” under the “Course Material” link on our Blackboard pages.)

1.1 Obtain Descriptive Statistics with Excel for the “Maintenance Cost” Variable The Bus Maintenance.xls file (posted on Blackboard with the assignment) includes data on maintenance cost of school buses and related variables.

To obtain descriptive statistics for the “maintenance cost” variable, click on “Data”, then “Data Analysis”, then “Descriptive Statistics”, then “OK”. In the dialog box, there are different ways how the “Input Range” can be entered. The easiest in my opinion is to click on the cell that contains the first value of the “maintenance cost” variable and then, while holding down the left mouse button, drag down the mouse until all values of the variable are selected. Releasing the left mouse button will paste all those values into the “Input Range” field. Then put a checkmark next to “Summary Statistics” and click “OK”. You will obtain the descriptive statistics, most of which you have encountered in your first statistics course (ECON 2100 – Business Statistics I).

1.2 Carry out a Hypothesis Test with Excel that Tests the Null Hypothesis H0: σ21 = σ22

We came across this hypothesis test in Chapter 12. Now we can use Excel to carry out the test on an actual data set with the “maintenance cost” variable. The two groups whose variances you are testing for equality are buses with Diesel engines and buses with gasoline engines.

To sort your data set by engine type, click on any of the cells in the “engine type” column and then click on the “Data” tab. You will see “AZ” with an arrow (to sort in ascending order) and “ZA” with an arrow (to sort in descending order). You can click on either of these since we only want the data to be separated into the two groups shown above.

With the data sorted appropriately, click on “Data”, then “Data Analysis”, and select “F-Test Two-Sample for Variances”, then click “OK”. In the window that opens, you need to enter the range of values of your “maintenance cost” variable for your one group (Diesel or gasoline) for the “Variable 1 Range”. Then move the cursor to the window for “Variable 2 Range” and do the same thing for the other (gasoline or Diesel) group. Click “OK”.

1.3 Carry out a Hypothesis Test with Excel that Tests the Null Hypothesis H0: μ1 = μ2

This is Chapter 11 territory. Use the same two groups (Diesel and gasoline engines) you used in the previous step.

Click on “Data”, then “Data Analysis”. In the window that opens, you need to scroll down to the appropriate test. You need to carry out either a “t=test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances” or a “t=test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances”. Important: Which of these two tests is the appropriate one depends on your results from the previous section in which you tested for the equality of the variances between the two groups. The mechanics of entering data and carrying out this test are the same as in the previous hypothesis test, but please let me know if you get stuck.

Section 2: Reporting Your Results

For each data analysis that you carried out above, you must first copy and paste the results into your paper (the same way you included the ANOVA table in your Assignment 3). You then need to explain what the results mean. This part is crucial. While I feel that is very important that you know how to carry out these techniques in Excel, it is at least as important that you know what the numbers mean and how to explain them at a fairly simple level. Please write your narrative so that it is at a level that can be understood by a high school graduate who may or may not have taken some college-level coursework, but has not taken a college-level course in statistics.

More specifically, for the descriptive statistics part above, you must include the following values for the “maintenance cost” variable: Minimum value, maximum value, mean, and median. You must include a comparison of the mean to the median with a comment about how close or not close the two measures are. If the mean and the median deviate substantially from one another, you need to include an explanation for that. You must also report the standard deviation along with a brief explanation of what the standard deviation measures. (If you remember from the first statistics course—or are willing to look it up—how to use Chebyshev’s theorem or the empirical rule to give some indication on how dispersed the values are using the standard deviation, that would be a nice touch. I will not grade you on that aspect, though.)

For the hypothesis test for equal variances and for the hypothesis test for the equality of two means, you need to clearly state what the outcome of the hypothesis test is (“reject H0“ or “do not reject H0“) and what that means in non-statistical terms. Comment on whether the outcome of the tests is what you expected or what could have led to a seemingly counterintuitive outcome should you experience that.

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