Layout Decisions
Prepared by: Ms. Dalal Bamufleh
Management Science Department
© Yanbu University College
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Indoor seating (1950s)
Drive-through window (1970s)
Adding breakfast to the menu (1980s)
Adding play areas (late 1980s)
Redesign of the kitchens (1990s)
Self-service kiosk (2004)
21st Century look: 3 dining sections
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Three separate dining areas
Linger zone with comfortable chairs and Wi-Fi connections
Grab and go zone with tall counters and with bar stools.
Flexible zone for kids and families with colorful and movable furniture
Facility layout is a source of competitive advantage (CSF)
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Strategic Importance of Layout Decisions
The objective of layout strategy is to develop an effective and efficient layout that will meet the firm’s competitive needs and requirements.
An effective layout can help an organization achieve a strategy that support differentiation, low cost or response.
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Strategic Importance of Layout Decisions
Layout Design Considerations:
Higher utilization of space, equipment, and people
Improved flow of information, materials, or people
Improved employee morale and safer working conditions
Improved customer/client interaction
Layout designs needs to be viewed as dynamic
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Types of Layout
Office layout
Retail layout
Warehouse layout
Fixed-position layout
Process-oriented layout
Work-cell layout
Product-oriented layout
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Good layouts requires determining the following:
Material handling equipment
Capacity and space requirements
Environment and aesthetics
Flows of information
Cost of moving between various work areas
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Types of Layout
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Office Layout
Requires the grouping of workers, their equipment, and spaces to provide comfort, safety, and movement of information
Movement of information is main distinction
Typically in state of flux due to frequent technological changes
Electronic data and paper work
Relationship chart
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Office Layout
Some of the universal layout considerations: working conditions, teamwork, authority …etc
Private or open cubicles?
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Open Cubicles
Private Cubicles
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Office Layout
Private office
Low or high file cabinets
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Office Layout
Same entrance, rest room, lockers and cafeteria for all employees?
Two major trends:
Technology such as cell phone, iPods, faxes, Internet, and laptop computers increase layout flexibility.
Modern firms create dynamic needs for space and services.
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Retail Layout
Objective is to maximize profitability per square foot of floor space
Sales and profitability vary directly with customer exposure
OM try to expose customers to as many products as possible
rate of exposure, sales and return on investment
How to change exposure?
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Retail Layout
Five Helpful Ideas for Supermarket Layout:
Locate high-draw items around the periphery of the store
Use prominent locations for high-impulse and high-margin items
Distribute power items to both sides of an aisle and disperse them to increase viewing of other items
Use end-aisle locations
Convey mission of store through careful positioning of lead-off department
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Retail Layout
Category Management
Slotting fees: Manufacturers pay fees to retailers to get the retailers to display (slot) their product
Contributing factors:
Limited shelf space
Massive new products
Limit small firms ability to expand
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Retail Layout
Ambient conditions - background characteristics such as lighting, sound, smell, and temperature
Spatial layout and functionality - which involve, aisle characteristics (width, direction, shelf spacing...etc.) , and product grouping
Signs, symbols, and artifacts - characteristics of building design that carry social significance e.g.: Wal-Mart greeter at the door, Disneyland's entrance
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
Objective is to optimize trade-offs between handling costs and costs associated with warehouse space
Maximize the utilization of the total “cube” of the warehouse – utilize its full volume while maintaining low material handling costs
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
Material Handling Costs:
All costs associated with the transaction
Incoming transport
Finding and moving material
Outgoing transport of the materials to be warehoused
Equipment, people, material, supervision, insurance, and depreciation
Minimize damage and spoilage
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRSs) can significantly improve warehouse productivity
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
An important component of warehouse layout is the relationship between the receiving/ unloading area and the shipping/ loading area.
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
1. Cross-Docking
Materials are moved directly from receiving to shipping and are not placed in storage in the warehouse
Reduces distribution, inventory and facility costs
Requires tight scheduling and accurate product identification e.g. bar code
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
2. Random Stocking
Typically requires automatic identification systems (AISs) and effective information systems
Random assignment of stocking locations allows more efficient use of space
Key tasks:
Maintain list of open locations
Maintain accurate records of existing inventory and its locations
Sequence items to minimize travel, and pick time
Combine picking orders to reduce picking time
Assign classes of items to particular areas
facility utilization, labor cost, but requires very accurate records
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Warehousing and Storage Layouts
3. Customizing
Value-added activities performed at the warehouse
Assembly of components
Loading software
Customized labeling and packaging
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Fixed-Position Layout
Project remains in one place and workers and equipment come to site
E.g.: ship, highway, bridge, house, operation room
Complicating factors
Limited space at site
Different materials required at different stages of the project
Volume of materials needed is dynamic
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Fixed-Position Layout
Alternative Strategy
As much of the project as possible is completed off-site in a product-oriented facility
This can significantly improve efficiency but is only possible when multiple similar units need to be created
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Work Cells
Reorganizes people and machines into groups to focus on single products or product groups
Volume must justify cells
Group technology identifies products that have similar characteristics for particular cells
Cells can be reconfigured as designs or volume changes
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Work Cells
Improving Layouts Using Work Cells
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Current layout - workers in small closed areas. Cannot increase output without a third worker and third set of equipment.
Improved layout - cross-trained workers can assist each other. May be able to add a third worker as additional output is needed.
U-shaped line may reduce employee movement and space requirements while enhancing communication, reducing the number of workers, and facilitating inspection
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Work Cells
Improving Layouts Using Work Cells
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Current layout - straight lines make it hard to balance tasks because work may not be divided evenly
Improved layout - in U shape, workers have better access. Four cross-trained workers were reduced.
U-shaped line may reduce employee movement and space requirements while enhancing communication, reducing the number of workers, and facilitating inspection
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Process-Oriented Layout
Low volume, high variety
Like machines and equipment are grouped together
Efficient when making products with different requirements, or when handling different needs of customers
Each product requires different sequence of operations
E.g.: ER Process
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Process-Oriented Layout
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ER triage room
ER Beds
Emergency room admissions
Patient A - broken leg
Patient B - erratic heart pacemaker
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Process-Oriented Layout
Capability of handling a wide variety of products or services
General-purpose use of equipment labor skills and cost, required level of training and experience
Orders take more time to move through the system because of difficult scheduling, changing setup, and unique material handling
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Process-Oriented Layout
Arrange departments/ work centers so as to minimize the costs of material handling
Material handling cost in this approach depend on:
Number of loads (or people) moving between centers
Distance-related cost of moving loads (or people) between centers
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Process-Oriented Layout
Designing process- oriented layout steps:
Construct a “from-to matrix”
Determine the space requirements
Develop an initial schematic diagram
Determine the cost of this layout
Try to improve the layout
Prepare a detailed plan
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Process-Oriented Layout
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Department Assembly Painting Machine Receiving Shipping Testing
(1) (2) Shop (3) (4) (5) (6)
Assembly (1)
Painting (2)
Machine Shop (3)
Receiving (4)
Shipping (5)
Testing (6)
Department Assembly Painting Machine Receiving Shipping Testing
(1) (2) Shop (3) (4) (5) (6)
Assembly (1) 50 100 0 0 20
Painting (2) 30 50 10 0
Machine Shop (3) 20 0 100
Receiving (4) 50 0
Shipping (5) 0
Testing (6)
Number of loads per week
Example 1:
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1. Construct a “from-to matrix”
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Process-Oriented Layout
2. Determine the space requirements
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Area 1 Area 2 Area 3
Area 4 Area 5 Area 6
Receiving Shipping Testing
Department Department Department
(4) (5) (6)
Assembly Painting Machine Shop
Department Department Department
(1) (2) (3)
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Process-Oriented Layout
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3. Develop an initial schematic diagram
Machine Shop (3)
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Process-Oriented Layout
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4. Determine the cost of this layout
X= Number of loads
C= Cost for moving load
The cost of moving adjacent department is estimated to be $1, and 2$ for nonadjacent departments.
Cost = ∑ ∑ Xij Cij
i = 1
j = 1
Cost = $50 + $200 + $40
(1 and 2) (1 and 3) (1 and 6)
+ $30 + $50 + $10
(2 and 3) (2 and 4) (2 and 5)
+ $40 + $100 + $50
(3 and 4) (3 and 6) (4 and 5)
= $570
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Process-Oriented Layout
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5. Try to improve the layout
Machine Shop (3)
Cost = 50 + (30X2) + 10 + 50 + 100 + 20 + 100 + (20X2) +50
= $ 480
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Process-Oriented Layout
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6. Prepare a detailed plan
Area 1 Area 2 Area 3
Area 4 Area 5 Area 6
Receiving Shipping Testing
Department Department Department
(4) (5) (6)
Painting Assembly Machine Shop
Department Department Department
(1) (2) (3)
© Yanbu University College
Repetitive and Product-Oriented Layout
High volume, low variety products
Repetitive production and continuous production use product layout.
Two types of layout: Fabrication line and Assembly line.
Fabrication line
Builds components on a series of machines
Require mechanical or engineering changes to balance
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Repetitive and Product-Oriented Layout
Assembly line
Puts fabricated parts together at a series of workstations
Paced by work tasks
Balanced by moving tasks
Both types of lines must be balanced so that the time to perform the work at each station is the same
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